IC story is undoable

Ok, I wanted to do an IC storyline with my Khajiit. It seems to be very interesting. And undoable, as every time I try to defend the gates - a quest in Noble district - a crowd from other Alliance comes and killes me.
Thank you, ZOS, for the excellent idea of placing a quest in the PVP zone. Thanks a lot. Many thanks. I guess I have to read this story somewhere as I will never be able to it. Learn to play PVP, get some friends - no, thanks. I'm only interested in quests in ESO. Thanks again.
Edited by myskyrim26 on May 3, 2018 5:18PM
  • Mureel
    myskyrim26 wrote: »
    Ok, I wanted to do an IC storyline with my Khajiit. It seems to be very interesting. And undoable, as every time I try to defend the gates - a quest in Noble district - a crowd from other Alliance comes and killes me.
    Thank you, ZOS, for the excellent idea of placing a quest in the PVP zone. Thanks a lot. Many thanks. I guess I have to read this story somewhere as I will never be able to it. Learn to play PVP, get some friends - no, thanks. I'm only interested in quests in ESO. Thanks again.

    Go in an off-prime time or in the no cp campaign.

    Not complicated.
  • Raammzzaa
    Perhaps try to do the quest on a less populated campaign, and/or at a non-peak hour?
    Edited by Raammzzaa on May 3, 2018 5:22PM
  • myskyrim26
    @Mureel, @Raammzzaa,
    Today is day 3 of my attempts... tried morning and day, now tried evening... the district is yellow - supposed to be held by my alliance... But it always ends up with several Pact or Covenant great heroes killing me.

    I'm on Kyne campain, my Khajiit is lvl 29
    Edited by myskyrim26 on May 3, 2018 5:25PM
  • Elsterchen
    myskyrim26 wrote: »
    Ok, I wanted to do an IC storyline with my Khajiit. It seems to be very interesting. And undoable, as every time I try to defend the gates - a quest in Noble district - a crowd from other Alliance comes and killes me.
    Thank you, ZOS, for the excellent idea of placing a quest in the PVP zone. Thanks a lot. Many thanks. I guess I have to read this story somewhere as I will never be able to it. Learn to play PVP, get some friends - no, thanks. I'm only interested in quests in ESO. Thanks again.

    Ok, actually as a NB you should be able to hide yourself really much better then my stamplar... and even she has fun when solo in IC. get used tho sneak around in IC... it helps alot when solo.

    Secondly, if you feel there are to many enemies, come back later (out of prime time) or bring some friends and/or guildies with you. If you don't have friends/guildies and a RL keeping you away from eso ... try to do the quests in another campaign (I suggest to choose a rather slim populated one/ one dominated by your fraction for guest campaign)

    If all fails, IC may just not be your piece of cake. ;)
  • Claudman
    I read the story because I wasn't able to do the quests and because I didn't even want to bother fussing with Imperial City. The place is pretty much only good for grinding Tel Var or the occasional gank. Quests? Don't even bother. Unless you want to specifically gear yourself for the area, because let's be real...Even in 'low peak' servers, you'll still be ganked. Take it from someone who spent a long time farming Tel Var for sets and polymorphs. I PvP myself and I absolutely despise the area.

    In all honesty, friends are your best bet. If you get ganked by an enemy player, you'll be able to group DPS him down. However, if it's a 1vX build...That's a different story.
    Welcome, Moon-and-Star, to this place where destiny is made.

    I play healers or DPS often for vet dungeons and trials (NA, CP810+). I play mostly elves or Argonians.
    I primarily play Damage-Based stuff in PvP, but occasionally I'll play something tanky or got the heals.
    I also love gaining more knowledge both metaphysical and mundane regarding TES lore.

    I also occasionally role-play, but I prefer playing the game.
  • Mureel
    myskyrim26 wrote: »
    @Mureel, @Raammzzaa,
    Today is day 3 of my attempts... tried morning and day, now tried evening... the district is yellow - supposed to be held by my alliance... But it always ends up with several Pact or Covenant great heroes killing me.

    I'm on Kyne campain, my Khajiit is lvl 29

    Lots of people who are PRO pvpers play in the under 50 campaign. They pvp to 50, delete char and start over.

    Is why I said go on no CP campaign (Sotha Sil): Hardly anyone really plays there, the monsters are harder past lvl 50 due to CP being inactive, but before that, you are battle levelled so it will be ez pz to do the quest/s.

    Try out Sotha Sil.
  • josiahva
    lol, IC is a PvE/PvP hybrid area...to do the content there requires being able to PvP at least a little(or hiding when needed). If you cant handle it, the content isn't for you. Just like other content you need to gain skill to do like vet DLC dungeons, trials, etc....you must gain skill in PvP to unlock that content...or just get lucky.
  • myskyrim26
    @Mureel, thank you for advice, will change campaing

    As for other comments... well, I do sneak and hide. But I can't sneak and hide all time while killing daedra attacking the gate. Daedra alone are already a challenge for me, but it is fun and I manage to take them down. But daedra + players?
    And as for fighting gankers back - they are a group of 3-5, and I'm alone. And they're lvl 45-48. Do I really have any chance?
  • MasterSpatula
    Yeah, I managed to do this on two characters when I was between gigs and able to do it during normal work hours. I probably wouldn't try now that I only have evenings and weekends to play.
    "A probable impossibility is preferable to an improbable possibility." - Aristotle
  • Claudman
    Players in Imperial City often like to use the adds against you. ESPECIALLY since you're questing, so there's a high chance the adds will aggro and target you alone, while the players wail on you. Always be sure to check your surroundings especially when engaging in a boss encounter.

    As someone who does the harder content, I think it's a tad ridiculous for Imperial City to be so exclusive. Money poured into a DLC that you can barely play because you're either getting zerg'd or ganked. Also the PvP there in itself is poor compared to Cyro, it makes Battlegrounds look well-balanced, free of toxicity and fun...And Battlegrounds is anything but those things.
    Maybe that's why it's a dead zone most of the time.
    Welcome, Moon-and-Star, to this place where destiny is made.

    I play healers or DPS often for vet dungeons and trials (NA, CP810+). I play mostly elves or Argonians.
    I primarily play Damage-Based stuff in PvP, but occasionally I'll play something tanky or got the heals.
    I also love gaining more knowledge both metaphysical and mundane regarding TES lore.

    I also occasionally role-play, but I prefer playing the game.
  • myskyrim26

    same for me - mainly evenings and weekends to play
  • kringled_1
    I'm a bit surprised you ran into that in Kyne. I was in IC Kyne this past Saturday, early evening, just skyshards and the full way back through the sewers. I did not see another player in that whole time. As a general guide, some of the IC district story quests are easily soloable; arena and temple fights are potentially a bit tougher, and I don't remember which one is Nobles.
  • Armatesz
    I decided to actually do the questing in imperial city and I did it solo on april 27th. I've had some small groups of people that tried to attack me but I made sure they bit off more than they can chew and didn't actively look for them so I guess they kind of realized to back off. I've even helped them with some monsters they were having problems with. I still remember some of them I was close to killing them but left them when they were at 20% and on the ground. I honestly don't like killing other players imo, but I do know how to defend myself or ruin other zergs if need be.
    Xbox NA
    Guildless (by choice)
  • NordSwordnBoard
    I definitely agree with Mureel about the difference in the campaigns. Sotha Sil alone may be a solution. Some Invisibility+speed pots & patience may also help you escape some situations.

    You may be surprised, if you ask in zone for an escort - you are basically the bait, but some pvpers like to beat down those who would pick on their little bro/sis. Even an extra pair of eyes, not doing the quest, and scouting for you from stealth may help more than you think.

    edit for clarity
    Edited by NordSwordnBoard on May 3, 2018 6:03PM
    Fear is the Mindkiller
  • Mureel
    I definitely agree with Mureel about the difference in the campaigns. Sotha Sil alone may be a solution. Some Invisibility+speed pots & patience may also help you escape some situations.

    You may be surprised, if you ask in zone for an escort - you are basically the bait, but some pvpers like to beat down those who would pick on their little bro/sis. Even an extra pair of eyes, not doing the quest, and scouting for you from stealth may help more than you think.

    edit for clarity

    I'd absolutely help if I was farming telvar and saw that in zone. lol shoot. I'd round up friends to help too xD if there were enough DC/EP running amok!
    Edited by Mureel on May 3, 2018 6:09PM
  • vamp_emily
    Create a baby Khajiit and go to Kyne.

    If you want a friend, get a dog.
    AW Rank: Grand Warlord 1 ( level 49)

  • kylewwefan
    myskyrim26 wrote: »
    Ok, I wanted to do an IC storyline with my Khajiit. It seems to be very interesting. And undoable, as every time I try to defend the gates - a quest in Noble district - a crowd from other Alliance comes and killes me.
    Thank you, ZOS, for the excellent idea of placing a quest in the PVP zone. Thanks a lot. Many thanks. I guess I have to read this story somewhere as I will never be able to it. Learn to play PVP, get some friends - no, thanks. I'm only interested in quests in ESO. Thanks again.

    I hear ya and in same boat. No idea why people defend the devs or try to offer lame solutions? The no cp campaign? Seriously? I get wrecked by the npc in there.
  • Mureel
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    Create a baby Khajiit and go to Kyne.

    He has a baby - lvl 29.
    I'm on Kyne campain, my Khajiit is lvl 29
  • NewBlacksmurf
    IC just shouldn't be paid content...it should've been a base game update.

    Now the content itself...story wise....is odd cause its technically supposed to be an at war concept however, it doesn't work that way in reality. its almost like they wrote the quests and then later someone decided to make the whole zone PvP instead of it being a zone where once the gates were captured....another alliance could come in and clear it out to have a few hours of PvE peace and quiet until the next battle and reset. (Meaning you never win the little wars and there's no peace time)

    Its done very odd in my experiences so I don't do it. Glad it came with a future bundle CE
    Edited by NewBlacksmurf on May 3, 2018 6:17PM
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • driosketch
    Does the group that wipes you also wipe the mobs? You might be able to get credit for that fight if you don't release right away. That's how I cleared Temple and Arena quests when IC first launched.
    Main: Drio Azul ~ DC, Redguard, Healer/Magicka Templar ~ NA-PC
    ●The Psijic Order●The Sidekick Order●Great House Hlaalu●Bal-Busters●
  • AlnilamE
    OP, are you on NA or EU? (I'm guessing from the campaign names that you are on PC)
    The Moot Councillor
  • Mureel
    kylewwefan wrote: »

    I hear ya and in same boat. No idea why people defend the devs or try to offer lame solutions? The no cp campaign? Seriously? I get wrecked by the npc in there.

    You have 1k CP. OFC you get rekt.

    Unless you go on sub 50 char. Then you do not because you are battle levelled to them.

    I level my lowbie chars in no cp IC.

    However: if I try to solo bosses on CP chars (as in over lvl 50), it's much harder and I fail and get flat out rekt by some, when I can solo them on CP campaigns.
    Edited by Mureel on May 3, 2018 6:27PM
  • TheShadowScout
    myskyrim26 wrote: »
    I guess I have to read this story somewhere as I will never be able to it. Learn to play PVP, get some friends - no, thanks. I'm only interested in quests in ESO...
    ...and that is why I myself haven't done the IC story, yet. Since its pretty futile to do all alone, heck, even if you somehow manage not to get ganked, there are some parts you just cannot solo, but need a warband for, or so it seems.
    Still, I don't complain.
    Someday I will find some goup pf PvPlayers, and tag along for that. Someday.
    As for the "uhhhh, don't mix PvP into our questing" - so what? The PvP-fanatics also need to quest for some things, I have no issues respawning half a dozend time pursuing some PvP-ish story simply because I suck at the PvPness... yeah, it can be vexing, but I will grind my teeth and do it. Someday.
    I mean, I did the other cyrodil questings too, with grinding teeth and much pre-gank anxiety... IC is just a step up on the gankyness scale. I will deal with it. Someday.
  • Ley
    Comes to PvP zone to quest.
    Complains about players PvPing.

    Do PvPers not deserve quests?
    Leylith - MagSorc | Leyloth - StamPlar | Leynerd - MagPlar | Leylit - StamBlade | Ley Eviticus - StamDK | Leydor - MagDen | Leylum - StamSorc | Leylux - MagBlade
  • starkerealm
    myskyrim26 wrote: »
    @Mureel, thank you for advice, will change campaing

    As for other comments... well, I do sneak and hide. But I can't sneak and hide all time while killing daedra attacking the gate. Daedra alone are already a challenge for me, but it is fun and I manage to take them down. But daedra + players?
    And as for fighting gankers back - they are a group of 3-5, and I'm alone. And they're lvl 45-48. Do I really have any chance?

    @myskyrim26, if you know what you're doing? Yes. I say this as someone who's survived 6v1 in the IC on occasion. In fact, rather paradoxically, low level characters fare better against high level ones, because of how level scaling affects you both. However, that's not a reasonable goal to set for yourself because of a couple factors.

    PvP builds are not the same as PvE, so, "just because," you're a level 29, doesn't mean you should be up to 1vXing. You could rig up a build to do exactly that if you wanted.

    These guys are, probably, running airtight builds. At that point it's reasonably possible for a level 29 with an excellent build to smear them across the walls, but you would need to be exceptionally good at PvP.

    My honest recommendation, when it comes to the Imperial City's PvE content is, unless you're comfortable soloing multiple enemy players, get three or four buddies to go with you, to hit the content. That should protect you against all but the most determined zergs.
  • myskyrim26
    driosketch wrote: »
    Does the group that wipes you also wipe the mobs? You might be able to get credit for that fight if you don't release right away. That's how I cleared Temple and Arena quests when IC first launched.

    Need to be more patient and don't ressurect so soon to check if they kill "my" enemies, ty!
    AlnilamE wrote: »
    OP, are you on NA or EU? (I'm guessing from the campaign names that you are on PC)

    PC EU

  • Hippie4927
    I'm not a PVP'er but I did that quest. I went to IC at 6am Eastern and it was fairly empty. Other players didn't start to show up until around 9am.

    Too bad you are AD.......I would be willing to go with you but I'm EP and I would have to kill you! (just joking :) )
    PC/NA/EP ✌️
  • Mureel
    myskyrim26 wrote: »
    @Mureel, thank you for advice, will change campaing

    As for other comments... well, I do sneak and hide. But I can't sneak and hide all time while killing daedra attacking the gate. Daedra alone are already a challenge for me, but it is fun and I manage to take them down. But daedra + players?
    And as for fighting gankers back - they are a group of 3-5, and I'm alone. And they're lvl 45-48. Do I really have any chance?

    One thing is: just take sotha sil as GUEST; do not delete/change campaign - costs AP/Gold and not necessary.

    It matters not which campaign you are in to complete quests; thus you can go to Kyne and see how it is, then swap to Sotha and check there etc till you get it done.

    Shor is home or guest on all my chars because it's my favourite xD
  • vamp_emily
    Mureel wrote: »

    He has a baby - lvl 29.

    wow.. in 3 years I've only been killed a few times in low level IC. I never see the enemy and very few DC.

    OP put this on your kitty and you will be safe:
    5 pieces of plague doctor
    5 pieces of Fortified Brass

    Most players will try to kill you and then just give up.

    If you want a friend, get a dog.
    AW Rank: Grand Warlord 1 ( level 49)

  • Mureel
    Ley wrote: »
    Comes to PvP zone to quest.
    Complains about players PvPing.

    Do PvPers not deserve quests?

    LOL that you call 4-6 lvl 40+ players vs 1x lvl 29 one 'pvp'

    More like semi vs Kitten.
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