I really wish that I knew that each zone in each alliance were originally meant to be done in a specific order. You can imagine my confusion when I saw the Silvenar and the Green Lady get married in Malabar Tor only to work with the Silvenar again in Greenshade. Why is this weird? The Silvenar, (Indaenir), isn't even the Silvenar at that point so it's pretty weird to see him like that. I also killed Vicereeve Pelidil in Greenshade only to see this dude chilling with Ayrenn in Elden Root back in Grahtwood which comes before Greenshade. The funniest was when I completed the Alik'r Deserk before Stormhaven, so when I met General Thoda again, (a prominent NPC from the Alik'r questline), he did not even notice me. Did any of you mistakenly play any zone out of order? What wacky issues did that result in?