Current tooltip:
(2 items) When you deal Critical Damage with a Light or Heavy Attack to a nearby enemy, a beam of fire will connect you to your enemy. The beam deals 3440 Flame Damage every 1 second for 5 seconds. Every second, this damage increases by 50%. The beam is broken if the enemy moves 10 meters away from you. This effect can occur every 15 seconds.
Suggested change:
(2 items) When you deal Critical Damage with a Light or Heavy Attack to a nearby enemy, a beam of fire will connect you to your enemy. The beam deals 3440 Flame Damage every 1 second for 9 seconds. Every second, this damage increases by 25%. The beam is broken if the enemy moves 10 meters away from you. This effect can occur every 18 seconds.
Total damage is roughly the same (slightly lower than the original). The set becomes less of a burst set, which makes it less useful in PvP. The longer duration makes it more useful for PvE.
Abysswarrior45 wrote: »I like all the options but I think both it and skoria should suffer the same penalty all proc sets did. Zaan should be interruptible and Skoria should have a red circle on the ground you have 1 sec to get out of before the meteor hits.
Nobody should need free damage. Its a crutch and takes away from skill-based combat. TBh I'd settle for any of the changes mentioned at this point so I don't have to see 15k Zaan on my recap even after roll dodging and trying to escape. Naan would destroy anyone who failed to utilize an in-game mechanic learned during the tutorial and would be completely useless against players who knew how to bash.
Its a crutch and takes away from skill-based combat.
Skoria should have a red circle on the ground you have 1 sec to get out of before the meteor hits.
Don't nerf Zann , please buff the other sets or change their utilities totally .
(2 items) When you heal a friendly target, you have a 5% chance to summon a totem for 6 seconds that heals you and your allies in area for 3483 Health every 1 second. This effect can occur once every 6 seconds.
I vote this set garbage #1
Scourge Harverster , Pirate Skeleton , Spawn of Mephala all suck , actually if the proc rate is lower than 10% , it's too hard to proc , even we spam the skills . Mephala , who stam dps use it ? I have no idea how the hell combat team develop this set .
Gina , please take a look .
Don't nerf Zann , please buff the other sets or change their utilities totally .
(2 items) When you heal a friendly target, you have a 5% chance to summon a totem for 6 seconds that heals you and your allies in area for 3483 Health every 1 second. This effect can occur once every 6 seconds.
I vote this set garbage #1
Scourge Harverster , Pirate Skeleton , Spawn of Mephala all suck , actually if the proc rate is lower than 10% , it's too hard to proc , even we spam the skills . Mephala , who stam dps use it ? I have no idea how the hell combat team develop this set .
Gina , please take a look .
IIRC mephala is comparable DPS for a stamDK, and its AoE.
Don't nerf Zann , please buff the other sets or change their utilities totally .
(2 items) When you heal a friendly target, you have a 5% chance to summon a totem for 6 seconds that heals you and your allies in area for 3483 Health every 1 second. This effect can occur once every 6 seconds.
I vote this set garbage #1
Scourge Harverster , Pirate Skeleton , Spawn of Mephala all suck , actually if the proc rate is lower than 10% , it's too hard to proc , even we spam the skills . Mephala , who stam dps use it ? I have no idea how the hell combat team develop this set .
Gina , please take a look .
IIRC mephala is comparable DPS for a stamDK, and its AoE.
I have never play stam dk dps , is it meta setup in trial ?
monktoasty wrote: »Yea let's nerf more items into uselessness.
Just turn pvp into no.cp no gear no weapons and slap each other
Tommy_The_Gun wrote: »Well ZOS has done terrible job when posting patch notes (they just copy-paste the first Dragon Bones PTS patch notes with no changes).
In game Zaan has this description:
"When you damage a nearby enemy with a Light or Heavy Attack, you have a 20% chance to create a beam of fire that will connect you to your enemy. The beam deals X Flame Damage (4482 for me) every 1 second to your enemy for 5 seconds. Every second, this damage increases by 50%. The beam is broken if the enemy moves 10 meters away from you. This effect can occur every 18 seconds."
And this is a problem. During pts people (hard core pvp & pve veterans) stated multiple times that zaan is way to strong and there is simply no reason that a set should give that much free dmg. So what zos did ? Instead of reducing dmg they added 20% chance and removed crit requirements. This means that this set can work on a pvp perma-blocking tank build that don't have to build for a high crit chance and act as a "free" dmg source comparable easily with soul assault...
We already had almost exactly the same problem with viper set.... And this the reason why viper's sting set was nerfed to oblivion.
We would however see the end of proc threads and nerf X set every dungeon update. We survived in PvP before proc sets were a thing.