Heavy Attacks with Restoration/Lightning Staves still have issues firing

Maintenance for the week of March 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 17
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
  • zParallaxz
    Still happens with fire destro as well.
  • Jaimeh
    I have the issue with HA with lightning staves not firing as well, and it's very disruptive, especially for HA rotations. I mostly get caught in a HA animation when trying to do a LA with fire and resto staves, but it's definitely something that happens a lot as well. Also, since the DB patch I believe, sometimes skills on my bars get greyed out (like when they are not available to be cast, for example when out of range etc.) and I cannot cast them for some time. This has happened in solo overgdound play, in group dungeons, and most recently, in target dummy parses. I don't know what causes it to happen, and I've seen it across toons. Aborted parses aside, not being able to cast skills in a dungeon/trial is really frustrating, and I wish we had some aknowledgement that this issue is being looked at.
  • Mystrius_Archaion
    Still a bug on live servers as of this post date.

    I did test a little on PTS for Wolfhunter and it seems to work better. I will need further testing to be sure. Accidental fixes are better than no fixes, because they weren't in the patch notes.
  • Kainarel
    Still an issue on EU PC. Making fighting more difficult than it should be. It misfires or starts the wrong attacks, repeating the previous attack instead of the new button that's been pressed right after. And then rotation needs to be repeated or fixed, and it cuts through concentration and damages the fight.
    It's a mess.
  • AgaTheGreat
    Can anyone say if it's still a bug on pts?
    PS4 EU Aga_The_Grey - retired | PC EU AgaTheGreat
  • Cardthief
    This is still an issue after all this time. @ZOS_GinaBruno Any update as to if or when this issue may be fixed?
    (MC) Main DPS: Redz Kuinn - Lvl 50 - MagSorc - PvE
    Main Healer: Soranna Anilu - Lvl 50 - Templar - PvE
    Main Tank: Seamus Kuinn - Lvl 50 - Dragonknight - PvE
  • Spartabunny08
    They buffed light attacks and HA has been broken since. It didn't need changed and it worked before. Can we just have the game work, we don't need to buff l2p light attacks. Please fix what's broke.
  • idk
    I might have missed it but has Zos commented on this yet?
  • lagrue
    I mentioned before in a another thread but this is happening on PS4 as well.

    Lightning and Restos don't seem to "grab" targets so they never fire. Other times they do fire and the damage numbers pop up, but the attack animation doesn't play properly (*character holds staff out like heavy attack, but lightning doesn't appear despite damage registering).

    All of this since Summerset.
    PSN ID (NA only): Zuzu_With_a_Z

    "You must defeat me every time. I need defeat you only once"
  • Tagonius
    Soul Shriven
    idk wrote: »
    I might have missed it but has Zos commented on this yet?

    No, they haven't replied to this bug in any of the open threads about it. It's still happening since Summerset.

    Now you often need to press twice RT to find a target. It's a sad thing that this is the combat that new players experience. It was Ok before.
  • TyroneShoelaces
    Can somebody make an add-on the has a big alert on the screen when you are holding the attack button, but it's not actually firing? Sometimes hard to tell amidst all the chaos on screen. There seems to be no fix in store for us, or even any comments that I could find.
    Edited by TyroneShoelaces on August 22, 2018 7:54AM
  • TyroneShoelaces
    No takers for that add-on request? I can pay you with gold!! :-p
  • Mystrius_Archaion
    This is happening much more often at least since last night 8/30 on PCNA again.
    It's really ridiculous at abyssal geysers if you try to immediately continue a heavy attack after getting knocked back/up by multiple different common things there.

    I really wish they would just disable knockback interrupts for NPC creatures at bare minimum as this kind of guaranteed free interrupt is far too common and messing everything up.
    It even interrupts the supposedly uninterruptable heavy attacks.
  • lagrue
    This is happening much more often at least since last night 8/30 on PCNA again.
    It's really ridiculous at abyssal geysers if you try to immediately continue a heavy attack after getting knocked back/up by multiple different common things there.

    I really wish they would just disable knockback interrupts for NPC creatures at bare minimum as this kind of guaranteed free interrupt is far too common and messing everything up.
    It even interrupts the supposedly uninterruptable heavy attacks.

    Agree, I posted before that I experienced it prior to Wolfhunter - but SINCE wolfhunter it's become a pretty big issue. (30th was when got it) something about the maintenance for all systems that day maybe?

    Same with pets all showing CC swirlies... was happened before here and there... since Wolfhunter it's almost every single pet...

    Edited by lagrue on September 1, 2018 1:01PM
    PSN ID (NA only): Zuzu_With_a_Z

    "You must defeat me every time. I need defeat you only once"
  • Soris
    Up up!
    This is still a thing!

    When i first had this a couple patches ago, i first thought that my mouse having battery problems. The experience is similar because it randomly cancels your heavy attacks or don't fire it at all. Sometimes it does full heavy attack without even holding down left mouse button. Very unresponsive and very unpleasant.

    This is a big game breaking issue and it is amazing they haven't even said a word about this. Please fix it in murkmire!
    Welkynd [Templar/AD/EU]
  • Sailor_Palutena
    I didn't know it was a bug. When you reach the point where a bug looks like a feature, you see the situation is major screwed.
  • pattyLtd
    Esomhas more bugs then features unfortunately. So im not surprised.
    What a mess they turned this game into.

    English is not my native language, no grammar police please, tyvm
  • Spartabunny08
    So we're stuck with this now? Revert the changes to LA and all will be fixed. Stop fixing what isn't broke and breaking what wasn't broke. Bethesda what are you doing? Please tell us.
  • Dojohoda
    Standing right in front of the npc enemy.. could not light or heavy attack with restoration staff; switched to the lighting and couldn't light attack or heavy attack with it either.

    Switched back to resto.. same fail, switched to lightning, again, fail.


    Fan of playing magblade since 2015. (PC NA)
    Might be joking in comments.
  • pdblake
    This started out a bit hit and miss, now it's definitely more miss than hit and starting to ruin the experience.
  • ShellaSunshine
    I use Resto heavy attacks all the time.

    Try aiming with your camera angle instead. Don't ask me why but that's how I hit every target now.

    For some odd reason, the weapons want to hit what you're looking at instead of what the crosshairs are pointing at.

    If that makes any sense at all...
  • ruikkarikun
  • Mystrius_Archaion
    I use Resto heavy attacks all the time.

    Try aiming with your camera angle instead. Don't ask me why but that's how I hit every target now.

    For some odd reason, the weapons want to hit what you're looking at instead of what the crosshairs are pointing at.

    If that makes any sense at all...

    No, that doesn't make sense.
    The camera is pointing where your crosshairs are pointing, and it hits the first enemy in front of that when you fire.

    But, this doesn't work that way anymore, AND restoration and lightning staves didn't need to worry about misaligned aim before as you could hold the heavy attack down and move the crosshairs around to hit whatever they crossed over for an enemy at which time it would start firing the heavy attack.
    Now, you just drop a load in your pants from trying to hard and never see the attack fire off until you let go of heavy attack and press it again with the enemy in the crosshairs perfectly.

    It's ridiculously broken and easy to figure out, but they aren't bothering with a proper fix because they call it good if we can work around it all because it doesn't make them more money. They fail to realize that it is killing their future revenue as a broken buggy game isn't worth spending money on.
  • Tagonius
    Soul Shriven
    At least they could acknowledge the bug, tell us if they're working on it or if that's going to be the (broken) way of using staves...

    Not a single word.
  • ShellaSunshine

    No, that doesn't make sense.
    The camera is pointing where your crosshairs are pointing, and it hits the first enemy in front of that when you fire.

    But, this doesn't work that way anymore, AND restoration and lightning staves didn't need to worry about misaligned aim before as you could hold the heavy attack down and move the crosshairs around to hit whatever they crossed over for an enemy at which time it would start firing the heavy attack.
    Now, you just drop a load in your pants from trying to hard and never see the attack fire off until you let go of heavy attack and press it again with the enemy in the crosshairs perfectly.

    It's ridiculously broken and easy to figure out, but they aren't bothering with a proper fix because they call it good if we can work around it all because it doesn't make them more money. They fail to realize that it is killing their future revenue as a broken buggy game isn't worth spending money on.

    Well, I use a Resto staff ALL THE TIME and literally have zero issues with it.

    Side note: When I turn my camera sideways, my toon's head turns. The head is facing a different direction than the crosshairs.

    It's been like this for about a year but it's literally no big deal. I have no problems whatsoever using heavy Resto attacks during vet dungeons or other PvE content.

    You're being ridiculous. Just because a handful of people are struggling with one issue doesn't mean it's broken. Maybe it's something on your end. Try restarting your router or don't have other windows open while you're in game.

    In all seriousness, if this was a bug then EVERYONE would experience the problem but they don't.

    Could only mean the problem is on your end. That's not the fault of the developers.
  • Mystrius_Archaion

    Well, I use a Resto staff ALL THE TIME and literally have zero issues with it.

    Side note: When I turn my camera sideways, my toon's head turns. The head is facing a different direction than the crosshairs.

    It's been like this for about a year but it's literally no big deal. I have no problems whatsoever using heavy Resto attacks during vet dungeons or other PvE content.

    You're being ridiculous. Just because a handful of people are struggling with one issue doesn't mean it's broken. Maybe it's something on your end. Try restarting your router or don't have other windows open while you're in game.

    In all seriousness, if this was a bug then EVERYONE would experience the problem but they don't.

    Could only mean the problem is on your end. That's not the fault of the developers.

    What platform do you play on? I'm talking about PCNA.

    Did you even try PTS for Summerset before that launched? There are patch notes saying this issue existed and was supposedly fixed, but they didn't fix it completely because they just patched the broken code and left the broken code in there to still cause problems.
    I linked the original bug report thread in my original post here where I was the first person to report it and spell out why it was occurring for them to easily understand the problem and push a rapid fix, even if it wasn't a complete fix. Go read that thread, or even the first post in it.
    Re-posting the original issue for you to read: Staff Weapon Targeting Broken

    I was FAR from the only person seeing the problem, and many still see the problem if they have anything close to quick reaction time or light attack weaving/animation canceling ability. FYI, this is only a visible issue with heavy attacks because light attacks are quick enough to sometimes not notice and they don't restore resources that obviously go missing when a heavy attack fails.

    Count yourself lucky, or slow at pressing buttons, if you haven't seen this issue at all. You have to aim perfectly and not be animating a previous action for the targeting and attack to actually work.
  • Mystrius_Archaion
    Here is where the patch notes first said they fixed anything in Summerset PTS with the heavy attacks, but it didn't fix it. This is from PTS Patch 4.0.1:

    • Fixed a rare issue where holding down the Heavy Attack button would not cause you to perform a Heavy Attack.

    Here is where they "really" fixed it, but left us with the current issue where we still have the same problem though less common than the "guaranteed every time we heavy attack" way it was before this PTS patch. This is from PTS Patch 4.0.2:

    • Fixed an issue where Lightning and Restoration Staff Heavy Attacks would not automatically begin channeling on an enemy target if you started their channels before you targeted the enemy, or if they came in your range.

    So, tell me this issue has never been seen by anyone before and was never a common issue or possible to still be occurring far less frequent than it once was after checking the source of those quotes for their official patch note confirmation of this issue.
    I'll be waiting when you start "eating crow".

    It's still an issue. It was broken in PTS Patch 4.0.0 and continued through to Live Servers with the Summerset release patch and has updated to be more common or less common varying by patch with Wolfhunter making it more common and much more common on the patch from 8/30/2018. None of the patches sicne the PTS 4.0.2 have said anythign about messing with heavy attacks for restoration and lightning staves targeting/animating, but most of them have affected them positively or negatively.

    We just need to roll back the staff weapon targeting and animation code to what it was before patch 4.0.0 to fix this, to whatever the code for those specific things was on Live Servers before the May 18th Summerset Launch.
    Edited by Mystrius_Archaion on September 4, 2018 8:46PM
  • Tsar_Gekkou
    Can confirm that getting light and heavy attacks with staffs to work is a bit of a gamble right now.
    Xbox NA healer main
    vAA HM | vHRC HM | vSO HM | vMoL HM | vHoF HM | vAS+2 | vCR+3 | vBRP | vSS HM | vKA HM | vRG HM |
    Flawless Conqueror | Spirit Slayer | Dro-mA'thra Destroyer | Tick-Tock-Tormentor | Immortal Redeemer | Gryphon Heart | Godslayer | Dawnbringer | Planesbreaker |
  • pdblake
    I'm still getting this and it seems to be getting worse.
  • Sailor_Palutena
    I'm recurring to off spec swords to light/heavy attacks, because staves are failing.
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