Yes, this is only on the PTS. There's some other really bizarre bugs on the PTS right now like potion duration being affected by your weapon rarity or the psijic shield stacking into the millions before crashing your game so maybe it'll get fixed with something else. Precise weapons currently show a 7000% crit tooltip, it should just be a display error but maybe stacking all these crit passives is messing up some background numbers. I am unfortunately rather ignorant on how addons work.
I'm going to install the PTS on my laptop tomorrow to see if I get the same problem on another computer. My laptop is a little quirky though since there's no official driver support for the GTX 970m I used to replace the 660m that was originally in it.
Glad you were able to figure this out, I was starting to doubt my own eyes. I did notice it a tiny bit on redguard with 6 modifiers but it was minor enough that I dismissed it as my imagination. I don't know why this bug seems to hit my desktop extra hard, the stuttering in the video I shared was just with surprise attack so you can imagine how much worse it was in an actual parse.
I just got done testing your new version on desktop and it's way better. It's still dropping my average FPS from 116-119 to 101-112 with much smaller stutters at a lower frequency but its definitely tolerable. In the same conditions with the previous version I was dropping to 40-70 FPS average with stuttering on every cast that frequently exceeded 200ms.
Would it be easy for me to tweak your 100ms limit to try to further mitigate the problem?
By the way, its awesome to see such great support for this amazing addon, you should get yourself a donation link
I wanted to ask a question about critical resistance.
My toon have 749 crit resistance from cp, i tested it on random overland monster and i got 3.4% crit resistance, is it true?
I searching everywhere and people said critical resistance is 68 for 1% mitigation.
ZOS is working on a fix.
I haven't tested it to be honest. I might have just used the critical strike conversion (219 for lvl 50). Can you link any tests data in this direction?
Now critical resistance works very differently from the other forms of resistance. What it does is it lowers the enemy players critical hit damage modifier. A characters base modifier is 1.5 which means that if you land a critical hit then you deal 50% more damage. There are ways to improve this, such as minor and major force or the Champion point system. What we are gonna be looking at of course is how we can reduce that modifier. This one is very special cause unlike mitigation that is a multiplicative reduction this one is actually a subtractive one. This is the formula:CRITICAL MODIFIER=1.5+(Critical Damage Buff #1/100)+(Critical Damage Buff #2/100)+(etc etc)-(Critical Resistance/68/100)DAMAGE TAKEN=Base Damage*(1.5+(Critical Damage Buff #1/100)+(Critical Damage Buff #2/100)+(etc etc)-(Critical Resistance/68/100))
If a player has base critical modifier and they hit an enemy player that has 100 points into Resistant then their modifier will be affected like this:1.5-(1650/68/100)=1.5-0.24264705882~1.5-0.24=1.26
Finding out what the % per resistance was was not easy but from my testing I have found that it is 68(if someone else has a different number I would love to see it.). This means that 100 points into Resistant gives you ~24% critical hit resistance. The total amount of critical hit resistance possible is7518 or 110%. I now want to make something perfectly clear, THERE IS NO CRITICAL RESISTANCE HARD CAP! Ok? Ok! There isn't even enough critical resistance available to justify having it. Max resistance is 110% and highest possible critical damage modifier is 115%.
We have now gone through everything you need to know to calculate mitigation on any character you want or any situation you want. But before we get to the list of all the different sources there is one special ability I want to address cause the rules that it uses are not very straight forward, that ability is...
ZOS is working on a fix.
I haven't tested it to be honest. I might have just used the critical strike conversion (219 for lvl 50). Can you link any tests data in this direction?
Ah, i dont save it because i thought its true.
Its easy to reproduce anyways. Sorry but im browsing on mobile right now. Later maybe i test it again.
Glad you were able to figure this out, I was starting to doubt my own eyes. I did notice it a tiny bit on redguard with 6 modifiers but it was minor enough that I dismissed it as my imagination. I don't know why this bug seems to hit my desktop extra hard, the stuttering in the video I shared was just with surprise attack so you can imagine how much worse it was in an actual parse.
I just got done testing your new version on desktop and it's way better. It's still dropping my average FPS from 116-119 to 101-112 with much smaller stutters at a lower frequency but its definitely tolerable. In the same conditions with the previous version I was dropping to 40-70 FPS average with stuttering on every cast that frequently exceeded 200ms.
Would it be easy for me to tweak your 100ms limit to try to further mitigate the problem?
By the way, its awesome to see such great support for this amazing addon, you should get yourself a donation link
First, thank you for your amazing work on Combat Metrics.
I had a question for you is there any way to export the detailed log of a fight ?
I explored the combat metrics data Lua files but it seems it is not there. I would like to open a detailed log in Excel format further analysis.
visionality wrote: »Me and my friends are having issues with group damage/group healings numbers. The abolute numbers only slightly vary from person to person (mainly because the fight starts a bit differently for everyone), but the personal amount of dps or hps does not fit in at all
Typical example:
DD 1 reports (and posts) doing 50% of group damage - also showing in his absolute numbers
DD2 reports (and posts) doing 50% of group damage - also showing in his absolute numbers
Healer reoprts (and posts) doing 25% of group damage - also showing in his absolute numbers
Group damage is ofc not 125%, so some 25% of damage are lost in the group calculations.
Same problem with healing (my healer alone very often does 25k hps connected to 23k group hps, which feels a bit absurd)
Is this a known issue? Is there a fix for it or a way to avoid it?
Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »so i got something, could you explain what is going on in this video, prolly ought to mute because the music is really loud and bad.
in it combat metrix says that he has penetrated with a maul two hander at max, 12441, with minor fracture as the only debuff. when he was using a sword or ace, he got a max of 10202. meaning that the maul added a total of 2239 pen to his build. this makes no since. it ought to have been 3356, as 18,200-1320 = 16880 and 16780 *.2 is 3376.
am i totally off base here with my math?
install the latest version but so far it does not work says it needs to update "combat metric fight data"