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Ego trip: Getting over it

The other day I was attacked by a nb and we had a nice little dance. The player was obviously not use to the class or just not very good in general because they missed their burst opportunities and kept running low on resources. Then it happened...

...screen freezes....goes signal message floating in front of my eyes. I look down to see mi lindo gato playing with the HDMI cable. I rush to plug it back in, and just as the screen pops up, the player executes me...and promptly begins to make tea.

I hate these moments so much usually, but this time I laughed about it and it felt great. This dude obviously saw me not attacking for some reason, killed me, and felt proud enough to squat over me and I just couldn't be mad about it.

Do any of you have a moment where you finally conquered the salt inside? How've you dealt with toxic players?
Edited by Kova on March 24, 2018 10:25AM
EP Sorc: Aydinn
AD Stamplar: Verdant`Knight
DC Stamblade: Apple`Punch
EP Stam Sorc: Kós
AD DragonKnight: Transmigrant
EP NIghtblade: Aydinn
  • DieAlteHexe
    Kova wrote: »
    The other day I was attacked by a nb and we had a nice little dance. The player was obviously not use to the class or just not very good in general because they missed their burst opportunities and kept running low on resources. Then it happened...

    ...screen freezes....goes signal message floating in front of my eyes. I look down to see mi lindo gato playing with the HDMI cable. I rush to plug it back in, and just as the screen pops up, the player executes me...and promptly begins to make tea.

    I hate these moments so much usually, but this time I laughed about it and it felt great. This dude obviously saw me not attacking for some reason, killed me, and felt proud enough to squat over me and I just couldn't be mad about it.

    Do any of you have a moment where you finally conquered the salt inside? How've you dealt with toxic players?

    Over the years I have found that the best way for me to deal with arse-hats is to simply not acknowledge them. Ignore them. It really, really irks them. In your case, I would have just res'd and carried on. No reaction, nuttin'.

    Makes most of 'em grumpier.

    Dirty, filthy casual aka Nancy, the Wallet Warrior Carebear Potato Whale Snowflake
  • Gorgoneus
    Playing other game specially designet NOT for toxic scum, who still belive their playing L2 or any other corean game with gangs till players AFK or downloading into a new zone. At least TESO hase a special reservation (Cyrodiil) for thouse humy-creatures.
  • jedtb16_ESO
    Kova wrote: »
    The other day I was attacked by a nb and we had a nice little dance. The player was obviously not use to the class or just not very good in general because they missed their burst opportunities and kept running low on resources. Then it happened...

    ...screen freezes....goes signal message floating in front of my eyes. I look down to see mi lindo gato playing with the HDMI cable. I rush to plug it back in, and just as the screen pops up, the player executes me...and promptly begins to make tea.

    I hate these moments so much usually, but this time I laughed about it and it felt great. This dude obviously saw me not attacking for some reason, killed me, and felt proud enough to squat over me and I just couldn't be mad about it.

    Do any of you have a moment where you finally conquered the salt inside? How've you dealt with toxic players?

    did you consider that the guy did it to you because he'd had it done to him?

    as you say the guy wasn't particularly skilled...
  • Dont_do_drugs
    Well some time ago, when making achievements for skyshards and solo dungeons in cyrodiil, i got followed by a banana i remember from some keep fights and i tried to stay away from it a bit, since i knew he might gonna kill me. We stayed on far distance checking out each other. I managed to get into the dungeon because he seemingly also lost interest in me but to be sure i just stayed next to entrance inside and hide. After some minutes someone came into the dungeon, but it wasnt the banana but a smurf sorc and we had a little dance there. I was a couple of times like "phew" but in the end i managed to kill him. When he died i wanted to /bow or /pray but i didnt recognize (le stupid me, i had purge on my bar) a dot ticking on my still low health and right when i put in the emote i just...died next to him... i realy broke out in laughter that moment.

    Get Stuff like this (but not this stuff)


    "I have too admit. People leading trade guilds in this game are quite stupid. Not stupid like fools, but stupid like leaders.
    They can only bla-bla and waste gold on feeding their ego. I am disappointed."

    Egal, wie gut du Schach spielst, die Taube wird alle Figuren umwerfen, auf das Brett kacken und herumstolzieren, als hätte sie gewonnen.

    Arkadius Trade Tools
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  • smacx250
    There was a time in the game where if I couldn't break free before fear got to a certain point in its animation it wouldn't ever break. After experiencing that a number of times, whenever I saw it get to that point I would just take my hands from the keyboard, sit back, and wait for the death recap (and whatever else). Go ahead and take the cheap kill - no, I'll let you have it - I really don't care.
  • red_emu
    I love tea :trollface:
    PC - EU:
    Falathren Noctis - AD MagNecro
    Falathren - AD StamSorc
    Falathren Eryndaer - AD StamDen
    Falathren Irimion - AD MagPlar
    Talagan Falathren - AD StamDK
    Falathren Infernis - AD MagDK
    Your-Ex - AD MagBlade
  • Dont_do_drugs
    smacx250 wrote: »
    There was a time in the game where if I couldn't break free before fear got to a certain point in its animation it wouldn't ever break. After experiencing that a number of times, whenever I saw it get to that point I would just take my hands from the keyboard, sit back, and wait for the death recap (and whatever else). Go ahead and take the cheap kill - no, I'll let you have it - I really don't care.

    thats not getting over ego, its beeing salty *g

    Get Stuff like this (but not this stuff)


    "I have too admit. People leading trade guilds in this game are quite stupid. Not stupid like fools, but stupid like leaders.
    They can only bla-bla and waste gold on feeding their ego. I am disappointed."

    Egal, wie gut du Schach spielst, die Taube wird alle Figuren umwerfen, auf das Brett kacken und herumstolzieren, als hätte sie gewonnen.

    Arkadius Trade Tools
    Modular framework, now open for authors who want to add own tabs.

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  • smacx250
    smacx250 wrote: »
    There was a time in the game where if I couldn't break free before fear got to a certain point in its animation it wouldn't ever break. After experiencing that a number of times, whenever I saw it get to that point I would just take my hands from the keyboard, sit back, and wait for the death recap (and whatever else). Go ahead and take the cheap kill - no, I'll let you have it - I really don't care.

    thats not getting over ego, its beeing salty *g
    No, that was the many times of fuming and pounding on the keyboard and feeling cheated and angry that occurred before I just accepted it for what it was, and let it be. No more do I let bugs in the game get me down - though cheap kills are still cheap kills regardless of how they make me feel.
  • Peekachu99
    There’s a general lack of class when it comes to t-bagging. Like when you repeatedly kill 1-3 players (CP cap, not bullying the lil’ uns) then a Zerg comes, chases you around half of IC, finally kills you and gets back half the TV you made of their zergling corpses. Oh and the mass t-bagging they do over your corpse, of course. Because they’re oh so awesome when it’s 10v1.

    In situations like this it’s easy to not get upset since we’ve already established they’re garbage zerglings. Now go get a boss and drag it onto the flag they’re capping for maximum hate-tells.
  • BlueViolet
    I'm not so bothered when people kill me in PvP. I'm not that great at it, but I like it.

    Last time I played, our group was taking a keep, and an EP player came up behind me and completely slaughtered me. My character died and disintegrated into in a small pile of ashes, which the other player promptly began to sweep up with the /sweep emote.

    I thought it was absolutely hilarious :D
    EU / NA / PC
  • IV_Deity
    I usually don't reply. I've seen players triple team me in order to kill me, since I usually kill them while alone, then they tea bag and such. I don't get mad at all. Sometimes they send hate mail containing expletives so I just report them and get them muted lol.
  • randomkeyhits
    Its a bit of the inverse for me.

    If I die in combat then I deserve it, learn to play, get good, whatever. Its down to me to up my game even against the cheesiest of builds.

    If I die because its outside of my control like losing video then I do feel a bit salty as the chance of the win was taken out of my hands which I don't like.

    As for being emoted on when I've lost? Don't care in the slightest I consider the type of player who feels its necessary and thats enough to make it salt-free. Especially with some of the worse PvPers who only usually get to do it when they are grouped with real fighters, those guys are so desperate for the chance its comical.
    EU PS4
  • Dont_do_drugs
    As for being emoted on when I've lost? Don't care in the slightest I consider the type of player who feels its necessary and thats enough to make it salt-free. Especially with some of the worse PvPers who only usually get to do it when they are grouped with real fighters, those guys are so desperate for the chance its comical.

    Actually I am wondering, why people dont like emotes? Well I can a little bit understand it for teabagging, but everything else is something i consider more like a relaxed, funny and friendly afterthingy. Doesnt matter wether someone does it to me or i do it to him, actually I never thought of it as insulting someone but showing happyness (which also is some kind of compliment, bcs killing a starter doesnt make me happy a lot) as example or some kind of funny teasing.

    Get Stuff like this (but not this stuff)


    "I have too admit. People leading trade guilds in this game are quite stupid. Not stupid like fools, but stupid like leaders.
    They can only bla-bla and waste gold on feeding their ego. I am disappointed."

    Egal, wie gut du Schach spielst, die Taube wird alle Figuren umwerfen, auf das Brett kacken und herumstolzieren, als hätte sie gewonnen.

    Arkadius Trade Tools
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  • Vanya
    To put it very simply. It all comes to self control, but ultimately one unleash their own negativity and frustration in online world due to being anonymous. Surely it cannot be compared to real life, One can say a lot and lash out in rage in chat,but such thing is almost impossible in reality without more severe consequences.

    Usually it is the habit of a younger player or those who are moody with uncontrollable bursts of rage and anger, but with the time indeed it can be conquered. Ask yourself for a moment ,why to drain nerves and energy? Die and retreat back. Ignore and block. Report if it's needed. The most effective and the fastest instant solution to deal with toxic player is to completely negate anything really, do not respond back, sorrowful it is , there are always those who shall fall into trap or be very upset.

    I am 28 years old, I do nothing but laugh or swiftly Block. From countless amount of experience and a Decade of MMO gaming I know perfectly who is toxic and how to deal with particular players and without getting in trouble or "hurting myself in the process"

    It usually in the end is funny why people get upset, so what it wasn't honourable way For instance, but it does allow you to retaliate back in such manner which could be even thrice more toxic or continue to argue, you are falling lower and lower.

    There is nothing to deal with. I have the absolute freedom to play how I want and respond whom I wish, If I m abused or I see someone with high trolling toxic tendencies, he/she shall be blocked.

    The end. End of story.
  • ktdotexe

    Edited by ktdotexe on July 11, 2019 4:47PM
  • ktdotexe
    Edited by ktdotexe on July 11, 2019 4:48PM
  • Prof_Bawbag
    The fact you took the time out to dedicate an entire post to the event in question, would make me assume you were more bothered about it than you care to admit. But I'm a cynical old ***, so no offence meant. :p

    PvP is a funny social experience. It has the power to turn people who are usually sensible and obviously very intellectual into sniffling little kids in mere seconds. I'm 43 and most things don't bother me as I've went through worse things in life than being put on my ass in some game. Yet there was once I went waaaaay ott and reverted back to being a 10 year old little kid. The person in question was obviously young and probably young enough had he said anything to me irl, I'd have ignored him. After all, it takes a very special adult to feel the need to get 1 up on some 12 or so year old. But i became that special adult that time. Thought about it, then laughed about it and never done it again. Even though it was the other person who was doing the baiting, I actually messaged them and apologised as I don't think there is ever any reason for an adult to start a slanging match with a young kid. I was in the wrong, not the other person.

    Edited by Prof_Bawbag on March 24, 2018 12:23PM
  • imnotanother
    In jiu jitsu, we use the motto "leave your ego at the door." Then usually get served up a big piece of Humble pie.

    So when moments happen, like the OP described, it is best to just brush it off.
    PS4: NA - AD PSN: imnotanother (Artell Lyeselle)
    Stamina NightBlade 810+ CP - PvP/Trials/Dungeon Ready
  • randomkeyhits
    As for being emoted on when I've lost? Don't care in the slightest I consider the type of player who feels its necessary and thats enough to make it salt-free. Especially with some of the worse PvPers who only usually get to do it when they are grouped with real fighters, those guys are so desperate for the chance its comical.

    Actually I am wondering, why people dont like emotes? Well I can a little bit understand it for teabagging, but everything else is something i consider more like a relaxed, funny and friendly afterthingy. Doesnt matter wether someone does it to me or i do it to him, actually I never thought of it as insulting someone but showing happyness (which also is some kind of compliment, bcs killing a starter doesnt make me happy a lot) as example or some kind of funny teasing.

    I don't dislike emotes, I simply don't care. I recognise the victory shout for what it is and if the emoter earned it, fair enough, if not then it shows their desperation to be seen to be a winner.

    Occasionally someone will emote with some style, good timing and so on, then I'll smile and mentally say "well done, well done" but that is rare.
    EU PS4
  • Dont_do_drugs
    As for being emoted on when I've lost? Don't care in the slightest I consider the type of player who feels its necessary and thats enough to make it salt-free. Especially with some of the worse PvPers who only usually get to do it when they are grouped with real fighters, those guys are so desperate for the chance its comical.

    Actually I am wondering, why people dont like emotes? Well I can a little bit understand it for teabagging, but everything else is something i consider more like a relaxed, funny and friendly afterthingy. Doesnt matter wether someone does it to me or i do it to him, actually I never thought of it as insulting someone but showing happyness (which also is some kind of compliment, bcs killing a starter doesnt make me happy a lot) as example or some kind of funny teasing.

    I don't dislike emotes, I simply don't care. I recognise the victory shout for what it is and if the emoter earned it, fair enough, if not then it shows their desperation to be seen to be a winner.

    Occasionally someone will emote with some style, good timing and so on, then I'll smile and mentally say "well done, well done" but that is rare.

    maybe i am too childish to understand that. pvp to me is fun and its a game. and after a game, also with family and friends u sometimes tease each other, the loser isnt getting salty, the winner isnt overdoing it, but some fun is okay. *headscratch*

    Get Stuff like this (but not this stuff)


    "I have too admit. People leading trade guilds in this game are quite stupid. Not stupid like fools, but stupid like leaders.
    They can only bla-bla and waste gold on feeding their ego. I am disappointed."

    Egal, wie gut du Schach spielst, die Taube wird alle Figuren umwerfen, auf das Brett kacken und herumstolzieren, als hätte sie gewonnen.

    Arkadius Trade Tools
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  • Sixty5
    Mostly a lot of the issues here stem from immaturity.
    Getting worked up IRL because someone said or did something mean in a game shows you are overinvested in something that doesn't matter.

    It's fine to shout obscenities in the privacy of your home about how that Implosion proc wss bs or that ZOS have the combined IQ of a cup of yoghurt for letting nightblades exist, but it isn't fine to not move on.

    Because lets be real, trash talk and BM is part of what makes pvp games fun. Tea bagging is the equivalent of slamming down the controller and telling your friend to suck it, after you best them. It's the goal celebration or the victory donuts.
    And sure it feels bad when you lose, but losing feels bad anyway, and if it doesn't feel bad then you aren't trying enough.

    But in the end,

    It's only a game, why you hef to be mad?
    Lord and Savior of the Association of Serious S***posters.

    I play a character called "Gives Me Wood Elf" because I am a mature and sensible person.
    Stam Sorc main in Battlegrounds
  • Slick_007
    did you ever consider that he was checking your pulse? Have you ever tried checking someones pulse while standing up and they are on the floor?
  • technohic
    I generally just don’t notice names so much unless it’s a particularly good player that I know I have been unable to beat, or what they are doing outside of combat. When I die, I focus on my death recap and what happened and what I could do differently.

    Sometimes after that; I will just leave my corpse there and will notice what people are doing, but I just take the time to go to the bathroom or grab a drink and laugh if they wasted time worrying that I’m waiting for a rez.
  • Orticia
    Never felt salty really towards players. I had some moments where people behaved antisocial/taunting/whatever. But hey it's just a game, they get at most an behind the screen bored muttered "fool" and maybe if they are really bad a lazy roll eyes. After all their behavior says more about hem then me and they sure as hell don't put themselves in the best of lights. Then I just move on without a response or whatever in game. Best trolls are starved ones.

    I will report sexual aggressive, hate speech and discrimination though. Childish behavior or lack of self control just gets ignored.
    Edited by Orticia on March 24, 2018 2:01PM
  • Alqu
    After playing Darkfall. When I die in PvP and dont lose all my loot, I dont feel much rage. My biggest rage in ESO is because I might get a long loading screen.
    Alqu - Sneaky bosmer dps (sNB)
    Allqu - Whirling dervish redguard dps (Sorc)
    Ocuili - Devout dunmer templar burninator (Temp)
    Ocuilin - Secretive dunmer dps/heals (mNB)
    Tletl - Drunken orsimer tank (DK)
  • swippy
    i'm kind of surprised so many people even have to get over it. when i go to Cyrodiil i expect to die; that's why i brought all these soul gems! plus i get to read those death recaps and find out what kind of stuff i should try to look out for. there's no way i was gonna barge in and beat people who've been living in Cyro for years; some folks probably have a decade or more experience with active combat systems. every death is a chance to learn from someone who did a better job utilizing what they've prepared.

    the emotes are funny, though. sometimes during time in a small group you start to recognize another small group you keep running into, and if you trade wins it's fun to tease a little bit. teabagging's boring; i like to see funny stuff. that^ sweeping up a disintegrated enemy was a good one. one time i was the last to die (probably just the one time) and i lead them away a little bit before they got me. the three of them took a second to stand in a circle around my corpse, and then all 3 did /sitchair, like i was the tea table. it was like an NFL celebration.

    honestly, PvE's more likely to raise my blood pressure. if i almost beat a computer but die, that means that i'm capable but i wasn't trying hard enough. i can get a little mad at myself for motivation and focus. no point getting mad at another player for pulling off exactly what they set out to do. :)
  • Scorpiodisc
    Kova wrote: »
    The other day I was attacked by a nb and we had a nice little dance. The player was obviously not use to the class or just not very good in general because they missed their burst opportunities and kept running low on resources. Then it happened...

    ...screen freezes....goes signal message floating in front of my eyes. I look down to see mi lindo gato playing with the HDMI cable. I rush to plug it back in, and just as the screen pops up, the player executes me...and promptly begins to make tea.

    I hate these moments so much usually, but this time I laughed about it and it felt great. This dude obviously saw me not attacking for some reason, killed me, and felt proud enough to squat over me and I just couldn't be mad about it.

    Do any of you have a moment where you finally conquered the salt inside? How've you dealt with toxic players?

    Sounds like you just got outplayed.
  • GreenhaloX
    Yeah, a lot of times, I die or got bested because of those technical glitches of loading screen popping up while you in the midst of a fight, or skills/abilities misfiring or delayed, lag and other crapshoot. Also, for PS4, you got that little PS button in the middle/between the two sticks on the controller, and I seem to hit that little button a lot which then brings you off screen and into the PS dashboard. By the time, I'm able to return, my toon is dead. Sure, I got peeps that won by such technical glitches prancing over my dead toon, but, I really never do it when I kill someone. I'm not too certain either if the others had experienced similar technical glitches. However, I will teabag those that tried to gank me, from stealth or while I'm on my siege, but they failed. After I kill those yahoos (or when I can), then teabag is on for trying to gank me.

    What is also hilarious is when you got beat by a group of 3 or more or overran by a zerg, then a low level or lower CP dude/toon or two comes by and teabags you. Ok, get your teabag, you lowbie dude that otherwise would get one or two shot killed. Ha ha
  • Sevn
    C'mon folks, this is easy! People tea up others because they know it will induce some sort of reaction.

    Nothing seems to bother dedicated pvper's more than having someone, in particular someone who had nothing to do with their demise, bag them up.

    At least that's why I do lol. It's simply insult to injury, another blow to their ego and the salty replies confirms it.
    There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man, true nobility is being superior to your former self
  • Wrecking_Blow_Spam
    Nice story bruh, I've had a few occasions like this in pvp (not just in this game).

    One particular ironic player was this mag sorc, it was my 1st time on my stamdk in over a year in pvp, I was just there to get enough ap for a transmutation monthly geode. So my gear/rotation etc was just standard etc.

    This guy is a well know wind up merchant/sweaty player on xbox, he attacked me on Mount and for over 10 mins we fought and neither could win. At many points I stopped attacking as I cba waste time bit he never gave up. Eventually I walked away as I didn't wanna waste more time, the whole time I walked away he was attacking me but his dmg was lacklustre as he was a survivability sorc.

    So afterwards he messaged me on xbox, calling me a cursing noob, who has toxic tactics. He sent multiple message for many minutes. Here's the irony in his 'toxic build' message, as a mag sorcerer he was running-

    Immovable pots
    Resto ulti
    3 shields

    So basically he had good survivability and couldn't kill any half competent player. Yet a good Stam DK would struggle to kill him solo, although in our fight I was applying most pressure.

    On xbox when someone uses a curse wood like he did in a message, if u report it then xbox within a week usually ban the player for communications.

    A week later xbox sent me a message, thanking me as they recently banned a player, tears of joy knowing it was him. A communication ban entails no voice chat on eso or xbox chat, no zone chat, no xbox messages etc. The 1st ban is a week after that I think they lengthen it more.
    Xbox one EU
    8 Flawless conquerors on all class specs (4 stam, 4 magicka)
    Doesn't stand in red
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