1. This is my opinion
2. I am not suggesting replacing Guar. I know people like them
3. I am not solely talking about mounts. I am talking about the variety of wild life in ESO in general.
ZOS_Holden wrote: »
Who wouldn't love this face?
But seriously, while we do love the Guar, mouths with legs and all, we appreciate your passion for adding more realistic and dinosaur-esque dinosaurs into the game!
Dragons in Skyrim are fantastical yet biology is still taken into account when designing them.
starkerealm wrote: »
They really don't. Or, more accurately, the Dragons in Skyrim don't take physics into account. When you consider the weight of one of Skyrim's dragons, they would need an immense wingspan to get airborne. I crunched the numbers once on a similar variables, and from what I recall the Dragons of Skyrim would need to weigh slightly less than your average Whiterun guard based on their size.
More like "The lore says there are dinosaurs, where are they and why is Guar the default? AND take realism into account when making up new animals"
starkerealm wrote: »
They really don't. Or, more accurately, the Dragons in Skyrim don't take physics into account. When you consider the weight of one of Skyrim's dragons, they would need an immense wingspan to get airborne. I crunched the numbers once on a similar variables, and from what I recall the Dragons of Skyrim would need to weigh slightly less than your average Whiterun guard based on their size.
Their bodies have a sharper shape kept in mind. Their chests convex.
As to wing span this is because Dragons use aedric powers to fly. That is why it takes a shout to force one to the ground and experience 'Mortality'
It's 2018 we have better technology and a better understanding of Dinosaurs. There is so much inspiration waiting to be used.
ZOS_Holden wrote: »
Who wouldn't love this face?
But seriously, while we do love the Guar, mouths with legs and all, we appreciate your passion for adding more realistic and dinosaur-esque dinosaurs into the game!
DuskMarine wrote: »
next thing we know here comes a elder scrolls tyranasaurus rex out of nowhere lol
HatchetHaro wrote: »Guar are adorable ok? Don't you dare take my guar from me!
I think the closest you'll get is a wamasu.
ZOS gimme wamasu mounts and pets pl0x.
Or daedroths as well. Daedroths are cool.