I might have missed it but has Zos commented on this yet?
Mystrius_Archaion wrote: »This is happening much more often at least since last night 8/30 on PCNA again.
It's really ridiculous at abyssal geysers if you try to immediately continue a heavy attack after getting knocked back/up by multiple different common things there.
I really wish they would just disable knockback interrupts for NPC creatures at bare minimum as this kind of guaranteed free interrupt is far too common and messing everything up.
It even interrupts the supposedly uninterruptable heavy attacks.
ShellaSunshine wrote: »I use Resto heavy attacks all the time.
Try aiming with your camera angle instead. Don't ask me why but that's how I hit every target now.
For some odd reason, the weapons want to hit what you're looking at instead of what the crosshairs are pointing at.
If that makes any sense at all...
Mystrius_Archaion wrote: »
No, that doesn't make sense.
The camera is pointing where your crosshairs are pointing, and it hits the first enemy in front of that when you fire.
But, this doesn't work that way anymore, AND restoration and lightning staves didn't need to worry about misaligned aim before as you could hold the heavy attack down and move the crosshairs around to hit whatever they crossed over for an enemy at which time it would start firing the heavy attack.
Now, you just drop a load in your pants from trying to hard and never see the attack fire off until you let go of heavy attack and press it again with the enemy in the crosshairs perfectly.
It's ridiculously broken and easy to figure out, but they aren't bothering with a proper fix because they call it good if we can work around it all because it doesn't make them more money. They fail to realize that it is killing their future revenue as a broken buggy game isn't worth spending money on.
ShellaSunshine wrote: »
Well, I use a Resto staff ALL THE TIME and literally have zero issues with it.
Side note: When I turn my camera sideways, my toon's head turns. The head is facing a different direction than the crosshairs.
It's been like this for about a year but it's literally no big deal. I have no problems whatsoever using heavy Resto attacks during vet dungeons or other PvE content.
You're being ridiculous. Just because a handful of people are struggling with one issue doesn't mean it's broken. Maybe it's something on your end. Try restarting your router or don't have other windows open while you're in game.
In all seriousness, if this was a bug then EVERYONE would experience the problem but they don't.
Could only mean the problem is on your end. That's not the fault of the developers.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »
- Fixed a rare issue where holding down the Heavy Attack button would not cause you to perform a Heavy Attack.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »
- Fixed an issue where Lightning and Restoration Staff Heavy Attacks would not automatically begin channeling on an enemy target if you started their channels before you targeted the enemy, or if they came in your range.