You called?They should make Vampires glitter in the sun.. no seriously.
People are being "forced" into vampirism due to the competitive advantage it provides and being at a comparative disadvantage without it.
MLGProPlayer wrote: »People are being "forced" into vampirism due to the competitive advantage it provides and being at a comparative disadvantage without it.
Vampirism should be an RP decision or a compliment to niche builds. It shouldn't be something that people just get for free magicka/stamina regen. As it stands right now, there is no reason not to be a vampire in PvE. And as such, almost everyone participating in endgame is one.
It's not a choice when I'm at an objective disadvantage if I'm not a vampire.
Emma_Overload wrote: »Before we make vampirism "more punishing" by forcing us to slot an ability, how about we give vamps FIVE spells?
Two spells plus a weak ultimate is not enough!
I dont get OP logic - give option to hide vampirism, that will remove only drawback of being vampire and it will decrease number of vampires which is bis coz raw stats?
bloodthirstyvampire wrote: »Emma_Overload wrote: »Before we make vampirism "more punishing" by forcing us to slot an ability, how about we give vamps FIVE spells?
Two spells plus a weak ultimate is not enough!
Weak since when I've wiped out entire zergs with coordinated bat swarm bombs all at the same time It melts everybody
a lot of players are against hiding vamparism because they consider it a drawback but would probably qq if they were forced to slot a vampire ability, a REAL drawback, in order to get the benefits of regen. "Embrace vampirism" is the argument. So the anti hide vampirism crowd should really embrace it and be forced to slot a vampire ability as one of the draw backs of vampirism just like the old days. At this point the majority of people only consider vampirism as a stat increase and many don't care about the cosmetics and the drawback isn't bad enough and so take advantage of the stat increase vampirism without even touching the full power of vamprism. atleast with this change people will not feel forced to take advantage and ruin their appearance they spent a considerable amount of time tweaking before ruining it with a skin that leaves your fur, skin, and tatoos bleached. Really eso has one of the worst incarnations of vampirism appearance wise.
Lore reasons (illusion magic, blending in with mortals, ingame explanations) and gameplay mechanics (Skins that hide vamparism already...) doesnt matter apparently and yet We can already hide our heavy armor by looking like we have light armor, or wear a wedding dress on a tank. I can make my axes look like daggers and still inflict bleeds on my opponents. I can hide my zaans and pretty soon i can even change my gear to look like monster sets which make a bigger difference in gameplay but yet hide vamparism is a huge no to them yet probably use the outfit system to hide their real gear. I think this change would help purge a huge number of players that treat vampirism like a stat increase with little drawback and less people will feel forced to ruin their characters appearance with it.
Emma_Overload wrote: »Before we make vampirism "more punishing" by forcing us to slot an ability, how about we give vamps FIVE spells?
Two spells plus a weak ultimate is not enough!
Haha. Thanksbloodthirstyvampire wrote: »Oh wow she looks great even at stage 4 @Seri my compliments
Emma_Overload wrote: »Before we make vampirism "more punishing" by forcing us to slot an ability, how about we give vamps FIVE spells?
Two spells plus a weak ultimate is not enough!
and how about we put some real teeth in those spells. make them hurt, give one of them a bleed.
TheShadowScout wrote: »
- ...gaining a "Bite of Woe" when joining the dark brotherhood, so you finally no longer have to worry about both being on the same command and sometimes triggering the wrong one, but get one "DoItAll" bite attack that also counts in Sithis eyes for proper assassinations!
This please. I really only play my vampire to give out bites and for extra chances at reward boxes during events, nut I'll get around to being a real part of this debate eventually. However, I am definitely a DB fangirl and this causes me all sorts of problems. Especially when the npc wanders. Sure, I can line up and time it so im in the range of one and not the other, but most of this time, the npc moves at the last second and I feed instead of blade etc.
I get the lore behind the Blade though so even if we didn't go this route, I'd like to see the command for one of the two to be something other than x. :P
Joy_Division wrote: »If ZOS had done something to give mortals their own advantages / skillline, than being vampire or werewolf might actually be meaningful choices rather than a power-grab.
Emma_Overload wrote: »bloodthirstyvampire wrote: »Emma_Overload wrote: »Before we make vampirism "more punishing" by forcing us to slot an ability, how about we give vamps FIVE spells?
Two spells plus a weak ultimate is not enough!
Weak since when I've wiped out entire zergs with coordinated bat swarm bombs all at the same time It melts everybody
Are you on EU server? Because I can't even remember the last time I saw someone using bats in PvP, much less kill someone with it. The damage is pitiful compared to the destro ult.
I don't exactly care about vampires looks or whatever. Just that I am FORCED into being one if I want to cheat and overcome the dumb anti-regen politics ZOS imposed on their game.
Be a vampire and you have the single, most valued DPS and healer feature of all: bigger regen.
Downside? Look pale. Oh, yeah, that REALLY makes it!
Weakness to fire? Nah, I know no vampire who ever cares about fire damage in PvE.