Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of October 7:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – October 7
• Xbox: EU megaserver for maintenance – October 9, 2:00 UTC (October 8, 10:00PM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)

Dream summerset teaser patch notes?

  • Darkstorne
    I know a lot of people want a whole new class, but I'd prefer to see new weapons first (so that all classes benefit from more variety, including future classes). One of the biggest problems with weapons at the moment imo is that mages only really have access to staves, since all other weapon types scale off stamina. So...

    New weapon type: Fist Weapons
    • Elder Scrolls games have always had unarmed combat styles. Gauntlet type weapons add that playstyle, while still providing items to equip and varying visual styles to suit the game's design.
    • Morphs to skills would allow for Stamina options, and Magicka options. Stamina fulfilling monk fantasy playstyles, and Magicka fulfilling unarmed mage fantasy playstyles (spell slinging with no weapons equipped, like the majority of mage playstyles in Skyrim for example)
    • Stamina/Magicka morphs also help encourage and address the viability of hybrid playstyles. Let's see a heavy armour mage tanking with magic-infused gauntlets (ie: on-touch spells from single player TES games).


    New weapon type: One Hand and Magic
    • Icons for this weapon type were already datamined, so there's a strong possibility of this happening.
    • Encourages more melee oriented mages, and provides alternatives to ice stave tanking as a result.
    • Again, would encourage hybrid builds by mixing physical and magical attacks.
    • Introduces another classic Elder Scrolls visual archetype. Oblivion players especially will be happy to see this playstyle.

  • Bam_Bam
    the death of Aryenne, the Aldmeri Dominion and all Elves in general except my 2 psychotic little Bosmer (they are both mentally challenged and one thinks she is an orc, the other a hammer-weilding grapefruit. But whatever.

    Fix PvP performance issues - come on guys, it's been nearly 4 years now. We know it takes time but, yeah - haul a55!! :smile:

    Cater for both the PVE and PvP communities. As a PvPer - it isn't fair that PvE should suffer because of changes to core mechanics and gear. And vice versa. For example, Give us a PvP way to attain Undaunted skills and a PvE version of attaining Vigor, Caltrops etc.


    BUFF NIGHTBLADES AS THEY ARE UNDERPERFORMING -ok, mine is and yes I need l2p, etc blah blah - AND FIX CLOAK.

    Please let it the new DLC be Black Marsh, Murk Mire even Elsewyr. Ugh, it could be Manchester for all I care but please don't let it be anything to do with Elves unless it is a massive cataclysmic ending for the flowery tree-hugging harp-playing ladyboys.

    New weapons - spear, whip, throwing knives (like Danny Trejo on Desperado, not like steel tornado, although maybe you could include that)

    New classes - Necromancer (duh, obvs), Shaman, Bard

    FACTION-LOCKING FOR PVP CAMPAIGNS. Measures taken to prevent Faction switching to get Emperorship using IP tracking etc etc. You already know who they are. Please, feed them to tigers and starving pigs.

    An end to ripping people off - you actual drive people away when you do this. Stop treating the community like mugs - lower the price of crowns and the cost of crown store items. Get rid of crown crates - each new season, idiots like me are waking up to the fact they are a huge rip off. Time to revive some trust from the community by acting with a shred of dignity and treating us like friends who love playing your game, rather than mugs and cash cows, there for the milking.

    Edited by Bam_Bam on March 21, 2018 11:21AM
    Joined January 2014
    PC EU - PvE & BGs & PvP (Vivec)
    Grand Master Crafter


    Lims Kragm'a
    Bam Bam Bara
  • Bam_Bam
    leothedino wrote: »
    Something realistic for an MMO, not something that will be slowly nerfed into non-existence over six months through regretful implementing. Spells everybody could use, stamina and magicka, with the obvious iconic spells included. I'm so hungry for a decent big-blast fireball spell!

    Agreed! Would like more variety of potions too.

    leothedino wrote: »
    b]Jewel crafting[/b]
    So many crafted sets don't feel viable anymore, but many people are scared about this feature ruining endgame, too. Let's please both sides. Allow Jewel Crafting, but make one of the materials needed crystals and gems, reagents only found at the end of trials or vet-HM dungeons?

    leothedino wrote: »
    Remove PVE to PVP balance
    This problem is causing a wide divide in the community between pvp and pve'ers. Stop trying to balance the two against one another, and in my opinion, simply build classes to have a PVE and PVP build, passives and skills adjusted for that content. There is no open-world PVP in ESO (turning on a 'flag' whilst levelling, having pvp outside of cyrodiil), there is no reason to keep this stress and ridiculous pressure up. It may appear biased to say, but PVP changes only make PVE suffer and it's getting stale.

    So true. I'm primarily PvP but have recenty joined my mates PvE Trials guild - the impact of some skills on PvE is pretty horrible. Conversely, it's kind of sickening to see sexy sets like Vicious Ophidian etc be completely useless outside of PvE and to have no comparable PvP equivalent. I alway thought instead of two morphs, they should have four mag pve, mag pvp, stam pve and stam pvp morphs - everyone wins :)
    leothedino wrote: »
    End Animation Cancelling
    I was always hesitant with this before, and i've had friends jump down my throat for this (especially those doing killer DPS, sorry you guys). Nothing is more immersion breaking than watching a character fire off 12+ skills whilst their animations barely twitch and all of this stuff is pouring out of them with no visible sign of when and why. It's an RPG, this feels like a bug and positively broken. I'll keep block-breaking my elemental wall, but I have to admit, I feel like I am cheating.

    Now that I've learned it, i actuially love it as a skill within itself. but yes, I'd prefer it to go - they would need to completely redesign the animations though and to increase damage of skills (otherwise it would look daft).

    Joined January 2014
    PC EU - PvE & BGs & PvP (Vivec)
    Grand Master Crafter


    Lims Kragm'a
    Bam Bam Bara
  • Bam_Bam
    Thannazzar wrote: »
    A Thalmor kill counter for those of us only going to summerset to give the blade of woe a target rich environment!

    THIS. <3
    Joined January 2014
    PC EU - PvE & BGs & PvP (Vivec)
    Grand Master Crafter


    Lims Kragm'a
    Bam Bam Bara
  • Ladislao
    Did you see guys? New datamine from today's patch from the same Russian players


    Can someone translate completely? It seems that there will be jewelry crafting and Psijic skillline :o
    Edited by Ladislao on March 21, 2018 12:50PM
    Everything is viable
  • Tasear
    Bound Aegis... touchup

    Port option to imperial city


    Request Board to buy items or do trades with players

    Notification board to post in game events for the zone.

    AOE test dummy

    Do not dist rub prevents people from chatting with you in game.

    Guild updates... so many things
  • Tasear
    aliyavana wrote: »
    What are your dream summerset isle dlc patch notes?

    1. Dlc set in summerset, not filthy murkmire

    2. Housing slots increased

    How about wayshires for players to visit other houses? So we can spreed our ideas out.
  • MrCray78
    Artheum and Ceporah Tower !!!
    PC EU PvE CP1800+(Play from Beta 12/02/2014) : @MrCray78
    Already finished all content in Infinite Archive 🥲
  • Zinaroth
    Buffs to Stamina Templars aimed towards PvP in regards to; lack of class utility, lack of mobility and most important of all lack of sustain.
  • Gorylas1
    werewolf form being toggle-able instead of timer.. ww form have so many disadvantages (cant use synergyes, have no ulti, cant revive) so this wont make it any stronger.. only more fun to play..
  • Darkstorne
    MrCray78 wrote: »
    Artheum and Ceporah Tower !!!

    Yeeeeesh. If they stick to stone architecture for the mainland of the Summerset Isles... We know from lore that Alinor architecture is glass and crystal towers, not stone. They defended stone towers in Auridon by saying "it's not mainland, so technically still lore-friendly." They can't use that excuse this time around.
  • Onefrkncrzypope
    A tri-stat recovery passive for dk(or bi stat no need for health recov)

    A stam class heal for all classes that are missing one

    Stam warden nerf(PvP)

    Mag warden pve buff (like chilled target in ice aoe receives more mag damage(it will make mnb hit harder ;) ))

    Nightblade twisting path timer made either 11 secs or twelve to get rid of the non damaging .5 secs(or what ever the actual number)

    Mag dk skill cost reduction so it can actually be played in trials

    a couple more colorblind things( I am a tank that cant see the split in vhof)

    Bug fixes

    Bug fixes

    Bug fixes

    Something to counteract the jewelry crafting( vet trials replay) maybe some dropped cosmetic pieces other than the motif
    everyone has

    Off balance to be set at half up time instead of the current uptime

    Werewolf gets the stam passive( with a similar feed mech as vamp) and the vampire gets the magic passive

    Vampire mech rework i.e the more you feed the higher your level(more blood usually means more power, less blood means more sickly and weak) level 1 vamp is the most ugly(no fire damage cause you are resisting being a blood sucker) 4 being the closest to human(visually because you aren't resisting the urge for blood) with flame damage being the trade off for the higher level

    Templar fix

    A skill timer for console

    Target dummies can have auto cast ele and fracture

    More community care( play with the devs weekend, gamemasters, ect)

    Character sheet has a percentage conversion and cap related info for new players( i have had soo many arguments about armor cap)

    I only wish that every class could have a fun spammable build in PvE again.

    Finally more trials at craglorn difficulty for the people who are stuck looking for new content and cant get in a prog team or higher end trial team.

    able to visit the owners different houses(I got three no one sees :( )

    make the furni cap only regard in the current load(ie 100 in the yard then you load into the house and have 100 there)

    (very risky Idea) having multiple owner of a house( bind the furni to the house maybe?) so two people and rp marriage or decorate together

    edited for clarification and probably editing again cause I'm doo doo at words. /sigh
    Edited by Onefrkncrzypope on March 21, 2018 3:04PM
    -Immortal Redeemer-
    -Extinguisher of Flames-
    -Gryphon Heart-

    If I edited a post, it was for spelling. It is always because of spelling....
  • Idontknow91
    That Templars actually get a unique utility skill for tanking like they gave to every other class except them this patch. I actually put a lot of effort into my role...
    Edited by Idontknow91 on May 29, 2018 12:33AM
  • xenowarrior92eb17_ESO
    @Sanctum74 I don't see anything besides the list of a frustrated person who clearly must learn how to play...yes there are issues and yes I would love Zo$ to uphold all content development in order to focus fixing the current one...but lets face it, the marketing department wont let them...its not that they cant its that they are not allowed to.
  • Sanctum74
    @Sanctum74 I don't see anything besides the list of a frustrated person who clearly must learn how to play...yes there are issues and yes I would love Zo$ to uphold all content development in order to focus fixing the current one...but lets face it, the marketing department wont let them...its not that they cant its that they are not allowed to.

    If they are L2P issues then why didn't you quote me? The fact of the matter is the basic game mechanics are broken. Blue screens and load screens in combat, skills, potions, ultimates, break free, cc immunity, resource regen not working, invisible players and many others are not L2P issues, it's BROKEN!

    That's fine if they choose to not fix their game and ignore their customers pleas for help, but I also have the choice to not continue paying a monthly sub after 3 years and voice my opinion. Thats how the business world works.

  • ADarklore
    Always interesting to hear complaints about issues that I personally do not have. Sure there are some annoying things- like when 'followers' in quests decide not to follow or other similar quest-related things that require logging out and back in to resolve, especially when those things are fixed and then broken again when a new update or patch comes out. However, considering the size of the game, many issues could be extremely difficult to narrow down.

    As for players quitting or unsubbing because of issues... it would probably cost ZOS more to focus on fixing the problems and put off new content then they would lose by losing players frustrated over it.
    CP: 1965 ** ESO+ Gold Road ** ~~ Stamina Arcanist ~~ Magicka Warden ~~ Magicka Templar ~~ ***** Strictly a solo PvE quester *****
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