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Healer : Nightblade vs Templar?

Soul Shriven
So i have recently switched to Healing and new to the game and went to Nightblade for the sole purpose that if i didnt like healing i can go dps, but i did like healing (alot), however i have seen people saying that in End-game NB isnt gonna make the cut.

So far i did have any trouble healing anyone in any dungeon whatsoever, and everything is smooth and i am around lvl 28.

So my question is, Are NB worse than templars? specially in PVE and potentially in PVP aswell?
I know they have different healing styles, but what are the pros and cons to each one and which one would you recommend to a beginner?
  • duendology
    As NB your relay only on your resto staff skill line. The NB class has no real group or (really that awesome) self-buff healing skills.
    As a Templar you've got an entire skill line in the class skill tree dedicated specifically to healing! From my (not that big experience) Templars are the best and most effective healers, especially for groups content!

    One glance at both NB and Templar classes should help you to really make up your mind. :)
    - Redguard StamBlade dps ["bowtard" crafty girl who likes spinning with daggers too.]
    - Breton SorcMag dps [She's got an identity crisis, but I believe in her.]
    - Dunmer Templar dps/healer [she's a healer, then again she likes inferno staff too...]
    - High Elf SorcMag dps [It's quite possible his daddy was a Nord.]

    I am an old-fashioned Goth
  • Lightspeedflashb14_ESO
    @duendology funnel health and sap essance would have a word with you.

    @TheMightyKnight nightblades can be awesome healers, don't listen to nay Sayers like the above poster. Here is the most comprehensive thread on nb healering I have seen,, read that and it really answers all the big stuff.
  • AcadianPaladin
    I don't know anything about NB's. I run a templar healer and she is very effective.

    Any class can use the Elemental Drain and Lightning Blockade that most healers (wisely) use from the destro skill line.

    Any class can use Rapid Regen/Mutagen, Combat Prayer and Healing Springs that most healers find very helpful from the resto skill line.

    What I like from the templar skills are the following:
    - Channel Focus - Massive boost to magicka sustain, allows me to cast nonstop. This is in addition to other sustains help (EleDrain, Seducer armor, Spell power potions).
    - Sweeps - Selfhealing 10m range AoE, allows me to quickly dispatch any foes that get in my face so I can quickly get back to healing. I should think a NB has skill(s) to easily match this.
    - Shards - Feeds mag/stam to allies via synergy. My customers tell me the synergy from shards is much easier to grab than its alternative (the synergy from the Undaunted skill Orbs).
    - Breath of Life - Though not needed often, it wonderfully fills the bill for an emergency burst heal that is very potent and easy to use.
    - Extended Ritual - Provides a synergy for allies to purge ill effects. Alternative for non-templars is Purge from the Cyrodiil skill lines.

    So the thing to do is look at what those templar skills do and try to figure out what a NB can use ensure good magicka sustain, self defense, attribute support to others, purge, and burst healing.

    Frankly, I love to see the variety of other healers who are not templars. I don't do or really care much about Trials or even Vet dungeons so can't help much regarding the real top end content.
    Edited by AcadianPaladin on December 16, 2017 1:39PM
    PC NA(no Steam), PvE, mostly solo
  • Lightspeedflashb14_ESO
    My responses are in the bold.

    Channel Focus - Massive boost to magicka sustain, allows me to cast nonstop. This is in addition to other sustains help (EleDrain, Seducer armor, Spell power potions).

    nightblades have syphoning attacks, which gives more magic back, turns your light and heavies into self healing AND up your heals by 3% for having it on your bar.

    - Sweeps - Selfhealing 10m range AoE, allows me to quickly dispatch any foes that get in my face so I can quickly get back to healing. I should think a NB has skill(s) to easily match this.

    sweeps has no place on a healers bar, there are just too many other skills you need but nightblades have funnel health and sap essence, both do more damage, one in single target, the other in aoe, then sweeps AND they heal other players, oh yeah, funnel health and sap essence ALSO up your healing done 3% per skill slotted.

    - Shards - Feeds mag/stam to allies via synergy. My customers tell me the synergy from shards is much easier to grab than its alternative (the synergy from the Undaunted skill Orbs).

    unless you have luminous shards, these are effectively the same, your "customers" need you practice more if orbs are hard to grab for them

    - Breath of Life - Though not needed often, it wonderfully fills the bill for an emergency burst heal that is very potent and easy to use.

    you are right that nightblades do not have a burst heal in their kit but every healer has access you healing ward/ward ally,
    which performs the same function. but in practice, nightblades have at least 4 hots(funnel, Refreshing Path, mutagen, and maybe spring) going at all times, so there is no real need for a burst heal most of the time and if you do, every healer ought to have combat prayer on their bar and that is effectively a burst heal too.

    - Extended Ritual - Provides a synergy for allies to purge ill effects. Alternative for non-templars is Purge from the Cyrodiil skill lines.

    Extended Ritual is not really used for this purpose, yes, Extended Ritual does remove all negative effects but you can only do this once every 20 seconds. purge, if it is needed, which is not a lot, mostly in HoF, is an on demand removal of 2 negative effects and reducing the duration of any further negative effects by 50% for 6 seconds, so is more used IF something like that is needed.

    i am aware you said "I don't know anything about NB's. I run a templar healer and she is very effective.:", you are aware that there are more then a few nightblade healer and they are "very effective" as well. it is more about using your class to its fullest in the role you have chosen in this game.

    you seem really nice, AcadianPaladin, and i hope this doesn't come off as me telling you off.
    Edited by Lightspeedflashb14_ESO on December 16, 2017 3:02PM
  • troomar
    As a Sorc Healer myself I will tell you one hard truth: If you choose to play non-templar healer, you won't fight your class being ineffective or worse than templars, you will fight other people not accepting you as a "true healer" and not giving you a chance.
  • duendology
    @duendology funnel health and sap essance would have a word with you.

    @TheMightyKnight nightblades can be awesome healers, don't listen to nay Sayers like the above poster. Here is the most comprehensive thread on nb healering I have seen,, read that and it really answers all the big stuff.

    if I am stubborn I can be a healer with any race and class...destro is available for everyone!
    And personally, siphoning skill line sucks big time..but it's me...I know..I have a NB

    I suggested Templar because:

    1. OP is a new player.. and NB requires some experience. If you're experienced I guess you can play both role as support dps and healing.. but the chance you overlook your group members losing health is higher ...I doubt a newbie can do both!
    2. NB is a class...what race OP chose? If Redguards (or basically any class without some racial magica buffs)... then good luck with healing! ESPECIALLY in group content and PVP!
    Edited by duendology on December 16, 2017 9:21PM
    - Redguard StamBlade dps ["bowtard" crafty girl who likes spinning with daggers too.]
    - Breton SorcMag dps [She's got an identity crisis, but I believe in her.]
    - Dunmer Templar dps/healer [she's a healer, then again she likes inferno staff too...]
    - High Elf SorcMag dps [It's quite possible his daddy was a Nord.]

    I am an old-fashioned Goth
  • paulsimonps
    duendology wrote: »
    @duendology funnel health and sap essance would have a word with you.

    @TheMightyKnight nightblades can be awesome healers, don't listen to nay Sayers like the above poster. Here is the most comprehensive thread on nb healering I have seen,, read that and it really answers all the big stuff.

    if I am stubborn I can be a healer with any race and class...destro is available for everyone!
    And personally, siphoning skill line sucks big time..but it's me...I know..I have a NB

    I suggested Templar because:

    1. OP is a new player.. and NB requires some experience. If you're experienced I guess you can play both role as support dps and healing.. but the chance you overlook your group members losing health is higher ...I doubt a newbie can do both!
    2. NB is a class...what race OP chose? If Redguards (or basically any class without some racial magica buffs)... then good luck with healing! ESPECIALLY in group content and PVP!

    My wife was a Khajiit healer for a very long time and healed veteran HM Trials on her Khajiit Templar. Race doesn't matter that much for healers, its only really Damage Dealers that have to worry super hard about it. Either way, I will say this, Templars are indeed A LOT easier to play and there are reasons why they and Wardens are the only 2 healers used in Trials by progression groups, not to say it can't be done with other classes, @Tasear and her Sorcs are a proof of that. But as you say OP is a new player, Templar would be the easier fit, or a Warden, a Warden would give you options to do other things if the healing didn't work out well, its a versatile class. I was gonna put down my order of how well classes do heal, but it differs from Trials and Dungeons and it all matters what OP wants to do the most, as well what playstyle they like the most. So Templars would be my recommendation as well but I know that OP would, with enough practice, do well with a NB too.
  • duendology
    - Redguard StamBlade dps ["bowtard" crafty girl who likes spinning with daggers too.]
    - Breton SorcMag dps [She's got an identity crisis, but I believe in her.]
    - Dunmer Templar dps/healer [she's a healer, then again she likes inferno staff too...]
    - High Elf SorcMag dps [It's quite possible his daddy was a Nord.]

    I am an old-fashioned Goth
  • Tasear
    Oh a post on the forum about healing... I haven't commented on yet. >:)

    As of right now, I actually have 5 healers B) . This one proclaims to be an healing expert of eso. I was considering making a mini journal in eso writing section cause it's quite the adventure. I want to say none of the 5 healing classes play the same. It's often the greatest mistake of many thinking so.


    I really enjoy this defensive play style that heals centers on healing after you take a hit. (living lives). I think wardens will make some of the hardest content in game easier for those who can't do it offensive and number pushing way.

    Tasear's warden build Coming to Theaters near you soon

    ** Weakness on demand burst heal (you have to predict incoming damage in advance)

    * Notes: Frost staves are really really nice on them
    * Notes: Asylum destro was made for them.


    I been recently inspired by @troomar and think I might be about to it even better. There play style is so chaotic, adaptive and a good thrill. What sorc lacks in healing class skills it makes up for best usage of global skills since overloard bar allows more extra slots skills. You can even get a bit more creative with and adapting it to your needs or situation needs.

    *Weakness lack of hots


    I am still playing with this but Bee is hitting hitting first or second on leadboards as nightblade healer. From my experience though they best off healers or at least where at one point. Now I would say they provide highest dps without losing out on support. I imagine vDSA leadboards are easier with them.

    I actually leveling my nightblade healer, so you can except to see some personal touches on it. Right now I found malvolent healer so fascinating. I tried to off my self in elden root the other day... I have you know it didn't work seems like it was stacking those hots.I going to try bloodspawn with that skill. Just imagining ultimate gain makes my mouth drool. They are the class that pulls off using master architect the best. Forgot to mention, but one ult morph gives 7 ult per kill (only need 10% damage to count as a kill... minor mangle does this).

    Dragon Knight

    This is more fun then I thought it was. I am also so happy I made it a Breton because this guy will see a lot of pvp. Okay on topic, Dragon Knights are so similar in playstyle to wardens that was hard for to say what the difference was until playing it. What dragon knights do best prevent damage from even happening compared to warden who heals react to damage. What I see far is ability to take knock pesky range mobs (like archers or healers). From my tanking experience I know what the priority adds are so I can root them with perfity for a long time, while also doing massive crowd control on adds (talons spam is fun).


    Okay I heard many things said, and without being bais I would say they are most balanced healers. They doing aren't anything better but they do everything more balanced. Frankly it kinda bores me at times after playing the chaotic sorc play style. Although, I still think there some personal things I can do with. My goal is to achieve best balance between healing aspects tanking, dps, and well healing for this healer
    Edited by Tasear on December 16, 2017 11:11PM
  • Tasear
    duendology wrote: »
    As NB your relay only on your resto staff skill line. The NB class has no real group or (really that awesome) self-buff healing skills.
    As a Templar you've got an entire skill line in the class skill tree dedicated specifically to healing! From my (not that big experience) Templars are the best and most effective healers, especially for groups content!

    One glance at both NB and Templar classes should help you to really make up your mind. :)

    Either class has a minor buff so off the back.. you comment was lacking. I want to also point out missed they only other class besides Templar with minor mending. Lastly everyone below Bee - nb healer (number 1 or 2) on leadboards... well there's words to be said there.
  • Tasear
    duendology wrote: »
    @duendology funnel health and sap essance would have a word with you.

    @TheMightyKnight nightblades can be awesome healers, don't listen to nay Sayers like the above poster. Here is the most comprehensive thread on nb healering I have seen,, read that and it really answers all the big stuff.

    if I am stubborn I can be a healer with any race and class...destro is available for everyone!
    And personally, siphoning skill line sucks big time..but it's me...I know..I have a NB

    I suggested Templar because:

    1. OP is a new player.. and NB requires some experience. If you're experienced I guess you can play both role as support dps and healing.. but the chance you overlook your group members losing health is higher ...I doubt a newbie can do both!
    2. NB is a class...what race OP chose? If Redguards (or basically any class without some racial magica buffs)... then good luck with healing! ESPECIALLY in group content and PVP!

    I am going admit something here and now. When I started healing on my nightblade all I did was put on mutagen, and healing springs and pick random skills to see what they did and how they worked. You can do this with all five classes till you find how to play it.

    2. You are quite foolish or more politely inexperience to give such insights in this statement. Myself I picked dark for extra damage and max magicka (healer thingy and dps thingy). But honestly though with the better sustain passives then Templar you could make it work well with many races.
  • duendology
    Tasear wrote: »

    I am going admit something here and now. When I started healing on my nightblade all I did was put on mutagen, and healing springs and pick random skills to see what they did and how they worked. You can do this with all five classes till you find how to play it.
    Yes, but the OP did not give the impression like s/he wanted to test all five classes.
    2. You are quite foolish or more politely inexperience to give such insights in this statement. Myself I picked dark for extra damage and max magicka (healer thingy and dps thingy).

    Hmm, I think I don't understand what you're saying here (I mean your English), apart from you first calling me foolish and then.."politely" ..inexperienced. O_o
    Yes, I am inexperienced, certainly not foolish though, mate.

    Anyway, you DID pick Dunmer...why not Redguard if race does not matter when it comes to the profession of Healer? I'd argue that races choice does matter..that is, when you already know all pros and cons of each race. Of course it's fun to try out all possibilities..and I am all for it.. but, AGAIN, it's not what OP seems to seek........ this "trying out".
    It's NB vs Templar, AND the OP is ....inexperienced.

    But honestly though with the better sustain passives then Templar you could make it work well with many races.
    Don't understand, sorry. It was in relation to what?

    Edited by duendology on December 16, 2017 10:58PM
    - Redguard StamBlade dps ["bowtard" crafty girl who likes spinning with daggers too.]
    - Breton SorcMag dps [She's got an identity crisis, but I believe in her.]
    - Dunmer Templar dps/healer [she's a healer, then again she likes inferno staff too...]
    - High Elf SorcMag dps [It's quite possible his daddy was a Nord.]

    I am an old-fashioned Goth
  • Tasear
    troomar wrote: »
    As a Sorc Healer myself I will tell you one hard truth: If you choose to play non-templar healer, you won't fight your class being ineffective or worse than templars, you will fight other people not accepting you as a "true healer" and not giving you a chance.

    On the other hand, you could be a stamina healer (it's a thing like 1% of population) and nobody would judge at CP 690. Well almost nobody had arrogant foolish tank in four man dungeon that thought to tell me I am a failer as healer for not being a templar while complaining similar about dps. Let just say... if comes down to it the community is more overall accepting and those trying otherwise will get a "voted passed" for vote to kicked.

    But it's getting better over time to be honest, by the time you make it that far. It might not even matter. Just saying >.> if you look back in the forums I done quite a bit of a public service it making some of this happen and so many bug reports of twilight . >:) Remember when you all said I couldn't do vet trials... then I made a guild and some other things happened as I provided whispers in the dark. It's only be say June see it became a true free for all and templars had say three or four years was it? So give it time.

    As of recently I been quite the mercenary for raids and seen the world a bit more. I recently had experience of playing with a guild where there core healers where sorc. I was in love I must say. Even so it's been more common, as I hear about all five classes in end game (even dragon knights).

    On point @TheMightyKnight I believe you will like what you attempting. I can tell from your text your are interested in both healing and dps, and nightblade does it best.
  • newtinmpls
    - Shards - Feeds mag/stam to allies via synergy. My customers tell me the synergy from shards is much easier to grab than its alternative (the synergy from the Undaunted skill Orbs).

    This comment really threw me. Shards have had horrible synergy/targeting for a long time, and you can only have one active. As any flavor of "healer" I can keep a small swarm of orbs active. Much more versatile.
    Tenesi Faryon of Telvanni - Dunmer Sorceress who deliberately sought sacrifice into Cold Harbor to rescue her beloved.
    Hisa Ni Caemaire - Altmer Sorceress, member of the Order Draconis and Adept of the House of Dibella.
    Broken Branch Toothmaul - goblin (for my goblin characters, I use either orsimer or bosmer templates) Templar, member of the Order Draconis and persistently unskilled pickpocket
    Mol gro Durga - Orsimer Socerer/Battlemage who died the first time when the Nibenay Valley chapterhouse of the Order Draconis was destroyed, then went back to Cold Harbor to rescue his second/partner who was still captive. He overestimated his resistance to the hopelessness of Oblivion, about to give up, and looked up to see the golden glow of atherius surrounding a beautiful young woman who extended her hand to him and said "I can help you". He carried Fianna Kingsley out of Cold Harbor on his shoulder. He carried Alvard Stower under one arm. He also irritated the Prophet who had intended the portal for only Mol and Lyris.
    Order Draconis - well c'mon there has to be some explanation for all those dragon tattoos.
    House of Dibella - If you have ever seen or read "Memoirs of a Geisha" that's just the beginning...
    Nibenay Valley Chapterhouse - Where now stands only desolate ground and a dolmen there once was a thriving community supporting one of the major chapterhouses of the Order Draconis
  • Tasear
    newtinmpls wrote: »
    - Shards - Feeds mag/stam to allies via synergy. My customers tell me the synergy from shards is much easier to grab than its alternative (the synergy from the Undaunted skill Orbs).

    This comment really threw me. Shards have had horrible synergy/targeting for a long time, and you can only have one active. As any flavor of "healer" I can keep a small swarm of orbs active. Much more versatile.

    You get an insightful cause I missed that.

    But you know though shards vs orbs seems like personal preference. I heard of some Templar healers even slotting both. Either way I think they did well on balance between two. ... now syneries though... @ZOS_RichLambert I am crossing my fingers, and pulling out the lucky charms and hoping the changes make them better.
  • Tasear
    duendology wrote: »
    Tasear wrote: »

    I am going admit something here and now. When I started healing on my nightblade all I did was put on mutagen, and healing springs and pick random skills to see what they did and how they worked. You can do this with all five classes till you find how to play it.
    Yes, but the OP did not give the impression like s/he wanted to test all five classes.
    2. You are quite foolish or more politely inexperience to give such insights in this statement. Myself I picked dark for extra damage and max magicka (healer thingy and dps thingy).

    Hmm, I think I don't understand what you're saying here (I mean your English), apart from you first calling me foolish and then.."politely" ..inexperienced. O_o
    Yes, I am inexperienced, certainly not foolish though, mate.

    Anyway, you DID pick Dunmer...why not Redguard if race does not matter when it comes to the profession of Healer? I'd argue that races choice does matter..that is, when you already know all pros and cons of each race. Of course it's fun to try out all possibilities..and I am all for it.. but, AGAIN, it's not what OP seems to seek........ this "trying out".
    It's NB vs Templar, AND the OP is ....inexperienced.

    But honestly though with the better sustain passives then Templar you could make it work well with many races.
    Don't understand, sorry. It was in relation to what?

    What I am trying to say is you are wrong and very wrong on the insights and it seems tainted by Templar elitism. You want to express that Templar is the better choice no matter what but you didn't look at the question. They want to know will my idea work for healing and dps. The answer is yes.
  • duendology
    Tasear wrote: »
    .What I am trying to say is you are wrong and very wrong on the insights and it seems tainted by Templar elitism. You want to express that Templar is the better choice no matter what but you didn't look at the question. They want to know will my idea work for healing and dps. The answer is yes.

    Templar elitism? You must be kidding me. ... o_0 Wow, you must have experienced a lot of hatred while experimenting with classes and races so far Healing-in-ESO is concerned. lol

    And did you take into consideration the OP is inexperienced and has no knowledge of the mechanics of all races and classes unlike YOU? Plus, the OP specifically asked which one of these can be recommended to a BEGINNER. B-E-G-I-N-N-E-R.
    Think as a beginner, Sherlock..

    Ps: Nowhere I said that Tempar is better "no matter what", Healer.

    Edited by duendology on December 16, 2017 11:36PM
    - Redguard StamBlade dps ["bowtard" crafty girl who likes spinning with daggers too.]
    - Breton SorcMag dps [She's got an identity crisis, but I believe in her.]
    - Dunmer Templar dps/healer [she's a healer, then again she likes inferno staff too...]
    - High Elf SorcMag dps [It's quite possible his daddy was a Nord.]

    I am an old-fashioned Goth
  • Tasear
    duendology wrote: »
    Tasear wrote: »
    .What I am trying to say is you are wrong and very wrong on the insights and it seems tainted by Templar elitism. You want to express that Templar is the better choice no matter what but you didn't look at the question. They want to know will my idea work for healing and dps. The answer is yes.

    Templar elitism? You must be kidding me. ... o_0 Wow, you must have experienced a lot of hatred while experimenting with classes and races so far Healing-in-ESO is concerned. lol

    And did you take into consideration the OP is inexperienced and has no knowledge of the mechanics of all races and classes unlike YOU? Plus, the OP specifically asked which one of these can be recommended to a BEGINNER. B-E-G-I-N-N-E-R.
    Think as a beginner, Sherlock..

    As a Templar you've got an entire skill line in the class skill tree dedicated specifically to healing! From my (not that big experience) Templars are the best and most effective healers, especially for groups content!

    Well, you had no idea what nightblade healing skills where even they practically have a entire skill line for healing too.

    So my question is, Are NB worse than templars? specially in PVE and potentially in PVP aswell?
    I know they have different healing styles, but what are the pros and cons to each one and which one would you recommend to a beginner?

    * Point 1 Are NB worse than templars?

    As NB your relay only on your resto staff skill line. The NB class has no real group or (really that awesome) self-buff healing skills.

    --- Why did you think you could compare them when you didn't even google search the skill line

    *Point 2 specially in PVE and potentially in PVP aswell?

    --- You said the siphon skills were horrible from your expereince was far enough comment, but seemed after face that siphon skill line was mentioned. If you going to compare then you need to see both sides. As you didn't that's why I was argumentative with you.

    Point four

    I know they have different healing styles, but what are the pros and cons to each one and which one would you recommend to a beginner?

    They are more interested and what is to be offered. In fact is this how I would recommend healing and enjoyment of the game. Templar is balanced but is easiest hard to say there's more factors recently to take in account.

    - I simply don't like people who don't look all sides of the story or don't think out of the box.
    Edited by Tasear on December 16, 2017 11:58PM
  • duendology
    in Point four.. you're not quoting me. So who are you talking to now?

    2. I know NB, I have one StamBlade Redguard. Actually, it's the very first character I ever created in this game. And I know this class skill lines, and I do think they suck so far effective healing is concerned. I learned that for self sustain vampire "sucking" worked better than siphoning duh..You managed to work out your "experiment" so that your NB Healer works? Great! Hats down!. But it does not mean it's UNIVERSALLY effective, and it has nothing to do with so called Templar elitism (I am far from doing "elitism" for any class or race ugh]. Again, the OP asked what's best recommended for a beginner.

    I like though that you do experiments and can build effective hybrid not just follow eso build "trends". It is admirable and says indeed much about your eso experience. And I am sure I'll do my experiments when I'll familiarize myself with just every class and every race. it's been in progress. Still... it seems that everyone forget about one thing here.. what works for one may not work for the other. "Ready-made" builds maybe be super effective but works only for the one who "built" them..

    3. Again, you're NOT quoting me. You're quoting another poster in this thread.
    Edited by duendology on December 17, 2017 12:25AM
    - Redguard StamBlade dps ["bowtard" crafty girl who likes spinning with daggers too.]
    - Breton SorcMag dps [She's got an identity crisis, but I believe in her.]
    - Dunmer Templar dps/healer [she's a healer, then again she likes inferno staff too...]
    - High Elf SorcMag dps [It's quite possible his daddy was a Nord.]

    I am an old-fashioned Goth
  • Tasear
    duendology wrote: »
    in Point four.. you're not quoting me. So who are you talking to now?

    2. I know NB, I have one StamBlade Redguard. Actually, it's the very first character I ever created in this game. And I know this class skill lines, and I do think they suck so far effective healing is concerned. I learned that for self sustain vampire "sucking" worked better than siphoning duh..You managed to work out your "experiment" so that your NB Healer works? Great! Hats down!. But it does not mean it's UNIVERSALLY effective, and it has nothing to do with so called Templar elitism (I am far from doing "elitism" for any class or race ugh]. Again, the OP asked what's best recommended for a beginner.

    I like though that you do experiments and can build effective hybrid not just follow eso build "trends". It is admirable and says indeed much about your eso experience. And I am sure I'll do my experiments when I'll familiarize myself with just every class and every race. it's been in progress. Still... it seems that everyone forget about one thing here.. what works for one may not work for the other. "Ready-made" builds maybe be super effective but works only for the one who "built" them..

    3. Again, you're NOT quoting me. You're quoting another poster in this thread.

    No it's quite obvious they work... just look above before I even entered the picture. Everyone is being more casual in saying you don't know what you were talking about. Nightblades before wardens entered the picture were number 2 most popular choice to pick and were often seen in dungeons, and elsewhere. They had healing within their Original design as they have a skill line for it.

    And yes you aren't thinking about what will work for best for OP. He or she clearly has an interest and dps so nightblade is best choice for their healing style.
    Edited by Tasear on December 17, 2017 12:59AM
  • Lightspeedflashb14_ESO
    @Tasear this guy is a stamblade and claims to know how the magic heals work. That is the person you are dealing with.

    @duendology you are aware you are talking to the best sorc healer around right? That sorc she mains is a wood elf. Let that sink in. A magic healer sorcerer wood elf. So lol at your argument about race there.
    Edited by Lightspeedflashb14_ESO on December 17, 2017 6:25AM
  • duendology
    Tasear wrote: »

    And yes you aren't thinking about what will work for best for OP. He or she clearly has an interest and dps so nightblade is best choice for their healing style.

    I am not thinking about what will work best for the OP? This is a bold assumption. But... Actually, I can only do as much as to offer my experience with this or that, I wouldn't dare to foresee how things would turn out for not just the OP, any player. We all are different, so our game styles are different. I don't know the OP. You don't know me, You don't know the OP. What works for me, may not work for you or the OP.. and vice versa. Is this so hard to understand? At the end of the day, it's for the OP to decide what works best for her/him. You're not here to determine whether your advice is the best. Period. I am speaking and coming from the beginner's point of I myself am still feeling like a beginner..and already tried various players' suggestions so far the rotation or gear or classes are concerned. And guess what, in a few cases, some of the suggestions did not "fit" well with me, you know... It *is* possible to not prefer this or that build no matter how great it may seem...


    No. And? Should I fall on my knees or something?
    This is getting a little silly..
    And why my argument about race is, to quote you, "lol"? Just because Tasear tried every race and every class to find out how to heal in all scenarios? There's this thing called "preference" as well as "newbie friendly", you know. Also racial passives are there for reason. Sure, you can experiment and find your way through everything.. but it does not mean race does not matter OR this or that "combination" would work for someone else..
    And I guess, we'll yet to see how it all "sinks" for the OP during trial and error..and practise.

    And the question the OP asked ,I think the most important one, stands.. "what would you recommend to a beginner".. not what you think is coolest, or the best, and then proceed how cool all of them are and what they love best..or can work with because they're "the best sorc healer around".
    But ehh I am a teacher in real life, .. so I am biased here, obviously... o_0

    Edited by duendology on December 17, 2017 7:34AM
    - Redguard StamBlade dps ["bowtard" crafty girl who likes spinning with daggers too.]
    - Breton SorcMag dps [She's got an identity crisis, but I believe in her.]
    - Dunmer Templar dps/healer [she's a healer, then again she likes inferno staff too...]
    - High Elf SorcMag dps [It's quite possible his daddy was a Nord.]

    I am an old-fashioned Goth
  • IcyDeadPeople
    Much easier to heal on templar, but I think it is more fun to heal on nightblade
  • Lightspeedflashb14_ESO
    @duendology I am glad you were never my teacher.

    You the question what would I recommend to a beginner, I would not recommend being a healer at all. Play the game as a dps, much easier and get to know your class. Then switch to healer once you get understanding of the class down. Something you, @duendology, clearly never did if you are giving advice on on magic nightblade healing if you have only played stamina nightblades dps.

    Racial passives are at most 3-5% difference in dps and they matter even less on a healer, as has been stated in this very thread, you seem to be stuck on this though that they matter to an absurd degree and they just don't.
    Edited by Lightspeedflashb14_ESO on December 17, 2017 7:39AM
  • duendology
    @duendology I am glad you were never my teacher.

    Let me return the "compliment". you're probably a difficult child..
    - Redguard StamBlade dps ["bowtard" crafty girl who likes spinning with daggers too.]
    - Breton SorcMag dps [She's got an identity crisis, but I believe in her.]
    - Dunmer Templar dps/healer [she's a healer, then again she likes inferno staff too...]
    - High Elf SorcMag dps [It's quite possible his daddy was a Nord.]

    I am an old-fashioned Goth
  • duendology
    , @duendology, clearly never did if you are giving advice on on magic nightblade healing if you have only played stamina nightblades dps.

    "if" is the keyword here.
    Actually I have! I tried all weapons on my RedGuard Nightblade ( I played both with maxed magica and maxed stamina).. ALL of them.. And comparing what Templar has in offer.. and also having in mind that the OP is a beginner.. I would suggest Tempar and leave NB for later..or just as a dps..

    And see? Is it so hard to reply with simple answer and not write wall of words how all classes can be healers? (Because someone is dedicated to master the profession on all races/classes?)

    Edited by duendology on December 17, 2017 7:44AM
    - Redguard StamBlade dps ["bowtard" crafty girl who likes spinning with daggers too.]
    - Breton SorcMag dps [She's got an identity crisis, but I believe in her.]
    - Dunmer Templar dps/healer [she's a healer, then again she likes inferno staff too...]
    - High Elf SorcMag dps [It's quite possible his daddy was a Nord.]

    I am an old-fashioned Goth
  • duendology
    Racial passives are at most 3-5% difference in dps and they matter even less on a healer, as has been stated in this very thread, you seem to be stuck on this though that they matter to an absurd degree and they just don't.

    Are you suggesting that Redguard NB can be absolutely a fabulous healer aka battery in end game content: pvp, dungeons, trials?? Really?
    But it's not even that. You don't throw someone who can't swim into a deep water..or do you? THAT'S what I am saying... and have been saying all along..
    - Redguard StamBlade dps ["bowtard" crafty girl who likes spinning with daggers too.]
    - Breton SorcMag dps [She's got an identity crisis, but I believe in her.]
    - Dunmer Templar dps/healer [she's a healer, then again she likes inferno staff too...]
    - High Elf SorcMag dps [It's quite possible his daddy was a Nord.]

    I am an old-fashioned Goth
  • Jaimeh
    I never played a NB healer, but they do have healing class skills and a damage mitigation ultimate, and I imagine it'd be challenging yet fun. I don't subscribe to the 'templars make the best healers' notion, because although healing is kind of intrinsic to the templar class, a player is what makes his/her role good, and other classes can also make effective healers, while bringing a different type of utility to a group. I've recently run a vet trial with a magblade healer and there were no problems whatsoever. In fact, it'd be nice we saw more non-templar healers in vet trials.
  • paulsimonps
    duendology wrote: »
    Racial passives are at most 3-5% difference in dps and they matter even less on a healer, as has been stated in this very thread, you seem to be stuck on this though that they matter to an absurd degree and they just don't.

    Are you suggesting that Redguard NB can be absolutely a fabulous healer aka battery in end game content: pvp, dungeons, trials?? Really?
    But it's not even that. You don't throw someone who can't swim into a deep water..or do you? THAT'S what I am saying... and have been saying all along..

    First of with the Redguard NB, yes, I bet they could. Seen it done with a NB that was not a magicka race. And your swimming analogy doesn't really work cause you know..... people actually used to do that a lot and sometimes still do that, throw kids in the deep ends to force them to learn how to swim. Not joking about that part sadly.
  • duendology

    First of with the Redguard NB, yes, I bet they could. Seen it done with a NB that was not a magicka race.

    You bet? Alright. You've seen it? Please, point me to this person as I'd like to know how to make Redguard NB self sustainable and group magica healer with endless magica flow.
    And your swimming analogy doesn't really work cause you know..... people actually used to do that a lot and sometimes still do that, throw kids in the deep ends to force them to learn how to swim. Not joking about that part sadly.

    And this is your argument against mine? "The old ways" to raise children by clearly abusing them as the proof that my analogy does not work?

    - Redguard StamBlade dps ["bowtard" crafty girl who likes spinning with daggers too.]
    - Breton SorcMag dps [She's got an identity crisis, but I believe in her.]
    - Dunmer Templar dps/healer [she's a healer, then again she likes inferno staff too...]
    - High Elf SorcMag dps [It's quite possible his daddy was a Nord.]

    I am an old-fashioned Goth
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