rileynotzb14_ESO wrote: »From my experience ppl who complain about proc sets carrying bad players are also bad players themselves.
I'd also like to know what truly defines a good player.
I'd also like to know what truly defines a good player.
Good player: the one who has discovered the latest OP thing and is abusing the heck out of it (plus all possible gameplay mechanic loopholes) to fight and kill multiple enemies at once.
Bad player: the one who is wearing a set that's so-called RUNNING AP to the above player, but can be used to kill him while he is trying to fight multiple enemies at once.
And yes, the hypocrisy is thick.
I'd also like to know what truly defines a good player.
Good player: the one who has discovered the latest OP thing and is abusing the heck out of it (plus all possible gameplay mechanic loopholes) to fight and kill multiple enemies at once.
Bad player: the one who is wearing a set that's useless to the above player, but can be used to kill him while he is trying to fight multiple enemies at once.
And yes, the hypocrisy is thick.
Lieblingsjunge wrote: »Stack 90k HP.
Watch the Sload's tickle. :^^^^^^^^^^
Or just don't play at all until it's been dealth with. That's my jam.
dwemer_paleologist wrote: »over powered builds are the problem, not the armor not the weapons.
just need some nerfs made to certain builds, all that is needed.
this patch feels better and i believe every patch we see has been and will continue to be balance made.
eso is doing Great Job at balance.
i mean that sincerely, just being honest.
I seriously want to know. This is still an ongoing issue and has always been.
Why are we letting seriously bad people who can't even predict the most simple basics of PVP win with their proc sets? And I don't mean guaranteed procs. I mean procs that are ranging from 5%-20% on hit/dot/heal whatever.
Doesn't this just scream bad design to you people? Does it just bother some of you when you see this happen? I was proud of becoming good at PVP only to realize that I actually barely stand a chance if I'm simply unlucky or get caught off guard by multiple procs from a single person. Heck, even if i beat them without much effort, it just feels so very wrong.
Is there even a point of running anything else? Is this how you, ZOS, promote diversity in PVP and your "play how you want" model? I really want to know some thoughts on this.
Not to mention there are leaderboards in the game which make absolutely 0 sense since it's either made up of A.) Coordinated Premades, B.) People who proc better than others (even if others use the same set - which is the saddest part).
I'm just not feeling it anymore. On top of that we have permablock tanks running Durok and Fasalla just to debuff everyone's healing into oblivion while the proc sets on others do their job.
I'm not even mad tbh, I'm just disappointed and bored. It's the same thing over and over, regardless of whether I win or lose a game. Perhaps it's time for me to quit and try a different game for a bit to get a "breath of fresh air".
Correct me if I'm wrong. I mean of course good players still can do much better with the same proc sets, I do as well (yes I joined the trainwreck myself), but it just feels so wrong and unrewarding. Unless all you care about is your epeen. Which is just terrible. People should have fun, not play the game to compensate.
This is not a game about skill anymore, rather a game of luck. Like your crown crate system ZOS.
Its a matter of having new players not constantly getting steam rolled all the time and therefore remain in the game. If someone comes into pvp, and gets steamrolled instantly, then they are less likely to continue playing. With proc sets, such new players will have a chance to compete aganist the better, more experienced players and therefore remain in the game therefore more revenue to the game. Similar to the grenade launcher (noob tube) from call of duty
There is a whole video on imperfect balance that explains this
dwemer_paleologist wrote: »over powered builds are the problem, not the armor not the weapons.
just need some nerfs made to certain builds, all that is needed.
this patch feels better and i believe every patch we see has been and will continue to be balance made.
eso is doing Great Job at balance.
i mean that sincerely, just being honest.
How often have you died now because sloads wouldn’t let you cloak?
You call that ‘skilled counterplay’?
dwemer_paleologist wrote: »over powered builds are the problem, not the armor not the weapons.
just need some nerfs made to certain builds, all that is needed.
this patch feels better and i believe every patch we see has been and will continue to be balance made.
eso is doing Great Job at balance.
i mean that sincerely, just being honest.
dwemer_paleologist wrote: »over powered builds are the problem, not the armor not the weapons.
just need some nerfs made to certain builds, all that is needed.
this patch feels better and i believe every patch we see has been and will continue to be balance made.
eso is doing Great Job at balance.
i mean that sincerely, just being honest.
its not the builds its the sets. stacking 3 proc sets is way op and no fun to try and defend against.
And while casuals do make up majority of the player base, its the "good" players that continue to develop the game and community. Otherwise we'd all be pet sorcs running bows spamming light attacks.