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What to do when I hit max level? (question about endgame)

I got ESO at release, got stuck mid 30'ies then left.

Now I wanted to play the game again, signed up for ESO Plus, have Morrowind and planning on buying Summerset, as I do enjoy the game.

However, I still fear what's left after I hit max level. I know that after I hit level 50 I can get 160 CP's, but whats left after that? Any dungeons or raids that keeps the game going, or is it purely based on the campaign story?

I keep hearing people saying that ESO has no endgame, but I just find it hard to believe given it is a MMORPG game after all.
  • madchuska83
    Trials are ESO raids. There are 3 non-dlc and 3 dlc Trials currently. This is 12 man content and can rely heavily on mechanics. 160CP minimum on normal, much higher for vet. These are some of the most fun in the game. Lots of other stuff to do in end-game but trials, dungeons, and questing are what I spend most my time on.
  • mikejezz
    Trials are ESO raids. There are 3 non-dlc and 3 dlc Trials currently. This is 12 man content and can rely heavily on mechanics. 160CP minimum on normal, much higher for vet. These are some of the most fun in the game. Lots of other stuff to do in end-game but trials, dungeons, and questing are what I spend most my time on.

    I consider myself as casual, is it possible to get into trials without having a high end guild?

    Also, people keep telling me that gear really doesnt matter, is this true?
  • boombazookajd
    mikejezz wrote: »
    Trials are ESO raids. There are 3 non-dlc and 3 dlc Trials currently. This is 12 man content and can rely heavily on mechanics. 160CP minimum on normal, much higher for vet. These are some of the most fun in the game. Lots of other stuff to do in end-game but trials, dungeons, and questing are what I spend most my time on.

    I consider myself as casual, is it possible to get into trials without having a high end guild?

    Also, people keep telling me that gear really doesnt matter, is this true?

    Yes to the first question.

    No to the second. Gear up to 160 doesn't matter. After that, gear is life. Alcast has some great beginner builds on his site.

    In my two guilds that run trials, they won't even consider you unless you do at least 20k dps and even then, you have to be flexible in gear (trials depend on group buff/enemy debut gear partially). This is for vet trials.

    Vet dungeons are hit and miss. The DLC vet dungeons are really more like Trials, very dependent on teamwork, high dps, and knowledge of mechanics.
    Drathus Delenu- Dunmer magDk: Shehai Shatterer, Mageslayer, Stormproof, Peak Scaler, Clockwork Confounder, Orderly, Master Wizard, Cloudrest Hero, Undaunted, Dragonstar Arena Champion
    Thoronir Rolston- Breton petsorc: Stormproof
    Zaakazha-Redguard stamblade: Boethia's Scythe, Clockwork Confounder, Maelstrom Arena Champion, Dragonstar Arena Champion

    Justinius Maximus Decimus- Altmer magblade
    Agronak gro'Mashul- Orc DK Tank
    Valerya Hawkcroft- Breton healer
    Zaaka- Imperial stamDK/crafter

    XB1 NA
  • SGT_Wolfe101st
    Gear isn't the only consideration but being appropriately geared is important. Skill > Gear but you need to be in gear that complements your class. Getting BiS gear is half the game, some is farmed from dungeons or normal trials others depending on class can be crafted. Still better yet are some drops from vMA (bow for DW/Bow Stam). You can do end game on crafted/overland gear, but to be in the top and in serious endgame Vet HM trials gear is important. With that said gear wont take an average player and make them great, but gear does help. Rotation and class knowledge are the other part. IMO the game starts after CP160, gets really good (you feel "strong") after CP300 and so on.
    PS4 -NA AD

    Wood Elf - StamNB - DPS
    Nord - MagDK - Tank
    High Elf - MagSorc - DPS
    Dark Elf - Mag Warden- Healer
  • madchuska83
    Gear definitely matters. Once you hit 160CP is when the gear grind starts. You want to have at least a small guild of you want to get into larger group content. Otherwise you're stuck spamming LFG in zone chat. Many guilds have scheduled events and are willing to help with gear, builds, and content.

    Being where you are currently, I would start to think about getting into a socially active guild and getting to know some other players. Then just play the game, it's massive. Even without end-game in mind you won't run out of things to do. Build your character, find a playstyle you enjoy, and once you've gotten your CP up normal trials are fairly easy and can be PUGed.

    Honestly, the game is just better when you have a good guild with helpful, active members. My guild is what kept me playing from 160cp to 720cp.
  • WhoSlappedThePie
    mikejezz wrote: »
    Trials are ESO raids. There are 3 non-dlc and 3 dlc Trials currently. This is 12 man content and can rely heavily on mechanics. 160CP minimum on normal, much higher for vet. These are some of the most fun in the game. Lots of other stuff to do in end-game but trials, dungeons, and questing are what I spend most my time on.

    I consider myself as casual, is it possible to get into trials without having a high end guild?

    Also, people keep telling me that gear really doesnt matter, is this true?

    It is possible to get into trials without a "high end guild" of course, you can run normal trials by any casual guild, friends or just being in a major city and looking for "LF DD / tank / healer for normal {insert trial}".

    Gear does matter, not really in solo play but definitely in veteran trials. You're asking about end-game content; veteran trials is it. Max CP, not just 160, push it right up to 720..

    Once you've done a few trials you can spend more time really mastering the mechanics, pushing for the hardest content including veteran hardmode trials and then eventually making multiple characters/roles to complete with them. It will keep you going for a wwwwwhiiillleeee. Healer, tank, DD's (stam/mag) characters will take a lot of time to get good. Do the trials, they're good.

    And then master crafting, farming, trading, PVP etc...
    "It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop."

    Current Toons (Max CP):
    Magsorc Breton
    Magblade Darkelf
    Stam DK Redguard
    Healer Templar High Elf
    Tank DK Argonian
    Stamblade Redguard

    Completed: vHoF | vMoL | vSO | vSO HM | vAA | vAA HM | vHR | vHR HM | vMA | vDSA
  • mikejezz
    Allright thanks for the tips guys :)

    Also, can I play the way I want, etc. use the abilities I like, or should I run a spec made by someone else?
  • Gythral
    Trading, crafting, hunting down recipes, motifs, finding all the lore books etc . Lots of things to do, even if you dont want to do all the zerg activities!
    “Be as a tower, that, firmly set,
    Shakes not its top for any blast that blows!”
    Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy
  • madchuska83
    Both. Use other builds as a base for yours. You can find tune it to your style. There was some easy content that I couldn't complete when I first started. I was pretty much just spamming the same three skills, no self heals, and dying on quest content. A little reading and skill swapping and it turned into easy mode.
  • molecule
    mikejezz wrote: »
    Allright thanks for the tips guys :)

    Also, can I play the way I want, etc. use the abilities I like, or should I run a spec made by someone else?

    i would look at other builds for guidance, but don't feel forced into using them.

    use a build that you enjoy playing, it's your game and your time.

    The 'top end builds' are aimed at min/maxers who can carry out the rotations with ease.

    I'm cp 720 and can hold my own at a reasonably high level - but i don't carbon copy builds and i lack the skill to carryout complex bar swapping rotations.

    Doesn't put a dent into the fun i have .
  • mikejezz
    Also, another question about outfitting.

    When I unlock a new items it doesnt seems like I unlock it in outfit? Is this intended?
  • josiahva
    I cant believe no one has mentioned PvP as end game....it is constantly changing, much more dynamic than trials. I personally don't enjoy trials much at all. I hate being told what sets I can run and what skills to use...so I simply don't do them very often. For PvE end-game content I stick to vet DLC dungeons, vMA, and vDSA where I can run whatever I like. On the other side, I will PvP, trying out a lot of oddball builds that amuse me.
  • mikejezz
    josiahva wrote: »
    I cant believe no one has mentioned PvP as end game....it is constantly changing, much more dynamic than trials. I personally don't enjoy trials much at all. I hate being told what sets I can run and what skills to use...so I simply don't do them very often. For PvE end-game content I stick to vet DLC dungeons, vMA, and vDSA where I can run whatever I like. On the other side, I will PvP, trying out a lot of oddball builds that amuse me.

    But is PvP not just zerg?
  • RexyCat
    mikejezz wrote: »
    I got ESO at release, got stuck mid 30'ies then left.

    Now I wanted to play the game again, signed up for ESO Plus, have Morrowind and planning on buying Summerset, as I do enjoy the game.

    However, I still fear what's left after I hit max level. I know that after I hit level 50 I can get 160 CP's, but whats left after that? Any dungeons or raids that keeps the game going, or is it purely based on the campaign story?

    I keep hearing people saying that ESO has no endgame, but I just find it hard to believe given it is a MMORPG game after all.

    "End Game" is such a crappy expression. You can have look at it like something you put up as a long term goal, like in getting all houses in Tamriel or even Nirn (time consuming, but independent of other players) or you can try to make as many achievement (open Journal and look for achievements) through this game as possible. This includes to go to Cyrodiil and collect shards, complete each quest for each city and to gain AP and/or TV stones (Imperial City).

    Don't get too focused on gear, skills and how other player range each other just because of Champion Points (or lack of these) as some player can be really unfriendly when there is element of competition in it. You will get more skilled, have more then enough skill points from doing quests and collection shards around in World. Trails need more coordination (from real life among players as you need to have 11 other player and yourself at the same time scheduled to do that content).

    PvP have three modes: open world Cyrodiil, "team based" with three teams of 4 man groups fighting each other in BattleGround and Imperial City with stronger Bosses running around and other player ganking player for TV stones while doing PvE content. To get access to Imperial City you need to first use a mount (fastest) from main entry points in Cyrodiil to the centre of Cyridiil where you have sewer pipes you need to reach to enter IC.

    With Morrowind you get a bit harder content like more animals that can attack you from distance, stealth attacks and WB that are a bit trickier then in base area of Tamriel as they now can also drain your mana or stamina and need other player to interrupt boss draining you to death.

    Levelling up more then one character takes time, but is worth it as you learn how different each weapon and class play even in the same content. Sorcerer have been strong for a long time (have good access to CC and shields). I played my sorcerer when I started to play from when game changed to B2P with pet, but nowadays I prefer to not use pets. So you will probably also discover that something play better for you then other even, if that is what people want to call as meta. With Warden which have some features like Sorcerer, but lack shields and not that much of CC from class abilities, but still ability to use pets you get another play style and way of fighting. (All this is from my experience with magicka based Sorc and Warden with staves as weapon)

    On PC you should make sure to get add ons which handle inventory as make some features easier like daily writs (CraftStore add on make this a simple search in Alchemy or press on a button for today's Provisioning writs). There is an add on which work together with FCO ItemSaver to automaticilly put items you mark with "Research" in Research as fast interact with a CraftStation. You don't need to open research window for that to happen, just interact with craftstation. This way you will much faster level up your crafting (as long as you make sure to make use of passives for each crafting discipline to be able to use 3 slots and shorter cooldown) and also get rid of some items you would sell or decon.

    In short "end game" is what you make it to in this game and it is possible to combine with what you have time and enjoy doing in this game.
  • madchuska83
    My PvP experience: log in, lfg, ride mount from point a to point b for 2 hours, stopping occasionally to capture or siege.

    I PvP to unlock skills for PvE, but to each their own.
  • TheShadowScout
    mikejezz wrote: »
    What to do when I hit max level?
    ...firstly, -which- max level?
    Level 50?
    You are not -nearly- done yet! In fact, you just finished the basics, and get started on the serious system!

    CP 160?
    That just means you now can get your "dream" set gear and start working to gold it... keep on grabbing those CP!

    CP 720?
    That is the current champion point cap, but they will raise it 30 CP with every new DLC or Expansion, so about every quater. Meaning you can keep playing and keep earning CP for... well, forever, really... (actually you can earn them past cap, you just cannot spend more then the cap)

    Content wise... first, there is all the mainstory, which will get you to about 50 or so. Then there is cadwells (aka, playing the other two alliance mainstories), and craglorn... and after that, you get into DLC territory where new stories await, with two or three additional ones coming each year... and that's just for questing!

    Then there is PvP in cyrodil, where you have another progression, alliance rank - and that takes a LOT of PvPlaing to max if you want the niftiest rewards (aka, the best dyes, and perhaps even a shot at the emperor stuff); and if that isn't ganky enoughj for your taste, the mastermurderdeathklillers dare to visit imperial city where you can gain nifty rewards for amassing TV stones, or loose them all to one enemy attacking you at just the worst possible time...

    Then there are the dungeons... the one-man dwelves are generally considered part of the questing, but there are publicv dungeons balanced for two and open to whoever comes, which at some point you will have fun soloing, and group dungeons you go take on as a complete four character pack (though rumor has it some people are good enough to solo those too), and all out trials where things get a bit more hectic... and you can do daily runs on undaunted pledges to make a go for those monster sets... oh, and each year there seems to be at least one two-dungeon DLC, and many other DLCs also come with public dungeons...

    And then... there are also other stuff to do, like world boss daily missions or achievement hunting, general farming for motiv chapter drops or gatharing for rare crafting resources, earning gold to buy a house, finding stuff for your house, or whatever...

    And once all that is getting boring... you can always start an alt and see how the game gets different on another class, do it all again, and enjoy the feeling of power when you boost through the story content backed by CP might!

    Personally, I haven't felt bored yet (and I play since summer '14 - admittedly, I am a casual player and don't spend hours -every- day on ESO...)
  • josiahva
    mikejezz wrote: »
    josiahva wrote: »
    I cant believe no one has mentioned PvP as end game....it is constantly changing, much more dynamic than trials. I personally don't enjoy trials much at all. I hate being told what sets I can run and what skills to use...so I simply don't do them very often. For PvE end-game content I stick to vet DLC dungeons, vMA, and vDSA where I can run whatever I like. On the other side, I will PvP, trying out a lot of oddball builds that amuse me.

    But is PvP not just zerg?

    I guess that depends on whether you run with a zerg or seek out the smaller fights doesn't it? Besides...sometimes large scale warfare can be fun. I don't mind zerg vs zerg battles at all. Whats miserable is when you are riding somewhere and ride head-first into a zerg...RIP
  • Narvuntien
    I have just hit 720cp.

    Honestly I actually still enjoy questing, even-though I one shot everything. Its just relaxing being out in the world..... picking flowers.... helping npcs.

    I play some amount of PVP. I often feel like I have to invest a lot of time into though and I don't always have that.

    Normal trials. I feel like normal trials are just difficult enough that I feel I need to be concentrating on doing damage (I am yet to heal or tank one) but not so complicated that I have study it and know all the mechanics and get really high dps.
  • Ley
    Create master harvester and roam Tamriel picking flowers, chopping wood, and mining ore.
    Leylith - MagSorc | Leyloth - StamPlar | Leynerd - MagPlar | Leylit - StamBlade | Ley Eviticus - StamDK | Leydor - MagDen | Leylum - StamSorc | Leylux - MagBlade
  • Michaelkeir
    Once you get too CP160, go check out Alcast builds. I use them as a template for my builds and adjust them to my taste.

    From my perspective endgame usually consist of farming for bis gear or crafting it or buying it and getting your rotations down. Regular dungeons should not pose too much of a problem. But once you step in vet dungeons youhave to know what you are doing and have decent gear. DLC Vet dungeons on the other hand....well you NEEDS to be on it because those are like mini trails. You will get kicked quickly if you show up in a vet dungeon and you aren't killing mobs fast enough. Best to get with a guild you can run with if you think your dps skills are lacking.

    I dont have a whole lot of experience with trails so i can't comment. I usually just run regular trails with guildmates. And I'll also say PvP is decent fun endgame. I have a gank-blade myself and it's pretty fun honestly.
  • SirAndy
    mikejezz wrote: »
    I can get 160 CP's, but whats left after that?
    By the time you hit CP160, you only just completed the base game content (Your faction + Cadwell's Silver and Gold).

    You still have all the group dungeons, trials, Craglorn and all the DLCs and Chapters to play through, including all of the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood. And the Undaunted skill line takes a while to level as do the two PvP skill lines.

    There's a *lot* more content then you think ...
  • TastesAllColors
    [Snip] about your class getting nerfed on community forums is end game. You need some hard to get BiS gear for that though.

    [Edited to remove profanity]
    Edited by ZOS_KatP on March 29, 2018 3:59PM
  • Priyasekarssk
    mikejezz wrote: »
    I got ESO at release, got stuck mid 30'ies then left.

    Now I wanted to play the game again, signed up for ESO Plus, have Morrowind and planning on buying Summerset, as I do enjoy the game.

    However, I still fear what's left after I hit max level. I know that after I hit level 50 I can get 160 CP's, but whats left after that? Any dungeons or raids that keeps the game going, or is it purely based on the campaign story?

    I keep hearing people saying that ESO has no endgame, but I just find it hard to believe given it is a MMORPG game after all.

    Go to imperial city farm telvars from new players by one shotting them. Sell at ridiculous prices to players from guild stores for simple utility potion reagants for IC Telvars. Charge 2000g for sky recah run, 5000g for veteran dungeon , 500g for WB run and make yourself comfortable. Showoff how much money you have to newbies and poor fellow. Bully new bies in IC . Pretend that I love this game in the forums. I like your contribution as well in growth of this game.
    Comment L2P to new bies even they have legitimate issue. Probably many more can be done.
    Edited by Priyasekarssk on March 28, 2018 5:11PM
  • ereboz
    mikejezz wrote: »
    Also, another question about outfitting.

    When I unlock a new items it doesnt seems like I unlock it in outfit? Is this intended?

    Yeah, that's not how outfitting works in ESO. It's based on crafting. At least 1 of your characters needs to know the style you want (motif). Then you can choose that style at the outfit bench. There are a few styles that are unique and not one of the motifs, and for now, you can't use those styles
  • mikejezz
    Right now I am a Magicka NB and I roll DW atm, but I keep reading that many suggest to go destro staff, but thats not how I want to play.

    Will I be gimped by using DW instead of destro staff, or can I play like that?
  • CyborgPlatypus
    mikejezz wrote: »
    Right now I am a Magicka NB and I roll DW atm, but I keep reading that many suggest to go destro staff, but thats not how I want to play.

    Will I be gimped by using DW instead of destro staff, or can I play like that?
    since morrowind DW doesn't really work for pve mag due to needing to heavy attack to regen. Plus some of the bonuses from destro are nice. I think it can still work in pvp.

  • mikejezz
    So the game actually isnt really "free" like Skyrim, but actually very locked down after all.. Hmm :(

    What if I really enjoy DW? Should I continue or will I be too gimped?
  • kringled_1
    The main problems with dw magicka builds are as follows: weapon abilities and light/heavy attacks will do very little damage and require you to be in melee range (with ensuing risk); weapon heavy attacks will restore stamina not magicka. These are both issues in more difficult pve content where sustained damage is important. In the right pvp situation, a large unsustainable burst can be useful and dw does increase your damage somewhat. If you want to use dw in more difficult pve content, I would respec to stamina.
  • zaria
    Narvuntien wrote: »
    I have just hit 720cp.

    Honestly I actually still enjoy questing, even-though I one shot everything. Its just relaxing being out in the world..... picking flowers.... helping npcs.

    I play some amount of PVP. I often feel like I have to invest a lot of time into though and I don't always have that.

    Normal trials. I feel like normal trials are just difficult enough that I feel I need to be concentrating on doing damage (I am yet to heal or tank one) but not so complicated that I have study it and know all the mechanics and get really high dps.
    Yes, the old craglorn normals is mostly just burning down bosses, then you get into dlc you need to know some mechanic even on normal at least in an pug, normal AS tend to be rezzing other players mostly in pugs :)

    Progressing trough the vet dungeons is also an end game, did fang lair yesterday.
    Just doing all the quests is an major task in it self.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Anotherone773
    Gear matters and it does matter at low levels. The further ahead of your gear you get the worse it is. 10 levels ahead of your gear and you lose 15-20% of its ability. But you dont need great gear at low levels. Blue and green mixmatched is fine. You just need to keep it current.

    End game really depends on what you consider to be end game. End game really isnt grinding and improving. Its either playing with houses, doing achieves, being a completionist, or grinding vet content for the sake of grinding. You can get second best in slot gear from guild traders for a song. and grinding BiS isnt hard compared to other games.

    Endgame is very stagnant IMO and there is very little progression up to CP 160 and almost no progression after it. So if you cant entertain yourself with menial task such as quests, housing, achieves, and running content just for the hell of it, then your probably going to grow tired of this game quickly.

    Its great for casuals who have zero interest in progression or end game content and just want to explore and faff around. and the instanced content can be very challenging but the goal posts never move in this game so there is that. I mean...endgame content seems to be about who can get the highest parse on a target skeleton.
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