myskyrim26 wrote: »Ok, I wanted to do an IC storyline with my Khajiit. It seems to be very interesting. And undoable, as every time I try to defend the gates - a quest in Noble district - a crowd from other Alliance comes and killes me.
Thank you, ZOS, for the excellent idea of placing a quest in the PVP zone. Thanks a lot. Many thanks. I guess I have to read this story somewhere as I will never be able to it. Learn to play PVP, get some friends - no, thanks. I'm only interested in quests in ESO. Thanks again.
myskyrim26 wrote: »Ok, I wanted to do an IC storyline with my Khajiit. It seems to be very interesting. And undoable, as every time I try to defend the gates - a quest in Noble district - a crowd from other Alliance comes and killes me.
Thank you, ZOS, for the excellent idea of placing a quest in the PVP zone. Thanks a lot. Many thanks. I guess I have to read this story somewhere as I will never be able to it. Learn to play PVP, get some friends - no, thanks. I'm only interested in quests in ESO. Thanks again.
myskyrim26 wrote: »@Mureel, @Raammzzaa,
Today is day 3 of my attempts... tried morning and day, now tried evening... the district is yellow - supposed to be held by my alliance... But it always ends up with several Pact or Covenant great heroes killing me.
I'm on Kyne campain, my Khajiit is lvl 29
NordSwordnBoard wrote: »I definitely agree with Mureel about the difference in the campaigns. Sotha Sil alone may be a solution. Some Invisibility+speed pots & patience may also help you escape some situations.
You may be surprised, if you ask in zone for an escort - you are basically the bait, but some pvpers like to beat down those who would pick on their little bro/sis. Even an extra pair of eyes, not doing the quest, and scouting for you from stealth may help more than you think.
edit for clarity
myskyrim26 wrote: »Ok, I wanted to do an IC storyline with my Khajiit. It seems to be very interesting. And undoable, as every time I try to defend the gates - a quest in Noble district - a crowd from other Alliance comes and killes me.
Thank you, ZOS, for the excellent idea of placing a quest in the PVP zone. Thanks a lot. Many thanks. I guess I have to read this story somewhere as I will never be able to it. Learn to play PVP, get some friends - no, thanks. I'm only interested in quests in ESO. Thanks again.
vamp_emily wrote: »Create a baby Khajiit and go to Kyne.
I'm on Kyne campain, my Khajiit is lvl 29
kylewwefan wrote: »
I hear ya and in same boat. No idea why people defend the devs or try to offer lame solutions? The no cp campaign? Seriously? I get wrecked by the npc in there.
...and that is why I myself haven't done the IC story, yet. Since its pretty futile to do all alone, heck, even if you somehow manage not to get ganked, there are some parts you just cannot solo, but need a warband for, or so it seems.myskyrim26 wrote: »I guess I have to read this story somewhere as I will never be able to it. Learn to play PVP, get some friends - no, thanks. I'm only interested in quests in ESO...
myskyrim26 wrote: »@Mureel, thank you for advice, will change campaing
As for other comments... well, I do sneak and hide. But I can't sneak and hide all time while killing daedra attacking the gate. Daedra alone are already a challenge for me, but it is fun and I manage to take them down. But daedra + players?
And as for fighting gankers back - they are a group of 3-5, and I'm alone. And they're lvl 45-48. Do I really have any chance?
driosketch wrote: »Does the group that wipes you also wipe the mobs? You might be able to get credit for that fight if you don't release right away. That's how I cleared Temple and Arena quests when IC first launched.
OP, are you on NA or EU? (I'm guessing from the campaign names that you are on PC)
myskyrim26 wrote: »@Mureel, thank you for advice, will change campaing
As for other comments... well, I do sneak and hide. But I can't sneak and hide all time while killing daedra attacking the gate. Daedra alone are already a challenge for me, but it is fun and I manage to take them down. But daedra + players?
And as for fighting gankers back - they are a group of 3-5, and I'm alone. And they're lvl 45-48. Do I really have any chance?