Summerset Pre-order

Now that Morrowind is going to be free with the base game or sold for crowns, do you still plan on pre-ordering Summerset or will you wait for the chapter to available for crowns?
Edited by The_4O4 on April 6, 2018 4:26PM

Summerset Pre-order 163 votes

I still plan on Pre-ordering Summerset
wayfarerxvailjohn_ESOMongooseOneashenehb14_ESONewBlacksmurfCpt_Teemoopajragnarok6644b14_ESODominoidPlagueSDterovian2000b14_ESOSkuawenchmore420b14_ESOSvenjaSoldier224MadyTryxusIruil_ESOTurelusJD2013 141 votes
I plan on canceling my Pre-order
Nebthet78skoomatraitlihentianThe_4O4RupzSkoomaMajesticHarukiKrawchiGeroken777monktoasty 9 votes
I never planned on Pre-ordering Summerset, however I won't purchase it until it is available for crowns
theskymovesSunraMojmirOkiirdennissomb16_ESOGargathJaybe_MawfakaTimeDazzlerTheHsNTaylor_MBWoodenHeartTelvanniWizardMamauilas 13 votes
  • coop500
    I still plan on Pre-ordering Summerset
    I won't cancel my preorder, since it was digital and i don't think I can, but I wouldn't cancel anyway

    There's no option for "I already got it but won't be cancelling'
    Hoping for more playable races
  • VaranisArano
    I pre-ordered Summerset for Summerset.

    I preordered Morrowind last year.

    Don't regret it.
  • cal50
    I will pre-order Summerset for Summerset.
  • Turelus
    I still plan on Pre-ordering Summerset
    I'll pre-order.

    If I don't I will have to wait a year only to get the base zone free. I would probably still need to pay for access to jewellery crafting and maybe the Psijic (not sure how that will work?) a year from now.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Farscape76
    I still plan on Pre-ordering Summerset
    I want to play the content now... what happens in the future regarding price, method of payment, or bundle options is tomorrow's problem.
    CP 1200+ Xbox - NA - Ebonheart Pact
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  • Smokewood
    I still plan on Pre-ordering Summerset
    Already pre-ordered and the status of old content matters not....
  • Kodrac
    You missed an option. I was never going to preorder anyway, but I'll get it when it releases. I'm not waiting a year for it to be free with the next expansion.
  • Turelus
    I still plan on Pre-ordering Summerset
    Kodrac wrote: »
    You missed an option. I was never going to preorder anyway, but I'll get it when it releases. I'm not waiting a year for it to be free with the next expansion.
    @Kodrac out of curiosity why not pre-order if you plan to buy it on launch. The cost will be the same but you'll miss any bonus items.
    I know pre-ordering is a terrible thing (I agree with Mr Sterling on this) but in your case it seems odd to avoid getting free stuff if you will pay the costs any way.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Beardimus
    Zero regrets on Morrowind
    Summerset ive only got for jewelry crafting as a master crafter feel its needed. So yes its in my head its not the best way to have got it, if could buy that seperate. However waiting a year to do it not an option.

    Glad there are Cyrodiil changes in summerset which I'm.including in my head as part of SS to justify stuff more. The zone I'm.not interested in
    Xbox One | EU | EP
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  • Kodrac
    @Turelus none of the bonus items interest me. So yeah it's free stuff, but they don't really add any value for me. Early access does nothing for me anymore either. I've done enough of those to learn you just get to experience bugs before they patch them for everyone else on launch day.
  • Soldier224
    I still plan on Pre-ordering Summerset
    I have preordered Morrowind last Year. I don´t preorder Summerset for Morrowind. I preorder Summerset for Summerset. And i don´t see why i should cancel it.

    And for the few people which have not the Morrowind Addon: When you preordered Summerset you have Morrowind complete for free and Summerset. Yes Bg´s will going to the base game and for ESO+ Vvardenfell is for free too when Summerset is release. But for the Class you must pay extra. ;).

    And Yes you can waiting a year and hope that a part of Summerset will be for free too. But one Year can be long. And before you can go to Summerset i have fun with it one Year more than you. :*
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  • inthecoconut
    I still plan on Pre-ordering Summerset
    I don't understand why I would cancel my pre-order? I got Morrowind for free when I bought summerset. It didn't cost me anything additional.

    If I cancelled and then decided to buy Summerset at a later date (after launch), I'm assuming I'd have to buy the base game for $30 (which now includes Morrowind) and then spend another $30 for Summerset. Am I somehow confused, or wouldn't I be paying $60 to get everything I just got from the preorder, now minus the mount and outfit?

    EDIT: Or are you assuming that in a year, they will add Summerset to the crown store? Personally, I want to play it now. I'm sure it'll be cheaper in a year, but $40 for the base game, morrowind, summerset, and a bunch of ingame goodies is already a super good deal. But if you want to wait until its only $10 next year, that's fine too.
    Edited by inthecoconut on April 6, 2018 5:20PM
  • Priyasekarssk
    I still plan on Pre-ordering Summerset
    The_4O4 wrote: »
    Now that Morrowind is going to be free with the base game or sold for crowns, do you still plan on pre-ordering Summerset or will you wait for the chapter to available for crowns?

    Player community has some faith in Bethesda & cdprojectred & some small game publishers as long as they provide good content for money rather cut, copy pasting & fooling customers with same content. Betheda should stay away from EA & ubisoft model. They are already failed and there is no point of return. Bethesda is struggling to keep player population ? I dont know why Bethesda & ZOs does some stupid things.
    I wont buy EA or ubisoft games or probably even rockstar games. EA & ubisoft are already written off. Rockstar is cat on the wall.
    Edited by Priyasekarssk on April 6, 2018 6:10PM
  • Tryxus
    I still plan on Pre-ordering Summerset
    Preordered Morrowind Digital Collector's Edition, had a lot of fun with it

    Will definitely do it again for Summerset
    Edited by Tryxus on April 6, 2018 5:14PM
    "Stand strong, stay true and shelter all."
    Tryxus - Guardian of the Green - Warden - PC/EU
  • Noisivid
    I still plan on Pre-ordering Summerset
    While I find the status of Morrowind with regard to availability in the crown store or w/eso+ to be hilariously off-putting. (chapter or dlc? hmm...) I'll pre-order Summerset. Jewelry crafting, psijic skill lines, new zone and story line, Raz.
    Vogon Poet Laureate
  • srfrogg23
    I preordered collector’s editions of both expansions. The Summerset CE is $20 cheaper than Morrowind was.

    Congratulations to the people who are new to the game and I’m looking forward to seeing you in Morrowind AND Summerset!
  • Acharnor
    I pre ordered - was thrilled to get Morrowind. Am happy it is available for crowns for others but would prefer to spend them on some fun frivolous stuff.
    Celebrate for life is short but sweet for certain.
  • Korah_Eaglecry
    Morrowind wasnt at all a part of my decision to pre-order Summerset. Dont regret it, will be pre-ordering next years chapter for the same reasons as this one and Morrowinds.
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  • Donari
    I'm not planning on it, I already did it. Morrowind's inclusion had no bearing one way or another. I preordered Morrowind too and had some fun beta times as a result. (As a corollary it's taken me a good long while to get around to actually playing in Morrowind on live since I got sated on it enough to keep me focused on doing core map content before diving deep into DLCs and Chapters, so I'll have to be careful this time around not to 'spoil' myself for the new map).

    I buy game story content when it's new. And if I'm going to definitely buy it anyway, why not buy it in advance for some extra goodies?
  • Danikat
    I'm not planning on pre-ordering it (but haven't completely ruled it out) but I'm also not planning to wait until it's free/sold for crowns.

    At the moment I feel like I have more than enough to do without adding another expansion/DLC (and I haven't even got Clockwork City yet) and I'd actually prefer not to have the flaming leopard because I'll never use it and don't want another unused mount cluttering up the menu. So right now it doesn't seem worth spending £30 for the Digital Collectors upgrade. (Or even buying the standard upgrade, but I do want the griffon pet so when I buy it I'll get the collectors version.)

    Past experience tells me that over time the price will drop, and my desire to get it will increase (as I run out of other things to do/hear about all the cool stuff other people are doing). At some point the two will intersect and I'll buy it.

    That could be when it's bundled free with the next expansion or ZOS changes their business model yet again and releases it in some other format. It could be when it's added to the crown store (although I don't subscribe and only buy crowns when I need them so that just adds a step to the purchase process, it doesn't let me pretend it's free), it's more likely to be whenever I find it sold at a discount after release.

    I know it's unusual around here for someone to be thinking about whether they want a product and not using their purchase/lack thereof as a protest against something or other, but that's where I'm at right now. Since I don't subscribe I'm unaffected by all the weird and random changes to ZOS's sales tactics and happy to carry on with what I was doing anyway.
    PC EU player | She/her/hers | PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    "Remember in this game we call life that no one said it's fair"
  • Kingslayer513
    I already pre-ordered Summerset and I'm happily keeping it that way.

    Where is the poll choice for that? Bad poll is bad.

    Edit: I already owned Morrowind, that didn't factor into my decision in the slightest bit.
    Edited by Kingslayer513 on April 6, 2018 11:29PM
  • Tabbycat
    I don't see anything wrong with the way they are doing it.

    I'm happy with my pre-purchase and access to my mount (which I haven't used yet but it's in rotation so I'll eventually get around to using it).
    Founder and Co-GM of The Psijic Order Guild (NA)
  • Gnortranermara
    I still plan on Pre-ordering Summerset
    I understand economic concepts like time preference, so I don't share this strange (and frankly childish) ideology that companies should be perpetually bound to always sell their product the same way to all buyers.
  • Cpt_Teemo
    I still plan on Pre-ordering Summerset
    coop500 wrote: »
    I won't cancel my preorder, since it was digital and i don't think I can, but I wouldn't cancel anyway

    There's no option for "I already got it but won't be cancelling'

    Or "charge back" but that's bad lol
  • Tasear
    I am lazy. I will get eventually but still need to wait and see. The fire kitty would of inspired me if he was a pet not mount. The ambymm gysers might be interesting. I want to know what this is.

    So answer is maybe but no later then June.
  • GiantFruitFly
    I still plan on Pre-ordering Summerset
    I pre-ordered Summerset before the details about Morrowind for crowns came out. I also pre-ordered Morrowind last year. Even with the details out, I plan on keeping my pre-order.

    I think the real issue is the definition between a chapter and dlc since it is now known that waiting a year would have the previous chapter treated like a dlc. Buying the chapter on release with real money seems to be only a 1 year or less exclusivity thing now.

    I am a bit displeased about the collector's and pre-order stuff going to the crown store instead of staying exclusive to those who paid extra over standard and not with crowns, but I guess that zos would and has reskinned and sold the the pets, mounts, costumes, etc. anyways. Despite this I personally don't consider this a big enough issue to be worth canceling a pre-order over.
    Edited by GiantFruitFly on April 7, 2018 1:43AM
  • FLuFFyxMuFFiN
    I still plan on Pre-ordering Summerset
    You couldn't pay me to wait a year to play it and besides I think my bank account can handle losing $100
  • Stewart1874
    I still plan on Pre-ordering Summerset
    I *** and moan about the game but it would take ZoS going above and beyond on the scummy money grabbing behaviour to actually force me to stop playing.

    Making the game more accessible for everybody is important so I can't grudge them offering Morrowind up for other players.

    I would like to think ZoS recognise it does leave a bit of a bitter taste in the mouth of long term players and offering some sort of .. I dunno, tangible reward for long term support would be rewarded, be that a costume of increased crowns each month.
    PS4 - Europe - Aldmeri Dominion
  • mikemacon
    I still plan on Pre-ordering Summerset
    Already preordered it.

    Just like I preordered Morrowind last year.

    Seriously – why wouldn’t I?
  • DoctorESO
    I still plan on Pre-ordering Summerset
    Summerset won't be available for crowns until the next DLC gets released. Who wants to wait a year?
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