I saw someone with the jester personality running on top of their mount. Even more funny with that goofy animation.
Soon our mounts will ride on top of us.
DieAlteHexe wrote: »I've seen a new (to me) one this week; people skimming along roads with only their shoulders and heads above ground level.
hellhound223 wrote: »DieAlteHexe wrote: »I've seen a new (to me) one this week; people skimming along roads with only their shoulders and heads above ground level.
That happened to me recently, when I was previewing mounts inside the Alinor bank. When I exited the menu, anytime I moved I was suddenly skimming along in the ground, buried from my shoulders down! Very strange
Soon our mounts will ride on top of us.
BozzyTheDrummer wrote: »For the longest time I thought this as an in game addition or something in collections for riding mounts. I have since found out that this is a glitch and is not intentional. I actually wish this was intentional thing in game. I actually happen to like and think it's amusing when I see people running around the game on top of their mounts. Always makes me laugh. I wish we had an option to toggle this on or off, or something.
Cave_Canem wrote: »It happens a lot less than it used to, but I still consider it an amusing show of my mastery of all beasts saddled when it happens to me.
Please don't fix this bug until its the last on the list!
Ilithyania wrote: »Funniest Glitch ever.
How can i trigger this effect ?
In Soviet Russia, precisely speaking.idrankyourbeer wrote: »
logarifmik wrote: »In Soviet Russia, precisely speaking.idrankyourbeer wrote: »
I don't like this bug, it annoys me. So, don't try to make it a funny intentional feature here, like animation cancelling. I almost sure, that the root of this problem is in treating (technically) mounts as "pants", which gives character a speed boost. There is also another kind of bug with the riding animation. Sometimes character's upper body become paralyzed, and he sits in the saddle straight even during gallop. Devs should do something with it, but for some reasons they don't. These problems were here as long as I play TESO, but I can't accept them regardless. It was kinda funny only for the first time... No, more like annoying, even when I first saw it, yes. Again, it's a bug, please, fix it already.