Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of October 7:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – October 7
• Xbox: EU megaserver for maintenance – October 9, 2:00 UTC (October 8, 10:00PM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)

Dream summerset teaser patch notes?

  • Sanctum74
    Summerset Patch Notes

    Out of respect for our customers who have been very patient in dealing with performance problems we will be delaying the release of any new content and will instead focus on fixing many game breaking issues. Below are some of the problems being addressed.

    1. CC immunity and break free have finally been fixed.
    2. Bar swap now works and will now display the correct weapon for the active bar.
    3. Skill activation and animations now work and no longer require 3 button presses.
    4. Load screens have been fixed and no longer happen randomly in the middle of combat or just walking around.
    5. Blue screens in the middle of combat have been fixed.
    6. Potions can now be used reliably and no longer make the drink potion sound when they have not been consumed.
    7. Random resource drain has been fixed.
    8. Invisible players and npc's have been fixed.
    9. Health desync has been fixed.
    10. Poisons and proc sets are disabled in pvp.
    11. Battle spirit will now apply to cp
    12. The resource recovery changes from Morrowind have all been reverted in cp and armor passives and siphoner has been removed.
    13. Every player will see a 10k gold loss from their account so we can give it to Sanctum74

  • Ragnarock41
    CP cap increased to 999.999,
    enjoy grinding!

    DK skills now do zero damage, as a tank shouldn't be able to kill anything.
    This is a buff if you're not a Dk main, or no longer playing ESO.

    Templar jabs now heal enemies.
    This is a buff if you're a heal bot.

    Nb incap now resets the target's mages guild&fighters guild level to 1, if it kills the target.
    we felt like nightblades weren't punishing enough so we made sure they have a strong spot in the game.
    Edited by Ragnarock41 on March 14, 2018 2:15PM
  • Neoauspex
    All zones PvP enabled. Dying in PvP deletes your character. Killing another player gives you all their stuff. Guards damage increased by 300%, initiating PvP agros guards but defending does not.
  • Demycilian
    Fix for animation cancelling aka ESO leaving the beta phase.

    Introduction of an auctionhouse system.

    Additional scented handkerchiefs for the Altmer to help endure the... potent presence of the lesser races during this challenge to high elven patience and good will.
  • Inhuman003
    Add a PVP Arena 1v1, 2v2 and 100 player Battle Royale, Corral
  • Kodrac
    ESO Summeret DLC

    just kidding it's really a Murkmire chapter..
  • Ragnarock41
    Demycilian wrote: »
    Fix for animation cancelling aka ESO leaving the beta phase..

    The whole game is balanced on that animation cancelling now.
    When they try to fix it , things just get worse, so they called it a feature and be done with it, which was the better choice imo.

    I don't care if I have to ani cancel or not, after you learn how to do it you just never care about it. thats how things are in this game.

    I'm sorry but if you are hoping for the impossible, they can't afford to rework the entire combat system to fix a bug, or feature or whatever you prefer to call it.

  • dazee
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Cloak cuts health recovery by some percentage and halts counting of roll dodge cost debuff.

    You know only magicka based nightblades can spam cloak indefinitely right?
    Playing your character the way your character should play is all that matters. Play as well as you can but never betray the character. Doing so would make playing an mmoRPG pointless.
  • Sabbathius
    I would throw money at them FOR YEARS if they just did the basics.

    Animation canceling? GONE. You can still cancel, but it works like in 99% of other MMOs. You press a button, resource is consumed. You release the button, ability begins to do the animation. You get the effect (heal, damage, shield, buff) when animation finishes. If you cancel the animation, which you can still do to block or avoid mechanics with dodge, you still can, you just get no effect. The improvement to the game will be GIGANTIC, with so many issues solved right off the bat, including all the "game is too hard" (from someone who waits for animations, because they are beautiful) to "game is too easy" (from someone who cancels everything and has never seen Endless Hail animation in full), and most of the lag-based complaints, because without button-mashing, the impact of lag will be considerably minimized.

    Class rebalance, so that every class can do every role competitively. When was the last time you saw a DK main healer? Or a vet trial tank that wasn't a DK? I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but it's rare.

    Quality of life basics. That means everything from batch-crafting (do I really need to press the cook button 20 times? In 2018? Seriously?!) onwards, like dual specialization (or triple/quadruple) and so on, something other MMOs had for over a decade now and which players see as pretty much standard in this day and age. In some ways, ESO today is like a game that doesn't support widescreen. It's just...whiskey tango foxtrot?!

    And, obviously, modernize the client so that it doesn't lean heavily on just a single CPU core.

    Fix these things, and the game will be on very, very good footing for further growth. Let these issues stagnate and fester, and they will eventually rot your game dead from inside out.

    EDIT: Also, completely 10000% unrealistic (even more unrealistic than ZOS being able to solve animation canceling problem) is..underwater content! There's sooo much water in ESO, and it goes unused. WoW used their shoreline beautifully for all kinds of interesting content, and so did Guild Wars 2 and many others. In a game that has Argonians, not to use all that water is just criminal. I'm not asking for a full-blown zone like Vasj'ir in WoW, but just make use of that real estate! I just got off the Sea of Thieves beta this past weekend, and just the ability to dive underwater and swim with the fishies reminded me how wonderful that can be in a game. Also..underwater combat in Cyrodiil, instead of being eaten. Think about that. But yeah, this is a total pipe dream, I think. With Morrowind they made water even shallower.
    Edited by Sabbathius on March 14, 2018 5:28PM
  • Thannazzar
    A Thalmor kill counter for those of us only going to summerset to give the blade of woe a target rich environment!
  • dodgehopper_ESO
    aliyavana wrote: »
    What are your dream summerset isle dlc patch notes?

    1. Dlc set in summerset, not filthy murkmire

    2. Housing slots increased

    I'm pretty sure it will be in Summerset and I also greatly look forward to an actual Murkmire patch. Shadows of the Hist was fun but it was only an amuse-bouche.
    US/AD - Dodge Hopper - Vet Imperial Templar | US/AD - Goj-ei-Raj - Vet Argonian Nightblade
    US/AD - Arondonimo - Vet Altmer Sorcerer | US/AD - Azumarax - Vet Dunmer Dragon Knight
    US/AD - Barkan al-Sheharesh - Vet Redguard Dragon Knight | US/AD - Aelus Vortavoriil - Vet Altmer Templar
    US/AD - Shirari Qa'Dar - Vet Khajiit Nightblade | US/AD - Ndvari Mzunchvolenthumz - Vet Bosmer Nightblade
    US/EP - Yngmar - Vet Nord Dragon Knight | US/EP - Reloth Ur Fyr - Vet Dunmer Sorcerer
    US/DC - Muiredeach - Vet Breton Sorcerer | US/DC - Nachtrabe - Vet Orc Nightblade
    EU/DC - Dragol gro-Unglak - Vet Orc Dragon Knight | EU/DC - Targan al-Barkan - Vet Redguard Templar
    EU/DC - Wuthmir - Vet Nord Sorcerer | EU/DC - Kosh Ragotoro - Vet Khajiit Nightblade
    <And plenty more>
  • Nightves
    Ability to craft Jewelry, no more waiting a millenia for the Gold Merchant to pop out the set you want.
  • Maura_Neysa
    Mundus Stones:
    • Thief Stone: From 7% crit chance to 8%
    • Shadow Stone: From 9% crit damage to 10%

    Champion Points:
    The Tower:
    • Siphoner: From "Reduces all resource restore effects of enemies you hit with Light or Heavy Attacks by [0-15]% for 3 seconds including potions, item sets and ability passives as well as Health/Magicka/Stamina regeneration" to War Mount: "decreases stamina drain from your mounts by [0-35%]." No this is in a good place right now
    • War Mount: Removed and replaced as the 120 CP Passive.
    • Quick Learner: Passives unlocked after spending 120 points in The Tower. Decrease research times and rate you can train your mounts by 50%.. Serious about this one. Horse training and researching is too long.

    Racial Passives:
    • Khajiit: Nimble from "Increase your Health Recovery by 6%/14%/20% and Stamina Recovery by 3%/6%/10%" to "Decrease Stamina Cost of your Abilities by 2%/4%/6% and increases Stamina Recovery by 2%/4%/8%."
    • Nord: Rugged now calculates damage reduction before all other calculations. Rugged from "2%/4%/6% damage reduction" to "3%/6%/9% damage reduction" before all calculations.
    • Breton: Magicka Mastery from "Reduces the Magicka cost of your abilities by 1%/2%/3%" to "Increases damage done with Magic Damage by 2%/4%/6%." No it’s truly amazing how many people don’t understand how amazingly strong this passive is
    • Bosmer (Wood Elf): Resist Affliction reworked. Now "Potent Affliction" - Increases damage done with Poison and Disease damage by 2%/4%/6%.

    Destruction Staff:
    • Tri Focus: "Fully-charged Frost Heavy Attack taunt the enemy to attack you for 15 seconds and grant a damage shield that absorbs 805 damage. While a Frost Staff is equipped, blocking cost Magicka instead of Stamina" to " Fully-charged Frost Heavy Attacks fires a glacial whirlwind in a straight path for 18 metres, damaging enemies and slowing them by 50% for 2/3 seconds." ---> Similar to what some NPC's use, and instead of a root it's a slow.
    • Ancient Knowledge: "Frost Staff reduces the cost of blocking by 15%/30% and increases the amount of damage you block by 10%/20%" to "Frost Staff Increases your damage done with Damage over Time abilities by 4%/8%." No Frost went from useless to useful, and you want to take that away again? It will never compete on DPS. Maim and root would be to OP
    • Cleave: Increased the damage of this ability and it's morphs by 15%.
    Dual Wield:
    • Thrive in Chaos (Lacerate Morph): From "Each enemy hit increases your damage done by [5]% for the duration, up to a maximum of [30]% damage done" to "Reduced Cost" from 150 Ultimate to ~80.

    Status Effects:
    • Chilled Now "When you apply the chilled status effect on an enemy, they take frost damage over time based on your current Spell damage. Chilled effect lasts 4 seconds and ticks every 1 second, increasing in damage the longer it ticks." 65%/90%/115%/140% damage. No - again, it will be OP with matching damage and utility. Just like how all gap closer snares got nerfed

    Item Sets:
    • Domihaus Now a static circle. (Similar to Grothdarr, but doesn't move with you). 8 Metre Radius.
    • Molag Kena: From "(2 items) When you deal damage with 2 consecutive Light Attacks you trigger Overkill for 6 seconds, which increases your Weapon and Spell Damage by 516 but also increases the cost of your abilities by 20%." to "(2 items) When you deal damage you have a 15% to trigger Overkill for 6 seconds, which increases your Weapon and Spell Damage by 400 but also increases the cost of your abilities by 15%.
    • Nerien'eth: 1 Piece now provides Spell Damage. Increased proc chance from 10% to 15%.
    • Scathing Mage: Now procs off of Critical Damage, rather than Direct Critical Damage. Proc chance from 20% to 15%.
    • Silks of the Sun: 2-piece now provides Spell Critical instead of Maximum Health.
    Edited by Maura_Neysa on March 14, 2018 6:02PM
    Maiden Maura - Xbox NA
    Warden Ice Tank (By far my favorite) -RIP #Nerfmire
    Stormproof, Shehai Shatterer, Mageslayer(solo tanked), Ophidian Overlord, Assistant Alienist, Boethiah's Scythe,Maw of Lorkhaj Conqueror, Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor
    Dragon Knight Healer (Since Homestead)
    Shehai Shatterer, Mageslayer,
    Warden 2x Bow DPS
    Stormproof, Shehai Shatterer, Mageslayer, Ophidian Overlord, Assistant Alienist, Boethiah's Scythe, Maw of Lorkhaj Conqueror, Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor, Sunspire Saint,
    PvP StamDen, Warden Healer, MagDen, Stamplar, StamSorc, DK Failed Attempt, NB Failed Attempt

    Playing BiS isn't impressive, playing unique at BiS lvl, THAT's impressive.

  • mb10
    Ice magic finally has a purpose in this game

    Sap essence reduction in cost and a tanky nightblade is a possibility again
  • ThinkerOfThings
    Neoauspex wrote: »
    All zones PvP enabled. Dying in PvP deletes your character. Killing another player gives you all their stuff. Guards damage increased by 300%, initiating PvP agros guards but defending does not.

    This is a terrible idea.
    "It is very, very sad being mortal. There is happiness, yes. But mostly sadness. As I have said, count only the happy hours." - Vivec
    XBOX - EP: Sen Sadri ( DE NB )
  • Maura_Neysa
    Neoauspex wrote: »
    All zones PvP enabled. Dying in PvP deletes your character. Killing another player gives you all their stuff. Guards damage increased by 300%, initiating PvP agros guards but defending does not.

    This is a terrible idea.

    PvP everywhere yes, the rest no. Then add in Recruiters, if your active duty, it’s just like Cyrodiil. If you’re On Leave, you still hold rank but can’t be attacked in PvE, but if you go into Cyrodiil, you’re atomaticly set to active. If you’re a civilian, you have no rank, can’t earn any alliance points, are never set to active and can go into Cyrodiil and PvE unmolested.

    Second, add to the Fighters Guild bounty, Players. Each time you are killed by a Player you have the option of paying for, with your own gold, a bounty on that persons head. That bounty can then be picked up and utilized to attempt to collect anywhere regardless of that persons PvP status.

    None of this would work in instances places, like 4 man, skyreach, trials, etc.

    It would add to the hard core PvPers because now there is a whole knew level of uncertainty and chance and skill. It would add to the lowbies, because you could retaliate against Trolls with bounties

    Edit: Could also use this system to allow for switching alliances, at the cost of premently loosing all rank and starting over, even if you rejoined the same alliance as before.
    Edited by Maura_Neysa on March 14, 2018 6:44PM
    Maiden Maura - Xbox NA
    Warden Ice Tank (By far my favorite) -RIP #Nerfmire
    Stormproof, Shehai Shatterer, Mageslayer(solo tanked), Ophidian Overlord, Assistant Alienist, Boethiah's Scythe,Maw of Lorkhaj Conqueror, Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor
    Dragon Knight Healer (Since Homestead)
    Shehai Shatterer, Mageslayer,
    Warden 2x Bow DPS
    Stormproof, Shehai Shatterer, Mageslayer, Ophidian Overlord, Assistant Alienist, Boethiah's Scythe, Maw of Lorkhaj Conqueror, Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor, Sunspire Saint,
    PvP StamDen, Warden Healer, MagDen, Stamplar, StamSorc, DK Failed Attempt, NB Failed Attempt

    Playing BiS isn't impressive, playing unique at BiS lvl, THAT's impressive.

  • Blackbird_V
    Mundus Stones:
    • Thief Stone: From 7% crit chance to 8%
    • Shadow Stone: From 9% crit damage to 10%

    Champion Points:
    The Tower:
    • Siphoner: From "Reduces all resource restore effects of enemies you hit with Light or Heavy Attacks by [0-15]% for 3 seconds including potions, item sets and ability passives as well as Health/Magicka/Stamina regeneration" to War Mount: "decreases stamina drain from your mounts by [0-35%]." No this is in a good place right now
    • War Mount: Removed and replaced as the 120 CP Passive.
    • Quick Learner: Passives unlocked after spending 120 points in The Tower. Decrease research times and rate you can train your mounts by 50%.. Serious about this one. Horse training and researching is too long.

    Racial Passives:
    • Khajiit: Nimble from "Increase your Health Recovery by 6%/14%/20% and Stamina Recovery by 3%/6%/10%" to "Decrease Stamina Cost of your Abilities by 2%/4%/6% and increases Stamina Recovery by 2%/4%/8%."
    • Nord: Rugged now calculates damage reduction before all other calculations. Rugged from "2%/4%/6% damage reduction" to "3%/6%/9% damage reduction" before all calculations.
    • Breton: Magicka Mastery from "Reduces the Magicka cost of your abilities by 1%/2%/3%" to "Increases damage done with Magic Damage by 2%/4%/6%." No it’s truly amazing how many people don’t understand how amazingly strong this passive is
    • Bosmer (Wood Elf): Resist Affliction reworked. Now "Potent Affliction" - Increases damage done with Poison and Disease damage by 2%/4%/6%.

    Destruction Staff:
    • Tri Focus: "Fully-charged Frost Heavy Attack taunt the enemy to attack you for 15 seconds and grant a damage shield that absorbs 805 damage. While a Frost Staff is equipped, blocking cost Magicka instead of Stamina" to " Fully-charged Frost Heavy Attacks fires a glacial whirlwind in a straight path for 18 metres, damaging enemies and slowing them by 50% for 2/3 seconds." ---> Similar to what some NPC's use, and instead of a root it's a slow.
    • Ancient Knowledge: "Frost Staff reduces the cost of blocking by 15%/30% and increases the amount of damage you block by 10%/20%" to "Frost Staff Increases your damage done with Damage over Time abilities by 4%/8%." No Frost went from useless to useful, and you want to take that away again? It will never compete on DPS. Maim and root would be to OP
    • Cleave: Increased the damage of this ability and it's morphs by 15%.
    Dual Wield:
    • Thrive in Chaos (Lacerate Morph): From "Each enemy hit increases your damage done by [5]% for the duration, up to a maximum of [30]% damage done" to "Reduced Cost" from 150 Ultimate to ~80.

    Status Effects:
    • Chilled Now "When you apply the chilled status effect on an enemy, they take frost damage over time based on your current Spell damage. Chilled effect lasts 4 seconds and ticks every 1 second, increasing in damage the longer it ticks." 65%/90%/115%/140% damage. No - again, it will be OP with matching damage and utility. Just like how all gap closer snares got nerfed

    Item Sets:
    • Domihaus Now a static circle. (Similar to Grothdarr, but doesn't move with you). 8 Metre Radius.
    • Molag Kena: From "(2 items) When you deal damage with 2 consecutive Light Attacks you trigger Overkill for 6 seconds, which increases your Weapon and Spell Damage by 516 but also increases the cost of your abilities by 20%." to "(2 items) When you deal damage you have a 15% to trigger Overkill for 6 seconds, which increases your Weapon and Spell Damage by 400 but also increases the cost of your abilities by 15%.
    • Nerien'eth: 1 Piece now provides Spell Damage. Increased proc chance from 10% to 15%.
    • Scathing Mage: Now procs off of Critical Damage, rather than Direct Critical Damage. Proc chance from 20% to 15%.
    • Silks of the Sun: 2-piece now provides Spell Critical instead of Maximum Health.

    3% cost reduction is actually completely weak as hell. 2500 Magicka cost on lets say, Puncturing Sweep. 3% cost reduction is 2425.. 75 Difference. That is extremely pathetically weak.

    Nobody, NOBODY tanks with an Ice Staff, I have yet to actually see an Ice Staff Tank. I never said Chill applies minor maim, I reworked that if you read down. It went from very useless to absolutely useless.

    Chilled DoT rework would not be OP at all, since it would only scale with Spell Damage, rather than Spell Damage + Max Magicka (such as burning - doesn't tick as often, but still would do more DPS than chilled in this manner).

    Siphoner.. Meh. Can be good, but it's CP it should be universal for PvP and PvE. If they balanced the 2 separately, I'd understand. Idc much for that tbh.
    Edited by Blackbird_V on March 14, 2018 6:47PM
    Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 25 DLCs. 41 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game.
  • Rex-Umbra
    Necromancer class added
    Spell crafting added
    Xbox GT: Rex Umbrah
    GM of IMPERIUM since 2015.
  • Starlight_Knight
    Mag warden buffs :)
    and lag fixes in pvp
    Edited by Starlight_Knight on March 14, 2018 7:09PM
  • Vanthras79
    Rex-Umbra wrote: »
    Necromancer class added
    Spell crafting added

    Yes! /Agree
    Norion Germain - Telvanni Wizard, Covenant Battle Mage, Mage's Guild Magister, Resident of Daggerfall Overlook, Lord of Tel Galen, Psijic Monk, Antiquarian, Breton Scholar, and Traveler.

  • QuebraRegra
    "WROBEL fired, and driven from the building while being beaten with sticks"

    I know he's behind the Hemmorage ninja nerf.
  • Silver_Strider
    Mundus Stones:
    • Thief Stone: From 7% crit chance to 8%
    • Shadow Stone: From 9% crit damage to 10%

    Champion Points:
    The Tower:
    • Siphoner: From "Reduces all resource restore effects of enemies you hit with Light or Heavy Attacks by [0-15]% for 3 seconds including potions, item sets and ability passives as well as Health/Magicka/Stamina regeneration" to War Mount: "decreases stamina drain from your mounts by [0-35%]." No this is in a good place right now
    • War Mount: Removed and replaced as the 120 CP Passive.
    • Quick Learner: Passives unlocked after spending 120 points in The Tower. Decrease research times and rate you can train your mounts by 50%.. Serious about this one. Horse training and researching is too long.

    Racial Passives:
    • Khajiit: Nimble from "Increase your Health Recovery by 6%/14%/20% and Stamina Recovery by 3%/6%/10%" to "Decrease Stamina Cost of your Abilities by 2%/4%/6% and increases Stamina Recovery by 2%/4%/8%."
    • Nord: Rugged now calculates damage reduction before all other calculations. Rugged from "2%/4%/6% damage reduction" to "3%/6%/9% damage reduction" before all calculations.
    • Breton: Magicka Mastery from "Reduces the Magicka cost of your abilities by 1%/2%/3%" to "Increases damage done with Magic Damage by 2%/4%/6%." No it’s truly amazing how many people don’t understand how amazingly strong this passive is
    • Bosmer (Wood Elf): Resist Affliction reworked. Now "Potent Affliction" - Increases damage done with Poison and Disease damage by 2%/4%/6%.

    Destruction Staff:
    • Tri Focus: "Fully-charged Frost Heavy Attack taunt the enemy to attack you for 15 seconds and grant a damage shield that absorbs 805 damage. While a Frost Staff is equipped, blocking cost Magicka instead of Stamina" to " Fully-charged Frost Heavy Attacks fires a glacial whirlwind in a straight path for 18 metres, damaging enemies and slowing them by 50% for 2/3 seconds." ---> Similar to what some NPC's use, and instead of a root it's a slow.
    • Ancient Knowledge: "Frost Staff reduces the cost of blocking by 15%/30% and increases the amount of damage you block by 10%/20%" to "Frost Staff Increases your damage done with Damage over Time abilities by 4%/8%." No Frost went from useless to useful, and you want to take that away again? It will never compete on DPS. Maim and root would be to OP
    • Cleave: Increased the damage of this ability and it's morphs by 15%.
    Dual Wield:
    • Thrive in Chaos (Lacerate Morph): From "Each enemy hit increases your damage done by [5]% for the duration, up to a maximum of [30]% damage done" to "Reduced Cost" from 150 Ultimate to ~80.

    Status Effects:
    • Chilled Now "When you apply the chilled status effect on an enemy, they take frost damage over time based on your current Spell damage. Chilled effect lasts 4 seconds and ticks every 1 second, increasing in damage the longer it ticks." 65%/90%/115%/140% damage. No - again, it will be OP with matching damage and utility. Just like how all gap closer snares got nerfed

    Item Sets:
    • Domihaus Now a static circle. (Similar to Grothdarr, but doesn't move with you). 8 Metre Radius.
    • Molag Kena: From "(2 items) When you deal damage with 2 consecutive Light Attacks you trigger Overkill for 6 seconds, which increases your Weapon and Spell Damage by 516 but also increases the cost of your abilities by 20%." to "(2 items) When you deal damage you have a 15% to trigger Overkill for 6 seconds, which increases your Weapon and Spell Damage by 400 but also increases the cost of your abilities by 15%.
    • Nerien'eth: 1 Piece now provides Spell Damage. Increased proc chance from 10% to 15%.
    • Scathing Mage: Now procs off of Critical Damage, rather than Direct Critical Damage. Proc chance from 20% to 15%.
    • Silks of the Sun: 2-piece now provides Spell Critical instead of Maximum Health.

    3% cost reduction is actually completely weak as hell. 2500 Magicka cost on lets say, Puncturing Sweep. 3% cost reduction is 2425.. 75 Difference. That is extremely pathetically weak.

    Nobody, NOBODY tanks with an Ice Staff, I have yet to actually see an Ice Staff Tank. I never said Chill applies minor maim, I reworked that if you read down. It went from very useless to absolutely useless.

    Chilled DoT rework would not be OP at all, since it would only scale with Spell Damage, rather than Spell Damage + Max Magicka (such as burning - doesn't tick as often, but still would do more DPS than chilled in this manner).

    Siphoner.. Meh. Can be good, but it's CP it should be universal for PvP and PvE. If they balanced the 2 separately, I'd understand. Idc much for that tbh.

    I Frost Tank and I think I do a damn good job of it to boot, least well enough to clear vScalecaller blind with very few hiccups on my Warden Frost Tank. It could be improved on, absolutely but it's in no way useless.
    Argonian forever
  • Maura_Neysa
    Mundus Stones:
    • Thief Stone: From 7% crit chance to 8%
    • Shadow Stone: From 9% crit damage to 10%

    Champion Points:
    The Tower:
    • Siphoner: From "Reduces all resource restore effects of enemies you hit with Light or Heavy Attacks by [0-15]% for 3 seconds including potions, item sets and ability passives as well as Health/Magicka/Stamina regeneration" to War Mount: "decreases stamina drain from your mounts by [0-35%]." No this is in a good place right now
    • War Mount: Removed and replaced as the 120 CP Passive.
    • Quick Learner: Passives unlocked after spending 120 points in The Tower. Decrease research times and rate you can train your mounts by 50%.. Serious about this one. Horse training and researching is too long.

    Racial Passives:
    • Khajiit: Nimble from "Increase your Health Recovery by 6%/14%/20% and Stamina Recovery by 3%/6%/10%" to "Decrease Stamina Cost of your Abilities by 2%/4%/6% and increases Stamina Recovery by 2%/4%/8%."
    • Nord: Rugged now calculates damage reduction before all other calculations. Rugged from "2%/4%/6% damage reduction" to "3%/6%/9% damage reduction" before all calculations.
    • Breton: Magicka Mastery from "Reduces the Magicka cost of your abilities by 1%/2%/3%" to "Increases damage done with Magic Damage by 2%/4%/6%." No it’s truly amazing how many people don’t understand how amazingly strong this passive is
    • Bosmer (Wood Elf): Resist Affliction reworked. Now "Potent Affliction" - Increases damage done with Poison and Disease damage by 2%/4%/6%.

    Destruction Staff:
    • Tri Focus: "Fully-charged Frost Heavy Attack taunt the enemy to attack you for 15 seconds and grant a damage shield that absorbs 805 damage. While a Frost Staff is equipped, blocking cost Magicka instead of Stamina" to " Fully-charged Frost Heavy Attacks fires a glacial whirlwind in a straight path for 18 metres, damaging enemies and slowing them by 50% for 2/3 seconds." ---> Similar to what some NPC's use, and instead of a root it's a slow.
    • Ancient Knowledge: "Frost Staff reduces the cost of blocking by 15%/30% and increases the amount of damage you block by 10%/20%" to "Frost Staff Increases your damage done with Damage over Time abilities by 4%/8%." No Frost went from useless to useful, and you want to take that away again? It will never compete on DPS. Maim and root would be to OP
    • Cleave: Increased the damage of this ability and it's morphs by 15%.
    Dual Wield:
    • Thrive in Chaos (Lacerate Morph): From "Each enemy hit increases your damage done by [5]% for the duration, up to a maximum of [30]% damage done" to "Reduced Cost" from 150 Ultimate to ~80.

    Status Effects:
    • Chilled Now "When you apply the chilled status effect on an enemy, they take frost damage over time based on your current Spell damage. Chilled effect lasts 4 seconds and ticks every 1 second, increasing in damage the longer it ticks." 65%/90%/115%/140% damage. No - again, it will be OP with matching damage and utility. Just like how all gap closer snares got nerfed

    Item Sets:
    • Domihaus Now a static circle. (Similar to Grothdarr, but doesn't move with you). 8 Metre Radius.
    • Molag Kena: From "(2 items) When you deal damage with 2 consecutive Light Attacks you trigger Overkill for 6 seconds, which increases your Weapon and Spell Damage by 516 but also increases the cost of your abilities by 20%." to "(2 items) When you deal damage you have a 15% to trigger Overkill for 6 seconds, which increases your Weapon and Spell Damage by 400 but also increases the cost of your abilities by 15%.
    • Nerien'eth: 1 Piece now provides Spell Damage. Increased proc chance from 10% to 15%.
    • Scathing Mage: Now procs off of Critical Damage, rather than Direct Critical Damage. Proc chance from 20% to 15%.
    • Silks of the Sun: 2-piece now provides Spell Critical instead of Maximum Health.

    3% cost reduction is actually completely weak as hell. 2500 Magicka cost on lets say, Puncturing Sweep. 3% cost reduction is 2425.. 75 Difference. That is extremely pathetically weak. see the math below, you’re calling that weak?

    Nobody, NOBODY tanks with an Ice Staff, I have yet to actually see an Ice Staff Tank. I never said Chill applies minor maim, I reworked that if you read down. It went from very useless to absolutely useless.Actually I do Tank with an Ice Staff back bar, and they are common enough that no one even bats an eye when I PuG Vet trials.

    Chilled DoT rework would not be OP at all, since it would only scale with Spell Damage, rather than Spell Damage + Max Magicka (such as burning - doesn't tick as often, but still would do more DPS than chilled in this manner). Are you trying to take that away then? You do know Chilled applies Minor Maim already and hitting a Chilled target with Frost Damage roots them

    Siphoner.. Meh. Can be good, but it's CP it should be universal for PvP and PvE. If they balanced the 2 separately, I'd understand. Idc much for that tbh.
    lucky_Sage wrote: »
    lucky_Sage wrote: »
    Skander wrote: »
    Major in this priority:
    Breton (that 3% is laughable, at least 5 thanks.)

    Nord -okay
    Imperial - #2 tank? nope don't need buffed
    Breton -#1 healer? nope don't need buffed
    veil_ wrote: »
    Remove race passives that lock a race into a certain class, ie, Stealthy.

    Brets need +4% magic damage, or a boost to 4% for its cost reduction passive

    Nords need some sustain passive for stamina (and frost damage perhaps?)

    Imperials could use mag/stam recov, or both.

    Other way around, every race should have a useless passive for that play style.
    Nords are fine sure lack of substain but at least you are surviving more hits than usual. Imperials are just fine too. Bretons maybe more love since 1% increase ap isn’t enough for so called buff. And argonians are mainly healers compared to Bretons. Back then it was Bretons who had good healing mostly due to the substain.

    1% AP, 1% gold, 1% xp sounds like its right on target
    Cheveyo wrote: »
    IMO, they need to remove Max <stat> and <stat> Regen from racial skill lines. Move them into the "World" skill tree and let them keep their original level requirements, or similar ones, but let any race choose from them. Create a "Training" tree or "Conditioning". Put all the regen and max stat passives in there, but each separately.

    Keep the little bonuses that each race has to keep them different. This would make it so that, while some races stay better for min/maxing, you wont feel crippled by not choosing that race.

    For example:
    • Orcs keep Craftsman and Swift Warrior. Brawny is removed entirely from the game. Unflinching becomes part of the World skill tree. It's a good passive for tanks.
    • Argonians would lose Resourceful, and the resistances from Argonian Resistance would be combined into Quick to Mend.
    • Redguard would lose Exhilaration and Conditioning, but keep Adrenaline Rush and Wayfarer.

    The biggest issue comes with the elves. Their final passives need to be completely redesigned. Other races can be mixed or combined with their other passives, but the elves are simply either too focused or too strong. Maybe Dunmer keep fire restistance and fire damage? Altmer could get bonus shock damage. This could let Nords have a bonus to frost damage. Bosmer could get a bonus to poison and disease.

    The reason I'm for changing things is that there's not really a choice for many people. If they want to play magicka, they have to pick from one of 3 races. Most of the time between 2 races: Dunmer and Altmer. If they want to play Stamina, they can pick between Redguard and Redguard.

    And yes, it IS noticeable, before anyone says anything. I had an Imperial Stamplar that I switched to magicka at one point. It was awful. I switched back to stam and eventually race changed to Redguard. You can feel the difference. Even passives like the Bretons make playing magicka way more enjoyable.

    Altmer tank, caved and went to Argonian, switch back 2 weeks later. Altmer works better.
    Creative minds find uses for nearly everything.
    That being said - Small adjustments would be fine... As long as the unique flavor of each race, and more importantly it's Lore-based features, remains in place.

    The 3% cost reduction with bretons is a great mag resourse passive, better then the 9% that high elfs get. Not sure what you guys are about.

    The average mag cost in the game is around 3k on the low end, so 3% of that is 90. Which in regen terms is 180. To get 180 regen out of the 9% passive you would need 2000 base regen. Noone has that.

    Nords need bonus to frost damage, it might revitalize a dead weapon line. Frost tanks never really caught on...

    Some of us figured it out. Nords could use something though. Personally I think more like Dunmer Frost Resistance and Frost Damage

    Bretons arnt best healers. argonians are and are prob close to best tank aswell and for pvp one of the top 3 races for magdk and magplar

    Read the whole tread, you'll see it over and over. Breton, Altmer, Argonian, in that order are the best healers. Yes Argonian is BiS tank. Healers at times have to be able to be able to constantly cast, no room for a heavy. This means the best sustain race wins, that Breton. Second best sustain is Altmer. Lastly is Argionan whos resourceful passive is very strong, but also completely useless if the pain comes 20 seconds into a cool down.

    @ Maura_Neysa

    ok I did the math argonian passives gives 4620 for every potion drank with 45 second cd = 102.666 mag per second

    each magicka class with Breton 3% reduce cost = mag per second
    dragonknight avg cost 3510 = 105.3 mag per second regen
    nightblade avg cost 3060.06 = 91.80 mag per second
    warden avg cost 3060.73 = 91.82 mag per second
    sorcerer avg cost 3379 = 101.37 mag per second (did not count dark conversion because mag morph cost stam)
    Templar avg cost 3516 = 105.48 mag per second

    so with just base cost know passive other than Breton not any class or armor passives etc. 3 out of 5 argonians have better sustain with magicka and they get all 3 resources not just mag with not even 3 mag per second that Bretons beats in sustain they get all 3 types so how is Breton better for sustain I did the math they don't win. I am not saying nerf argonians its but Bretons which is the magicka sustain race and argonians are jack of all trades sustain race

    id like to add its funny that the melee mag classes have highest cost when part of why stam abilities less is because they are melee

    Because of how regen works. That extra cast you get when you're low. Especially on a healer who doesn't have the luxury of heavy attacking for resources when they are low. That is why Bretons are BiS healers. Its not about how much magic they can recover. Which according to your own math is absolutly competitive. Its about how long they can go without needing to stop to recover. Here is the full picture for you.

    Healing Springs
    Argonian cost 2580, Return 338*3 = 1566 cost. 30k mag at 1566 cost = 19.1 casts
    Breton cost 2491, Return 338*3 = 1477 cost . 30k mag at 1427 cost = 20.3 casts
    Assuming your numbers greatest difference of 15 regen, thats one extra Springs for the Argonian every 104.4 seconds (assuming GCD frequency)

    Argonian cost 3422, Return 1009*3 = 395 cost. 30k mag at 395 cost = 75.9 casts
    Breton cost 3291 , Return 1072*3 = 75 cost. 30k mag at 75 cost = 400 casts
    Assuming your numbers greatest difference of 15 regen, thats on extra Harness for the Argonian every 26. 3 seconds.
    (assuming GCD frequency)

    So... tell me again how Argonians have better sustain than Breton. By the way Springs cost is well under the average, meaning cost reduction is least effective on it and it still crushes Argonian Resourceful
    lucky_Sage wrote: »
    lucky_Sage wrote: »
    Skander wrote: »
    Major in this priority:
    Breton (that 3% is laughable, at least 5 thanks.)

    Nord -okay
    Imperial - #2 tank? nope don't need buffed
    Breton -#1 healer? nope don't need buffed
    veil_ wrote: »
    Remove race passives that lock a race into a certain class, ie, Stealthy.

    Brets need +4% magic damage, or a boost to 4% for its cost reduction passive

    Nords need some sustain passive for stamina (and frost damage perhaps?)

    Imperials could use mag/stam recov, or both.

    Other way around, every race should have a useless passive for that play style.
    Nords are fine sure lack of substain but at least you are surviving more hits than usual. Imperials are just fine too. Bretons maybe more love since 1% increase ap isn’t enough for so called buff. And argonians are mainly healers compared to Bretons. Back then it was Bretons who had good healing mostly due to the substain.

    1% AP, 1% gold, 1% xp sounds like its right on target
    Cheveyo wrote: »
    IMO, they need to remove Max <stat> and <stat> Regen from racial skill lines. Move them into the "World" skill tree and let them keep their original level requirements, or similar ones, but let any race choose from them. Create a "Training" tree or "Conditioning". Put all the regen and max stat passives in there, but each separately.

    Keep the little bonuses that each race has to keep them different. This would make it so that, while some races stay better for min/maxing, you wont feel crippled by not choosing that race.

    For example:
    • Orcs keep Craftsman and Swift Warrior. Brawny is removed entirely from the game. Unflinching becomes part of the World skill tree. It's a good passive for tanks.
    • Argonians would lose Resourceful, and the resistances from Argonian Resistance would be combined into Quick to Mend.
    • Redguard would lose Exhilaration and Conditioning, but keep Adrenaline Rush and Wayfarer.

    The biggest issue comes with the elves. Their final passives need to be completely redesigned. Other races can be mixed or combined with their other passives, but the elves are simply either too focused or too strong. Maybe Dunmer keep fire restistance and fire damage? Altmer could get bonus shock damage. This could let Nords have a bonus to frost damage. Bosmer could get a bonus to poison and disease.

    The reason I'm for changing things is that there's not really a choice for many people. If they want to play magicka, they have to pick from one of 3 races. Most of the time between 2 races: Dunmer and Altmer. If they want to play Stamina, they can pick between Redguard and Redguard.

    And yes, it IS noticeable, before anyone says anything. I had an Imperial Stamplar that I switched to magicka at one point. It was awful. I switched back to stam and eventually race changed to Redguard. You can feel the difference. Even passives like the Bretons make playing magicka way more enjoyable.

    Altmer tank, caved and went to Argonian, switch back 2 weeks later. Altmer works better.
    Creative minds find uses for nearly everything.
    That being said - Small adjustments would be fine... As long as the unique flavor of each race, and more importantly it's Lore-based features, remains in place.

    The 3% cost reduction with bretons is a great mag resourse passive, better then the 9% that high elfs get. Not sure what you guys are about.

    The average mag cost in the game is around 3k on the low end, so 3% of that is 90. Which in regen terms is 180. To get 180 regen out of the 9% passive you would need 2000 base regen. Noone has that.

    Nords need bonus to frost damage, it might revitalize a dead weapon line. Frost tanks never really caught on...

    Some of us figured it out. Nords could use something though. Personally I think more like Dunmer Frost Resistance and Frost Damage

    Bretons arnt best healers. argonians are and are prob close to best tank aswell and for pvp one of the top 3 races for magdk and magplar

    Read the whole tread, you'll see it over and over. Breton, Altmer, Argonian, in that order are the best healers. Yes Argonian is BiS tank. Healers at times have to be able to be able to constantly cast, no room for a heavy. This means the best sustain race wins, that Breton. Second best sustain is Altmer. Lastly is Argionan whos resourceful passive is very strong, but also completely useless if the pain comes 20 seconds into a cool down.

    @ Maura_Neysa

    ok I did the math argonian passives gives 4620 for every potion drank with 45 second cd = 102.666 mag per second

    each magicka class with Breton 3% reduce cost = mag per second
    dragonknight avg cost 3510 = 105.3 mag per second regen
    nightblade avg cost 3060.06 = 91.80 mag per second
    warden avg cost 3060.73 = 91.82 mag per second
    sorcerer avg cost 3379 = 101.37 mag per second (did not count dark conversion because mag morph cost stam)
    Templar avg cost 3516 = 105.48 mag per second

    so with just base cost know passive other than Breton not any class or armor passives etc. 3 out of 5 argonians have better sustain with magicka and they get all 3 resources not just mag with not even 3 mag per second that Bretons beats in sustain they get all 3 types so how is Breton better for sustain I did the math they don't win. I am not saying nerf argonians its but Bretons which is the magicka sustain race and argonians are jack of all trades sustain race

    id like to add its funny that the melee mag classes have highest cost when part of why stam abilities less is because they are melee

    Because of how regen works. That extra cast you get when you're low. Especially on a healer who doesn't have the luxury of heavy attacking for resources when they are low. That is why Bretons are BiS healers. Its not about how much magic they can recover. Which according to your own math is absolutly competitive. Its about how long they can go without needing to stop to recover. Here is the full picture for you.

    Healing Springs
    Argonian cost 2580, Return 338*3 = 1566 cost. 30k mag at 1566 cost = 19.1 casts
    Breton cost 2491, Return 338*3 = 1477 cost . 30k mag at 1427 cost = 20.3 casts
    Assuming your numbers greatest difference of 15 regen, thats one extra Springs for the Argonian every 104.4 seconds (assuming GCD frequency)

    Argonian cost 3422, Return 1009*3 = 395 cost. 30k mag at 395 cost = 75.9 casts
    Breton cost 3291 , Return 1072*3 = 75 cost. 30k mag at 75 cost = 400 casts
    Assuming your numbers greatest difference of 15 regen, thats on extra Harness for the Argonian every 26. 3 seconds.
    (assuming GCD frequency)

    So... tell me again how Argonians have better sustain than Breton. By the way Springs cost is well under the average, meaning cost reduction is least effective on it and it still crushes Argonian Resourceful
    Maiden Maura - Xbox NA
    Warden Ice Tank (By far my favorite) -RIP #Nerfmire
    Stormproof, Shehai Shatterer, Mageslayer(solo tanked), Ophidian Overlord, Assistant Alienist, Boethiah's Scythe,Maw of Lorkhaj Conqueror, Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor
    Dragon Knight Healer (Since Homestead)
    Shehai Shatterer, Mageslayer,
    Warden 2x Bow DPS
    Stormproof, Shehai Shatterer, Mageslayer, Ophidian Overlord, Assistant Alienist, Boethiah's Scythe, Maw of Lorkhaj Conqueror, Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor, Sunspire Saint,
    PvP StamDen, Warden Healer, MagDen, Stamplar, StamSorc, DK Failed Attempt, NB Failed Attempt

    Playing BiS isn't impressive, playing unique at BiS lvl, THAT's impressive.

  • Aliyavana
    k so tomorrow we will find out more guys so stay informed about the actual notes
  • Bbsample197
    A rework on templars skillset, considering the recent patch notes, templars "house"-mode skillsets are pretty much outdated
  • Cage_Lizardman
    Nightblades are not nerfed but get their own Cyrodiil campaign, and are banned from the others. It should be as populated, or even more populated, than the regular campaign for everyone else. Though it might not look like it, since everyone is cloaked, and anyone who's not will have a lifespan of 1 second since he has 15 people fighting over who gets to gank him first.
  • JamieAubrey
    Sorc Shields will stay up 100% of the time and will not be depleted
  • wolfxspice
    two man arena/trial, optimization, and bug fixes. spell crafting like they talked about a LONG time ago, where you run around and look for tablets for the mages guild and put them together to make spells would be really cool, but im not holding my breath.

    edited to add link, they start talking about it around 50 minutes in
    Edited by wolfxspice on March 21, 2018 9:34AM
    I'm a casual now
  • itscompton
    1. Controlling IC districts now counts towards scoring in Cyrodiil campaigns.
    2. Blazing spear now includes an unblockable stun which lasts for 3 seconds.
    3. Housing slots increased by 400-600 for large and notable homes.
  • AchlysNox
    leothedino wrote: »
    Remove PVE to PVP balance
    This problem is causing a wide divide in the community between pvp and pve'ers. Stop trying to balance the two against one another, and in my opinion, simply build classes to have a PVE and PVP build, passives and skills adjusted for that content. There is no open-world PVP in ESO (turning on a 'flag' whilst levelling, having pvp outside of cyrodiil), there is no reason to keep this stress and ridiculous pressure up. It may appear biased to say, but PVP changes only make PVE suffer and it's getting stale.

    I'm with you on this one. There are a few gear sets in the game that specifically buffs or reduces damage versus other players, and I don't see why skills couldn't be balanced in the same way. If they feel like a skill is OP in PVP they can simply write that it does less damage against players, and the PVE community wouldn't be affected by that nerf at all.
    Edited by AchlysNox on March 21, 2018 9:42AM
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