,844,2304,2380/halloween-bat-wing-cheese.jpgAhPook_Is_Here wrote: »I would like a large cube of winged cheese.
tinythinker wrote: »,844,2304,2380/halloween-bat-wing-cheese.jpgAhPook_Is_Here wrote: »I would like a large cube of winged cheese.
Every time someone mentions flying in this game I have flashbacks to the first time I played Morrowind and that sorcerer drops from the sky dead at your feet.
TelvanniWizard wrote: »Don´t know, if we could somehow fly, skies would become crowded... I like to see the sky.
wenchmore420b14_ESO wrote: »Every time someone mentions flying in this game I have flashbacks to the first time I played Morrowind and that sorcerer drops from the sky dead at your feet.
Agree!!^^^^^ +1
That was awesome!!!
BUT, as far as ESO......Mounts excluded, (As they are lore breaking),
the devs said early on in the game, 2014?, that the mechanics of ESO don't support vertical aspects, such as how Quen scaled the wall in TG quest, etc.
Levitation would be cool and lore friendly, but it is the game its self thats makes it prohibatable. .
Same with underwater exploration. See the ESO Live Episode~ Arm Chair Developers for more technical info on why they can't.
Just my 2 drakes....Huzzah!
This very same conversation occurred in WoW of course. And Wrath of Lich King saw flying mounts introduced IIRC. It was some of the best moments exploring in ANY MMO.
It would have to be a well thought out design goal, and likely compartmentalized in Zone(s) designed from the ground up with flying in mind...