Stinkyremy wrote: »
What does that mean?
SirCritical wrote: »
I meant you were right when you werr tanking them in the middle.
Sure, you can tank them near the mage. Puff up the DPS's parses a bit. I've been in runs where we do this.
This isn't a good idea in HM, though. And non-HM is... who cares?
If the tank is comfortable with holding the axes near the mage, then sure, whatever, go for it. But tank rock is safer, less likely to have something go wrong, so there's nothing wrong with tanks that prefer to play it safe.
And if the tank has a good axe-tanking build, the tank can hold the axes with zero healer support and no need for defensive ults (so they can be in the warhorn rotation--just walk off the rock, blow, and walk back). Even in HM, I tell the healers, "ignore me, pretend I'm not there, just focus on the group".
SirCritical wrote: »In HM no need to tank the atros, it's enough if someone has ranged taunt slotted and brings the atros to the middle. You should follow this tactic in HM too.
Stinkyremy wrote: »So when Tanking the axes, solo tanking in VAA, I can keep the axes taunted, maim/breach/fracture and do damage on the boss, increasing the overall DPS on the boss, with no damage done to the team, as long as the axes are taunted they wont harm the team at all.
Did it yesterday in a pug group, they were saying OP tanking, never seen any tank do that before. I did it today in a pug group, they were screaming at me to get away, which I then got hit by a mine and lost 1 of the axes because of backing off into an aoe, which I wouldn't have if I had stayed where I was doing my thing. We got speed run on that run too.
They said I lost the axes because I am "supposed" to take the axes away on a little platform doing nothing but hindering a healer to keep me in resources (which I don't need).
The mines and aoe does not spawn in the middle of the boss, I can sit their all cosy with all the axes laying debuffs and dps on the boss.
Other than the ranged dps having a harder time to single target attack the boss if they dont lock on target the boss, there is no downside to tanking the axes in the middle with the boss, only a plus in debuffs and damage on the boss.
Thoughts on this guys.
TankHealz2015 wrote: »"If you taunted each axe once when it spawned they'll keep aggro on you if you just keep ONE of them taunted. You can actually let the taunt expire on the rest and they'll stay aggroed on you
The only problem with this is that if one of the mini mages drops on you and knocks you back the axes will aggro randomly"
TankHealz2015 wrote: »Disclaimer = this is NOT me in the video. The guy tanking and his team are amazing. I'm not there yet.
I've subscribed to his channel and he has many more amazing dungeon and trials feats.
But, I am very glad that another person has been able to tank vAA axes in the center with the boss.
Certainly cool to prove there is more than one way to complete challenging content.
Stinkyremy wrote: »I don't even know how to find a decent guild that are not meta and leaderboard hunters
I did not post that video, nor did I know about this strat without coming to the conclusion myself."code6553 wrote: