There’s only one advice and one solution to this problem:
No YouTube guides, no forum posts, not even the new levelling advisor Zenimax introduces with Dragon Bones will stop new and unexperienced players from showing up in the dungeon finder or zone chats.
I know you're blowing off some steam here. I know I did exactly the same. And then got chastised for putting 'newbies' (CP400+ people should really know better than to bow light attack spam while standing in stupid) in a bad light by a guild master.
But I guess that's why my tank and all my characters in fact have removed themselves from the PUG finder.
There should be some test, to allow access to Veteran dungeons. In WOW they had or have (don't know if ist still there haven't played wow in a Long time) the proving grounds. You needeed the achievement for heroic access. You Need to pass a small mini Trial, which explains the base mechanics and which you can only pass as dps if you do at least some minimum damage.
Something like that would be very good. It would filter out the 2k "dps", that you meet so often in the dungeon finder.
SolidusPrime wrote: »I don't know where you guys manage find all these newbie groups at such a consistent rate...I queue as a tank almost every day, and rarely run into super low DPS groups.
My guess is that there is a bit of exaggeration going on here. If you want optimal min/max'ers that blaze through all of the content in seconds without blinking, group finder is not the place for you.
Carbonised wrote: »
Partially the player is to blame for wanting to do vet dungeons and hard DLC dungeons from the minute they hit level 45, instead of waiting until they actually have the skill and gear required. Some self-control on behalf of eager lowbies isn't too much to ask for.
I guess the general attitude is 'they'll just carry me'. When I'm on a DD on a random normal yeah. I guess I can carry them. When I'm on a pure tank in vet Banished Cells with players between CP200-400 and suddenly I notice everyone is dead or almost even after I've rezzed a few, and I'm standing there tanking over 20 banekin, clanfear, and twilight adds on my own (I took a screenshot and counted) because the DDs couldn't even drop a single AoE. And when told which skills they might want to try and use, get answered with 'okay', and nothing changes....Sorry. I'm out.
There’s only one advice and one solution to this problem:
No YouTube guides, no forum posts, not even the new levelling advisor Zenimax introduces with Dragon Bones will stop new and unexperienced players from showing up in the dungeon finder or zone chats.
Carbonised wrote: »Partially ESO/ZOS is to blame for making mechanics that are hard to figure out for beginners, as well as very little explanation of basic damage multipliers and general build directions.
And feel free to not believe me, but it hasn't ben exaggerated the least. That guy was literally standing there sniping all day and doing nothing else.
Carbonised wrote: »People always complain about the lack of tanks, especially for dungeons and dailie queue.
Well, after having gotten my tank setup back again yesterday, I queued for the daily pledges, looking forward to taking a go with my new setup.
The good part: instantly got into groups for all 3 pledges. I did vet Banished 1, vet Vaults of Madness, and normal Bloodforge.
The bad part: Never in my life have I seen such low DPS. Banished 1 should be a walk in the park even on vet. While the 2 DDs were CP'ed somewhere around 170, they did so stupidly little damage that it was embarrasing. Trash took so long to clear out, basically no AOEs were used, bosses took forever to take out too. I think my Embers and Engulfing were actually doing half the damage there.
When we came to the boss in Banished, the group wiped twice (them first, then I dies trying to rezz the group). When I asked one guy why he didn't rezz the rest, he said he couldn't (lack of soul gems? Didn't he just get like 3-4 soul gems just from killing the dungeon bosses?). The DDs kept dying in the blue fire AOEs that the boss casts, instead of simply moving out of it. 3rd time we finally took the boss down.
Second dungeon was even worse, though I ewnt with a new group. Of course no one knows the mechanics of the first boss, so after he did his retribution mechanic, one of them died, and no one rezzed. I had to ask them to rezz the guy, since group DPS was so horrible we needed every one standing.
I've heard rumors about the guy who was just standing spamming snipe, but I've never met him, until now. He was literally standing still just spamming snipe over and over. Occasionally there was a poison spray, but other than that just snipe, snipe, snipe.
and when we came to Grothdarr they of course stood still in his lava until they died. Last boss they had no idea how worked. Every AOE wiped at least 2, many times all 3, of the group members, both the inside and the outside one. No one did any AOEs so we were often overwhelmed by adds, even as I tryed to taunt the larger ones and do damage with embers and engulfing. Several times I had to pop barrier and rezz one of them as I was the last person standing.
It also took 2 or 3 wipes to finish it.
Bloodroot was a little better. 2 DDs were around CP 130. When I mentioned that I hoped they had sufficiently enough DPS to do the dungeon, one of them instantly quit (I guess he took the hint). Our replacement was luckily around CP 600.
But again, when our healer died due to lag at the minotaur island boss, I waited for at least five minutes for someone to rezz, but no one did, and I had to actually rezz our healer while keeping taunt on the boss simultaneously. Other than that, it went somewhat smoothly.
If this is going to be the scenario, then I will be sure to run with only competent and high level people, no matter how trivial the dungeon. While I like tanking, I don't like to waste 2 hours doing dungeons that should be over in less than 1, while the group DPS is through the floor and people die to even the simplest mechanics. If this is the fate of most tanks, then I certainly know why you can't find any in the group finder.
Take home lessons: If you queue as a DPS, at least do a reasonable amount of damage. It doesn't have to go through the roof, but you have to do better than just standing and spamming snipe. If you get a dungeon that's above your skill level, at least have the decency to quit the group so they can find a better replacement. Several of the newer ones are very mechanic heavy, and I'm sorry but if you don't get it after a few tries, then I'm not going to stick around and waste my time and equipment repairs on you. In the same vein, don't queue for hard DLC dungeons like Hist, Reach or the soon coming Dragon Bones when you're level 40 something. Even on normal, that just makes you a liability. And for all the gods's sakes, when someone dies it's the damn DPS's jobs to rezz them. Don't just continue standing there spamming snipe on the boss while people fall like flies around you, expecting the tank to grab aggro, keep themselves alive and manage to rezz the dead as well.
Maybe stop queuing as a fake tank?
Carbonised wrote: »Carbonised wrote: »People always complain about the lack of tanks, especially for dungeons and dailie queue.
Well, after having gotten my tank setup back again yesterday, I queued for the daily pledges, looking forward to taking a go with my new setup.
The good part: instantly got into groups for all 3 pledges. I did vet Banished 1, vet Vaults of Madness, and normal Bloodforge.
The bad part: Never in my life have I seen such low DPS. Banished 1 should be a walk in the park even on vet. While the 2 DDs were CP'ed somewhere around 170, they did so stupidly little damage that it was embarrasing. Trash took so long to clear out, basically no AOEs were used, bosses took forever to take out too. I think my Embers and Engulfing were actually doing half the damage there.
When we came to the boss in Banished, the group wiped twice (them first, then I dies trying to rezz the group). When I asked one guy why he didn't rezz the rest, he said he couldn't (lack of soul gems? Didn't he just get like 3-4 soul gems just from killing the dungeon bosses?). The DDs kept dying in the blue fire AOEs that the boss casts, instead of simply moving out of it. 3rd time we finally took the boss down.
Second dungeon was even worse, though I ewnt with a new group. Of course no one knows the mechanics of the first boss, so after he did his retribution mechanic, one of them died, and no one rezzed. I had to ask them to rezz the guy, since group DPS was so horrible we needed every one standing.
I've heard rumors about the guy who was just standing spamming snipe, but I've never met him, until now. He was literally standing still just spamming snipe over and over. Occasionally there was a poison spray, but other than that just snipe, snipe, snipe.
and when we came to Grothdarr they of course stood still in his lava until they died. Last boss they had no idea how worked. Every AOE wiped at least 2, many times all 3, of the group members, both the inside and the outside one. No one did any AOEs so we were often overwhelmed by adds, even as I tryed to taunt the larger ones and do damage with embers and engulfing. Several times I had to pop barrier and rezz one of them as I was the last person standing.
It also took 2 or 3 wipes to finish it.
Bloodroot was a little better. 2 DDs were around CP 130. When I mentioned that I hoped they had sufficiently enough DPS to do the dungeon, one of them instantly quit (I guess he took the hint). Our replacement was luckily around CP 600.
But again, when our healer died due to lag at the minotaur island boss, I waited for at least five minutes for someone to rezz, but no one did, and I had to actually rezz our healer while keeping taunt on the boss simultaneously. Other than that, it went somewhat smoothly.
If this is going to be the scenario, then I will be sure to run with only competent and high level people, no matter how trivial the dungeon. While I like tanking, I don't like to waste 2 hours doing dungeons that should be over in less than 1, while the group DPS is through the floor and people die to even the simplest mechanics. If this is the fate of most tanks, then I certainly know why you can't find any in the group finder.
Take home lessons: If you queue as a DPS, at least do a reasonable amount of damage. It doesn't have to go through the roof, but you have to do better than just standing and spamming snipe. If you get a dungeon that's above your skill level, at least have the decency to quit the group so they can find a better replacement. Several of the newer ones are very mechanic heavy, and I'm sorry but if you don't get it after a few tries, then I'm not going to stick around and waste my time and equipment repairs on you. In the same vein, don't queue for hard DLC dungeons like Hist, Reach or the soon coming Dragon Bones when you're level 40 something. Even on normal, that just makes you a liability. And for all the gods's sakes, when someone dies it's the damn DPS's jobs to rezz them. Don't just continue standing there spamming snipe on the boss while people fall like flies around you, expecting the tank to grab aggro, keep themselves alive and manage to rezz the dead as well.
Maybe stop queuing as a fake tank?
What in my entire post gave you the idea I was queueing as a fake tank? I'm really puzzled.
Carbonised wrote: »Carbonised wrote: »People always complain about the lack of tanks, especially for dungeons and dailie queue.
Well, after having gotten my tank setup back again yesterday, I queued for the daily pledges, looking forward to taking a go with my new setup.
The good part: instantly got into groups for all 3 pledges. I did vet Banished 1, vet Vaults of Madness, and normal Bloodforge.
The bad part: Never in my life have I seen such low DPS. Banished 1 should be a walk in the park even on vet. While the 2 DDs were CP'ed somewhere around 170, they did so stupidly little damage that it was embarrasing. Trash took so long to clear out, basically no AOEs were used, bosses took forever to take out too. I think my Embers and Engulfing were actually doing half the damage there.
When we came to the boss in Banished, the group wiped twice (them first, then I dies trying to rezz the group). When I asked one guy why he didn't rezz the rest, he said he couldn't (lack of soul gems? Didn't he just get like 3-4 soul gems just from killing the dungeon bosses?). The DDs kept dying in the blue fire AOEs that the boss casts, instead of simply moving out of it. 3rd time we finally took the boss down.
Second dungeon was even worse, though I ewnt with a new group. Of course no one knows the mechanics of the first boss, so after he did his retribution mechanic, one of them died, and no one rezzed. I had to ask them to rezz the guy, since group DPS was so horrible we needed every one standing.
I've heard rumors about the guy who was just standing spamming snipe, but I've never met him, until now. He was literally standing still just spamming snipe over and over. Occasionally there was a poison spray, but other than that just snipe, snipe, snipe.
and when we came to Grothdarr they of course stood still in his lava until they died. Last boss they had no idea how worked. Every AOE wiped at least 2, many times all 3, of the group members, both the inside and the outside one. No one did any AOEs so we were often overwhelmed by adds, even as I tryed to taunt the larger ones and do damage with embers and engulfing. Several times I had to pop barrier and rezz one of them as I was the last person standing.
It also took 2 or 3 wipes to finish it.
Bloodroot was a little better. 2 DDs were around CP 130. When I mentioned that I hoped they had sufficiently enough DPS to do the dungeon, one of them instantly quit (I guess he took the hint). Our replacement was luckily around CP 600.
But again, when our healer died due to lag at the minotaur island boss, I waited for at least five minutes for someone to rezz, but no one did, and I had to actually rezz our healer while keeping taunt on the boss simultaneously. Other than that, it went somewhat smoothly.
If this is going to be the scenario, then I will be sure to run with only competent and high level people, no matter how trivial the dungeon. While I like tanking, I don't like to waste 2 hours doing dungeons that should be over in less than 1, while the group DPS is through the floor and people die to even the simplest mechanics. If this is the fate of most tanks, then I certainly know why you can't find any in the group finder.
Take home lessons: If you queue as a DPS, at least do a reasonable amount of damage. It doesn't have to go through the roof, but you have to do better than just standing and spamming snipe. If you get a dungeon that's above your skill level, at least have the decency to quit the group so they can find a better replacement. Several of the newer ones are very mechanic heavy, and I'm sorry but if you don't get it after a few tries, then I'm not going to stick around and waste my time and equipment repairs on you. In the same vein, don't queue for hard DLC dungeons like Hist, Reach or the soon coming Dragon Bones when you're level 40 something. Even on normal, that just makes you a liability. And for all the gods's sakes, when someone dies it's the damn DPS's jobs to rezz them. Don't just continue standing there spamming snipe on the boss while people fall like flies around you, expecting the tank to grab aggro, keep themselves alive and manage to rezz the dead as well.
Maybe stop queuing as a fake tank?
What in my entire post gave you the idea I was queueing as a fake tank? I'm really puzzled.
He probably didn't read it at all, but wanted to voice his opinion anyway.
That's how most of the forums is these days.
Carbonised wrote: »Carbonised wrote: »Carbonised wrote: »People always complain about the lack of tanks, especially for dungeons and dailie queue.
Well, after having gotten my tank setup back again yesterday, I queued for the daily pledges, looking forward to taking a go with my new setup.
The good part: instantly got into groups for all 3 pledges. I did vet Banished 1, vet Vaults of Madness, and normal Bloodforge.
The bad part: Never in my life have I seen such low DPS. Banished 1 should be a walk in the park even on vet. While the 2 DDs were CP'ed somewhere around 170, they did so stupidly little damage that it was embarrasing. Trash took so long to clear out, basically no AOEs were used, bosses took forever to take out too. I think my Embers and Engulfing were actually doing half the damage there.
When we came to the boss in Banished, the group wiped twice (them first, then I dies trying to rezz the group). When I asked one guy why he didn't rezz the rest, he said he couldn't (lack of soul gems? Didn't he just get like 3-4 soul gems just from killing the dungeon bosses?). The DDs kept dying in the blue fire AOEs that the boss casts, instead of simply moving out of it. 3rd time we finally took the boss down.
Second dungeon was even worse, though I ewnt with a new group. Of course no one knows the mechanics of the first boss, so after he did his retribution mechanic, one of them died, and no one rezzed. I had to ask them to rezz the guy, since group DPS was so horrible we needed every one standing.
I've heard rumors about the guy who was just standing spamming snipe, but I've never met him, until now. He was literally standing still just spamming snipe over and over. Occasionally there was a poison spray, but other than that just snipe, snipe, snipe.
and when we came to Grothdarr they of course stood still in his lava until they died. Last boss they had no idea how worked. Every AOE wiped at least 2, many times all 3, of the group members, both the inside and the outside one. No one did any AOEs so we were often overwhelmed by adds, even as I tryed to taunt the larger ones and do damage with embers and engulfing. Several times I had to pop barrier and rezz one of them as I was the last person standing.
It also took 2 or 3 wipes to finish it.
Bloodroot was a little better. 2 DDs were around CP 130. When I mentioned that I hoped they had sufficiently enough DPS to do the dungeon, one of them instantly quit (I guess he took the hint). Our replacement was luckily around CP 600.
But again, when our healer died due to lag at the minotaur island boss, I waited for at least five minutes for someone to rezz, but no one did, and I had to actually rezz our healer while keeping taunt on the boss simultaneously. Other than that, it went somewhat smoothly.
If this is going to be the scenario, then I will be sure to run with only competent and high level people, no matter how trivial the dungeon. While I like tanking, I don't like to waste 2 hours doing dungeons that should be over in less than 1, while the group DPS is through the floor and people die to even the simplest mechanics. If this is the fate of most tanks, then I certainly know why you can't find any in the group finder.
Take home lessons: If you queue as a DPS, at least do a reasonable amount of damage. It doesn't have to go through the roof, but you have to do better than just standing and spamming snipe. If you get a dungeon that's above your skill level, at least have the decency to quit the group so they can find a better replacement. Several of the newer ones are very mechanic heavy, and I'm sorry but if you don't get it after a few tries, then I'm not going to stick around and waste my time and equipment repairs on you. In the same vein, don't queue for hard DLC dungeons like Hist, Reach or the soon coming Dragon Bones when you're level 40 something. Even on normal, that just makes you a liability. And for all the gods's sakes, when someone dies it's the damn DPS's jobs to rezz them. Don't just continue standing there spamming snipe on the boss while people fall like flies around you, expecting the tank to grab aggro, keep themselves alive and manage to rezz the dead as well.
Maybe stop queuing as a fake tank?
What in my entire post gave you the idea I was queueing as a fake tank? I'm really puzzled.
He probably didn't read it at all, but wanted to voice his opinion anyway.
That's how most of the forums is these days.
Isn't that the truth. Well he probably didn't have time to read the OP considering that he is busy spamming the forums with a hundred threads. Shouldn't there be a cap of how many new topics you can make in a week anyway.
vamp_emily wrote: »People who don't have patients really shouldn't use the dungeon finder. You are better off forming a group in zone chat with your preferred requirements.
I don't mind tanking for new players. Sometimes it takes longer and sometimes players just give up but that is ok.
Do not use group finder if:
- You have anger management issues.
- You constantly complain about ESO
- You are in a rush
- You think you are the best player in the world
- You say the words "You suck!" a lot
Use group finder if:
- You are new and want to see what dungeons are like
- You have plenty of time to play
- You like helping others
- You have patients
- You just can't find the 4th person and you will take anyone