This is new to me. I'll look into it as soon as I can.
So I turned on debug settings and tried to save a new fight. Got this debug message.
[CMX] SV Size: 32.979 MB, 329.8%
[CMX] SV Keys: 71954, 54.9%
Does this mean I am using too much space?
I deleted a lot of parses very recently when I was using a previous version where it was easily able to handle a lot more saves than I have currently.
So to test, I increased my file size in the settings to 40 and that allowed me to save new parses again which is great. I didn't have any combat logs saved at all, but I did remove a bunch of old vAS HM fights, which saved a good amount of space.
The first issue regarding not loading parses still somewhat persists. Now some parses load as intended and some just still load the first parse chosen (as described before), but I can't figure out if there is a pattern to it.
small bug but it irritates me whenever i open fight reports it defaults back to very top left of my screen
TheRealPotoroo wrote: »How is Live Report supposed to work? I can get the post battle results window but nothing during a fight. I thought it might have referred to the small permanent HUD that existed until 0.7 but I can't seem to get anything "live".
The live report is that small permanent HUD window and should still be there. Its position has probably been reset but that aside should be pretty much the same.
willidozer wrote: »Hi Solinur,
bei mir kommt immer folgende UI-Fehlermeldung wenn ich den Fightreport öffnen möchte.
EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_Scene/ZO_SceneManager_Base.lua:194: function expected instead of nil
stack traceback:
EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_Scene/ZO_SceneManager_Base.lua:194: in function 'ZO_SceneManager_Base:IsShowing'
user:/AddOns/AddOns/AddOns/CombatMetrics/CombatMetricsUI.lua:591: in function 'CMX.UI:ToggleReport'
:1: in function '(main chunk)'
Darf ich den Fehler bennen wenn er noch unentdeckt ist?
gandork8000b14_ESO wrote: »Hi Solinur,
Love your addon but I'm having some issues on the PTS with it. I'm running version but have tried the previous 3 versions as well as 0.7.14. These problems occur with no other addons enabled.
1. Severe frame rate drops under specific conditions:
On khajiit stamblade, I noticed extreme stuttering while on my DW bar. After experimenting, it only occurs when I have major savagery, minor savagery, the khajiit racial passive "carnage", and the dual wield passive "twin blade and blunt". There may be more conditions to trigger it but if I remove any of these four buffs my frame rate returns to normal. I recorded a video showing this, first my smooth performance with no addons, then enabling combat metrics, then using combat metrics without major savagery.
2. Unable to use bank and certain consumables in inventory (does not occur in version 0.7.14):
Attempting to add/remove items from my bank yields the following error message
Attempting to use items such as crafting material crates or motifs in my inventory yields the following error message
3. Incorrect penetration values:
Applying major fracture is adding 2580 penetration, I'm guessing this is due to the change of night mother's gaze now applying major fracture. The debuff ID on major fracture changes depending on whether it was applied via surprise attack or nmg but they don't stack and they behave the same when modifying the penetration value of nmg in line 127 of the .lua file.
In lines 111 and 121 of CombatMetrics.lua you have
[GetFormatedAbilityName(62795)] = 5260, --Major Breach
[GetFormatedAbilityName(62490)] = 5260, --Major Fracture
I'm not sure if these are currently being used but major fracture/breach is 5280, not 5260.
4. Different debuffs with the same name are tracked as a single debuff (not exclusive to the PTS):
Using the crown store poisons and the crafted alchemy poisons for creeping ravage health, the DoT's have the same names (but different ID's) and they are able to stack on the target (tested with assassin's guile to extend the duration beyond the cooldown) but combat metrics only tracks them as a single debuff using the ID and icon of whichever was applied first. This means players can't see the correct personal uptime in groups. Not many people use crown poisons because they're very expensive but they are the best dps when too many other people are using regular poisons.
5. Briarheart's 5 piece set bonus is not being tracked correctly (not exclusive to the PTS):
Combat metrics sees the briarheart buff reapplying every time the game tries to apply it instead of when it actually does which means it will usually display 99% uptime when the true uptime is generally 55-58%. Srendarr also shows this buff reapplying early but its purely a visual bug. The pre-Morrowind versions of combat metrics tracked this buff correctly but they no longer work as of Dragonbones.
Hope to see at least the first two problems fixed, they're rather game-breaking and I love this addon too much to give it up.
Today's PTS patch fixed #2 from before.
Hi Solinur,
Love your addon but I'm having some issues on the PTS with it. I'm running version but have tried the previous 3 versions as well as 0.7.14. These problems occur with no other addons enabled.
1. Severe frame rate drops under specific conditions:
On khajiit stamblade, I noticed extreme stuttering while on my DW bar. After experimenting, it only occurs when I have major savagery, minor savagery, the khajiit racial passive "carnage", and the dual wield passive "twin blade and blunt". There may be more conditions to trigger it but if I remove any of these four buffs my frame rate returns to normal. I recorded a video showing this, first my smooth performance with no addons, then enabling combat metrics, then using combat metrics without major savagery.
I've been in several zones, 3 different houses, and 2 trials, this occurs everywhere for me. This was happening to Gilliam on his first live stream on the PTS but I don't know of anyone else encountering it. Most stamblades are redguards though.
I did more testing today and it seems to require every crit passive available to be unlocked (including 30 blue CP in The Ritual), even if they're not actually adding any crit. For example, it requires points in the medium armor passive "Dexterity" but still stutters with no medium armor equipped. It requires points in the assassination passive "Pressure Points" but still stutters with no assassination skills slotted. Similarly, you don't have to be wielding daggers for the "Twin Blade and Blunt" passive although you do need DW equipped.
I'm not sure how the game looks at passives but I know they can affect stuff even when they shouldn't be active such as the S&B's "Deadly Bash" passive reducing bash cost (but not increasing bash damage) when you don't even have S&B equipped.
Additional information:
- I have to be in combat for it to occur.
- It doesn't occur while using light mode of combat metrics.
- It seems to be tied to applying buffs on myself, not inflicting damage or debuffs. This results in skills that apply multiple buffs at once to stutter the worst (relentless focus, mirage, every tick of refreshing path, circle of protection, etc.). This gets worse when paired with TFS and in a full rotation where minor savagery is getting refreshed multiple times per second.
- Here are the buff and debuff screenshots doing the same thing as in my previous video (except using a weapon power pot instead of slotting expert hunter for major savagery):
- Not sure if this is related but minor savagery doesn't seem to be showing up in cmx. It shows up in Srendarr and on my character page so it should be applied.
I have an i7-6700k running at 4.6 GHz on 1.38 V
Asus Strix A8G GTX 1080 (Asus' highest binned skew)
32GB 3000 MHz C15 ram
512GB Samsung 850 pro SSD
Retail copy of Windows 10
I would agree about it being a client issue except it only occurs with combat metrics enabled and I saw it happening to Gilliam when he tried to parse on stream, he has been using a redguard in all his PTS content since then. I tried running a repair which didn't find anything but I haven't done a full reinstall.