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Dissapointed That Nocturnal Looks Like a Budget Cosplayer

  • Mix
    She is too human-looking. That's why her minions seem so much better suited, they have a sort of other-worldly aura. The paleness, the runes, and so on.

    Nocturnal manages to look like a player character:(

    I really love her statue. I think she needs either no sleeves like her minions or the voluminous sleeves like her statue (and skyrim), the tight sleeves just aren't working at all. We should also be able to see her hair like the one minion picture with hood and hair!

    I would have also like her to have a Crow with her since they seem to be her symbol or at least represented with jewelry or feather pattern on something.

    The screenshot from @themaddaedra is appalling.
  • SenorCrouch
    I have to agree with most of the comments, Nocturnal's form was a bit strange. I was hoping for something a little more....terrifying, or at the very least eerily mysterious. I mean this was the climax of 3 consecutive storylines building up to that one moment where you have a showdown with another Daedric Prince. I would have thought her look and subsequently the battle with her would have been a little more epic. I can't help but think about the battle between you and Molag Bal.
    "What's the cross roads of Alessia Castle? I am trying to get pizza delivered."
  • DoctorESO
    Enslaved wrote: »
    Cinbri wrote: »
    You cant say that she was done without efforts. In TES she looks like woman in specific dress. And we got this dress in crown store, so obviously she was done as generic woman with this dress.
    It is game engine that not allow to make it look as attractive as you want.
    For example compare how things looks on game engine and art:
    How she in ESO:

    And compare to Legends art:

    Or Golden Saint:
    How it look in ESO (not completely her, but npc look similar to ordinary race, only gear is different):

    And compare to Legends art:

    Difference is drastical and its not developers to blame about it.

    Mephala looks good:


    Why can't Nocturnal? Of course it's not the engine's fault here, we all know that, there's no point blaming the engine here when as a matter of fact you can make custom character with this engine.

    It's not about making her look as good as in the concept art, with the decision of taking the default Redguard model and slapping a crownstore costume on her, she looks bland and boring in the concept herself. Your argument of Golden Saints and Almalexia makes no sense. Golden Saints are Daedra creatures, they are like those "Bears" or "Pact Soldiers" you find all over the game. Almalexia is a Dark Elf so ofcourse she looks like a Dark Elf, but she still looks unique and has a unique costume, so does Vivec, so does Sotha Sil.

    Mephala looks good if you like that type of female body. Gray skinned, with red eyes and 8 extra legs.
    Almalexia looks just fine. She is yet to reach super crazy stage, so the way devs made her in ESO is suitable.
    Nocturnal looks just like any female with nocturnal limited time cs dress would look. If zos gave it better one, ppl would flip for buying that abomination before.
    It is interesting how noone comment the plain looks of Meridia. She looks like someone who spends mornings milking 3-5 cows, afternoons toiling in fields and evenings scrubbing dishes and crying herself to sleep. I have not seen ppl making threads about that.

    No need to objectify the Daedric princes. :D
  • A_Silverius
    Man ZOS can do better than this! Just change her posture to suit her statues and skyrim depictions.
    All over Tamriel, theres a sudden spike in Bosmers getting caught for their crimes. A sad day indeed... #FightForYourRite Give Bosmers back our stealth!
  • DoctorESO
    Cinbri wrote: »
    You cant say that she was done without efforts. In TES she looks like woman in specific dress. And we got this dress in crown store, so obviously she was done as generic woman with this dress.
    It is game engine that not allow to make it look as attractive as you want.
    For example compare how things looks on game engine and art:
    How she in ESO:

    And compare to Legends art:

    Or Golden Saint:
    How it look in ESO (not completely her, but npc look similar to ordinary race, only gear is different):

    And compare to Legends art:

    Difference is drastical and its not developers to blame about it.

    Mephala looks good:


    Lore-wise, is that really Mephala in Arteum? I thought they only use vessels when outside their own realm? Are they vulnerable if they appear in their true form when outside their realm?
  • Aliyavana
    DoctorESO wrote: »
    Cinbri wrote: »
    You cant say that she was done without efforts. In TES she looks like woman in specific dress. And we got this dress in crown store, so obviously she was done as generic woman with this dress.
    It is game engine that not allow to make it look as attractive as you want.
    For example compare how things looks on game engine and art:
    How she in ESO:

    And compare to Legends art:

    Or Golden Saint:
    How it look in ESO (not completely her, but npc look similar to ordinary race, only gear is different):

    And compare to Legends art:

    Difference is drastical and its not developers to blame about it.

    Mephala looks good:


    Lore-wise, is that really Mephala in Arteum? I thought they only use vessels when outside their own realm? Are they vulnerable if they appear in their true form when outside their realm?

    Technically I believe they can only not directly appear in nirn unless certain circumstances, but arteum isn't currently in nirn so its fair game. Plus she was invited by sotha sil himself
    Edited by Aliyavana on June 7, 2018 5:21AM
  • VilniusNastavnik
    Still no response from the devs about this? Maybe I need to bait and flame someone to get them to pay attention.
    Active Toons:
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    Obligatory ESO Fashion website plug: Vil's Portfolio
  • Nightfall12
    Hmmm i wonder if that 4000 crown shiney bathrobe will come back around so you too can look like a budget cosplayer!!!

    imagine it now the entire Alikr dolmen grinding crew could be "Dressed" as Nocturnal!
    Ummm stuff… about stuff…or something.
  • Aliyavana
    Hmmm i wonder if that 4000 crown shiney bathrobe will come back around so you too can look like a budget cosplayer!!!

    imagine it now the entire Alikr dolmen grinding crew could be "Dressed" as Nocturnal!

    only the many orcs in dresses will look better than nocturnal
  • Lord_Ninka
    "Guys, we forgot to design our main villain and we don't have any budget/time left" is something I can't help imagining were said on the design team. With all the wonderful work they've done earlier and in other bits of summerset (even NPCs from side quests) it's just so very hard to believe that they planned this design all along. It's so obviously done in a hurry, just an existing dress designed for much smaller models slapped on a completely normal looking (albeit oversized) woman. Oh, and sometimes purple fire in her hands I guess.

    And the dress doesn't even suit her. Nothing myserious or nightly about it, nothing at all that says nocturnal. She looks more like an oversized Dibella cultist.

    And she's bald, probably because of the dress. On her statue she has nice flowing hair under the hood, spilling out from it even, but in that blue thing you can easily see there's no hair at all under her hood.
    Edited by Lord_Ninka on June 7, 2018 7:33AM
  • kind_hero

    so much complaining... I read many of your posts and while sometimes I agree with you, I tend to see more complaining and nitpicking than pointing out real issues in the game.

    I don't know if you remember the days when the villains in the ES games had fewer pixels than replies in this thread :) The story and what you could do within the story made the game great, not the pixels.

    In my opinion the main quest from Summerset is great. I really enjoyed seeing the Daedra princes again, in their ESO / Summerset variant. OK, Nocturnal looked amazing in Skyrim, and this is a bit of a let down.. I agree. I really liked Nocturnal in Skyrim, I joined the Nightingales...

    Also Summerset looks amazing. For some people it might be to idyllic, but then you have Morrowind or whatever.. For what it is and should be, it is great. If you like it or not is a matter of taste.

    But how it looks in this game is not that bad... Clavicus Vile isn't also impressive.. But maybe he shouldn't... Great power doesn't come from huge shoulder pads or reddish auras.

    My point is.. there will never be a perfect game, and some details will always be overlooked. Maybe it is how the devs wanted Nocturnal to be... I doubt they were totally blind to how she ended up looking. Anyway.. how often do you interact with Nocturnal? Does her looks impact so much on your immersion in the quest line?
    [PC/EU] Tamriel Hero, Stormproof, Grand Master Crafter
  • Aliyavana
    kind_hero wrote: »

    so much complaining... I read many of your posts and while sometimes I agree with you, I tend to see more complaining and nitpicking than pointing out real issues in the game.

    I don't know if you remember the days when the villains in the ES games had fewer pixels than replies in this thread :) The story and what you could do within the story made the game great, not the pixels.

    In my opinion the main quest from Summerset is great. I really enjoyed seeing the Daedra princes again, in their ESO / Summerset variant. OK, Nocturnal looked amazing in Skyrim, and this is a bit of a let down.. I agree. I really liked Nocturnal in Skyrim, I joined the Nightingales...

    Also Summerset looks amazing. For some people it might be to idyllic, but then you have Morrowind or whatever.. For what it is and should be, it is great. If you like it or not is a matter of taste.

    But how it looks in this game is not that bad... Clavicus Vile isn't also impressive.. But maybe he shouldn't... Great power doesn't come from huge shoulder pads or reddish auras.

    My point is.. there will never be a perfect game, and some details will always be overlooked. Maybe it is how the devs wanted Nocturnal to be... I doubt they were totally blind to how she ended up looking. Anyway.. how often do you interact with Nocturnal? Does her looks impact so much on your immersion in the quest line?

    yes, because she was the prince that was able to banish the other princes and then she tries to look all intimidating and powerful but I get the impression that she is trying too hard atleast with that plain appearance it doesn't help. She just needs a bit of a makeover to look the part.
    Edited by Aliyavana on June 7, 2018 8:24AM
  • teladoy
    It looks like she bought some kind of 2€ outfit... i always said, if you are going to buy clothes dont buy cheap, put money on it, better is quality than quantity.
  • kind_hero
    I really liked how they made Mephala. Probably Nocturnal's look is plain because they released the costume she is wearing in the crown store, and many people have it. Also her hair doesn't show, but this is the problem with the outfit or costume system, because I have the costume on a char with long hair, and her hair does not flow from under that hood.

    But I don't see this as an issue... In Star Wars, the most powerful Jedi, Yoda, is a short stumpy goblin like creature, and in LoTR, Gandalf, a demi-god like being, is an old man dressed in a plain robe. There are lots of examples like this.

    Instead, what I disliked to a degree, is that Nocturnal as a character in ESO is a plain villain. Her portrayal is shallow, we only see that she wants power, there is no complexity to her personality. Instead, Mephala is more interesting, she is a villain to fear, but also one with which you can reason.
    [PC/EU] Tamriel Hero, Stormproof, Grand Master Crafter
  • Lord_Ninka
    Yoda and Gandalf are supposed to look like Yoda and Gandalf, though, they've always looked the way they do, whereas the daedric prince Nocturnal isn't supposed to look like a common woman in a fashionable and revealing shiny blue dress (without even fixing the hairloss). She's supposed to look like the mistress of night and whatnot, at least somewhat in line with her statues and previous representations. Not a good comparison.
    Edited by Lord_Ninka on June 7, 2018 9:47AM
  • DoctorESO
    teladoy wrote: »
    It looks like she bought some kind of 2€ outfit... i always said, if you are going to buy clothes dont buy cheap, put money on it, better is quality than quantity.

    No one said Daedric Princes are fashion experts! :D
  • Aliyavana
  • A_Silverius
    All over Tamriel, theres a sudden spike in Bosmers getting caught for their crimes. A sad day indeed... #FightForYourRite Give Bosmers back our stealth!
  • Aliyavana
  • KraziJoe
    Maybe that's how she wanted to look?
  • Aliyavana
    KraziJoe wrote: »
    Maybe that's how she wanted to look?

    Many of us are not pleased by this look. She can be a redguard but something needs to be added that sets her apart
  • KraziJoe
    Aliyavana wrote: »
    KraziJoe wrote: »
    Maybe that's how she wanted to look?

    Many of us are not pleased by this look. She can be a redguard but something needs to be added that sets her apart

    Quit shaming her!
  • Aliyavana
    KraziJoe wrote: »
    Aliyavana wrote: »
    KraziJoe wrote: »
    Maybe that's how she wanted to look?

    Many of us are not pleased by this look. She can be a redguard but something needs to be added that sets her apart

    Quit shaming her!

  • LittlePinkDot
    She looks like crap in Skyrim too though...

    I would've taken her Nazgûl cosplay in the cinematic trailer over what we got in both games.

    True, also in Skyrim she comes no where near the splendor of Lady Mephala. But both her pose and her frock look a lot more elegant there than... whatever this is:



    I like her sandals, I would wear those.
    I dont know how she could fight in that low cut of a top though. Like that Dave chapelle skit I would be thinking "c'mon t!tty, c'mon t!tty!"
  • KraziJoe
    Not all Princes know where to shop! Some may like Thrift stores and be happy about it! Some may think that Dorothy Zbornak is the epitome of top fashion.
  • MLGProPlayer
    Enslaved wrote: »
    Cinbri wrote: »
    You cant say that she was done without efforts. In TES she looks like woman in specific dress. And we got this dress in crown store, so obviously she was done as generic woman with this dress.
    It is game engine that not allow to make it look as attractive as you want.
    For example compare how things looks on game engine and art:
    How she in ESO:

    And compare to Legends art:

    Or Golden Saint:
    How it look in ESO (not completely her, but npc look similar to ordinary race, only gear is different):

    And compare to Legends art:

    Difference is drastical and its not developers to blame about it.

    Mephala looks good:


    Why can't Nocturnal? Of course it's not the engine's fault here, we all know that, there's no point blaming the engine here when as a matter of fact you can make custom character with this engine.

    It's not about making her look as good as in the concept art, with the decision of taking the default Redguard model and slapping a crownstore costume on her, she looks bland and boring in the concept herself. Your argument of Golden Saints and Almalexia makes no sense. Golden Saints are Daedra creatures, they are like those "Bears" or "Pact Soldiers" you find all over the game. Almalexia is a Dark Elf so ofcourse she looks like a Dark Elf, but she still looks unique and has a unique costume, so does Vivec, so does Sotha Sil.

    Mephala looks good if you like that type of female body. Gray skinned, with red eyes and 8 extra legs.
    Almalexia looks just fine. She is yet to reach super crazy stage, so the way devs made her in ESO is suitable.
    Nocturnal looks just like any female with nocturnal limited time cs dress would look. If zos gave it better one, ppl would flip for buying that abomination before.
    It is interesting how noone comment the plain looks of Meridia. She looks like someone who spends mornings milking 3-5 cows, afternoons toiling in fields and evenings scrubbing dishes and crying herself to sleep. I have not seen ppl making threads about that.

    There is a difference between base game and DLC models.
    Edited by MLGProPlayer on June 7, 2018 4:04PM
  • MLGProPlayer
    kind_hero wrote: »

    so much complaining... I read many of your posts and while sometimes I agree with you, I tend to see more complaining and nitpicking than pointing out real issues in the game.

    I don't know if you remember the days when the villains in the ES games had fewer pixels than replies in this thread :) The story and what you could do within the story made the game great, not the pixels.

    In my opinion the main quest from Summerset is great. I really enjoyed seeing the Daedra princes again, in their ESO / Summerset variant. OK, Nocturnal looked amazing in Skyrim, and this is a bit of a let down.. I agree. I really liked Nocturnal in Skyrim, I joined the Nightingales...

    Also Summerset looks amazing. For some people it might be to idyllic, but then you have Morrowind or whatever.. For what it is and should be, it is great. If you like it or not is a matter of taste.

    But how it looks in this game is not that bad... Clavicus Vile isn't also impressive.. But maybe he shouldn't... Great power doesn't come from huge shoulder pads or reddish auras.

    My point is.. there will never be a perfect game, and some details will always be overlooked. Maybe it is how the devs wanted Nocturnal to be... I doubt they were totally blind to how she ended up looking. Anyway.. how often do you interact with Nocturnal? Does her looks impact so much on your immersion in the quest line?

    Hate to break it to ya, but it's 2018. Visuals are a core part of video game immersion.
    Edited by MLGProPlayer on June 7, 2018 4:10PM
  • SilverIce58
    kind_hero wrote: »

    so much complaining... I read many of your posts and while sometimes I agree with you, I tend to see more complaining and nitpicking than pointing out real issues in the game.

    I don't know if you remember the days when the villains in the ES games had fewer pixels than replies in this thread :) The story and what you could do within the story made the game great, not the pixels.

    In my opinion the main quest from Summerset is great. I really enjoyed seeing the Daedra princes again, in their ESO / Summerset variant. OK, Nocturnal looked amazing in Skyrim, and this is a bit of a let down.. I agree. I really liked Nocturnal in Skyrim, I joined the Nightingales...

    Also Summerset looks amazing. For some people it might be to idyllic, but then you have Morrowind or whatever.. For what it is and should be, it is great. If you like it or not is a matter of taste.

    But how it looks in this game is not that bad... Clavicus Vile isn't also impressive.. But maybe he shouldn't... Great power doesn't come from huge shoulder pads or reddish auras.

    My point is.. there will never be a perfect game, and some details will always be overlooked. Maybe it is how the devs wanted Nocturnal to be... I doubt they were totally blind to how she ended up looking. Anyway.. how often do you interact with Nocturnal? Does her looks impact so much on your immersion in the quest line?

    Hate to break it to ya, but it's 2018. Visuals are a core part of video game immersion.

    Yeah, if ZOS didn't think visuals were so important, SS wouldn't be as pretty as it is. Of course, on the flipside, you could say that they dont care enough seeing as how nocturnal that.
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  • Elissae
    Not only her visual representation is terrible, I found the voice acting to be a letdown as well tbh.
    "Ooh I'm such a villain, hear how evil I sound." It's such a stereotypical B-movie kind of voice.

    I love the expansion, but Nocturnal is a disappointment.
This discussion has been closed.