So I logged in today for about 30 minutes . 20 of that was in que for Cryodiil. The next 5 Was Riding to Brk for some PVP , And the next 5 was me trying to log back into the game from lagging out the second I got there...This was my experience in the Elder Scrolls online today. Its very hard to express the amount of frustration this brings. I remember watching an eso live talking about server performance, and it was stated " we are peeling back the onion " That was a long time ago... how much of this god damn onion can there possibly be left?!
I do not care about your crown store..The balance of the game..or any DLC you plan on releasing. It all means nothing if the performance of the game makes it unplayable.
Can we just be honest with each other ..just one time? Can we get a real answer as to what the problem is? and are you going to FIX the problem?