Maintenance for the week of March 3:
· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – March 6, 6:00AM EST (11:00 UTC) - 4:00PM EST (21:00 UTC)

Y'all do not give ESO enough credit...

  • Azyle1
    You're not seeing the intent of the post. There are people that play the game simply because nothing else interests them. There are people that play the game because they play with certain people. People playing doesn't mean that the game is pretty decent. It just means that they're playing. That's why it's subjective and your statement seems to be rather faulty in terms of deductive reasoning.

    I love the way you ASSUME the reasons why people play the game. Are you in their heads ? Got any studies ?
    It seems far more objective to me to deduct that they play the game because they like it. And that they like it because it's "pretty decent".

    There's this awesome thing called reading reviews. Perhaps you should try it sometime. Also, it's funny that you say I'm assuming when you go right to assuming in your last sentence. Nice try, Valentina. Nice try. Also because it bares repeating;
    Azyle1 wrote: »
    I never said it was something we should overlook, but my point is, ESO is pretty decent compared to a lot of other MMO's.
    "Pretty decent" is 'pretty' subjective.

    Well, if people post here it means that they're still playing the game. If they're still playing the game, it means the game's pretty decent. And that's pretty objective.

    You have to understand, people who play this game are invested in it. It was good at one point, and then it went downhill. We're hoping it turns around and starts climbing again, but it will not do that unless we're vocal with our criticism.

    You may be one of those people who drops other things/people the moment they go sour, but I'm not, and the majority of the forum-goers are not, as evidenced by the responses on this thread.

    Don't be complacent.

    When was this game ever good ? In my opinion, it always has been. But looking at people's complaints here on the forums, it truly never has been, EVER.
    People would not have been invested in the game if it wasn't good. People wouldn't play if they didn't enjoy it. And don't tell me about addiction or loyalty : there are thousands of other games out there, and gaming addicts tend to jump from game to game even more than casual players.
    People play ESO because ESO is good. Simple as that. Including those who complain.

    Could it be better ? Sure. Like anything.
    You're not seeing the intent of the post. There are people that play the game simply because nothing else interests them. There are people that play the game because they play with certain people. People playing doesn't mean that the game is pretty decent. It just means that they're playing. That's why it's subjective and your statement seems to be rather faulty in terms of deductive reasoning.

    I love the way you ASSUME the reasons why people play the game.

    After that you can't expect me to take you seriously, ergo I'm just not going to engage you any further.

  • Azyle1
    You're not seeing the intent of the post. There are people that play the game simply because nothing else interests them. There are people that play the game because they play with certain people. People playing doesn't mean that the game is pretty decent. It just means that they're playing. That's why it's subjective and your statement seems to be rather faulty in terms of deductive reasoning.

    I love the way you ASSUME the reasons why people play the game. Are you in their heads ? Got any studies ?
    It seems far more objective to me to deduct that they play the game because they like it. And that they like it because it's "pretty decent".

    There's this awesome thing called reading reviews. Perhaps you should try it sometime. Also, it's funny that you say I'm assuming when you go right to assuming in your last sentence. Nice try, Valentina. Nice try. Also because it bares repeating;
    Azyle1 wrote: »
    I never said it was something we should overlook, but my point is, ESO is pretty decent compared to a lot of other MMO's.
    "Pretty decent" is 'pretty' subjective.

    Well, if people post here it means that they're still playing the game. If they're still playing the game, it means the game's pretty decent. And that's pretty objective.

    You have to understand, people who play this game are invested in it. It was good at one point, and then it went downhill. We're hoping it turns around and starts climbing again, but it will not do that unless we're vocal with our criticism.

    You may be one of those people who drops other things/people the moment they go sour, but I'm not, and the majority of the forum-goers are not, as evidenced by the responses on this thread.

    Don't be complacent.

    When was this game ever good ? In my opinion, it always has been. But looking at people's complaints here on the forums, it truly never has been, EVER.
    People would not have been invested in the game if it wasn't good. People wouldn't play if they didn't enjoy it. And don't tell me about addiction or loyalty : there are thousands of other games out there, and gaming addicts tend to jump from game to game even more than casual players.
    People play ESO because ESO is good. Simple as that. Including those who complain.

    Could it be better ? Sure. Like anything.
    You're not seeing the intent of the post. There are people that play the game simply because nothing else interests them. There are people that play the game because they play with certain people. People playing doesn't mean that the game is pretty decent. It just means that they're playing. That's why it's subjective and your statement seems to be rather faulty in terms of deductive reasoning.

    I love the way you ASSUME the reasons why people play the game.

    After that you can't expect me to take you seriously, ergo I'm just not going to engage you any further.

  • Kuramas9tails
    My game crashes at lease once a day.

    So much lag.

    I get *** RNGesus.

    But I still play and love the game and throw my money at ZOS for cosmetics which I will not be able to actually truly own 10 years own the road.

    I am a lost soul.
      Your friendly neighborhood crazy cat lady of ESO
      New PSN name: SundariTheLast. Proud seller in RedEye Empire, PURPLE GANG and Backalley Trading.
      AD High Elf Mageblade DPS (General)(Former Empress) -- Stormproof/VMOL, VHOF, VDSA completion
      AD Khajiit Mageblade DPS -- Flawless Conquerer
    • Rain_Greyraven
      Azyle1 wrote: »
      That doesn't mean the particularly glaring, existing issues are excusable. ZOS has a spotty track record, at best, on keeping up with their community and customers.

      Server performance is a prime issue, the DirectX incident is still a sore spot for people, and the game is infested with bots. This is just off the top of my head, half awake as I am already.

      Give people a moment, and the issues will become apparent very quickly.

      Can we compare ESO to Tera, Aion, Rift, or even WoW? Even GW2?
      Wrong is wrong, and right is right. It's about being fair.

      I never said it was something we should overlook, but my point is, ESO is pretty decent compared to a lot of other MMO's.

      "Pretty decent" is 'pretty' subjective.

      So is good/bad all of it is opinion and honestly given the nature of the internet and the "attention fans" it draws the subject of what is reality really comes into sharp focus, anyone that has spent anytime on internet forums are well versed in mock outrage and special interest groups. It's really why nothing on the forums can be taken seriously.

      I found out long ago that forums are pretty much a venting playpen for the masses, frankly I'm surprised any developer still uses them.
      "Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.”

      ― Robert E. Howard

      So you want to be a game developer? Here is the best way to go about it.
    • Zinaroth
      frausty wrote: »
      Zinaroth wrote: »
      Nah it's pretty bad.
      You say it's leagues ahead of other MMO experiences - guess you haven't played World of Warcraft; a more smooth, bug free MMORPG experience on stable servers cannot be found.

      WoW is a better experience on PC but as it's not an option on console then that doesn't apply to a lot of us - it is also a lot more mature as it has been around since 2004, (I think). I'm not sure in the first 3 or 4 years it was as complex as ESO or necessarily performing as well as it does after 14 years

      Both of those are true but ESO is only more advanced after four years compared to WoW after four years because the development of MMORPGs in the industry has generally improved and applying that logic even further I think it's fair to expect ESO to also faster get to the point where it's as good and smooth an experience as WoW (though I personally doubt that day will ever come since production quality at Blizzard is just miles ahead any game company from my point of view; with production quality I mean a stable, polished and bug free product).

      As far as MMORPGs on console; I feel this is still a very infant market and in the future we will probably be seeing more and more console exclusive MMORPGs of the WoW/ESO like - meaning they won't be ports/adaptations and thus be a better product stability wise.

      Consoles aside; the state of ESO from a PC perspective is atrocious and has only gotten worse since launch (with bugs, lags and glitches) and that is definately not the way it should go - so I really think the ZOS developement team and their QA testers need to shape up because they are simply not on par with market standards. Luckily the game has many positives that draws away from these glarings issues and I suspect that is why most people chose to endure disconnectsm lag in Cyrodiil, FPS drops due to memory leaks etc. instead of just changing to a better product from a technical stand point.

      Personally I play both WoW and ESO on and off since they both have good things to offer - but I must say that ESO is definately the more frustrating experience of the two but also potentially the more immersive one.
    • phermitgb
      ESO looks better, plays at a more agreeable pace, and doesn't add guns (or mfing gnomes) to it's game - all of which I approve of

      however, all of those assessments are personal preferences...

      character customization - CITY OF *** HEROES...GOOD GOD but I loved character creation in that game.

      movement - Guild Wars 2 - say whatever you want about guild wars 2, gw2 is the ONLY mmo I have EVER played that had a general movement system that was sooo smoothe, so reliable, that they could actually create PLATFORMER dungeon environments...AND THEY MFING WORKED!!!...

      to this day, I personally miss the reliable movement/jumping/collision of gw2 - every other aspect of the game was mildly enjoyable, but the movement system was SUPERB...and unmatched by any other game I've played.

      that is all...
      "There is no correct resolution; It's a test of character."
      James T. Kirk
    • AllPlayAndNoWork
      Azyle1 wrote: »
      I have placed many PC MMO's and console MMO's and let me tell ya.... I see a lot of people get mad at ESO for lag and bugs and general "Jankiness" but.... its LEAGUES better than other MMO's. Tera, just came out on the Xbox One X and it runs like GARBAGE. It's awkward and doesn't feel good. That isn't to say it's a bad game, but.. ESO seems smooth as butter compared to this (as well as Neverwinter and FFXIV on PS4).

      Note - I play ESO on Xbox One X but I also have a PC account I screw around on.

      No you are right, I shouldnt be mad at all about the constant disconnects in PvE zones with all of my new chars... I should be thankful.
      Edited by AllPlayAndNoWork on March 31, 2018 8:33AM
    • MEBengalsFan2001
      That doesn't mean the particularly glaring, existing issues are excusable. ZOS has a spotty track record, at best, on keeping up with their community and customers.

      Server performance is a prime issue, the DirectX incident is still a sore spot for people, and the game is infested with bots. This is just off the top of my head, half awake as I am already.

      Give people a moment, and the issues will become apparent very quickly.

      Can we compare ESO to Tera, Aion, Rift, or even WoW? Even GW2?
      Wrong is wrong, and right is right. It's about being fair.

      The OP is correct that ESO is not that bad. I played NWO and DCUO for quite a while. Rubber banding was horrible for NWO. I would be near a door to enter a building and next thing I know I'm transported all the way to another spot.

      Another thing is disconnecting; for DCUO I was not able to access my account for over 6 weeks and even once I did get on I was behind all of my friends by 6 weeks, I was one of a few hundred players that had this issue. Adding salt to that wound, once I did return for the next 9 months I would randomly be kicked from the game; and it would take me about 30 minutes to relog and sometimes I would have to wait for the game to force my character out. DCUO became known for many at that time, Disconnect Universe Online.

      ESO has there issue but trust me, not like other games from what I have seen.
    • seipher09
      As an memo it's the best I've played. But the servers and bugs are terrible.

      My ps THREE had better performance in ff14 then I get on a high end pc with Eso.

      If they just fixed the servers and bugs this game would be pure gold.
    • Preyfar
      Overall I think the game is in great shape... EXCEPT for PVP. PVP is treated like the redheaded stepchild of ZOS, and the lack of communication, discussion, or even sense of priority is lost.
    • Lyss1991
      Ive been playing ESO for a little over 2 years. Every time they release new content, Something breaks. The worst I have personally experienced is CWC with the infinite load screens. And they usually fix it pretty quickly. There are a few lingering issues, But nothing that makes me want to quit playing. There is always lag with new content because the servers are over populated. It is not game breaking, At least for me anyway. I also dont PVP, Only when I need something from there. That could be why I dont experience as many issues as others, Because it seems like thats where most of the complaints are coming from. Either way, This game is AMAZING in my eyes, And I thoroughly enjoy spending my free time playing it. I have subbed for my entire time playing this game, Minus the first month. I have an amazing group of friends that I play with that have become more like family over the years we have been playing together. I buy stuff and spend extra money because I want to support them and see more content and fixes for things so the community will continue to grow. <3
      PS4 NA EST June 2016 | GM of Tamriel’s Outkasts Social Guild | Main - Assylah - Max CP Breton Mag Sorc - Master Angler - Mageslayer - Shehai Shatterer - Ophidian Overlord | Best Thief in Tamriel - Khajiit NB Purrfecta Meowna | Aspiring Master Crafter | Achievement Hunter | Recipe/Blueprint Enthusiast | Costume Junkie | Primary Residence - Princely Dawnlight Palace
    • amir412
      You guys saying there is nothing to complain, Please, step into Vivec EU prime time and comment here again.

      It is just unacceptable that a game still lags after 4 years, nope, i cannot give a credit to a company that literally sees 200 threads each month about a core problem, and keep ignore it like the problem does not even exists.

      Sorry, but thats not how a company should treat their customers who invested tons of their hard earned money.

      And nope, i cannot give a credit to a company that asks for feedback, recieves tons of it, but release no changes by community feedback to production anyways.

      How can you give credit that new features does not even pass sanity tests?
      This is the official Elder Scrolls online game, and right now its a joke.

      Other than that, thats the best game ive ever played in my life(When its actually working, we are here after all), and watching it dying slowly because bad decsions is frasturating me and many others.
      Edited by amir412 on June 25, 2018 9:33PM
      PC | EU | AD | "@Saidden"| 1700 CP|
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