Bigevilpeter wrote: »It won't work in this game since you will have to level up all their skill trees again which might as well reroll a new one
madchuska83 wrote: »Considering the fact that it's possible to level a new toon to 50 in a matter of days, my answer is no. Granted you will still have to grind guild skill lines, but it's not terribly difficult.
Then just dont use it and everyone’s happy.
Zorgon_The_Revenged wrote: »Do any other games sell class change tokens? Just interested.
@tinythinker race change is not nearly as significant. In most cases, it's an equivalent change to max stats and / or recovery, in some cases damage. Those things can be modified with gear, glyphs, and CP's from one build to another.tinythinker wrote: »Ignoring the huge time and cost, though, for people with high levels of achievements.
How is race change not a fundamental change, btw? I recall the same argument being used before those tokens came out.
Yet if someone values the character they are invested in why does class change matter? Other than commonly expressed sentiments about the importance of "making choices matter"? It isn't only achievements that players are invested in with their characters.Merlin13KAGL wrote: »The very (achievement) argument that characters should be an investment on some level is exactly the reason I say "No."
Syncronaut wrote: »A) It will create a class inbalance -- everyone will switch to op class
B ) Will give Zenimax to much power and they can nerf that class and make one OP to sell you more class changes (blizzard is kinda doing this, but with racial changes every expansion)
C) Pay to win
D) I played some mmos who had class change tokens -- those games ended up dead as anyone who was playing a weak class simply quit
I would love this. My main character/completionist is a Templar. Templars get a lot of love and respect and that's awesome.
I play a really bad Templar.It was a poor character choice that I didn't realize until too far in (I spent time exploring the various ways I could attempt to play the class). By the time I did realize, I had just beaten Molag Bal and was barely into Cadwell's Silver. At that point rerolling my main crafter/achievement holder was too painful.
I've made other characters since, of course and have since discovered that I do best with Magicka DKs.
I would love to be in a position where I want to run her again, vs. forcing myself to continue questing/exploring with her.
Class reroll would do that.
*If* she could keep all quest progression, achievements and skill points (because of completed quests/skyshards) I would be happy to class reroll her to a level 1 again and grind her back up to CP level.
I'm happy to limit it to one lifetime change per character as well.
It is PROVEN that it is faster to level up a new character in ESO that getting a silly token to change classes.
So if OP is thinking this token will be added to the game anytime soon, the answer is no. Start rolling that new character.
I'm amazed how confident the "No"-sayers are on what WILL happen if there'd be class change tokens introduced - like everyone will immediately swap to play the meta or how the game will inevtiably become P2W, etc.
This level of future-telling is a much sought after skill and I would like to learn from you guys because the only thing I can say will necessarily happen if the game offers class change is that those would like to change class for some reason may consider doing it depending on the conditions.
The other thing (oh, it's already two then, sorry) is that whatever X or Y player does to their character within the game's rules will not affect your game and your characters in any ways. So you can be happy if (and only if) you let those players to be happy as well who would go for the option to change class.
Did I miss something?
@tinythinker I'll give you that. Under the right circumstances, I would be okay with it.tinythinker wrote: »Yet if someone values the character they are invested in why does class change matter? Other than commonly expressed sentiments about the importance of "making choices matter"? It isn't only achievements that players are invested in with their characters.
Anyway, my premise was: if there was a sufficient cost and limiting factors to make chasing fotm moot and to be sure it wasn't some super casual decision, what is the remaining arguments against character change. I was counting you in the group that at such a point would say, "OK, under sufficiently stiff conditions, I'm cool with it." And the way I am reading your reply seems to confirm that.
Grinding out 100+ CP whilst simultaneously leveling up the new class skills lines (yet keeping everything else intact) is definitely a way to discourage fotm chasers but other suggestions people have offered would work as well for that. But in the end there are still people who seem to have some moral conviction (not just a practical concern over in-game abuse/imbalance) against the concept of class-switching and feel that some punishment should be extracted -- not as a fotm deterrent but as a cost of violating some principle or key value -- or that it's just so wrong it can't be allowed under any condition.
UglyBunnyCu wrote: »
no i wont, and if you're curious why read my previous comments
I did read the post you made just before mine that you replied to. An opinion that is clearly not accepted in the MMORPG world that any game that has a class system should have a means to change that class. That is a fallacy. in fact MMORPGs are much more likely to add more character slots as it seems to work out better than a class change mechanism.
Basically, once again, you will not be getting that class change token, or any other means to change the class of a character, any time soon.
I am not arguing with you as I really could care less. Just pointing out that odds are not on your side. You said you will not level up a new character, that is fine. Your choice, but I hope you enjoy the character you have.
As for another one of your comments, are you bound to the NB class forever. That is your choice and yours alone. You can roll another class or continue with the NB. Fortunately they have been doing well and I think they are currently doing well on the PTS.
Again, your choice and it is not likely you will have a class change option any time soon, as in years.
White wabbit wrote: »The reason I can't see this happening is , ZOS release a new class and hey presto with in a second people are running around on this new class , maxed out with zero effort
UglyBunnyCu wrote: »
And so what? Whats the problem? People would do it anyway with making new character, but some people don't want to make new character thus this option should exist, these points don't make any sense
@LadyLethalla Those are time consuming, albeit not difficult.LadyLethalla wrote: »I would like this... so that I wouldn't have to regrind anything other than class skill and racial skill lines. ATM I am in the middle of painfully levelling up Undaunted and FG and MG and all that other BS. Which I'd really rather not do again. It's this kind of thing that stops me from buying another slot for a new character (except in the event that a new class is implemented).