What to do when I hit max level? (question about endgame)

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  • Sevn
    My personal opinion is endgame is what you want it to be. Don't get caught up by allowing someone else to determine what you should be doing with your time, especially if those activities seem boring as all hell and force you to play a style you don't enjoy.

    My endgame is picking flowers and making millions and boy is that going quite swell. I'm at cp760 btw.
    There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man, true nobility is being superior to your former self
  • temjiu
    mikejezz wrote: »
    So the game actually isnt really "free" like Skyrim, but actually very locked down after all.. Hmm :(

    What if I really enjoy DW? Should I continue or will I be too gimped?

    It isn't as "free" as Skryim, and unfortunately won't be. With MMO's come the necessity of balance and inherently focusing players into directional build types. otherwise it's a nightmare to balance. So yeah, there will be limitations on class builds to a degree. Especially when you add in a competitive environment. Challenging content forces people to min/max, and classes tend to evolve in that direction due to necessity.

    That being said, you can certainly run Magika with DW. I would make sure your optimizing any skills that help restore Stamina, since your DW skills will for the most part be Stamina based. you may even want to split your stats: put some in magika, some in stamina. mix up the enchants on your gear as well. running solo it's doable, you just learn to mix your stamina and magika skills to keep from getting too low in either.

    I leveled a DK tank that mixes both, and you end up finding a nice cadence to switching back and forth between Sta and Mag skills. Just keep in mind that any magika skills use spell damage/spell crit. Stamina skills use melee damage/crit, so you won't be high in either. jack of all trades, master of none kind of thing.

    Wear a mix of medium and light gear, craft a mix of sets that boost both stamina and magika. again, for solo play it's doable, even possibly for normal dungeons. Won't work in vet or higher, but the whole freestyle approach is really about playing what you want, not as high as you want really. I have a few really wild builds that I just enjoy running solo content and playing with guildees in open world stuff.
  • Amoureros
    Collect all the motifs!
  • GeorgeBlack
    You can decorate 10 houses.
    I cant say that with a str8 face...
    Housing.... unrelated to PvP...
    No functions..

    Honeslty Zos.
    Let us break in player houses and steal their gold mats from their chests
    Make it hard to lock pick and add a player bounty system.
    Intruders should enable PvP in houses.
    Only 1 intruder allow at anu break in time.
    Guests owner unlimited
    Edited by GeorgeBlack on March 29, 2018 4:55AM
  • rikimm16_ESO
    RvR isn’t the end game, it’s the only game!
  • KingYogi415
    160 cp is when the game starts!
    Edited by KingYogi415 on March 29, 2018 8:21AM
  • starkerealm
    mikejezz wrote: »
    So the game actually isnt really "free" like Skyrim, but actually very locked down after all.. Hmm :(

    What if I really enjoy DW? Should I continue or will I be too gimped?

    Not really. The difference is that your stamina scales your weapon damage while magicka scales your spell damage.

    So you don't want to run a hybrid, do everything setup like in Skyrim.

    In that sense, no, you can absolutely run a DW nightblade, but you're going to want to focus on medium armor, and your attacks that morph to stamina. For example: Surprise Attack instead of Concealed Weapon.

    Also, there are utility abilities like cloak that are still entirely viable on a stam build.

    So, if you want your character throwing fireballs, then a StamBlade isn't a good pick, but if you want a stealthy assassin who uses magic to sneak around, you're good.
  • starkerealm
    RvR isn’t the end game, it’s the only game!

    Not a fan of stealing their stuff, but break in PvP could be pretty cool.
  • mikejezz
    It sounds like this game is more locked than traditional games, and all the options are just there to look like you can control everything yourself. That’s prettty sad and gives a fake picture of the game.
  • josiahva
    Gear matters and it does matter at low levels. The further ahead of your gear you get the worse it is. 10 levels ahead of your gear and you lose 15-20% of its ability. But you dont need great gear at low levels. Blue and green mixmatched is fine. You just need to keep it current.

    End game really depends on what you consider to be end game. End game really isnt grinding and improving. Its either playing with houses, doing achieves, being a completionist, or grinding vet content for the sake of grinding. You can get second best in slot gear from guild traders for a song. and grinding BiS isnt hard compared to other games.

    Endgame is very stagnant IMO and there is very little progression up to CP 160 and almost no progression after it. So if you cant entertain yourself with menial task such as quests, housing, achieves, and running content just for the hell of it, then your probably going to grow tired of this game quickly.

    Its great for casuals who have zero interest in progression or end game content and just want to explore and faff around. and the instanced content can be very challenging but the goal posts never move in this game so there is that. I mean...endgame content seems to be about who can get the highest parse on a target skeleton.

    No progression after CP160? Are you even playing the same game? Go ahead and queue for a vet DLC dungeon with a CP160 toon and see how long it takes you to be kicked. Go to Cyrodiil with a CP160 toon and see how long you are able to last against a CP720. Sorry, but the REAL content requires a minimum of CP160...and that is if you are good...most vet trials groups don't even consider anyone below 300CP. There is a huge difference between 160CP and 720CP, possibly not as much as you would think on paper...but in the real world...yes.
  • UppGRAYxDD
    The true "EndGame" is earning your 15 stars on the forums...true dedication or elite trolling.
    "Stendarr's mercy be upon you, for the vigil has none to spare."
  • Hallothiel
    It will all depend on what you like to do.

    If you want to get into harder vet dungeons & trials then I would really suggest finding a decent guild as that will really help.

    But be advised that unless you are a damn fine player you will need to change your build & playstyle - and spend hours practicing bloody rotations.

    Am just starting to do this and find I can be ambivalent about the whole process. Do want to carry on with vet trials but the constrictive nature can be frustrating! Def not play as you like.

    But as have been pointed out by other posts, there is still oodles of other stuff to do. Have fun!
  • mikejezz
    Thanks for all the replies, it really helped me thinking about if this game is for me or not.

    I think it's sad that the game shows up as a open opportunity to craft your character like you want, yet it is very limited.
  • Sevn
    mikejezz wrote: »
    Thanks for all the replies, it really helped me thinking about if this game is for me or not.

    I think it's sad that the game shows up as a open opportunity to craft your character like you want, yet it is very limited.

    It's only limited by your own ambitions. You don't have to follow any meta and you'll only need one "standard cookie cutter build" if you want to do group content.

    I have tons of hybrids that are extremely fun to play and highly effective, I lose all the tjme in PvP but still spend tons of times doing it, my guilds run trials every weekend and don't pressure you to play like everyone else using the same cookie cutter playstyle like some robot, etc.

    It's what you make it.
    There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man, true nobility is being superior to your former self
  • Zeni0s
    You'll do what you liked to do during your leveling.

    EDIT: It's a game after all. And there is a lot of things to do (some expensives ones too).
    Edited by Zeni0s on March 30, 2018 2:20PM
  • Anotherone773
    josiahva wrote: »

    No progression after CP160? Are you even playing the same game? Go ahead and queue for a vet DLC dungeon with a CP160 toon and see how long it takes you to be kicked. Go to Cyrodiil with a CP160 toon and see how long you are able to last against a CP720. Sorry, but the REAL content requires a minimum of CP160...and that is if you are good...most vet trials groups don't even consider anyone below 300CP. There is a huge difference between 160CP and 720CP, possibly not as much as you would think on paper...but in the real world...yes.

    Thats not progression. There is no gear progression, there is no level/power progression at least none worthy of being called progression. Microscopic increases per "rank" is not progression. As for vet content, there are people who can do that at 160. The only real difference between 160 and 720 is you get 560 "levels" to improve your ability to use your character.

    CP has diminishing returns and after 30 you really start to lose how much each rank is worth noticeably. By time you get 60 points in a rank the returns are so tiny, you dont really even notice. And ive seen low CP character that do far better and pve and stomp CP 720 characters in pvp.

    If you think this game has progression, you obviously have not played many MMOs.
  • SirrBacon
    Soul Shriven
    If you play the way you want and look into other builds you can do the best thing which is to make your own hybrid builds based on what's fun and what's useful. And if something doesn't work out, you can always just Respec and try something else.
  • MTijhuis
    mikejezz wrote: »
    Thanks for all the replies, it really helped me thinking about if this game is for me or not.

    I think it's sad that the game shows up as a open opportunity to craft your character like you want, yet it is very limited.

    You can play your character however you want. As long as you invest time to learn how to play your character. With some builds however it's easier to hit higher dps. However you wanna run around with dual wield and you hit the required dps to complete the content, it shows that you are a amazing player.

    You may not get in a team that compete on the leader boards. But there are plenty of guilds out there that run vet trials and dungeons for fun. As long as you know how to play your character and listen to mechanics they will let you into their runs.

    End-game in this game is whatever you like doing. You wanna work your ass off, improving your dps and find a team to compete on the leader boards. Do you wanna work the market make gold, collect everything, kill other players... The options in the game are endless.
  • jnelson1182
    I understand what you mean by end game stuff because I have the same question when I first started playing, that was about 2 months ago now and I have 2 level 50 characters & 2 lower level ones I am at 310cp and every day I am still finding new fun things to do, granted the further you get into endgame stuff the more the need to have at least a small group of people to run with because some pve stuff is super hard trying to do alone.
    * Maccb- Level 50 DragonKnight- Fire mage type build/ BSW body, Valkyn Skoria mister set, & Willpower Jewelry/Random Flame/Lightning/Reston STAFF's
  • mikejezz
    So if I like to use daggers and melee I should roll stamina. Does that mean I shouldnt use any magicka abilities at all?

    Are magicka only viable by using a staff?
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