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Master Anglers Rejoice! Pyandonean/ Maomer Motif will be obtainable from fishing

  • Syncronaut
    To clarify, there is no achievement required to obtain this Motif through fishing, and any chapters you fish out can be traded with others.

    Is it fisheable in summerset expansion area only, or anywhere on the world?

    Here is a problem:
    A)If its a summerset only area, the fishing holes will be camped there 24/7 (worst outcome)
    B)If its fisheable anywhere in world, but only for people who have expansion (kinda like the new psyhic line) (best outcome)

    Then there is a it 1 out of 10000 / 1 out of 8000 / 1 out of 5000 and so on....the lower the droprate, the worse for players --) more players prefer to spend money on lootboxes --) the current solution is still bad

    I mean if its worse than shiny pokemon chance.........we will never see one

    As some famos youtuber said .... its a big overstep, but a small stepback to make you happy.
  • Armatesz
    heaven13 wrote: »
    I assume the style material will also be available to get from fishing?

    I've been wondering about this. I've got a couple Maormer style items in my bank (from Tempest island) so I wonder if that will essentially become the style material once Summerset goes live.

    I'm going to find it funny that all the times I kept doing tempest island vet solo that I can be a type of person to go to for tour guides to get the material there.
    Xbox NA
    Guildless (by choice)
  • Aurielle
    Awesome news, @ZOS_GinaBruno! This might actually compell me to start working on Master Angler. :D

    Speaking as someone who tries to limit herself to no more than ten crates per season, I’m so happy there’s a non-crate alternative to acquiring these motifs. Thank you for listening.
  • Ostacia
    Nice! And I really like the "Motif in a Bottle" idea! (Now I can't get that song out of my head!)
    PC/ NA
    Imagination is the real and eternal world of which this vegetable universe is but a faint shadow. -- William Blake
  • TequilaFire
    Fantastic. For those that worry about diluting the tables for Master Angler the Summerset area is not part of the MA achievement.
  • Aliyavana
    Tasear wrote: »
    do you have to have the master angler title or can anyone get it ?

    Would be interesting if this increased chances @ZOS_GinaBruno

    I'd prefer summerset fishing achievements to increase the chances rather than the full angler. It's be more accessible that way
  • DuskMarine
    better than having to pay out hundreds of dollars for it right
  • Korah_Eaglecry
    Im glad that the motif will be available in game through means of playing or interacting with the content. Im just concerned about what the odds are going to be of it dropping. Guaranteed your RNG chances of it dropping in the Crown Crates will be higher than in game.
    Penniless Sellsword Company
    Captain Paramount - Jorrhaq Vhent
    Korith Eaglecry * Enrerion Aedihle * Laerinel Rhaev * Caius Berilius * Seylina Ithvala * H'Vak the Grimjawl
    Tenarei Rhaev * Dazsh Ro Khar * Yynril Rothvani * Bathes-In-Coin * Anaelle Faerniil * Azjani Ma'Les
    Aban Shahid Bakr * Kheshna gra-Gharbuk * Gallisten Bondurant * Etain Maquier * Atsu Kalame * Faulpia Severinus
    What is better, to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort? - Paarthurnax
  • stojekarcub18_ESO
    Numerikuu wrote: »
    A step in the right direction, but I remain cautious. What will the drop rates be like? Not to mention the competition for fishing nodes and the slow rate at which they respawn.

    The proof is in the pudding.

  • stojekarcub18_ESO
    What wasn't said is they will be as rare as aetheric ciphers

    Ohhhhh, what are those?! They sound fancy!!
  • VilniusNastavnik
    Looks like we need to go fishing then, Ali.
    Active Toons:
    NA - VilniusNastavnik - Magsorc DPS - Altmer
    NA - Ko'h Nehko'h - Stamblade Archer - Khajit
    NA - Arwyn Winterlight - MagPlar Healer - Breton
    NA - Urog Blackfang - DK Tank - Orc
    NA - Elen Windsong - Stamsorc DPS - Bosmer
    NA - Eats-Strange-Fungus - Magden HealzTank- Argonian
    NA - Harwyn Northwind - MagWarden DPS - High Elf
    NA - Raises-Many-Families - Necro HealzTank - Argonian

    Picture of my Active Toons.

    Location: Australia - Wollongong, NSW - Sydney.

    Obligatory ESO Fashion website plug: Vil's Portfolio
  • mike_skleinub17_ESO
    But the sommerset achievements wouldn't necessarily carry over to other areas.

    I'd prefer achievements don't matter at all. Or they be the general fishing ones (not angler) but each rare caught ups the % a tick. Would also make fishing other areas more profitable because for myself up til now I've only cared about the Angler one.
  • Cryptical
    What wasn't said is they will be as rare as aetheric ciphers

    Ohhhhh, what are those?! They sound fancy!!

    Apply the cipher to a complete psijic potion recipe, transforms it into an aetheric potion recipe that gives 100% xp boost.

    There’s psijic potion gives 50% xp boost
    Aetherial potion gives 100% xp boost
    Mythic aetherial potion gives 150% xp boost.

    There’s aetheric cipher, and mythic aetherial cipher.

    Mythic aetherial recipe went for 2.1 mill last I knew. And the mythic aetherial potions go for 25k to 30k. Prices for Xbox na.
    Xbox NA
  • Anastian
    This is great news ^^ Glad ZoS listened to the feedback!
  • grizzledcroc
    Thank you thank you ZOS .
  • MyNameIsElias
  • inclinations
    This is fantastic! Its most fun to fish when its crowded with ppl racing from spot to spot, this zone is going to be great for fishing for a long time rather than no one fishing it after the master anglers complete their collection.
    Edited by inclinations on April 25, 2018 12:40AM
    Vet Maelstrom makes me cry.
  • Darkheart
    Returning Home to Daggerfall.
  • Lyserus
    Drop rate is probably gonna be quite low..but hey, as long as it's tradable and not time-limited due to crown crates, I'm happy
  • Aliyavana

    Just like completing morrowind main quest helped your rng with arminger, I am hoping these two achievements can give each an increased percentage chance to drop the motifs more often.
    Edited by Aliyavana on April 25, 2018 3:34AM
  • SydneyGrey
    Syncronaut wrote: »
    Is it fisheable in summerset expansion area only, or anywhere on the world?
    It's a crown crate drop, so it's not specific to any particular expansion. This should mean it's available anywhere in the world, without the Summerset expansion. I'd be shocked (and disappointed) if they tied it to Summerset.
    *EDIT* Apparently it IS tied to Summerset. Dang it. I'm shocked and disappointed!!! :'(
    Edited by SydneyGrey on April 25, 2018 4:33AM
  • Aliyavana
    SydneyGrey wrote: »
    Syncronaut wrote: »
    Is it fisheable in summerset expansion area only, or anywhere on the world?
    It's a crown crate drop, so it's not specific to any particular expansion. This should mean it's available anywhere in the world, without the Summerset expansion. I'd be shocked (and disappointed) if they tied it to Summerset.

    Its gonna be tied to summerset, the expansion needs more activities tied to it and zos needs more sales
    Edited by Aliyavana on April 25, 2018 3:38AM
  • Left4Daud
    SydneyGrey wrote: »'s not specific to any particular expansion. I'd be shocked (and disappointed) if they tied it to Summerset.

    Sadly you will be shocked and disappointed then. If you read Gina’s post it clearly states that the motif is found “in and around Summerset.”
  • Nemesis7884
    honestly i wish the fishing mini game was just more interesting...for me it is just too boring...for example i really liked the fishing in far cry 5...if fishing was more interesting i'd do could even expand on it instead of fishing only change it into "hunter" and have similar mini games to hunt the game that is all over the place...make it fun and interesting, tied to achievements and interesting rewards and you have something else to do
  • Atallanta
    Thank you ZOS for listening to our feedback, very appreciated!! Even if the motif pages are going to be rare, they will be obtainable in-game, that’s the most important. And who knows, maybe it will drop during the next year anniversary event ;)
  • SydneyGrey
    Left4Daud wrote: »
    Sadly you will be shocked and disappointed then. If you read Gina’s post it clearly states that the motif is found “in and around Summerset.”
    Argh. I missed that part. Color me shocked and disappointed, then. :/
  • Left4Daud
    SydneyGrey wrote: »
    Left4Daud wrote: »
    Sadly you will be shocked and disappointed then. If you read Gina’s post it clearly states that the motif is found “in and around Summerset.”
    Argh. I missed that part. Color me shocked and disappointed, then. :/


    Yeah I missed it on first glance as well. It being limited to just Summerset nodes, now sure how well that is going to go on live. Between the limited availability of fishing nodes and the popularity of fishing in Summerset on release I can imagine it being quite the competition.
  • Yzalirk
    This is a somewhat positive change by ZOS but I am willing to bet that it will be a big pain in the *** to get just one page for this motif because, you know, they originally planned for it to be Crown Crate exclusive.
  • Nightfall12
    This is great news.

    because even though the drop rate may be tiny. It means there will be a way to acquire these for the people without real money. Non-subbers that can't afford crowns can fish, or use in game gold to buy them off other fishers.

    BUT more importantly it means the motif will exist for more than just a single crate season. It was that limited time pressure of a single crate season that really made tactic extra sleazy. Trying to get all the chapters before they disappear forever.
    Ummm stuff… about stuff…or something.
  • Lake
    Guess forum thread complaints (sometimes) work! :D
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