LOL that you call 4-6 lvl 40+ players vs 1x lvl 29 one 'pvp'
More like semi vs Kitten.
Part of the hazard of playing in a PvP zone. Doesn't matter if it's 1 player killing you or 30, if you don't want to or can't fight them, then run away and hide until they pass.
vamp_emily wrote: »
wow.. in 3 years I've only been killed a few times in low level IC. I never see the enemy and very few DC.
OP put this on your kitty and you will be safe:
5 pieces of plague doctor
5 pieces of Fortified Brass
Most players will try to kill you and then just give up.
myskyrim26 wrote: »
Need to be more patient and don't ressurect so soon to check if they kill "my" enemies, ty!
I agree. I get rekt by choo choos but I don't care.
However: let's don't pretend he's complaining about 'pvping' as such. He's complaining about getting gangbanged - and frankly - I can understand the sentiment even though it's a PVP zone.
BozzyTheDrummer wrote: »Are you trying to do this solo? For me, getting anywhere is Cyrodiil/IC is better in a group. But then again, I am only cp221, so I can't do much when going in there solo.
What gets me is OP seems to be saying that it was a bad decision to place quests in a PvP zone in the first place. Just because they don't enjoy PvP doesn't mean that people who do enjoy PvP shouldn't get quests.
myskyrim26 wrote: »
Well, yes, and quests seem to be doable solo (so far). My main is 560 CPs, so I thought that my Khajiit will cope with the IC PVE content having them
myskyrim26 wrote: »
Sure, but there must be a soulution for those who are not interested in PVP. Quests should not be hidden for both types of players - those preffering PVP and PVE. Now, the IC quests are hidden for PVE ones.
Thanks anyway!
Why must there be? There isn't a way to experience all the great story and lore from any of the trials for players who are not interested in group PVE.myskyrim26 wrote: »there must be a soulution for those who are not interested in PVP
You cut out the first part of that quote where I stated "Quest are still completely doable, they just require a bit more caution and effort."myskyrim26 wrote: »
Sure, but there must be a soulution for those who are not interested in PVP. Quests should not be hidden for both types of players - those preffering PVP and PVE. Now, the IC quests are hidden for PVE ones.
Thanks anyway!
EU PC 2000+ CP professional mudballer and pie thrower"Sheggorath, you are the Skooma Cat, for what is crazier than a cat on skooma?" - Fadomai
myskyrim26 wrote: »
Well, yes, and quests seem to be doable solo (so far). My main is 560 CPs, so I thought that my Khajiit will cope with the IC PVE content having them
Comes to PvP zone to quest.
Complains about players PvPing.
Do PvPers not deserve quests?
myskyrim26 wrote: »Ok, I wanted to do an IC storyline with my Khajiit. It seems to be very interesting. And undoable, as every time I try to defend the gates - a quest in Noble district - a crowd from other Alliance comes and killes me.
Thank you, ZOS, for the excellent idea of placing a quest in the PVP zone. Thanks a lot. Many thanks. I guess I have to read this story somewhere as I will never be able to it. Learn to play PVP, get some friends - no, thanks. I'm only interested in quests in ESO. Thanks again.
ParaNostram wrote: »Sorry OP but reality of IC is it's a PvP zone sooooooo just gotta deal with the PvP. Don't see PvPers in a dungeon complaining about a lack of PvP in there.
They are not PVE storylines. As they exist within a PVP area, they are in fact PVP storylines.