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Night Blade Healer: Unorthodox for some, I know…..but!?!

When I first introduced my Night Blade Healer to a few friends I was met with both laughter and criticism. “Oh…..nice, but you won’t be able to compete in endgame vet dungeons and vet trials and the like.” This sort of criticism came for the “elitist or rather the purest of the purest players.”

I realize that most everyone is all about “you must be able to sustain 30,000 DPS on a single boss or target and ‘must’ be at level CP500 or higher, or you cannot compete.” Whenever I hear that I sometimes feel ostracized as if consumed by Leprosy or something. It is bad enough that the long-standing unfixed bugs in the game have chased away players, but it is another when someone leaves because they are told that they cannot complete, rather than encouraging and helping the player achieve his or her goals.

When my Night Blade Healer started doing low-level 4-man dungeons, as a healer, at level 28 (CP 320) and no one died, and they noticed that my Night Blade Healer was also upfront dealing damage they were full of praise and recognition. “Gee, it just may work! Go figure!” And no, I wasn’t dealing 30,000 DPS, but what little I was doing was indeed a contribution.

The whole point of this thread is to ask for help….suggestions on how best to set up my Night Blade Healer for doing vet dungeons and vet trials. Where do I get the AOE’s from as far as my damage output and what armor monster set would be best suited for my Night Blade Healer? Any takers?
  • Lexxypwns
    So, based solely on HPS, NB will perform just as well as a magplar. You're losing group sustain from shards(but I think orbs just replaces that in a 1:1 trade off?) and you're losing the burst heal(bol) and some utility.

    I'd assume you want to run a typical healer setup, something like SPC, Worm, master's resto-lightning destro. Your "oh ***" heal is actually ward ally and your main healing is done with resto skills.
  • Jigger_allard
    Lexxypwns wrote: »
    So, based solely on HPS, NB will perform just as well as a magplar. You're losing group sustain from shards(but I think orbs just replaces that in a 1:1 trade off?) and you're losing the burst heal(bol) and some utility.

    I'd assume you want to run a typical healer setup, something like SPC, Worm, master's resto-lightning destro. Your "oh ***" heal is actually ward ally and your main healing is done with resto skills.

    Yep! "If you don't this build you don't have this or that. So, that a bad thing. But, perhaps this will work. In short, you will only be doing low-level ***. No one will want you in vet dungeons or vet trials." I get it!

    I would probably go with a 5/5/1 build that, like you said, gives me a healer setup. And, since I abhor PvP, I will stick with a PvE setup. In that regard, I am a purest when it comes to PvE. Thanks for your response. it was much appreciated.
  • Lexxypwns
    ***_allard wrote: »
    Lexxypwns wrote: »
    So, based solely on HPS, NB will perform just as well as a magplar. You're losing group sustain from shards(but I think orbs just replaces that in a 1:1 trade off?) and you're losing the burst heal(bol) and some utility.

    I'd assume you want to run a typical healer setup, something like SPC, Worm, master's resto-lightning destro. Your "oh ***" heal is actually ward ally and your main healing is done with resto skills.

    Yep! "If you don't this build you don't have this or that. So, that a bad thing. But, perhaps this will work. In short, you will only be doing low-level ***. No one will want you in vet dungeons or vet trials." I get it!

    I would probably go with a 5/5/1 build that, like you said, gives me a healer setup. And, since I abhor PvP, I will stick with a PvE setup. In that regard, I am a purest when it comes to PvE. Thanks for your response. it was much appreciated.

    If you can provide group utility(Spc, worm, off balance from lightning wall) and sustain(orbs, masters resto) and also have the healing(we established you do) then it’s technically viable. I don’t think you’ll get leaderboard scores or anything but I don’t see why it wouldn’t be viable.

    I’m not a pve expert or anything though. Getting clears is the ultimate test though
    Edited by Lexxypwns on November 22, 2017 7:30PM
  • exeeter702
    Nothing unorthadox about it. Your biggest uphill battle as you have already experienced a portion of, is convincing those with less experience or education on the matter that you are suited for the role. Mathematically you are absolutely viable as a healer in all forms of end game content, including vet trials. Not placing top 3 percent on leaderbaords has more to do with the mindset of that particular player group.

    I will repost here what i have said not too long ago in another thread, hopefully it helps, but again unfortunately too many people dont want to listen or do their due diligence... again excuse the lengthy post but the more people understand this, especially when newer to the game, the better off everyone will be i believe.
    exeeter702 wrote: »
    krachall wrote: »
    Ah, very cool. And, no, not planning on healing vet trials. I've done 3 vet trials so far and have zero interest whatsoever in healing them! I'll stick to DPS in those!

    Well for what its worth you can easily heal vet trials, dont pay that comment any mind. But if you dont have a personal interest thats cool, just dont be dissuaded because you feel they are not equiped with the capability of soing so, which is objectively false.

    As someone who has main healed every peice if end game vet content as nightblade as as one that plays the class in the healer role more often than anything else, let me shed some light for you. Please eaxcuse the lengthy post

    As nb, you are not necessarily a mitigation healer as such you do not rely on damage shields, you are indeed not this games version of the wow discipline priest or 14 scholar. You are heavily hot based first and foremost. This is thanks to the following skills..

    Funnel health - this is your primary money maker, it generates your ultimate via the transfer passive, crits for 12-15k, applies a smart cast hot on an ally and lastly it contributes to your increased healing via the siphoner passive.

    Refreshing Path - this is the skill you place on the ground where your group is standing. It's hot ticks for twice as much as templars cleansing ritual and deals damage. It also keeps you durable thanks to shadow barrier passive.

    Sap essence - this is a potent aoe damage spell that also heals allies around you, contributes to your increased healing via siphoner, generates ultimate via transfer passive and grants you major sorcery. Note that you generally wont use this in trials that often but in dungeons it is a very solid option for expedient runs.

    Malevolent offering - a new tool added to nb's kit, this spell sacrifices a portion of your health and places a powerful single target HOT on the target. This will also give you minor mending for increased overall healing as well as benefit from both siphoner and transfer passives. Note that this skill is still not mandatory. As NB HPS in pve was never an issue even before the skill was added.

    Ultimate options are a bit varied for vet dungeons

    Soul siphon is an emergency group burst heal that as with all siphoning spells, will increase your healing done by having it on your bar. It is the only ability in the game that can give allies major vitality. It is a strong heal but often overkill.

    Veil of blades is a good ult for telegraphed moments where your group knows they need to stack, which in trials often means your group i stacking for healing springs anyways and since its major protection works well with templars major maim via nova. The synergy hot is pretty good but usually allies wont be a low health point when you use this.

    For the non class universal healing tools, its pretty straight forward. For vet dungeons, mutagen > healing springs, ill stress this, do not waste a slot on springs in vet dungeons and do not listen to anyone who tells you otherwise. You absolutely, positively do NOT need springs in 4 man content as a NB, period.

    Mutagen for sure, you layer this in with funnel health and path redreshing and your general healing is covered for vet dungeons. Then both healing ward and combat prayer are flexible depending on your group. If you have 2 NBs you really dont need it. In trials you may or may not need it depensing on your other healer. Healing ward is a nice single target emergency oh *** button, however depending on your group and when you begin to trust your hots and get more comfortable, you will find it becomes less and less of a necessity.

    Ele drain and orbs are great but again, if your group is solid, resource utility in vet dungeons is mostly try hard and overkill status. And the tank generally applies fracture and breach. In trials however orbs is very good as it had the ability to cover a very large application range. Mutlitple orbs cam be placed while you resume healing vs a templars shards which, while much faster and precise, only works on a single target per cast meaning to reach as many targets as orbs would, the templar has to suspend healing for a longer window.

    Lightning wall of elements in vet dungeons is always welcomed, even with a sorc in group. Aim for a charged lighting spc staff, it is bis for you there.

    As far as sets are concerned, in vet dungeons, for the love of god do not roll up as a try hard trial healer... you dont need springs, orbs and ele drain and thus you do NOT need worm cult. Spc front bar and then you can really decide. Since spc is the proc and swap, there are only a few options if you want to run a monster set. Otherwise 1pc monster set and 2 5pc persistent sets is the go to, generally take a solid dps set. For trials however you will want either worm, healing mage or inventors. Generally in trials you are not afforded the luxury of a 2pc monster set.

    Remember the siphoner passive.. funnel health, siphoning attacks, sap essence and soul siphon is a massive healing boost on your front bar. Even just 3 skills on your bar outweighs minor mending.
    Edited by exeeter702 on November 22, 2017 8:50PM
  • exeeter702
    And here is a graphic that i made for another aspiring nb healer, its more suited for vet dungeons, but it is a solid foundation.

    Edited by exeeter702 on November 22, 2017 8:57PM
  • Jigger_allard
    exeeter702 wrote: »
    And here is a graphic that i made for another aspiring nb healer, its more suited for vet dungeons, but it is a solid foundation.


    Thanks. I really appreciate what you had to offer and I will certainly apply those skills to my bars. Still, I understand how many veteran players are deeply set in their ways, because so and I. And, whatever you do please don't tell me what I can or cannot do. Just as much as these tips that you offered are sound and applicable it also strongly depends upon the person's style of play. Thus, my goal is to prove the naysayers wrong. Thanks again.
  • Lightspeedflashb14_ESO
    exeeter702 wrote: »
    And here is a graphic that i made for another aspiring nb healer, its more suited for vet dungeons, but it is a solid foundation.


    I really must protest about having entropy on your bar as a healer, you have sap essance, that will give you MS and heal your group. If you are not in range for sap essance, you out to use pots. You need to have eledrain on your bar all the time, eledrain helps you and your team with both sustain and damage. Healthy offering is junk, no reason to run it.
  • exeeter702
    exeeter702 wrote: »
    And here is a graphic that i made for another aspiring nb healer, its more suited for vet dungeons, but it is a solid foundation.


    I really must protest about having entropy on your bar as a healer, you have sap essance, that will give you MS and heal your group. If you are not in range for sap essance, you out to use pots. You need to have eledrain on your bar all the time, eledrain helps you and your team with both sustain and damage. Healthy offering is junk, no reason to run it.

    There are plenty of encounters where sap essence simply isnt needed. Its healing is great when you have at least 4 targets to cleave, below that it begins to lose its value in healing and damage. For single target boss fights and in most trials, you will not have room for sap essence. Entropy or pots are the alternatives, where entropy grants access to might of the guild which directly effects your funnel health hot. Ele drain is not a must when running vet dungeons with non mag dps or generally well optimized DPS players, nor does it contribute to damage unless a tank is running ransack instead of pierce armor. Dropping it on multiple targets in vet dungeons is redundant in that using the time to apply it to multiple targets is better served simply contributing aoe dps instead which results in trash dying just as fast if not faster. Ele drain is absolutely NOT mandatory. Healthy offering is far from junk yet as i have said numerous times, its less useful in regards to minor mending, which boosts NB hps, which was never an issue even before the skill was added. Still, trading 6k life (which recovers near instantly) for 11 percent increased healing done and the single highest HOT in the game that you can place on your tank for some breathing room is worthy of consideration at the very least, which is why i included it in the flex.

    Everything is explained in both that graphic and the previous post. This is to educate players on the options and why vs why not based on my experience healing as a NB.
    Edited by exeeter702 on November 23, 2017 7:58AM
  • Lightspeedflashb14_ESO
    @exteeter702 man, I did not mean to touch a nerve. I will let you be.

  • Asardes
    I actually prefer NB DD instead of Templar or Warden healer in 4 man content such as vDSA when playing as tank with 3 DDs since fights are shorter.
    Beta tester since February 2014, played ESO-TU October 2015 - August 2022, currently on an extended break
    vMA (The Flawless Conqueror) | vVH (Spirit Slayer & of the Undying Song) | vDSA | vAA HM | vHRC HM | vSO HM | vMoL | vAS+1 | Emperor

    PC-EU CP 3000+
    41,000+ Achievement Points before High Isle
    Member of:
    Pact Veteran Trade: Exemplary
    Traders of the Covenant: God of Sales
    Tamriels Emporium: God of Sales
    Valinor Overflow: Trader
    The Traveling Merchant: Silver

    Asardes | 50 Nord Dragonknight | EP AR 50 | Master Crafter: all traits & recipes, all styles released before High Isle
    Alxaril Nelcarion | 50 High Elf Sorcerer | AD AR 20 |
    Dro'Bear Three-paws | 50 Khajiit Nightblade | AD AR 20 |
    Veronique Nicole | 50 Breton Templar | DC AR 20 |
    Sabina Flavia Cosades | 50 Imperial Warden | EP AR 20 |
    Ervesa Neloren | 50 Dark Elf Dragonknight | EP AR 20 |
    Fendar Khodwin | 50 Redguard Sorcerer | DC AR 20 |
    Surilanwe of Lillandril | 50 High Elf Nightblade | AD AR 20 |
    Joleen the Swift | 50 Redguard Templar | DC AR 20 |
    Draynor Telvanni | 50 Dark Elf Warden | EP AR 20 |
    Claudius Tharn | 50 Necromancer | DC AR 20 |
    Nazura-la the Bonedancer | 50 Necromancer | AD AR 20 |

    Tharkul gro-Shug | 50 Orc Dragonknight | DC AR 4 |
    Ushruka gra-Lhurgash | 50 Orc Sorcerer | AD AR 4 |
    Cienwen ferch Llywelyn | 50 Breton Nightblade | DC AR 4 |
    Plays-with-Sunray | 50 Argonian Templar | EP AR 4 |
    Milariel | 50 Wood Elf Warden | AD AR 4 |
    Scheei-Jul | 50 Necromancer | EP AR 4 |

    PC-NA CP 1800+
    30,000+ Achievement Points before High Isle
    Member of:
    Savage Blade: Majestic Machette

    Asardes the Exile | 50 Nord Dragonknight | EP AR 30 |
  • kringled_1
    I wasn't as perplexed by my healer on tempest island being a nightblade as I was by them using a bow and not doing much besides light attacks. Eh, it was my random normal, it worked anyways.
  • Jigger_allard
    Lexxypwns wrote: »
    ***_allard wrote: »
    Lexxypwns wrote: »
    So, based solely on HPS, NB will perform just as well as a magplar. You're losing group sustain from shards(but I think orbs just replaces that in a 1:1 trade off?) and you're losing the burst heal(bol) and some utility.

    I'd assume you want to run a typical healer setup, something like SPC, Worm, master's resto-lightning destro. Your "oh ***" heal is actually ward ally and your main healing is done with resto skills.

    Yep! "If you don't this build you don't have this or that. So, that a bad thing. But, perhaps this will work. In short, you will only be doing low-level ***. No one will want you in vet dungeons or vet trials." I get it!

    I would probably go with a 5/5/1 build that, like you said, gives me a healer setup. And, since I abhor PvP, I will stick with a PvE setup. In that regard, I am a purest when it comes to PvE. Thanks for your response. it was much appreciated.

    If you can provide group utility(Spc, worm, off balance from lightning wall) and sustain(orbs, masters resto) and also have the healing(we established you do) then it’s technically viable. I don’t think you’ll get leaderboard scores or anything but I don’t see why it wouldn’t be viable.

    I’m not a pve expert or anything though. Getting clears is the ultimate test though

    I rather dislike PvP because so many people use Bots to cheat with: And, I hate cheaters. As for never making on to the Leaderboard who the hell cares. Winning isn't the end all do all for me. I don't have to be the best! It is all about fun and enjoyment for me. Actually, I rather enjoy watching a winner lose and die just like the rest of us peons.
  • exeeter702
    @exteeter702 man, I did not mean to touch a nerve. I will let you be.

    a bit long, but it was not an angry response.
    Edited by exeeter702 on November 23, 2017 11:53PM
  • Jigger_allard
    Thanks, @exeeter702, you have been a huge help and I greatly appreciate it. Now all I have to figure out is what 5/5/1 armors set(s) to equip my NB with.

    It seems to me, in the long and the short of it, much of it also depends upon the player's style of play as well. While it is preferably necessary to run dungeons...all dungeons...in a diamond shape formation with the healer at the back, that mechanic only works sometimes. For most the part, I have witnessed firsthand how the team gets separated because of various mechanics when fighting certain bosses. Thus, a healer should be just as mobile as his DPSs. Sure it is necessary to always keep the tank buffed up, but there is a hell of a lot of mitigating circumstances in which it is not always possible for the healer to stick to the tank like super-glue to skin.

    Like me, I am constantly spamming my healing rotation(s). I don't wait until the meter runs down or see someone's health bar fall below, say 50%. Battle situations are ever changing and a healer above all else must quickly adapt. As for being a NB I can most of the time defend myself---unless of course I am suddenly swarmed by a mob and AOEs. Then it becomes tricky. As a NB I can also help with dealing DPS, taking out ads when possible. That's why I chose to become a High Elf Night Blade Magicka Healer.

    What irks me the most, however, is someone telling me that I can't do that or that I will never be good enough for endgame BS. If that is your attitude I wouldn't want to team up with you anyway: And, I won't!

    Thanks again, @exeeter702.

    @***_allard aka Lady Alva Beckett.
  • exeeter702
    @***_allard the one thing everyone will unanimously agree on for gear is spell power cure. That should priority 1 once you hit 160cp. As far as other sets to run, it depends on content and group really. Resource utility via worm cult, orbs and ele drain are largely overkill as most fights in vet 4 mans dont last that long and most players (emphasis not all) are optimized enough to not have to worry about running out of resources.

    Personally for 4 mans i like to go with 5pc spc with lightning destro front bar, 4pc moon dancer, mealstrom resto back bar, and use a monster set if choice.

    As far as formations and whatnot, you may be overthinking it just a little lol. Just keep the hots rolling and make sure at least the tank and mobs are in your rereshing path and wall of elements.
  • CavalryPK
    Yeh I was always wondering about the burst heal to save the day..

    Templars have breath of life:
    Sorcs have Twilight

    I wonder if magblades can use funnel health coupled with healthy offering.

    boss fight: if it crits for 14k funnel then 40% of that would be 5.6k healing ... you have that + healing ward just in case.
    trash fight: sap essence.
    THE CAVELRY HAS ARRIVED! Cav is a professional magblade, (in his not so professional opinion). He is immortal and is fighting for the Pact since 2E 572, amidst the turmoil of the Second Akaviri Invasion. He protects the provinces of Skyrim, Morrowind and Black Marsh.

    Check out his PVP YouTube channel !

  • Jigger_allard
    exeeter702 wrote: »
    @***_allard the one thing everyone will unanimously agree on for gear is spell power cure. That should priority 1 once you hit 160cp. As far as other sets to run, it depends on content and group really. Resource utility via worm cult, orbs and ele drain are largely overkill as most fights in vet 4 mans dont last that long and most players (emphasis not all) are optimized enough to not have to worry about running out of resources.

    Personally for 4 mans i like to go with 5pc spc with lightning destro front bar, 4pc moon dancer, mealstrom resto back bar, and use a monster set if choice.

    As far as formations and whatnot, you may be overthinking it just a little lol. Just keep the hots rolling and make sure at least the tank and mobs are in your rereshing path and wall of elements.

    I have reached CP 160 already. In fact, I am at level CP 359. Just left the White Gold Tower, in normal mode, farming for Spell Power Cure.
  • exeeter702
    CavalryPK wrote: »
    Yeh I was always wondering about the burst heal to save the day..

    Templars have breath of life:
    Sorcs have Twilight

    I wonder if magblades can use funnel health coupled with healthy offering.

    boss fight: if it crits for 14k funnel then 40% of that would be 5.6k healing ... you have that + healing ward just in case.
    trash fight: sap essence.

    Honestly, i know people like to roll their eyes at the comparison, but healing ward is a perfectly viable oh *** button. The issue most have is that ehen they think about hots and how they are not good enough to save lifes, they are doing so under the templar microscope. But personally i have since dropped that as well in vet 4 mans. The hot healing through put is honestly strong enough. And for what its worth my mutagen crits for 15k in pve when it pops. Ive lost count of how many times a dps screws up and gets down to 10 percent hp and i instinctually throw out HW and mutagen brings them to full. And that is in top of 3k funnel ticks and 2k path and mutagen ticks.

    The more familiar one gets with hot uptime on a nb, the more they will realize that a nb doesnt need a fat singe target burst heal. I havent and the only thing not under my belt is vet asylum.
  • exeeter702
    ***_allard wrote: »
    exeeter702 wrote: »
    @***_allard the one thing everyone will unanimously agree on for gear is spell power cure. That should priority 1 once you hit 160cp. As far as other sets to run, it depends on content and group really. Resource utility via worm cult, orbs and ele drain are largely overkill as most fights in vet 4 mans dont last that long and most players (emphasis not all) are optimized enough to not have to worry about running out of resources.

    Personally for 4 mans i like to go with 5pc spc with lightning destro front bar, 4pc moon dancer, mealstrom resto back bar, and use a monster set if choice.

    As far as formations and whatnot, you may be overthinking it just a little lol. Just keep the hots rolling and make sure at least the tank and mobs are in your rereshing path and wall of elements.

    I have reached CP 160 already. In fact, I am at level CP 359. Just left the White Gold Tower, in normal mode, farming for Spell Power Cure.

    For sure. Im not sure how opposed you are to pvp, but farming the fragments in imperial city is a decent alternative. The chests tend to be generous with rings and necks. Im sure plenty of key frags are for sale on the traders as well.
  • Lexxypwns
    Just to be clear, for a pve healer, ward ally is superior to healing ward
  • MPLSLam
    Soul Shriven
    I have been building a NB healer over the last month. Already healed vAA, nHoF, and solo healed nAS.

    I am actually reworking a couple of things right now. Need to get my Support to 9 and Mages guild to 10 for all the Mag Recovery then I can switch from the Recovery mundus to the spell damage. I took the ESO build editor and side by side compared my NB healer to a Templar Healer. My NB will do about 10% more total healing then my Templar.

    If you’re on XBOX NA I can show you what I’m doing. I actually like it so much I might do my first ever build video.
    GT: MPLSLam
    XBOX One NA | Main Guild: Blood Bath & Beyonds
  • RavenSworn
    Lexxypwns wrote: »
    Just to be clear, for a pve healer, ward ally is superior to healing ward

    Weird because for my own game style of sorc healer, healing Ward is really awesome. But to each his own I guess.
    ***_allard wrote: »
    When I first introduced my Night Blade Healer to a few friends I was met with both laughter and criticism. “Oh…..nice, but you won’t be able to compete in endgame vet dungeons and vet trials and the like.” This sort of criticism came for the “elitist or rather the purest of the purest players.”

    I realize that most everyone is all about “you must be able to sustain 30,000 DPS on a single boss or target and ‘must’ be at level CP500 or higher, or you cannot compete.” Whenever I hear that I sometimes feel ostracized as if consumed by Leprosy or something. It is bad enough that the long-standing unfixed bugs in the game have chased away players, but it is another when someone leaves because they are told that they cannot complete, rather than encouraging and helping the player achieve his or her goals.

    When my Night Blade Healer started doing low-level 4-man dungeons, as a healer, at level 28 (CP 320) and no one died, and they noticed that my Night Blade Healer was also upfront dealing damage they were full of praise and recognition. “Gee, it just may work! Go figure!” And no, I wasn’t dealing 30,000 DPS, but what little I was doing was indeed a contribution.

    The whole point of this thread is to ask for help….suggestions on how best to set up my Night Blade Healer for doing vet dungeons and vet trials. Where do I get the AOE’s from as far as my damage output and what armor monster set would be best suited for my Night Blade Healer? Any takers?

    For my part I take it this way: healthy offering is my main go to heals. Can't get any more unorthodox than that. Four healthy offering will take a lot of health so I heal myself with siphoning strikes, degeneration and rapid regeneration. Funnel health for constant dps/heals and soul tether, not siphon, for me. In a group setting, a large crowd of mobs get stunned, damaged, i get heals and I constantly spam SAP essence.

    Refreshing path on back bar for that shadow passive and combat Prayer for the buffs. I took Argonian because of their racial tie in so well with the siphon passive. That extra resources gain + ult is simply too good to miss. And I gear my healer to do dps, since crits help with hots crit and heal crits. Julianos + combat physician. SPC is good too but I find it hard to pair it with anything else but Worm which is.. Lacking imo.
    Ingame: RavenSworn, Pc / NA.

    Of Wolf and Raven
    Solo / Casual guild for beginners and new players wanting to join the game. Pst me for invite!
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