Lord_Ninka wrote: »Have you tested all these counters to make sure they actually work against Sload? I keep hearing it doesn't follow the normal ruleset.
dtsharples wrote: »Lord_Ninka wrote: »Have you tested all these counters to make sure they actually work against Sload? I keep hearing it doesn't follow the normal ruleset.
It follows the general rules, except that it is Oblivion Damage - just like the Oblivion damage you can already enchant onto your weapons.
Oblivion damage ignores resistances + shields, but does significantly lower tool-tip damage than say Fire / Shock / Poison.
The only way to increase the damage that the set does, is to fully gold all items. (To my Knowledge)
Your CP, Spell power / Weapon power won't affect it.
Although you might see a change in the tool-tip by adding CP into Thaumaturge etc, in reality it doesn't actually affect the damage it does.
Purge works as explained above. But there is obviously a large possibility that another stack of Sloads will be added after the initial one has been purged.
Most people are just annoyed that they can't play their build exactly as it was from last season, and are unreasonably refusing to adapt to a new situation.
dtsharples wrote: ».Lord_Ninka wrote: »Have you tested all these counters to make sure they actually work against Sload? I keep hearing it doesn't follow the normal ruleset.
Most people are just annoyed that they can't play their build exactly as it was from last season, and are unreasonably refusing to adapt to a new situation. their builds to survive one overperforming set when 250+ others exist.
VexingArcanist wrote: »Yes please everyone play a meta build specifically to counter an overtuned set. Yes you either play the meta or you play against it.
So slot skills just to counter this ONE set.
NTclaymore wrote: »Sload to me just seems like the counter to shieldspam that Shieldbreaker should have been. Shieldbreaker has 2-4 bonuses that focus on stamina making it hard to justify using it on a mag PvP build. Sload as stated above allready doesnt scale with anything like mag or stam so both types can use and us with tanks that still want to go thru the BG daily now have a set that allows us to actully do something in deathmatches. not much but something.
Is it a problem? I dont think so. Sets that boosts damage in general will hit harder. but that statboost doesnt show up on the death recap, you can only see the sets effect by the higher numbers on each skill making it harder to work out whats going on. Sload however appears in your death recap so its easier to blame it. that doesnt mean that its the problem.
Sload is allso easily available since its craftable while other sets that show up on your death recap like Caluurion and Zaan are not just locked behind DLC (you can ask someone to craft you sload, you cant ask someone to trade you Caluurion if you cant go to fang lair) they are allso not the easiest of dungeons and takes time to get.
No counterplay? It is "Just" 5k damage over actully quite a long time. the problem for shieldspammers is that it is the counter for what had no true counter before other than the too specialized Shieldbreaker. you can purge it and the whole "It will just be reapplied" that can be said about every dot in the game ever so that either makes purge useless or the arguement invalid. My nightblade after being hit by a coldfire would say purge seems usefull.
Does sload then needs fixing? YES. what you guys really should complain about is the fact that it ingores the suppression made by cloak and therefore pulls NBs out of stealth. That needs to addressed. that cant be intented. otherwise it seems fine to me. If you think the damage it does is behond anything else. take it to a training dummy and see the results in terms of actual DPS. its a shield counter thats not completely useless against non-sheld enemies. Its good but its not broken.
NTclaymore wrote: »Sload to me just seems like the counter to shieldspam that Shieldbreaker should have been. Shieldbreaker has 2-4 bonuses that focus on stamina making it hard to justify using it on a mag PvP build. Sload as stated above allready doesnt scale with anything like mag or stam so both types can use and us with tanks that still want to go thru the BG daily now have a set that allows us to actully do something in deathmatches. not much but something.
Is it a problem? I dont think so. Sets that boosts damage in general will hit harder. but that statboost doesnt show up on the death recap, you can only see the sets effect by the higher numbers on each skill making it harder to work out whats going on. Sload however appears in your death recap so its easier to blame it. that doesnt mean that its the problem.
Sload is allso easily available since its craftable while other sets that show up on your death recap like Caluurion and Zaan are not just locked behind DLC (you can ask someone to craft you sload, you cant ask someone to trade you Caluurion if you cant go to fang lair) they are allso not the easiest of dungeons and takes time to get.
No counterplay? It is "Just" 5k damage over actully quite a long time. the problem for shieldspammers is that it is the counter for what had no true counter before other than the too specialized Shieldbreaker. you can purge it and the whole "It will just be reapplied" that can be said about every dot in the game ever so that either makes purge useless or the arguement invalid. My nightblade after being hit by a coldfire would say purge seems usefull.
Does sload then needs fixing? YES. what you guys really should complain about is the fact that it ingores the suppression made by cloak and therefore pulls NBs out of stealth. That needs to addressed. that cant be intented. otherwise it seems fine to me. If you think the damage it does is behond anything else. take it to a training dummy and see the results in terms of actual DPS. its a shield counter thats not completely useless against non-sheld enemies. Its good but its not broken.
VexingArcanist wrote: »Yes please everyone play a meta build specifically to counter an overtuned set. Yes you either play the meta or you play against it.
So slot skills just to counter this ONE set.
Lord_Ninka wrote: »Have you tested all these counters to make sure they actually work against Sload? I keep hearing it doesn't follow the normal ruleset.
NTclaymore wrote: »VexingArcanist wrote: »Yes please everyone play a meta build specifically to counter an overtuned set. Yes you either play the meta or you play against it.
So slot skills just to counter this ONE set.
Or you know. Having to slot a full set to counter 1-2 skill. (hardend ward n healing ward)
abit of self healing wouldnt hurt in a PvP match either. you can still shieldspam. you just need to heal about 0.8k health per tick. mutagen once n you countered it.
Chilly-McFreeze wrote: »Okay. Since you brought hypocrisy into play, I‘m gonna ask.
Why is it okay to throw over the main defense of one class but it’s not okay to throw over the main defense of another class?
I mean, if they would invest in purgeS, resistance/armor or even much beyond a minimal level of healing pulling from cloak should be no issue.
And what is up with your argument if this set isn’t actually intended as a counter to shields but also as a counter to cloak?
Chilly-McFreeze wrote: »Okay. Since you brought hypocrisy into play, I‘m gonna ask.
Why is it okay to throw over the main defense of one class but it’s not okay to throw over the main defense of another class?
I mean, if they would invest in purgeS, resistance/armor or even much beyond a minimal level of healing pulling from cloak should be no issue.
And what is up with your argument if this set isn’t actually intended as a counter to shields but also as a counter to cloak?
Well, I am assuming that the breaking of cloak is unintended, there is nothing on the set information about it breaking cloak, nor can I find anything stating it is an intended effect of oblivion damage, so it seems it should be suppressed by cloak, so I assume it is like the numerous other skills that have broken cloak after patches that shouldn't have, that eventually will get fixed.
Aside from that I would say the impact on cloak is far more severe than on shields, a shield is not completely nullified by Sload's, the oblivion damage ignores it, but the shield is still there negating the majority of the damage which is not oblivion, so it is a soft counter (which really is what games like this should aim for), cloak on the other hand is removed by it, so it is something of a hard counter, which is kind of crappy design in a game like this (though invisibility in an open world type PvP situation is crappy design also)
VexingArcanist wrote: »Yes please everyone play a meta build specifically to counter an overtuned set. Yes you either play the meta or you play against it.
So slot skills just to counter this ONE set.
JackDaniell wrote: »Just gonna drop a bit of info regarding counters to sloads but more specificly counters to a DOT/condition build.
Efficient purge removes 2 negative effects AND halves the duration of negative effects for 4 secconds. This means that even if your purge removes no DOTs, it still cuts a massive amout of damage away (up to 50% if you purge right away). Allot of people do not take this seccondary and arguably better effect into account when evaluating this skill for anti DOT gameplay. This is by far the most availible purge to everyone and only requires you to slot it and not have abysmal mag sustain as YOU DONT NEED TO SPAM IT!
Mutagen removes one negative effect and heals you when you drop below 20% hp. This is a cheap condition removal skill that can help out if your running resto.
Wyrd tree set removes 5 negative effects every 15 secconds when you cast a magicka skill. You can run this set on a backbar to preserve a damage front bar, and jewlery crafting means you can use this with ideal jewlery traits now. This is a seriously good set for adding counter DOT play to a mag build (even stam build as they can utilize the mag recovery it gives).
Meridias blessed armor 5 peice will cause you opponent to miss all attacks for 5 secconds when you block an attack. This includes DOTs! This is a particularly good set as it also offers a huge defensive bonus against non DOT gameplay and is the best choice for a stamina anti DOT set (but can yet again work for mag to thanks to jewlery crafting).
Templar gets the best purge as a class skill, if you really cant deal with sloads try out templar in pvp. They literaly just shrug dots off and you will find sets like sloads a non issue.
Warden gets 1 negative effect removal from betty netch, this is the only "free" purge skill in the game (you actualy gain magicka when you cast it) but it is not very strong.
I hope this helps some people out. Regarding sloads as a set i think its fine (comparable to sheer venom or vipers sting). If I run counter play to it i have no issues fighting it. If the set is bugged and does not function as the tooltip states it should be fixed to function as such.
So should sloads be nerfed? No i dont think so. Conditions/DOTs have always been a part of PvP and people for the most part dont normaly run counter play to it (cant beat rock with scissors). If anything i would love to see ZOS add some more sources of purge/condition counterplay to the game. We have some good options but i dont think its nearly enough!
VexingArcanist wrote: »Yes please everyone play a meta build specifically to counter an overtuned set. Yes you either play the meta or you play against it.
So slot skills just to counter this ONE set.
lol, its just another DoT, and not a particularly strong one, big deal if it goes through shields, who cares? Is it so hard not to rely on your shield crutch to survive? I see this as no worse than Viper myself, or any number of other DoT proc sets...it is only more effective than those against shield spammers...against everyone else its the same.
JackDaniell wrote: »Just gonna drop a bit of info regarding counters to sloads but more specificly counters to a DOT/condition build.
Efficient purge removes 2 negative effects AND halves the duration of negative effects for 4 secconds. This means that even if your purge removes no DOTs, it still cuts a massive amout of damage away (up to 50% if you purge right away). Allot of people do not take this seccondary and arguably better effect into account when evaluating this skill for anti DOT gameplay. This is by far the most availible purge to everyone and only requires you to slot it and not have abysmal mag sustain as YOU DONT NEED TO SPAM IT!
Mutagen removes one negative effect and heals you when you drop below 20% hp. This is a cheap condition removal skill that can help out if your running resto.
Wyrd tree set removes 5 negative effects every 15 secconds when you cast a magicka skill. You can run this set on a backbar to preserve a damage front bar, and jewlery crafting means you can use this with ideal jewlery traits now. This is a seriously good set for adding counter DOT play to a mag build (even stam build as they can utilize the mag recovery it gives).
Meridias blessed armor 5 peice will cause you opponent to miss all attacks for 5 secconds when you block an attack. This includes DOTs! This is a particularly good set as it also offers a huge defensive bonus against non DOT gameplay and is the best choice for a stamina anti DOT set (but can yet again work for mag to thanks to jewlery crafting).
Templar gets the best purge as a class skill, if you really cant deal with sloads try out templar in pvp. They literaly just shrug dots off and you will find sets like sloads a non issue.
Warden gets 1 negative effect removal from betty netch, this is the only "free" purge skill in the game (you actualy gain magicka when you cast it) but it is not very strong.
I hope this helps some people out. Regarding sloads as a set i think its fine (comparable to sheer venom or vipers sting). If I run counter play to it i have no issues fighting it. If the set is bugged and does not function as the tooltip states it should be fixed to function as such.
So should sloads be nerfed? No i dont think so. Conditions/DOTs have always been a part of PvP and people for the most part dont normaly run counter play to it (cant beat rock with scissors). If anything i would love to see ZOS add some more sources of purge/condition counterplay to the game. We have some good options but i dont think its nearly enough!
i have 10+ negative effects on me in any 1 fight.... purge is essentially random at that point
2 yes mutagen is a heal.... it also can go to not you while fighting
not even going to include the armor ones because there just completely not viable
Chilly-McFreeze wrote: »Okay. Since you brought hypocrisy into play, I‘m gonna ask.
Why is it okay to throw over the main defense of one class but it’s not okay to throw over the main defense of another class?
I mean, if they would invest in purgeS, resistance/armor or even much beyond a minimal level of healing pulling from cloak should be no issue.
And what is up with your argument if this set isn’t actually intended as a counter to shields but also as a counter to cloak?