Suggestion: Guild Name Tag item (or a "Hide Guild Tabard" option)

A lot of people have been asking for a "Hide Guild Tabard" option so that they can rep a guild in their nameplate without the visual appearance of a tabard. (I currently wear costumes on characters with tabards to hide them.)

As an alternative that I suspect might be slightly easier to implement, what about a "Guild Name Tag" item? You'd acquire it in the same way as a Guild Tabard (from a guild's store), and you'd equip it in the exact same way as a tabard. Except a name tag has no visual appearance and will only appear in a character's nameplate. This way, people can choose between having or not having a visual appearance simply by choosing whether to equip a tabard or equip a name tag.

(Bonus request, you can then make tabards show above the costume layer, so people who do prefer the visual appearance of tabards can show them with costumes.)

@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_Edward @ZOS_Chris @ZOS_Holden
Nightfighters ― PC/NA and PC/EU

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  • erlewine
    yes please
    eisley the worst
  • Reedx
    Maker of Drama & Lover of Roleplay
  • Malnutrition
    Nice idea!

    Another option would be to add a drop down box like on the character screen for current in-game titles, but it would be for the guilds you're in.
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