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• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 23

The Game Is Too Hard For New Players!

  • Klixen
    You folks are beyond awesome! I'm just blown away by the incredible response you've all given me. The advice I've been given is exactly what I needed!

    I can't thank you all enough. This community is amazing! THANK YOU!
    Edited by Klixen on March 12, 2018 12:25PM
  • Juju_beans
    Steal bread and eat that for food if you are still leveling up provisioning and/or don't have enough food mats.
    Bread will add 6K or more to your health...a big plus in surviving end of quest bosses and delve bosses.
    Plus it's free for the stealing. I'd go around VG or Daggerfall and loot about 10 bread and then go off questing.
  • FrancisCrawford
    As for equipment -- I like the Logitech G300 programmable mouse series, assuming you're on the PC. I've used a number of them, as their one big drawback is lack of durability. But they don't cost much, and have value in non-gaming computer use as well.

    In essence, they add 2-4 extra mouse buttons that are VERY easy to use, along with a few more that are not so easy. Programming one of those to bar swap is a HUGE help. You can also program one to roll dodge (forward only). I programmed one for "x", which grabs synergies and so on. I also programmed one of the more awkward ones to ESC, which is generally helpful outside combat.

  • Caleb_Kadesh
    If you die during the tutorial its because your rotation is bad.

    Rotation? Who needs a rotation at level 3?
  • Juju_beans
    If you die during the tutorial its because your rotation is bad.

    Rotation? Who needs a rotation at level 3?

    At level 3 you may, may have 2 skills and possibly the wrong weapon...2H sword for everyone unless you know to loot while going through the prison.

    Going through the tutorial the first time ever is pretty hard because you don't know anything about the game, your skills, weapons, etc.

  • Sparr0w
    If going for survivability go 2 heavy(chest & another piece) 5 light & slot the light armour skill that gives you a shield, can legit light attack a boss to death of you keep that up.

    For armour the 2 sets youd want are Julianos (6 trait) for more magic/damage, or Vampires Kiss (5 trait) for survivability. If you dont have the traits just ask in zone/guild or here on the forums.

    I'd focus on having a 1 bar setup rather than trying to accomodate for 2 bars and a rotation. Have 1 heal, 1 shield, 1 dot/aoe (hits 1/multiple enemies for x damage per second), 1 direct damage & 1 buff.

    As said previously try remapping the essentials bash, block, roll dodge to a single key for easier use.

    With this setup you will cast the buff & shield before attacking, then dot the target & then just direct damage, reapplying the shield when it drops. Doing this slows combat down significantly as its less about reactions as survival is based on reapplying the shield every 6 seconds.
    @Sparr0w so I get the notification
    Xbox (EU) - l Sparrow x | CP 810+
    DD: All Mag + Stam
    Heal: Templar | Sorc | NB | Warden | Necro
    Tank: NB | DK | Warden
    Completions: All HM's + TTT + IR + GH
    PC (EU) - Sparrxw | CP 810+
    DD: All Mag + Stam
    Heal: Templar | Sorc
    Tank: DK | NB
    Completions: All HM's + TTT + IR + GH + GS
  • Vanya
    Sincerely Speaking as both on occasion as a very casual player who shall focus on Slaying Landscape foes,Normal dungeons, exploration, reading Lore Books or levelling and Hardcore Player {Dark Souls series} I can safely say now after around 25 hours+ which is more than enough, even a lot less that Elder Scrolls Online is the most Casual-Friendly MMO I've ever laid my hands on.

    I've said before in one of my previous posts. The World,Combat,Builds,Incredible amount of Freedom,No level restrictions and so on..

    I wouldn't call Elder Scrolls Online game a Hard game. Dark souls for instance can be a hard game. Elder scrolls might be challenging in Let us say Veteran dungeons or Arena. Challenging in some aspects? Indeed.

    Quest bosses surely are possible to solo ,in particular when you acquire very powerful gear,most of the skill points and decent Champion level I believe, Hard? Taking down Dark souls boss is hard ,depends again though, but Elder scrolls bosses? It cannot be compared in the manner of difficulty.

    Hard? By Ysmir's beard! No!
    Edited by Vanya on March 16, 2018 10:55AM
  • Violynne
    Klixen wrote: »
    If other 'able-bodied' players are finding the content too hard as well, then it's not just me at fault :)
    As a favor, please stop saying "hard". Instead, say "challenging".

    Difference? Not all bosses have the same stats. Some *are* going to be more challenging than others. With your disability, "Challenge" != "Hard".

    Unfortunately, your current tactic of "pummeling it out" isn't going to work once you hit level 50. The game is giving you an artificial boost to compensate for the real leveling system forthcoming.

    I'm not sure what type of setup you have, but since you're on PC, you may want to look into macros to help balance the game vs your physical limitation. Hit up Nexus to review the add-ons as well, as some can also help you enjoy the game better.

    One thing I will say is this: if there's a loading screen into an area from the base game, expect heavier hitters. Doesn't matter "level" - anything inside is going to hit harder!

    The true element of the game is understanding the different types of attacks and how to avoid them, and it looks like you determined this is a fault you need to address.

    When you practice doing this, the game play should improve, disability or not. :)

  • Lotka
    You should try Dark Souls. LOL

    Join a guild that can help you. There's a LOT of info that's hard to get over the forum and it's easier when you're running with someone and can ask as you go. Discord is helpful with talking to other guildies. I never adjusted to pressing the numbers on the keyboard- I got a mouse with buttons on the side. Also, in this game, things take time. Everything takes time. It's not just getting past a boss and moving on. There is always something to learn and do. Sometimes doing one thing gets frustrating, move to something else for a while. IDK how long I've been playing and I'm still learning and doing.

    I think when I started, I started with making a crafter, start research before anything and then get on another toon and go play in Kyne with guildies. That way my crafter would still be researching while I was playing on the other toon. Dying isn't bad. It's frustrating sometimes but it's not bad, it's part of the game. Learning is sometimes frustrating.

    Take care.
    Edited by Lotka on March 16, 2018 4:30PM
    PC NA Server
  • Twenty0zTsunami
    Klixen wrote: »
    I'm a new player, but I don't know how much longer I'll keep playing. This game is just too hard and punishing for new players.

    As an example, I've never before played a game that killed me in the starting tutorial (which is what happened to me when I faced the first quest boss).

    Then you haven't bene playing games for very long. Games should be challenging. It would seem what you want is a movie or an interactive story. Might I suggest: telltale games.
  • Bbsample197
    Klixen wrote: »
    I'm a new player, but I don't know how much longer I'll keep playing. This game is just too hard and punishing for new players.

    As an example, I've never before played a game that killed me in the starting tutorial (which is what happened to me when I faced the first quest boss).

    Then you haven't bene playing games for very long. Games should be challenging. It would seem what you want is a movie or an interactive story. Might I suggest: telltale games.

    Not all games should be challenging and hardcore like dark souls!!

    All games should be FUN!! if it fails to deliver that then its a failed game! not everyone could pull out a skill on their first gameplay
    Edited by Bbsample197 on March 17, 2018 2:42PM
  • aetherial_heavenn
    I would start a 'looking for guild' post in the forums. Explain your physical situation and newness to mmos.
    There are some excellent social guilds: some have disabled players who can advise on best mousebindings while other players will have tips on mechanics.
    Running through an area with a grouped experienced player talking to you in discord will save hours of trial an error reading cues like block, bash, dodge and explaining gear options as they drop. Immersive learning is often best for newer players in large mmos.
    Many social guilds will do that stuff for new guildies: skyshard or public dungeon runs are fun in a group.
    Edited by aetherial_heavenn on March 18, 2018 9:13AM
    Quoted for truth
    "In my experience, the elite ones have not been very toxic, and the toxic ones not very elite." WrathOfInnos
  • vienna
    I agree, this game is way to hard for new players. I bought the game over a year ago, once I tried it the first time, I deinstall it after few hours,..just pure confusion, very poor explanation of anything in the game. Now I'm playing it since 2 months, and while my sorcerer/healer in lvl 40 have halfway good dmg & survival ability, I made also an archer, in lvl 12 it's a horror to defeat any quest bosses, die as a fly, probably this excessive difficulty rate or very weak avatars, especially at the beginning turn away far more people from this game as they would like to hear. What aetherial_heavenn above have write,..'' find a company,...'' this is poor solution,..the game must make fun and a pleasure to play without constant assistance of someone else.
    Edited by vienna on September 16, 2018 7:29PM
  • LittlePinkDot
    vienna wrote: »
    I agree, this game is way to hard for new players. I bought the game over a year ago, once I tried it the first time, I deinstall it after few hours,..just pure confusion, very poor explanation of anything in the game. Now I'm playing it since 2 months, and while my sorcerer/healer in lvl 40 have halfway good dmg & survival ability, I made also an archer, in lvl 12 it's a horror to defeat any quest bosses, die as a fly, probably this excessive difficulty rate or very weak avatars, especially at the beginning turn away far more people from this game as they would like to hear. What aetherial_heavenn above have write,..'' find a company,...'' this is poor solution,..the game must make fun and a pleasure to play without constant assistance of someone else.

    My first character was a mag sorc. I hated it, the sustain is terrible. Would always run out of magicka. I made a stamblade next without finishing my sorc, and the stamblade was much more fun and fast paced, and I can sustain without heavy attacking. Now Im in the process of making a heavy armour stamwarden which so far seems like the easiest and most casual to play.
    Im thinking that perhaps mag characters sustain sucks too bad until you are about 300cp.
  • Drakkdjinn
    Games not hard at all, it's just cryptic because the devs have not added a tutorial that explains basic mechanics to new toons/players so it seems harder than it is: they call it PvEasy for a reason.
  • Nightfall12
    As a player with disabilities that has been playing since the first week....(not on forums until much later), I can tell you, everyone's opinion on this will differ. But I can say I agree that gear IS important if you have disabilities. Sure to the average player with no issue its not a big deal, but those extra perks from sets give an advantage, and when you have impairment that helps.

    For me i have 2 disabilities that really cause issues.
    I have nerve damage in my left arm/hand that means i can't do a rotation to save my life, like i want to weave, but the fingers kinda do what ever they damn well want to do, so the timing is never correct. I found a way to work around this by never rolling as a DD in a group, even in normal, i just can't put up the big numbers quick enough. But i have found I can TANK normals as if my finger wants to spam that taunt, its ok. As a tank its not about rotation its about building to outlast which is what i have tried all along as i dont kill fast. Then on days where my arm is not acting up, i can heal vet content, as that is reacting, as long as i built good recovery i can get away with extra spams of heals. So for me, GEAR is hugely important to making up any deficit created by my motor skills.
    My other issue is deafness has kept me out of most group content, as most of the end game stuff requires strong coordination, and so most people running it require voice. And unfortunately these are the people you would want to learn from as they are for the most part the best/most experienced, and how do you get to that level if you can never play with them? So for of my time here i would solo and that meant i was at my own pace and back in the day you could outlevel content, hell i made it all the way to VET 4 on an imperial Magica based sorc hard casting crystal shards.....talk about BAD!!! It was around this point where it was just taking way to long to kill trolls that i had to say, why is this so hard? I had built my toon tough and could take the pounding, but it took forever to kill anything! So i decided to ditch the staff and try out some melee weapons, this made a huge improvement for me and i was waaaaaay better by the time i got to VET16. Still solo, and still afraid to join others, because what worked for me was still behind the curve.

    Now years later with all of the CPs and experience playing i have found what builds work for me. Once you know your limitations you can find out how to work with them. I can proudly solo many World Bosses and solo normal dungeons. And for me that makes me happy, and that is what is important.

    But I know there is so much end game vet stuff I will never be able to do, and I have accepted that. I just wish there weren't so many awesome rewards locked away beyond reach.
    Ummm stuff… about stuff…or something.
  • deleted008293
    @Nightfall12 In your help and I don't want to be rude or anything, there are some mouse with 12+ programmable buttons on one side which could help you (and others) play with one hand.
  • The_Lex
    It would probably be difficult for those who are new to MMOs and those who expect ESO to play like a single player hack and slash like Skyrim. Once they play for a while, the learning curve will flatten out.
  • Prabooo
    Klixen wrote: »
    Wow! You folks are fantastic! I didn't expect this kind of response (especially as I was just having a big winge). I'm not even offended by the 'smart-arses', we all have our opinions :p

    The game is still punishing until you figure out how to properly drive your character.
    The basics:
    - Block the yellow sparkles!
    - Bash the red sparkles!
    - Dodge the red ground!
    - Heavy attack when the opponent is dazed!
    - Full power heavy attack when you need to get stamina/magica back, but not in melee when the opponent has a shield.

    I think you might have hit on the problem. I don't do any of that. But I may be unfairly blaming the game, when the main problem lies with me.

    Unfortunately, I'm disabled and I have trouble using the keyboard. So I can only manage a few skills at a time. As for things like blocking and weapon swapping, it's extremely difficult for me. So I just stand there and slog it out with enemies.

    As crazy as it sounds, it actually works, but it's heavily gear dependent. So if I can just keep wearing good 'set' armor, then I seem to do ok.

    As for my class.

    I'm playing an Orc, Magicka Templar (I know it's not optimal, but I love Orcs). But although I'm a Magicka user, I've built my character like a tank. This is because I find it very hard to avoid the hits, so my focus has been on Defense and Health.

    I use 'The Lady' mundus stone (for Physical and Spell resistance).

    I'm wearing 7 pieces of Heavy armor all enchanted with Max Health, my jewelry is all 'Arcane' with Magicka Recovery. I use an Infused Lightning staff (enchanted with Absorb Health) and I have a Restoration staff as my second weapon, but I never use it (as mentioned, I have trouble swapping weapons).

    I actually play like a melee class. I run up to an enemy, slam down 'Elemental Blockade', then attack them with 'Puncturing Sweep' and Heavy Attacks. I have 'Breath of Life' slotted as my heal.

    Yes, I kill very slowly, but so far, I've been able to roll with the punches (but that's because of the extra health that the armor set gives me. If I lose that, I know I'm dead!).

    You guys have been incredible!

    But although you've given me some brilliant advice, I'm not sure if it will work for me. Sadly, there's a big difference between somebody who has full use of their hands and my situation.

    Are there any other disabled players here? What did you do? How did you build your character?

    Again, big thanks to everybody who's replied and offered help. Yes, even to the 'nasties', at least you made me smile :) .

    There are mouses that can help you, they have lots of buttons that you can access easily... Have fun playing the game!
  • rumple9
    If you're disabled how about using a mouse with lots of side buttons like the Logitech g602 (6 side buttons) or maybe a dedicated mmo mouse, which you can map skills to.

    I also use a cut down keyboard - the Logitech g13
  • idk
    Aliyavana wrote: »
    Lol, this game is pretty trivial in terms of quest boss difficulty op so something might be wrong with your build but thats ok as you new. what class are you and what weapons are you using? Do you have a self heal? Quest gear should be fine when questing and if your dying to quest bosses something is up.did you spend your attribute points?

    Do you have all your skill slots filled in or are you just bow light attacking things to death? Many of the new players I see end up only light attacking and one skill and that's it.

    It is easy for someone at CP cap and years of experience in this game to say that.

    I have characters on multiple servers for both PC and Console. It is noticeable starting a new character without CP and no crafted set bonus after playing running around in BIS and CP capped for a long time.

    Granted, I did not die a lot but I do have several years experience with the game mechanics of ESO.

    It helps to keep perspective.
  • Smellyfed
    Hard was EQ when you had to run across entire continents while naked to get back to your corpse before it decayed and you lost all of your gear. Then of course there was the experience loss which meant you could get de-leveled out of your gear.

    ESO is not hard by comparison - spend a little time reading these forums, you can probably level to 50 in all green gear. Pick a zone - farm some delves, dolmens and such. Get a 5 piece set of green/blue gear ... make good skill choices and you should be off to the races.
  • Cadbury
    I wonder if the OP still plays?
    "If a person is truly desirous of something, perhaps being set on fire does not seem so bad."
  • starkerealm
    Cadbury wrote: »
    I wonder if the OP still plays?

    Last active on the boards: July 9, so... maybe not.

    I'll plug The Tenets podcast in my signature for anyone starting out. The goal is to get you up and going, for the best introductory experience, while I occasionally get sidetracked into some pretty advanced concepts by Kyle.
  • Mr_Walker
    idk wrote: »
    I have characters on multiple servers for both PC and Console. It is noticeable starting a new character without CP and no crafted set bonus after playing running around in BIS and CP capped for a long time.

    Granted, I did not die a lot but I do have several years experience with the game mechanics of ESO.

    It helps to keep perspective.

    Damn right, and for anyone who wants perspective, start an alt, use no CP and head to your first delve. Mechanics or not, your toon is weak as hell, and just weight of opponents will see you get spanked.

    Now place yourself in OPs situation, where he/she is also dealing with a handicap. I hope he/she still plays. It's good fun.
  • Iselin
    Not only is the game hard for brand new players, it is confusing for them and doesn't give an accurate impression of how the game plays later on.

    In many other forums I have seen ESO criticized for having slow boring combat usually by brand new players who haven't even reached level 10. That sounds like nonsense to experienced players because it's in fact the opposite - it's fast and reactive.

    So why does that come up so often? Simple: because when you don't have the resources and regen to use abilities as your primary damage source the low level players are essentially doing nothing but light and heavy attacking and THAT is indeed a slow and boring way to play the game.
  • Deeldo
    It is hard!
    I'm level 26 currently, it's frustratingly hard sometimes, but I actually like it! I think it's a good thing the game is so hard. I'm tired of games handing me everything on a silver plate.
  • scionix90
    Dolmen can be helpful in obtaining level suitable gear.

    I lol at what you just said.
  • Imryll
    Aliyavana wrote: »
    Lol, this game is pretty trivial in terms of quest boss difficulty op so something might be wrong with your build but thats ok as you new. what class are you and what weapons are you using? Do you have a self heal? Quest gear should be fine when questing and if your dying to quest bosses something is up.did you spend your attribute points?

    Do you have all your skill slots filled in or are you just bow light attacking things to death? Many of the new players I see end up only light attacking and one skill and that's it.

    Good grief, he's talking about the tutorial and bosses at level 5. Did everyone really have a "build" and a "rotation" that early? My alts don't get CP until they reach 50, but yes it can be heavy going when you're wearing tutorial whites and have only two or three abilities. Sure, it get's easier, but before you have a full bar and are able to morph the abilities you do have, you have limited options.
  • Nyladreas
    Klixen wrote: »
    I'm a new player, but I don't know how much longer I'll keep playing. This game is just too hard and punishing for new players.

    As an example, I've never before played a game that killed me in the starting tutorial (which is what happened to me when I faced the first quest boss).

    This game is brutal!

    But don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about normal mobs like wolves and bandits, they're fine. No, I'm talking about quest bosses. They're impossible!

    Well, to make a long story short, it slowly began to dawn on me that I needed the best gear I could get (even at level 5). Nothing else mattered, not my class, not my skills, nothing! All that matters is my gear. It's the single most important thing in the game. Without good gear, the game is unplayable!

    But how was I supposed to get good gear? I couldn't craft or buy it (there's no low level gear for sale in the Guild Traders).

    Well, I thought I'd found the answer. I discovered that locked chests in the starter zones dropped pieces of the 'Armor of the Trainee' set. So for the next few hours I did nothing but farm chests. And I did it! I managed to find 5 'Heavy' pieces of the set.

    OMG! The difference it made was game changing. I felt like a God! I could solo anything!

    I figured I had this thing beat. Every few levels, I'd just go back to the starter zones, farm some more chests and keep my armor up to date. I planned to do this all the way up to level 50.

    But the game had other ideas. At level 20, the set simply stopped dropping. No matter how many chests I opened. Not a single piece!

    It was time to start crafting (whether I wanted to or not).

    So that's where I'm at now. My leveling has slammed to a stop. For over a week now I've done nothing but craft. I haven't killed a single mob or completed any quests. The whole game is on hold until I can craft a new set of armor. And to be honest, I'm bored out of my mind.

    The thought of endlessly grinding out my crafting levels (just so I can continue to play) is horrifying. I just want to play the game!

    But after only a couple of weeks, I'm completely burned out and exhausted. There has got to be a better way than this!

    The difficulty of the game is what I like about this game. The huge skillfloor and skillcap is just amazing. Feels like old days of computer gaming. Its a shame ZOS is actually giving into the cries of new players more and more every patch, rather than letting the new players face this challenge.

    If new players need help and need to practice and learn. I'm always there for them, I'm willing to give any advice i can. Let's not ruin this beautiful gem of a game we have please.
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