With Summerset we will finally be able to choose to participate in game modes, which is great change. Deathmatch will be most popular game mode for organized teams and their fights should not be downgraded to mindless rush for sigil and free double dmg allowing to get kills way too easy. Please remove sigil from battlegrounds.
@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_BrianWheeler
Some more of ideas how to improve bgs, glad to see some of them being implemented already
They don't need to remove it necessarily. They could change it however.
That said most people still don't get it. There needs to be a mechanic to chase around, otherwise strong teams will just spawn camp the weakest ones. The point of the sigil is that you have to move, otherwise another team will pick it up and wipe you.
So if you want ZOS to listen, you have to come up with other proposals that keep the teams moving.
They don't need to remove it necessarily. They could change it however.
That said most people still don't get it. There needs to be a mechanic to chase around, otherwise strong teams will just spawn camp the weakest ones. The point of the sigil is that you have to move, otherwise another team will pick it up and wipe you.
So if you want ZOS to listen, you have to come up with other proposals that keep the teams moving.
Isnt that the point of deathmatch? Better team win fast and its done, move to next match. Not some cowardly running after free double damage.
Capt_Morgan wrote: »...Right now it too often ends up just accelerating leads as the posing team of a fight is stuck respawning while the winning team just freely grabs sigil and waits for the respawn.
They don't need to remove it necessarily. They could change it however.
That said most people still don't get it. There needs to be a mechanic to chase around, otherwise strong teams will just spawn camp the weakest ones. The point of the sigil is that you have to move, otherwise another team will pick it up and wipe you.
So if you want ZOS to listen, you have to come up with other proposals that keep the teams moving.
Isnt that the point of deathmatch? Better team win fast and its done, move to next match. Not some cowardly running after free double damage.
I'd argue the best team should also be smart enough to look for and pick up the Sigil then.
Look, I explained the reason why the dev team create mechanics where the teams need to move around. What you do with that is, frankly, up to you. But my guess is you'll have a hard time convincing the devs to remove the Sigil when you opine that the point of the Deathmatch is to spawn camp the opposition so that game ends fast.
They don't need to remove it necessarily. They could change it however.
That said most people still don't get it. There needs to be a mechanic to chase around, otherwise strong teams will just spawn camp the weakest ones. The point of the sigil is that you have to move, otherwise another team will pick it up and wipe you.
So if you want ZOS to listen, you have to come up with other proposals that keep the teams moving.
Isnt that the point of deathmatch? Better team win fast and its done, move to next match. Not some cowardly running after free double damage.
I'd argue the best team should also be smart enough to look for and pick up the Sigil then.
Look, I explained the reason why the dev team create mechanics where the teams need to move around. What you do with that is, frankly, up to you. But my guess is you'll have a hard time convincing the devs to remove the Sigil when you opine that the point of the Deathmatch is to spawn camp the opposition so that game ends fast.
So your point is that team that is clearly worse should have their damaged doubled? In what world is that fair and balanced? You are bad? You loose, get better for the next fight or keep loosing, dont count on sigil to replace lack of player skills.
Why team winning by their good gameplay should be penalize with their enemies getting double dmg while they are busy wiping another party and have no time or reason to chase some badly designed pve mechanic.
You have 4 other games modes to mindlessly run around doing great pve instead pvp, let at least deathmatch be what it name says it is.
Deathmatch take barely above 20 kills to end the game. Hardly spawn camping, little bit over 2 wipes on each team and its done.
Is anyone in favor of keeping the sigil? I think it needs to go, but it seems odd to have a thread where everyone is in agreement. Like a bizarro version of the forums.