They are not PVE storylines. As they exist within a PVP area, they are in fact PVP storylines.
Thunderknuckles wrote: »
I run IC on a very regular basis. I'd be happy to try and help you through it, but doubt you're as late as I am. Some of that is group content for lower levels. What class are you?
You cut out the first part of that quote where I stated "Quest are still completely doable, they just require a bit more caution and effort."
Nothing is keeping you from completing these quests except for your own lack of will to put forth the effort and practice the caution required to complete them.
You want a solution? Here are several:
- Get better at pvp.
- Do quests with other people.
- Watch out for enemy players and do your best to run and hide if you see them.
- Attempt the quests when your alliance has a dominant presence in that area.
- Accept that you will be killed by other players, play like you would in PvE and just keep at it.
- Keep invisibility potions on you or play with a nightblade and stealth every time you even think you see or hear an enemy player.
- Play on a super tanky character and hope enemy players get bored of you.
- Play on a super speedy character that can run away.
Whatever your approach is, chances are you will get killed from time to time. If you can't handle that then there's no solution that will help you.
They are not PVE storylines. As they exist within a PVP area, they are in fact PVP storylines.
Just as trial storylines are not solo storylines.
Simply because they have similar programatic mechanics as a PVE quest does not make them so any more than because a trial quest uses the same programatic mechanics as a solo content quest that a trial should be able to be completed solo. The latter sounds absurd because it is absurd.
As does the idea that someone who is so adverse to PVP that they do not take the time to learn/gear to defend themselves, or to group should be entitled to complete what is clearly PVP content.
You should not be surprised to hit a certain wall of disdain for such a sense of entitlement.
Sharpen your weapons, learn to fight, or learn to lead others, or both - and get it done. And experience a rich and rewarding gameplay style, broaden your horizons.
Or don’t. But they aren’t going to water it down for you.
A sucker punch (American English), also known as a coward punch, or cold-*** (American English), is a punch made without warning or while the recipient is distracted, allowing no time for preparation or defense on the part of the recipient. It is often thrown from behind—such as in the 'knockout game'—although striking from behind is not a prerequisite for a sucker punch. The term is generally used in situations where the way in which the punch has been delivered is considered unfair or unethical, and is done using deception or distraction, hence the term 'sucker' used to refer to the victim.
Well original only the alliance who had EMP could access imperial city which would allow PVers to come in and do the quest and farm Tel Var without being killed.PVE only players complained that they won't be able to try the first DLC in year because there alliance might not make it in and so they couldn't play so they half ased the DLC so anyone could get in and now we have cry babies complaining about what they asked for.NewBlacksmurf wrote: »IC just shouldn't be paid should've been a base game update.
Now the content itself...story odd cause its technically supposed to be an at war concept however, it doesn't work that way in reality. its almost like they wrote the quests and then later someone decided to make the whole zone PvP instead of it being a zone where once the gates were captured....another alliance could come in and clear it out to have a few hours of PvE peace and quiet until the next battle and reset. (Meaning you never win the little wars and there's no peace time)
Its done very odd in my experiences so I don't do it. Glad it came with a future bundle CE
You are not helpful, because you are giving generic advice that largely is worthless to the situation of that quest. There are 3 waves of Daedra that spawn only if you are in the small quest circle for the door, and 3 doors. Your presence is announced by the npc yelling out about Daedra attacking a door. The Daedra will break through the door and fail the quest if you don’t participate. Because you didn’t defend the door.
Running and hiding is not an option because that would fail the quest.
Alliance having a dominant presence is irrelevant because of the location - it is next to where the reds pop up that are on their way to the yellow section of the sewers. Any red that is on the way to any location in the general direction of the AD areas is going to pass by that quest location.
Invis or cloak doesn’t work because to complete the quest there are waves of mobs and either you stay and fight or you fail the quest and start over.
Dying there opens you up to a bug that hangs the quest and it never spawns the next wave, forcing you to abandon the quest and re-accept it from the very beginning. For a quest that takes 20 minutes if you are left the fark alone, getting ganked in the middle of wave 5 puts you back at the start of wave 4, and might force you to restart at wave 1. Getting jumped while tackling wave 8 or 9 and the quest glitching to never be completable happened to me several times. But you won’t be sure you have to abandon and restart from square 1 until you’ve crouched there waiting long enough to become sure that the mobs are never going to spawn.
It took me weeks to get this quest done. I hated it. Getting master angler on that character was easier.
The petty behavior of GROUPS of people who camped out waiting for me to return to the quest spot is what turned me off of pvp. I looked at the cost of those storage coffers and decided I wasn’t going to spend the crowns, and I simply dislike pvp too much to swallow that grind. When double telvar ic was going on, I built my healer especially to prevent the gankers from succeeding in bombing the group when Molag bal dies. Rarely did the bombers get more than 1 or 2 even when they came in teams - thanks to earthgore.
myskyrim26 wrote: »
Thnak you for the offer! I play Khajiit stamblade, lvl 29 now, PC EU. Maybe I could play late - depends on what time is it.