themaddaedra wrote: »They are now a huge time consuming trouble, especially for people who do writs on 15 characters. There are already too many daily quests in game at the moment, that there are not enough hours in a day to do all of them while sparing some time to sleep and eat. Pledges, writs, CWC, Orsinium, Vvardenfell, Summerset, guild dailies... Not even counting Cyrodiil ones. This system needs to be eased at some point.
themaddaedra wrote: »They are now a huge time consuming trouble, especially for people who do writs on 15 characters. There are already too many daily quests in game at the moment, that there are not enough hours in a day to do all of them while sparing some time to sleep and eat. Pledges, writs, CWC, Orsinium, Vvardenfell, Summerset, guild dailies... Not even counting Cyrodiil ones. This system needs to be eased at some point.
Nobody is forcing you to do all of them on 15 chars, it's not a must do to stay up do date in the game..
Sleepersword wrote: »Yeah, why dont give everyone an additional million as login reward everyday and spend some Immortal Redeemer and Gryphon Heart titles too...
You can't possibly compare something that is out of the hands of the player to something that is in the hands of the player. I want to work overtime and not sleep or eat and also play video games as often as I want but I can't do everything in one day. It's called organizing your time. Picking and choosing what you want to do and prioritize. You don't have to do everything the game lets you do then complain to the company you can't.themaddaedra wrote: »themaddaedra wrote: »They are now a huge time consuming trouble, especially for people who do writs on 15 characters. There are already too many daily quests in game at the moment, that there are not enough hours in a day to do all of them while sparing some time to sleep and eat. Pledges, writs, CWC, Orsinium, Vvardenfell, Summerset, guild dailies... Not even counting Cyrodiil ones. This system needs to be eased at some point.
Nobody is forcing you to do all of them on 15 chars, it's not a must do to stay up do date in the game..
Nobody is being forced for anything in this game. With this logic you can not complain about lag, disconnects, performance issues... Nothing. It's a simple suggestion that wouldn't hurt anyone. Your comment means "i don't need it therefore i'm strongly against it".
Kuramas9tails wrote: »You can't possibly compare something that is out of the hands of the player to something that is in the hands of the player. I want to work overtime and not sleep or eat and also play video games as often as I want but I can't do everything in one day. It's called organizing your time. Picking and choosing what you want to do and prioritize. You don't have to do everything the game lets you do then complain to the company you can't.themaddaedra wrote: »themaddaedra wrote: »They are now a huge time consuming trouble, especially for people who do writs on 15 characters. There are already too many daily quests in game at the moment, that there are not enough hours in a day to do all of them while sparing some time to sleep and eat. Pledges, writs, CWC, Orsinium, Vvardenfell, Summerset, guild dailies... Not even counting Cyrodiil ones. This system needs to be eased at some point.
Nobody is forcing you to do all of them on 15 chars, it's not a must do to stay up do date in the game..
Nobody is being forced for anything in this game. With this logic you can not complain about lag, disconnects, performance issues... Nothing. It's a simple suggestion that wouldn't hurt anyone. Your comment means "i don't need it therefore i'm strongly against it".
Surveys are fine, leave them alone. Redesign jewelry crafting, increase survey drop rate for jewelry surveys, and make jewelry nodes instead of sharing with ORE nodes.
Surveys are fine for a really high percentage of the player base. They are balanced around people who have one, or a few, crafters doing writs. They aren't, and should never be, designed for people doing writs on 15 toons.
Thats fine if thats how you choose to use your playing time, but thats just it. It how you have chosen to spend your time. You don't get to make that choice and then complain that it's taking too much time. If the reward vs. effort of having 15 crafters no longer feels worth it to you, you can stop any time. If the payoff is still worth it, then the continued time commitment is your choice.
themaddaedra wrote: »All comments in the end mean one simple thing: I don't need it, therefore hell no.
Like a lot of others, I also do writs on a bunch of characters (12), and just throw my surveys in the bank. When I have a bunch (or run out of bank space), I grab them on my main crafter and just go down the list of maps alphabetically and run and grab them. A good number are very close to the wayshrines, and if you let them build up enough you have duplicates, so you can just run, grab it, run a little bit away, run back, and repeat depending on how many you have.