Werewolves can be very strong in PVP.DuskMarine wrote: »if werewolf wasnt junk hed be wrong but werewolf is serious junk right now
MLGProPlayer wrote: »
dwemer_paleologist wrote: »the past few months i keep seeing these type of threads that seem to be asking for and wanting, wishing, that other people and classes and anyone whom is different then themselves to suffer, or hurt or have bad things happen to thier class, race, and even skills.
perhaps would be Much better for us all if we wished Good upon eachother, and stop this petty type of threads and instead request Buffs and helps and increases in strengths and better things for one another.
lets be good to eachother.
high time these type of decrease and nerf and hurt eachother threads come to an end.
flguy147ub17_ESO wrote: »being a vampire next patch in PVP will be increibly harsh with light attacks buff with fire staff and there are dawnbreakers everywhere. Gonna cure mine because wont be able to survive in pvp with it i dont think
flguy147ub17_ESO wrote: »being a vampire next patch in PVP will be increibly harsh with light attacks buff with fire staff and there are dawnbreakers everywhere. Gonna cure mine because wont be able to survive in pvp with it i dont think
I think it would make no sense at all to have to slot a vampire ability to gain the benefits - since vampirism is an integral change of a beings nature seom mortal (well, sort of mortal in the case of vestiges) to undead... and the benefits are a reflection thereof. That is also why there should be no "transformation" to use the vampy abilities (that would be werewolves)a lot of players are against hiding vamparism because they consider it a drawback but would probably qq if they were forced to slot a vampire ability, a REAL drawback, in order to get the benefits of regen...
Why Did You Write The Title Like This? Looks Stupid.
And I Agree That Vampirism Passives Should Be Active With An Ability Slotted.
DuskMarine wrote: »Why Did You Write The Title Like This? Looks Stupid.
And I Agree That Vampirism Passives Should Be Active With An Ability Slotted.
if they made it to where you had to have an ability slotted it would be useless and permanently purged from peoples memories then no one except bloodthirstyvampire will be a vampire(making the only game with useful vampire power skyrim). if i had to slot a ability to use it with the other problems it has id just take it off and say screw it it has no use if they make it like that.
bloodthirstyvampire wrote: »DuskMarine wrote: »Why Did You Write The Title Like This? Looks Stupid.
And I Agree That Vampirism Passives Should Be Active With An Ability Slotted.
if they made it to where you had to have an ability slotted it would be useless and permanently purged from peoples memories then no one except bloodthirstyvampire will be a vampire(making the only game with useful vampire power skyrim). if i had to slot a ability to use it with the other problems it has id just take it off and say screw it it has no use if they make it like that.
Ftfy @DuskMarine
DuskMarine wrote: »Why Did You Write The Title Like This? Looks Stupid.
And I Agree That Vampirism Passives Should Be Active With An Ability Slotted.
if they made it to where you had to have an ability slotted it would be useless and permanently purged from peoples memories then no one will be a vampire(making the only game with useful vampire power skyrim). if i had to slot a ability to use it with the other problems it has id just take it off and say screw it it has no use if they make it like that.
Joy_Division wrote: »If ZOS had done something to give mortals their own advantages / skillline, than being vampire or werewolf might actually be meaningful choices rather than a power-grab.
MLGProPlayer wrote: »DuskMarine wrote: »Why Did You Write The Title Like This? Looks Stupid.
And I Agree That Vampirism Passives Should Be Active With An Ability Slotted.
if they made it to where you had to have an ability slotted it would be useless and permanently purged from peoples memories then no one will be a vampire(making the only game with useful vampire power skyrim). if i had to slot a ability to use it with the other problems it has id just take it off and say screw it it has no use if they make it like that.
Vampire builds are supposed to be niche. Right now, they're pretty much mandatory for PvE.
a lot of players are against hiding vamparism because they consider it a drawback but would probably qq if they were forced to slot a vampire ability, a REAL drawback, in order to get the benefits of regen. "Embrace vampirism" is the argument. So the anti hide vampirism crowd should really embrace it and be forced to slot a vampire ability as one of the draw backs of vampirism just like the old days. At this point the majority of people only consider vampirism as a stat increase and many don't care about the cosmetics and the drawback isn't bad enough and so take advantage of the stat increase vampirism without even touching the full power of vamprism. atleast with this change people will not feel forced to take advantage and ruin their appearance they spent a considerable amount of time tweaking before ruining it with a skin that leaves your fur, skin, and tatoos bleached. Really eso has one of the worst incarnations of vampirism appearance wise.
Lore reasons (illusion magic, blending in with mortals, ingame explanations) and gameplay mechanics (Skins that hide vamparism already...) doesnt matter apparently and yet We can already hide our heavy armor by looking like we have light armor, or wear a wedding dress on a tank. I can make my axes look like daggers and still inflict bleeds on my opponents. I can hide my zaans and pretty soon i can even change my gear to look like monster sets which make a bigger difference in gameplay but yet hide vamparism is a huge no to them yet probably use the outfit system to hide their real gear. I think this change would help purge a huge number of players that treat vampirism like a stat increase with little drawback.
a lot of players are against hiding vamparism because they consider it a drawback but would probably qq if they were forced to slot a vampire ability, a REAL drawback, in order to get the benefits of regen. "Embrace vampirism" is the argument. So the anti hide vampirism crowd should really embrace it and be forced to slot a vampire ability as one of the draw backs of vampirism just like the old days. At this point the majority of people only consider vampirism as a stat increase and many don't care about the cosmetics and the drawback isn't bad enough and so take advantage of the stat increase vampirism without even touching the full power of vamprism. atleast with this change people will not feel forced to take advantage and ruin their appearance they spent a considerable amount of time tweaking before ruining it with a skin that leaves your fur, skin, and tatoos bleached. Really eso has one of the worst incarnations of vampirism appearance wise.
Lore reasons (illusion magic, blending in with mortals, ingame explanations) and gameplay mechanics (Skins that hide vamparism already...) doesnt matter apparently and yet We can already hide our heavy armor by looking like we have light armor, or wear a wedding dress on a tank. I can make my axes look like daggers and still inflict bleeds on my opponents. I can hide my zaans and pretty soon i can even change my gear to look like monster sets which make a bigger difference in gameplay but yet hide vamparism is a huge no to them yet probably use the outfit system to hide their real gear. I think this change would help purge a huge number of players that treat vampirism like a stat increase with little drawback.
Why do YOU care how other people are playing the game that THEY paid for?!? Unless you paid for their game, then you shouldn't expect to be able to decide how other players play the game or are 'punished' for how they decide to play it!!