So the game actually isnt really "free" like Skyrim, but actually very locked down after all.. Hmm
What if I really enjoy DW? Should I continue or will I be too gimped?
So the game actually isnt really "free" like Skyrim, but actually very locked down after all.. Hmm
What if I really enjoy DW? Should I continue or will I be too gimped?
rikimm16_ESO wrote: »RvR isn’t the end game, it’s the only game!
Anotherone773 wrote: »Gear matters and it does matter at low levels. The further ahead of your gear you get the worse it is. 10 levels ahead of your gear and you lose 15-20% of its ability. But you dont need great gear at low levels. Blue and green mixmatched is fine. You just need to keep it current.
End game really depends on what you consider to be end game. End game really isnt grinding and improving. Its either playing with houses, doing achieves, being a completionist, or grinding vet content for the sake of grinding. You can get second best in slot gear from guild traders for a song. and grinding BiS isnt hard compared to other games.
Endgame is very stagnant IMO and there is very little progression up to CP 160 and almost no progression after it. So if you cant entertain yourself with menial task such as quests, housing, achieves, and running content just for the hell of it, then your probably going to grow tired of this game quickly.
Its great for casuals who have zero interest in progression or end game content and just want to explore and faff around. and the instanced content can be very challenging but the goal posts never move in this game so there is that. I mean...endgame content seems to be about who can get the highest parse on a target skeleton.
Thanks for all the replies, it really helped me thinking about if this game is for me or not.
I think it's sad that the game shows up as a open opportunity to craft your character like you want, yet it is very limited.
No progression after CP160? Are you even playing the same game? Go ahead and queue for a vet DLC dungeon with a CP160 toon and see how long it takes you to be kicked. Go to Cyrodiil with a CP160 toon and see how long you are able to last against a CP720. Sorry, but the REAL content requires a minimum of CP160...and that is if you are good...most vet trials groups don't even consider anyone below 300CP. There is a huge difference between 160CP and 720CP, possibly not as much as you would think on paper...but in the real world...yes.
Thanks for all the replies, it really helped me thinking about if this game is for me or not.
I think it's sad that the game shows up as a open opportunity to craft your character like you want, yet it is very limited.