I'll never understand why people think ultimates should have a counterplay in the first place... I understand virtually every other power in the game needing them... but Ults should be devastating. If somebody is smart of the CC you and then nuke you, accept your fate.
Its counter is have an immovable pot running, keep pressure up on your opponent, or shields.
Um counter play to Dawnbreaker? Incap from stealth? Theater? Take a flight? Do we have any? These are all instant burst ultimates that can be countered only when used by some rookie, good player will land them with full damage on us 90-95% as all they need to do is to stun us and use ultimate. With meteor its a bit diferent, it requires first usage of ulti then stun but in general result is the same so where is the problem? Huh?
I'll never understand why people think ultimates should have a counterplay in the first place... I understand virtually every other power in the game needing them... but Ults should be devastating. If somebody is smart of the CC you and then nuke you, accept your fate.
Unblockable cc is actually pretty important for breaking through permablock.
I'd rather be combo'd by a sorc than smack away at a dude for 20 minutes and get nowhere.
As far as counterplay goes, try immovable pots, or abusing line of sight.
I want to point out the difference here also. Any good mag build has shields up 100% of the time. I know mag sorcs who can shield stack 100% of the time, weave in burst, and never die in a 1v1. The difference between dizzying swing and rune prison/petrify/fear is that you can block my dizz swing. You can keep your shields up and even when ccd your shields will be there..
When one of those abilities is used on someone they are unblockable. So meteor takes about 2 seconds to come down.. You hit meteor and fear me the split second before meteor hits me, i take a direct hit.. At the same time your spectral bow goes off (burst timing) and that hits me at the same time the meteor does. No block. That ends the fight. I have been dealing with this stuff for a while now, i dont really care im just getting opinions on it from daily pvp players/dueling players. But that is the difference, you can block my DB or my dizz swing. And not every class has an un dodge-able CC..
If it's duelling where you have a problem, why not ask your opponents to not run that combo? Some players are willing to forgo certain skills/armour/poisons etc. for a fairer fight.
The problem is ZOS hope's it's mechanics can be a balanced all in one solution for all aspects of PVE and PVP. Clearly they are failing at this. So a better solution for them might be to introduce a duelling system where you can set 'rules' in game before the fight to exclude certain skills/armour sets from being used.
You don't need to justify yourself. People are trying to play issues down.
You are right with what you say, it's simply a fact. There is basically nothing you do against it.
A shieldstack Sorc that doesn't want to die, will never die in a 1v1 and if they wish, they can easily set up a combo like this and 1 shot you in medium armor. I honestly can only recommend you, considering how unfair the odds are, to slot a full magicka poison and try to drain and outsustain them.
I as a magicka build could not imagine greater horror, than not being able to shut down a slippery medium armor target which keeps poking and draining my ressources.
DanielWinterborn wrote: »What I do when I see the meteor is use my light armor shield skill and press block, then attempt a dodge roll left or right. I usually get out of it with little damage but there are cases where my resources are already down a bit and I fail... That's life I guess.
The real problem is with meteor is that it's bugged. I sometimes use it as a dead man's switch, I know I'm going to die but I'm thinking I'll take the other guy with me by blasting him away with one last hit... What do you know, I die and meteor hits for 0, only does the animation but no damage at all. Also my ults are consumed, so yeah, this is very bad.
LOL its funny to hear a mag sorc player say that.. I would never use mag poisons though. Its just not in me, and honestly its the only thing in the game i will not use (mag or stam poisons) just because i truly feel like it has no place in this game. But ya a good mag sorc can go forever against most people.. A good sorc vs a good player who knows how to survive against a good sorc pretty much comes down to who gets sloppy out of boredom first.. But ya with that combo theres nothing you can do..
Now i have fought people who can pull off the combo but arent very good so their builds are sub par and they dont kill me with it.. But any decent mag dk/mag sorc/ mag nb that has good damage and knows their build can wipe you with that combo.. And for many people, especially a medium build, you are done.
Oh and just so you know i noticed you can make stealth detect poisons, that damage health or give minor defile, recently.. Might help with those slippery nigthblades lol.
This is something i wanted to point out and possibly get some opinions on. There is no counterplay when it comes to meteor and abilities like rune prison, petrify and fear.. It used to be where if someone hit you with a meteor into petrify (at the last second) you could just keep holding block and come out of the petrify blocking. This is now gone for some reason. The only suggestion i have is to bring this back and add the same effect to these 3 abilities, although i will admit that im not sure if this is the right move (or how it could work with fear).. But im curious to know what others think?
Im not saying that everyone can time this right, but when people do time meteor into a petrify/fear/rune prison, there is no counterplay. On a medium armor build you are going to get destroyed, even some heavy builds. A little while ago i got hit with this combo from a sorc.. Im on a stam dk with 25k spell resist in medium armor (21k on front bar).. I was at full health and got hit with a meteor, last second rune prison so i couldnt block the meteor, and a frag at the same time.. This took me from 23k health to death... I am in medium armor.. This combo is pretty easy to do on a magblade, mag sorc, or mag dk.. This happened to me yesterday with a mag dk.. Meteor with petrify at the last second and a whip.
Templars can do this as well with toppling charge, however you can block the toppling charge.. Like i said before i think the way to fix this is to make it like petrify used to be when it comes to unblockable CC's. If you are hit while in the CC then you are immediately taken out of the CC and can block the attack or at least the next attack... Im not saying that this is the only option or that this may be the 100% right option but like i said before i want to know how others feel about this...
All I can say is that i have fought all 3 classes like this that will nuke you with this combo and there is ZERO counterplay unless you are running immovable/immovable pots. Magblade: meteor-fear-bow. Magsorc: meteor-rune prison-frag. MagDK: meteor-petrify-whip... So ya any thoughts? thanks.
This is something i wanted to point out and possibly get some opinions on. There is no counterplay when it comes to meteor and abilities like rune prison, petrify and fear.. It used to be where if someone hit you with a meteor into petrify (at the last second) you could just keep holding block and come out of the petrify blocking. This is now gone for some reason. The only suggestion i have is to bring this back and add the same effect to these 3 abilities, although i will admit that im not sure if this is the right move (or how it could work with fear).. But im curious to know what others think?
Im not saying that everyone can time this right, but when people do time meteor into a petrify/fear/rune prison, there is no counterplay. On a medium armor build you are going to get destroyed, even some heavy builds. A little while ago i got hit with this combo from a sorc.. Im on a stam dk with 25k spell resist in medium armor (21k on front bar).. I was at full health and got hit with a meteor, last second rune prison so i couldnt block the meteor, and a frag at the same time.. This took me from 23k health to death... I am in medium armor.. This combo is pretty easy to do on a magblade, mag sorc, or mag dk.. This happened to me yesterday with a mag dk.. Meteor with petrify at the last second and a whip.
Templars can do this as well with toppling charge, however you can block the toppling charge.. Like i said before i think the way to fix this is to make it like petrify used to be when it comes to unblockable CC's. If you are hit while in the CC then you are immediately taken out of the CC and can block the attack or at least the next attack... Im not saying that this is the only option or that this may be the 100% right option but like i said before i want to know how others feel about this...
All I can say is that i have fought all 3 classes like this that will nuke you with this combo and there is ZERO counterplay unless you are running immovable/immovable pots. Magblade: meteor-fear-bow. Magsorc: meteor-rune prison-frag. MagDK: meteor-petrify-whip... So ya any thoughts? thanks.
I use that combo myself on mag sorc - after the frag nerf this is the only reliable combo that still works.
Also I get killed by this combo lots of times as my primary instinct is to block it. Trying to get rid of that reflex and shield up instead.
Anyway here are the counters:
1 Pop vigor first then block -vigor works while you stay stunned.
2 If you are an extremely good player you can petrify the meteor launcher before he stuns you.
3. Consider using Heavy armor - it works very well on stam DKs - and you can be perma-immovable in Heavy Armor.