Heavy Attacks with Restoration/Lightning Staves still have issues firing

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  • Mystrius_Archaion
    I just logged in after being logged out AFK and found this to be a whole lot worse.

    My lightning staff often will not continue repeating a heavy attack at all while held down after the first attack even if the target is right in front of me the entire time. It won't even fire if I trigger it near the end of a skill animation either.

    It is clearly not registering a repeated command from my Xbox One Gamepad on PCNA server at random times. It sometimes works and is all too often just broken.

    I'm sick of this bug already.
    I demand a fix! @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_Wrobel
  • fgoron2000
    i know that it wouldn't apply to the past, as this is an older thread, recently pinged with further posts, but currently does anyone affected by this, have Mend Wounds from the Psijic Order skill-line on either bar? that may be a focal point for this issue, as apparently the light & heavy attacks for both bars are substituted with healing allies, even if you only have the skill on one of the bars...I'd been having issues with attacks not firing all the time, beating my head against the wall, and I saw another thread elsewhere, that it's related somehow...just a thought...

    see following:

  • Mystrius_Archaion
    fgoron2000 wrote: »
    i know that it wouldn't apply to the past, as this is an older thread, recently pinged with further posts, but currently does anyone affected by this, have Mend Wounds from the Psijic Order skill-line on either bar? that may be a focal point for this issue, as apparently the light & heavy attacks for both bars are substituted with healing allies, even if you only have the skill on one of the bars...I'd been having issues with attacks not firing all the time, beating my head against the wall, and I saw another thread elsewhere, that it's related somehow...just a thought...

    see following:

    No, this is not Mend Wounds.
    Mend Wounds is supposed to disable attacks as it changes them to heals. It is also a toggle that works on every bar no matter which it was slotted on and activated from. They did change it once to disable when you bar swap, but the people who actually use the skill complained to the right people who listened and changed it back.
    Learn to work around Mend Wounds or don't use it on any bar.

    And stop posting that Mend Woulds is the issue because you obviously didn't read even the first post in this thread. Common sense is that if it were Mend Wounds then it would affect every weapon and not just Restoration and Lightning staves.
    Edited by Mystrius_Archaion on September 17, 2018 6:48AM
  • Sotomaior
    Not a word about this bug in today's notes
  • ShellaSunshine
    I've been playing over a year as a healer and have no issues from the restoration staves or any staves for that matter.

    Anyone have a video showing this issue? I watch ESO streamers and all of them use staves and they don't have a firing problem either.
  • Ratzkifal
    I also noticed that my attacks (light or heavy) seem to miss frequently right after using Destructive Clench. Note that this is happening in pve on enemies that don't dodge attacks.
    This Bosmer was tortured to death. There is nothing left to be done.
  • Mystrius_Archaion
    I've found a way to apparently get this to repeat very reliably, but with the psijic skill Symbiosis instead of a pure restoration/lightning staff, though I had a restoration staff equipped at the time.

    I was just messing around, seeing how well Symbiosis could be maintained, when I would drain my magicka completely using the Symbiosis heavy attack then use the psijic skill Introspection(morph of Meditate) to replenish back to full as quickly as I could right before my magicka hit rock bottom. I would then immediately de-toggle Introspection and light attack(HoT ball) with Symbiosis then immediately, seemingly animation canceling, start the heavy attack(channeled heal) until drained again and repeat. I could do this twice through at least but it would not let me heavy or light attack(heal) on the 3rd or 4th time through until I de-toggled Symbiosis and toggled it on again.
    I happened to be doing this on other players who were also using the beam heal on each other and Meditate sometimes.

    Symbiosis will permanently lock out any ability to heal with the HoT-ball or the beam after this sequence for some reason. It just breaks the weapon attack command.

    I tried this again but I couldn't quite get it right. It did seem to be tied to healing other characters using the same skill or the Meditate skill at the same time. Either that or the fact that their characters were also female bosmer or something.
    Maybe it was just lag and the typical "you're already performing an action" lock out that stuck. It did also force the light HoT-ball at the start of most of the heavy beams right before the bug showed.

    I'm just tired of this bug and wish some developer would take the time to go through the data on the Summerset 4.0.0 PTS patch that caused this and just revert the code back to before then when everything worked reliably.
    Edited by Mystrius_Archaion on September 28, 2018 6:57AM
  • Troneon
    Still an issue in all content.
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  • Ertosi
    Ahhh this thread explains a lot! Just switched from my 2hd main toon to my first Lightning/Resto sorc and while I'm having fun with it, the heavy attacks have been bugging the heck out of me. Same as others before have posted, the heavy attacks are often not starting and can be really finicky at times to get going. Being new to staves, I thought it was derpy but guessed this was just how staves were. Glad to know this is considered a bug and they are supposed to be more reliable. Looking forward to ZOS noticing this thread and rolling out a fix.
    PC NA @Ertosi
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    No new crafting or game systems for 2019? "Season of the Dragon" would be better named "The Year of no New Major Features"
    https://i.imgur.com/TPscgS9.jpg to see major features of the last few years compared.
    https://i.imgur.com/X8qY0gP.jpg to see a detailed comparison of this year's Q1 to the last two Q1s.
    https://i.imgur.com/4z71cK8.jpg to see a detailed comparison of each years' first two quarters combined.
    https://i.imgur.com/jrHe5h8.jpg to see a projected comparison of the full years and what 2019's Q4 will need to catch up.
    Unsubbed January 15th, 2019 due to the lack of any new substantial features shown to be coming in 2019.
  • FinrodMacBeorn
    Oct. 26, vMOL, 1st boss: Several people had problems with animations and visuals of lightning and resto staff heavy attacks.

    For me, frequently my sorc did enter the right animations, but the beam was not visible at all. Also frequently, there was no visual cue at all (just standing there), but the heavy attack seemed to register as mag went up after some time.

    Very disturbing and making it quite hard to keep a decent rotation up, and of course no fun at all.

  • SirAndy
    Oct. 26, vMOL, 1st boss: Several people had problems with animations and visuals of lightning and resto staff heavy attacks.
    For me, frequently my sorc did enter the right animations, but the beam was not visible at all. Also frequently, there was no visual cue at all (just standing there), but the heavy attack seemed to register as mag went up after some time.
    Very disturbing and making it quite hard to keep a decent rotation up, and of course no fun at all.

    Same here, ran nCR last night on my lightning staff wielding MagSorc (Yeah, i know, i said i was going to retire her) and half of the time the heavy attacks either didn't fire or didn't show.
  • Sailor_Palutena
    Even spells doesn't ignite if you don't have the target exactly under the cross. It could be at least nearby. It is like I'm playing Battlefield of Call of Duty where the target must be precise.
    Edited by Sailor_Palutena on October 28, 2018 3:30PM
  • dpencil1
    I have also experienced these intermittently:
    1. Heavy attack triggers even though you do a light attack. An old bug.
    2. Heavy attacks continue endlessly without pressing the mouse button. Another old bug.
    3. Heavy attack animation happens without the lightning beam being shown. This is new.
    4. Weaved light attacks will often not fire if pressed immediately after the previous skill. To work, you have to wait about quarter of a second longer. This is also new.

    Edited by dpencil1 on October 28, 2018 4:33PM
  • GreenhaloX
    Haaa.. so here's the big, bad bug thread. Damn, so this has been wrecked for quite some time now. Wtf.. ZOS?! At ease with all the crown shitts for a bit and fix this shitt.. (please..) damn..
  • Tapio75
    Years have passed and still this is happening.. Restoration/Lightning staff is not firing almost half the time one me..

    On top of that, its now also that abilities will not always fire at all plus there is this constant need to /reloadui to get things working at least a bit...

    Yes, it is an old thread but i feel its useless to make a new one because there is this that exists and can be found by easy google giving this as first result.

    FIX THE DAMNED GAME please...
    >>PC-EU Mostly PVE. Played since BETA<<
  • Psiion
    Greetings all!

    As this thread is fairly old, we have gone ahead and closed this thread. If anyone would like to discuss this topic, feel free to create a new updated thread for further discussion.

    Enjoy the Journey!
    Staff Post
This discussion has been closed.