Would help C-Frags compete with stuff like magblade's Assassin's Will which hits so much harder.
WildWilbur wrote: »
WildWilbur wrote: »
C frags proc percentage is about the same as 5 attacks. It can happen more often or it can not happen far less due to its RNG element
So back in HotR or Morrowind, C-Frags bonus damage got reduced from 20% to 10% because it was overperforming. But ever since the stun from C-Frags got removed in Clockwork City patch I feel that magsorcs should have back the original 20% additional damage for C-Frags. Would help C-Frags compete with stuff like magblade's Assassin's Will which hits so much harder. The 20% additional C-Frags damage would definitely help magsorcs out, both PvP and PvE, without hurting balance at all. What do you guys think?
So back in HotR or Morrowind, C-Frags bonus damage got reduced from 20% to 10% because it was overperforming. But ever since the stun from C-Frags got removed in Clockwork City patch I feel that magsorcs should have back the original 20% additional damage for C-Frags. Would help C-Frags compete with stuff like magblade's Assassin's Will which hits so much harder. The 20% additional C-Frags damage would definitely help magsorcs out, both PvP and PvE, without hurting balance at all. What do you guys think?
thinking this is a bit to much!
still getting killed in cyro by this skill and think it needs a workover to reduce that dmg-output, because it is certainly not thought at as an execute, but it functions like one NOW!!!
nerf it, and nerf it thoroughly!
Seraphayel wrote: »The skill is still super powerful. If they reduce the proc chance to 20% they can increase the damage again.
Seraphayel wrote: »The skill is still super powerful. If they reduce the proc chance to 20% they can increase the damage again.
yeah, super powerful, this is why some engame PVE sorc use clench instead.
Seraphayel wrote: »Seraphayel wrote: »The skill is still super powerful. If they reduce the proc chance to 20% they can increase the damage again.
yeah, super powerful, this is why some engame PVE sorc use clench instead.
There's more than DPS dummy parses. If we go by that 90% of all skills are useless.
So back in HotR or Morrowind, C-Frags bonus damage got reduced from 20% to 10% because it was overperforming. But ever since the stun from C-Frags got removed in Clockwork City patch I feel that magsorcs should have back the original 20% additional damage for C-Frags. Would help C-Frags compete with stuff like magblade's Assassin's Will which hits so much harder. The 20% additional C-Frags damage would definitely help magsorcs out, both PvP and PvE, without hurting balance at all. What do you guys think?
thinking this is a bit to much!
still getting killed in cyro by this skill and think it needs a workover to reduce that dmg-output, because it is certainly not thought at as an execute, but it functions like one NOW!!!
nerf it, and nerf it thoroughly!
Seraphayel wrote: »The skill is still super powerful. If they reduce the proc chance to 20% they can increase the damage again.
WildWilbur wrote: »
C frags proc percentage is about the same as 5 attacks. It can happen more often or it can not happen far less due to its RNG element
Ragnaroek93 wrote: »WildWilbur wrote: »
C frags proc percentage is about the same as 5 attacks. It can happen more often or it can not happen far less due to its RNG element
That's the point with it. You can't use 3 Assassin Wills in 6 seconds. It would be extremely unbalanced if you actually could, even if the proc chance for that would be low.
Not saying that frags couldn't use a buff, would like to have a stun on it again to not be forced into that silly master staff.
Seraphayel wrote: »The skill is still super powerful. If they reduce the proc chance to 20% they can increase the damage again.
WildWilbur wrote: »
As said @Aedaryl on another thread about that, the crystal frag should apply Off-balance, it's match perfectly with the sound/animation.
but with the changements to off balance ... i wonder if this solution remains viable.
Anyway, they need to change the crystal and make both morph interesting.
increase the damage to 20% like it used to be ? Make it apply a debuff ( off balance, snare, shattered armor) ? Make it reduce the cost of the next skill also ? This could deal damage to all nearest target ? give a buff to the allies ? Maybe this could work like a boomrang ... ? This could apply a dot ( not bleed damage ).
They can do so much ... here is an example:
Crystal ~~ : Conjure dark crystals to bombard an enemy, dealing X Magic Damage, fragments remains in the target during X second dealing X magic damage per second and if you incant a crystal during this time you will attract the target to you
Casting any other Magicka ability has a 35 % chance of causing your next crystal fragments to be instant, deal 10% more damage, and cost 50% less magicka.
Crystal ~~: [...] Fragments remains in the target and drain X magicka per second [...]
Crystal ~~: [...] Conjure dark crystal to protect an ally [...] ( then this could heal the ally over time or give a buff, once the effect end, the protection would explode and fragments from this protection could turn arround neares ally and give a less powerful buff/heal over time )
Crystal ~~: [...] has a 35% chance of causing your next crystal fragments to be instant, deal 10% more damage, and cost 50% less magicka, if you don't bombard the enemy with this instant crystal fragments ... these fragments will turn arround you and deal damage over time to all enemy in the area ( 5 meters area ? )
Assassin‘s Will is actually better with the recent changes because you can hold the burst for eternity (going out of combat means disengaging for quite some time in Cyrodiil). That means your burst is ready whenever you have the window. Frags can proc at all times, but you have no control over it, and you can only hold it for 8 seconds. There might or might not be a burst window.
That’s aside from frags being the far inferior projectile due to speed and visibility.
If you’re getting killed by frags as Nightblade in 2018 it’s certainly not because the skill is so strong.
Ragnaroek93 wrote: »@Ragnaroek93
Assassin‘s Will is actually better with the recent changes because you can hold the burst for eternity (going out of combat means disengaging for quite some time in Cyrodiil). That means your burst is ready whenever you have the window. Frags can proc at all times, but you have no control over it, and you can only hold it for 8 seconds. There might or might not be a burst window.
That’s aside from frags being the far inferior projectile due to speed and visibility.
If you’re getting killed by frags as Nightblade in 2018 it’s certainly not because the skill is so strong.
I don't disagree that Assassins Will is currently better (after it was worse for almost 4 years :P ) but the major difference is that Assassins Will has a forced cooldown while Frags has "only" a soft cooldown based on RNG. When I played sorc active I got most kills when I got lucky and had several frag procs in a row (it doesn't matter that much how often that happens, it matters that it can happen). If you want frags to deal similar damage to Assassins Will then you need to give a it a forced cooldown as well.
Also you can force a frag hit with Runecage while you have enough time for a CC break and dodge Assassins Will.
As said @Aedaryl on another thread about that, the crystal frag should apply Off-balance, it's match perfectly with the sound/animation.
but with the changements to off balance ... i wonder if this solution remains viable.
Anyway, they need to change the crystal and make both morph interesting.
increase the damage to 20% like it used to be ? Make it apply a debuff ( off balance, snare, shattered armor) ? Make it reduce the cost of the next skill also ? This could deal damage to all nearest target ? give a buff to the allies ? Maybe this could work like a boomrang ... ? This could apply a dot ( not bleed damage ).
They can do so much ... here is an example:
Crystal ~~ : Conjure dark crystals to bombard an enemy, dealing X Magic Damage, fragments remains in the target during X second dealing X magic damage per second and if you incant a crystal during this time you will attract the target to you
Casting any other Magicka ability has a 35 % chance of causing your next crystal fragments to be instant, deal 10% more damage, and cost 50% less magicka.
Crystal ~~: [...] Fragments remains in the target and drain X magicka per second [...]
Crystal ~~: [...] Conjure dark crystal to protect an ally [...] ( then this could heal the ally over time or give a buff, once the effect end, the protection would explode and fragments from this protection could turn arround neares ally and give a less powerful buff/heal over time )
Crystal ~~: [...] has a 35% chance of causing your next crystal fragments to be instant, deal 10% more damage, and cost 50% less magicka, if you don't bombard the enemy with this instant crystal fragments ... these fragments will turn arround you and deal damage over time to all enemy in the area ( 5 meters area ? )
and can we have then all NERFS ever to other classes reverted as well?
Just to be not a hypocrit, and therefor I await support from all who support the make-frags-OP-once-again-thread here!
Ragnaroek93 wrote: »@Ragnaroek93
Assassin‘s Will is actually better with the recent changes because you can hold the burst for eternity (going out of combat means disengaging for quite some time in Cyrodiil). That means your burst is ready whenever you have the window. Frags can proc at all times, but you have no control over it, and you can only hold it for 8 seconds. There might or might not be a burst window.
That’s aside from frags being the far inferior projectile due to speed and visibility.
If you’re getting killed by frags as Nightblade in 2018 it’s certainly not because the skill is so strong.
I don't disagree that Assassins Will is currently better (after it was worse for almost 4 years :P ) but the major difference is that Assassins Will has a forced cooldown while Frags has "only" a soft cooldown based on RNG. When I played sorc active I got most kills when I got lucky and had several frag procs in a row (it doesn't matter that much how often that happens, it matters that it can happen). If you want frags to deal similar damage to Assassins Will then you need to give a it a forced cooldown as well.
Also you can force a frag hit with Runecage while you have enough time for a CC break and dodge Assassins Will.
Ragnaroek93 wrote: »@Ragnaroek93
Assassin‘s Will is actually better with the recent changes because you can hold the burst for eternity (going out of combat means disengaging for quite some time in Cyrodiil). That means your burst is ready whenever you have the window. Frags can proc at all times, but you have no control over it, and you can only hold it for 8 seconds. There might or might not be a burst window.
That’s aside from frags being the far inferior projectile due to speed and visibility.
If you’re getting killed by frags as Nightblade in 2018 it’s certainly not because the skill is so strong.
I don't disagree that Assassins Will is currently better (after it was worse for almost 4 years :P ) but the major difference is that Assassins Will has a forced cooldown while Frags has "only" a soft cooldown based on RNG. When I played sorc active I got most kills when I got lucky and had several frag procs in a row (it doesn't matter that much how often that happens, it matters that it can happen). If you want frags to deal similar damage to Assassins Will then you need to give a it a forced cooldown as well.
Also you can force a frag hit with Runecage while you have enough time for a CC break and dodge Assassins Will.
Never ever had a problem landing bow proc after an Incap or a Fear. What is this problem with landing Will you speak of?