I want another clean slate home like coldharbour surreal estate

The closest we have is coldharbor and I love the freedom it gives you to create your own environment but... the environment is very niche and dark and ruins the tone I would like to make with the creations I wanted to make... I would like our own little pocket realms of oblivion the size of coldharbor estate with a blank state that mimics the environments of nirn that is actually sunny. Like I want my own piece of vvardenfell that I can completely decorate in.

Look at this posters custom built home environment, can you imagine a coldharbour estate reskinned to look like a summerset home?
BoiledEgg wrote: »
So, i played a bit with the new summerset furnishing in the pts and made a prototype of what I plan to do on the live server, hope you enjoy it and get some inspiration from it.








I've done some more





Can you imagine the creations we could do if we were given these type of building blocks for ALL race? not just the alinor ones? I would like a custom build dwemer homestead in a piece of land that mimics vvardenfell
Edited by Aliyavana on June 24, 2018 1:06AM
  • Aliyavana
    Imagine the freedom we would have if we were given a new racial sandbox home like coldharbor estate for every chapter that releases. Like a clean slate home for vvardenfell and for summerset

    Imagine the dwemer themed homes I could make on such a home. Though of course that would be limited by the furnishing cap
    Edited by Aliyavana on June 21, 2018 7:09AM
  • MattT1988
    Holy crack-a-lackin bejebus those pics are impressive.
  • Turelus
    I would love an open grass field I could build paddocks for all my horses (also raise the mount placement limit MOAR HORSES!)
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Mureel
    MattT1988 wrote: »
    Holy crack-a-lackin bejebus those pics are impressive.

    You get an awesome for this comment, good sir!
  • Mureel
    I want one on the seaside anywhere in Summerset (just blank, not the gloomy wreck dump that is the grotto!)
  • Wreuntzylla
    I concur.
  • Aliyavana
    zos please
  • Sharalei
    I wouldn't be surprised to see an empty block of land in Summerset, because otherwise it makes no sense to have all those Alinor furniture building blocks, walls, fences, columns, floor, etc.

    Surely all those items are not meant just for that apartment in Alinor. They must be intended for something bigger.

    Crossing fingers!

    Ohhh and yes! Yes for empty block of of land ... anywhere really, but Summerset would be best for the current building blocks.
  • Aliyavana
    I wouldn't be surprised to see an empty block of land in Summerset, because otherwise it makes no sense to have all those Alinor furniture building blocks, walls, fences, columns, floor, etc.

    Surely all those items are not meant just for that apartment in Alinor. They must be intended for something bigger.

    Crossing fingers!

    Ohhh and yes! Yes for empty block of of land ... anywhere really, but Summerset would be best for the current building blocks.

    hopefully, I don't like coldharbour at all
  • DarcyMardin
    Yes! More building materials and a grassy spot to build upon with blue skies overhead. Actually, changing weather would be fine, but I hate the weird, spooky colors of Cold Harbour.
  • Aliyavana
    Yes! More building materials and a grassy spot to build upon with blue skies overhead. Actually, changing weather would be fine, but I hate the weird, spooky colors of Cold Harbour.

    Tho I want the same land layout as coldharbour estate but surrounded by water and green grass and a blue sky
  • Sharalei
    Aliyavana wrote: »
    Yes! More building materials and a grassy spot to build upon with blue skies overhead. Actually, changing weather would be fine, but I hate the weird, spooky colors of Cold Harbour.

    Tho I want the same land layout as coldharbour estate but surrounded by water and green grass and a blue sky

    I can imagine a time when blocks of land are available throughout Tamriel. Some with streams running through, some could even have fish in them so we can go fishing on our own land.

    Completely agree re: Coldharbour. It's fun to be given a clear slate to build on, but the surrounding weather conditions and atmosphere make me feel miserable!
  • Aliyavana
    Aliyavana wrote: »
    Yes! More building materials and a grassy spot to build upon with blue skies overhead. Actually, changing weather would be fine, but I hate the weird, spooky colors of Cold Harbour.

    Tho I want the same land layout as coldharbour estate but surrounded by water and green grass and a blue sky

    I can imagine a time when blocks of land are available throughout Tamriel. Some with streams running through, some could even have fish in them so we can go fishing on our own land.

    Completely agree re: Coldharbour. It's fun to be given a clear slate to build on, but the surrounding weather conditions and atmosphere make me feel miserable!

    Like what were the devs thinking when they put the most creative freedom home inside of coldharbour?
  • bellatrixed
    Yes please! I really really want a big open plot of grass to build on. None of the existing houses have nice big grassy yards. :(
    ESO Roleplay | RP community for all factions/servers/platforms
  • anadandy
    Totally agree - I'd love to see more clean slate housing. Open grass, maybe a couple trees and a stream. I've always wanted to set up a little camp - I mean we have tents, bonfires, etc - most of which look goofy set up in someone's yard unless you have one of the large estates.
  • Ajaxandriel
    It would be awesome !!

    Ideally some flowering pastures in a remote valley ! my dream !

    There are already plenty of empty places on the map, like mountain forbidden subzones around Sunhold and around Cloudrest, plus some unreachable islands


    Open space near Sunhold

    Off landscape at Cloudrest, with a sunny+icy weather after Z'Maja's defeat = perfection

    or even using the unreachable grove ontop of Eton Nir (with a finer weather also)
    TESO:Triskelion - forum RP, guilde francophone
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  • HappyElephant
    yes please
  • Minyassa
    Yes, please!! I'd LOVE to be able to make a little country villa with a vineyard, or a fruit orchard. Or just farmland!!
  • HappyElephant
    Farmland please or open green fields. Imagine the possibilities!
  • Jthomas56
    I would love a Valley or cliff side, it doesn’t have to be flat either it’s nice to work around the terrain
  • Strifur
    Sounds like a great idea. I'm hoping for a big Summerset area, whether blank or a notable house with courtyard. Love the style. The developers did a great job with the design.
  • Aliyavana
  • VilniusNastavnik
    Would need more building block varirty but otherwise I agree.
    Active Toons:
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  • Krainor1974
    I would love a open field with maybe some grass and a stream/ river going through it that I can make into farmland with some crops. Mane have my goats, pigs running around with goat.
    Edited by Krainor1974 on July 2, 2018 2:59AM
  • D3AKUs
    Just a flat green space surrounded by a fence or stone wall , maybe a small river flowing through - located in a forest with a beautiful view of the surrounding land.

    Would love to build a high Tower on a place like that with a throne on top just to sit there and enjoy it. Ofc with an equally good assortment of music pieces like earthtear cavern as an example - and nice ambient sounds like birds.

  • MornaBaine
    Yeah I was puzzled as to why Coldharbor of all places forthe first "land only" place. I agree that we need the same for ALL the zones! But to make that really work they also need to give us a LOT more building pieces, ALSO in all the cultural styles!

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • Jaimeh
    Agreed x1000. I love the freedom on creativity afforded by the Coldharbour Sureal Estate, but its atmospehere only suits certain decorative themes, as evident from the Alinor house, (which is mind-boggingly impressive--holy cow!) which would look so much nicer in a Summerset landscape, for example.
  • immozz01
    yes! and asap! takes 3 minutes of a developer to create what I want most:

    I posted it before, an empty flat island on summerset map, same size as CH one, same gold, no time limit purchase, but most of all: no grass!!!! (hate it sticking through anything)

    yeah river would be nice and or a non odd shaped rock with a waterfall, because we only have waterfall SMALL

    each month release next island, make your own chain of island, have enough idea's to make at least 100...

  • immozz01


    would look soo much better with different light? next stop summerset island I hope :)
  • Aliyavana
    I agree with no preplaced grass. Its annoying for structures to have grass clipping through them
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