You might as well join the scrubs club if you need an addon to perform so flawlessly
You might want to get your facts straight, it doesn't do that. And yeah, most people complaining about it are *** players that hide in stealth to get a snipe off because they're not skilled enough to get a kill any other way, so yes they are scrubs.
Either way I don't really need the fixed addon, but it's nice to have, I can just picture the bad players screaming "I THOUGHT ZOS FIXED IT HOW DID HE KNOW I WAS SNIPING HIM REEEEE"
Thunderknuckles wrote: »
Well, I keep hearing that it did and did not tell the user the number of players within proximity to them. Two people right above this comment you made say it did, even if players were in stealth. Personally, I don't use very many addons as it seems to make the game clunkier the more you add, so I never used it. Anyway, contrary to what you claim others insist that it did.
Funny, I could probably school you in game if you wanted to, how would you feel about getting *** on by a scrub? Mssg me in game anytime big boi (and i defs won't need any miats type addons for that)
Jokes on all you scrubs, my friend actually found a fix for it and only shared it with people he's close to, so we all still have access to it while most people don't.
Talk about an unfair advantage right? You guys will be begging miat to fix his add on when most pvpers get their hands on the fix and the *** ad snipers are left in the dark lol
It is known that 'good players' don't need any ui whatsoever:)
The state of pvp, referenced above, has nothing to do with any addons.
The state of pvp includes:
- abysmal client (fps) and server (latency) performance;
- lack of solo objectives and overemphasis on large groups (zergs) pvp;
- lack of development of cyrodiil;
- overabundance of old and newly introduced glitches;
Addons can't do anything with the above.
Notifications helped with the lack of proper telegraphs and glitches in the existing ones.
Removal of notifications will just make those issues more clear (and put huge emphasis on stealth yet again).
I have stopped playing the game months before the latest major patch for the reasons above.
With the patch i logged back in to make sure my addons work for people who still play.
But if you insist on giving so much praise to my addon that without a small part of it people suddenly drastically lose their pvp effectiveness - i can only thank you for thinking so highly about my ui development skills
It's not a tin foil hat scenario, it's a fact, there's addons out there that aren't public, whether they exploit the game is another matter, but it's possible.
Jokes on all you scrubs, my friend actually found a fix for it and only shared it with people he's close to, so we all still have access to it while most people don't.
Talk about an unfair advantage right? You guys will be begging miat to fix his add on when most pvpers get their hands on the fix and the *** ad snipers are left in the dark lol
Prince_of_all_Pugs wrote: »Totally still works, Miat even made an update for the addon and he gives it out in secret so he doesnt get banned.
I highly doubt that. If the API still allows this then he certainly wouldn’t do it “secretly“. As he supposedly doesn’t play the game any longer that wouldn’t make sense.
Even though I only rarely pvp myself, this is sad to read. Lost in all of the hate for his addon is that he's a nice guy and a good player.
MetalHead4x4 wrote: »These guys who have knowledge to make addons can easily take a program like CE and adapt it to be smaller and focus it on singular things such as dodge chance healing regen, you name it.
MetalHead4x4 wrote: »These guys who have knowledge to make addons can easily take a program like CE and adapt it to be smaller and focus it on singular things such as dodge chance healing regen, you name it.
Even though I only rarely pvp myself, this is sad to read. Lost in all of the hate for his addon is that he's a nice guy and a good player.
MetalHead4x4 wrote: »who knows what kind of addons people are using that aren't public.
MetalHead4x4 wrote: »I've played on the opposite side of Miat long enough to know you can't dodge 9/10 attacks. I've tested it before, every major damage dealer I have as a Sorc would miss. Frags, miss, Icy Reach, miss. If I would happen to to hit him or one of his guys he plays with with flame reach, you can see the DoT damage showing miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss literally every single tic. I could literally run out of magicka and hit one of them 3 times during a long fight. No one has that much dodge chance.
MetalHead4x4 wrote: »These guys who have knowledge to make addons can easily take a program like CE and adapt it to be smaller and focus it on singular things such as dodge chance healing regen, you name it.
The only thing that banning the addon has done is that there are way more snipers in Cyro now. Dodging a frag, clench, nightblade bow is still easy enough. Every addon which counters a xv1 snipe hero who thinks its cool to magelight gank is a good addon in my book.
Its easy to counter such snipers without addon. Miats is crap cheat because make every sneak atack useless.
Things should work as intended, gankers are annoying but they are part of gameplay, and miats not.
I've heard miats works now again due to bug. Zeni team done something wrong, so problem exists
In a perfect game there wouldn’t be lag and you couldn’t glitch Lethal Arrow from stealth, and the game cues would work reliable. We’re so far from that state that Miat’s was an awesome addition.
nbs get same lag in another situations in this unperfect game. miats is awesome cheat, which kill part of gameplay. i say this as player who play all existing classes not as priest of only one.
Lag benefits the one who dictates when the first strike falls. And guess who that is most times.