As promised, we have a forum post for this special occasion
Full run can be seen here and be sure to follow & subscribe
correct me if a console guild has done this, i know an eu one has not sure about na
Where are all the Console Guilds at? Ironic how the stereotypically uppity platform is so quiet about these.
A vert well-deserved congrats; you guys certainly paid your dues for this. All those weeks, all those resets. I'm amazed that you still have your sanity.
@code65536 Surprisingly, if you heard comms and they were not muted, we basically barely tilted and just kept at itA vert well-deserved congrats; you guys certainly paid your dues for this. All those weeks, all those resets. I'm amazed that you still have your sanity.
correct me if a console guild has done this, i know an eu one has not sure about na
As far as I know, all the Molon Labe people are 30+ with families and children. I doubt any of them will mind if you take the "#1 NA" medal for yourself
I'm ps4 na and I remember seeing some people with tick tock tormentor title a while back. Could've been exploiters though
There's never been any tick tock tormentors on PS4/NA.
Yeah I edited it and posted the guild.nice job
You should think about posting a list of @ names for everyone in the raid, no clue who the character names in the screenshot are and probably won't remember them if I see them.
Thanks, we were also incredibly slow in execute, I thought we were going to die once exhaustion hit. We're normally a lot faster if you watch the previous attempts. This was the last run of the night after an almost 5 hour raids7732425ub17_ESO wrote: »Your heals during execute phase were incredible.