paulsimonps wrote: »Just know this, if you are doing a Dungeon Finder Group. People do not care about your fun, they do not care about how you want to play. They expect a certain type of tank and if they don't get it then they will most likely vote to kick you. A tank without an Sword&Shield or Ice Staff is a prime candidate for kicking. So yea, the devs vision is play how you want, but that mean nothing in the eyes of the players that chase or follow meta. This is the internet, people are generally selfish A holes.
paulsimonps wrote: »that mean nothing in the eyes of the players that chase or follow meta. (...) people are generally selfish A holes.
paulsimonps wrote: »that mean nothing in the eyes of the players that chase or follow meta. (...) people are generally selfish A holes.
Funny you say that, I've more often encountered people with "unique" builds, like a heal/tank that could not heal or tank properly but was still ordering people around and didn't care, because they were selfish A holes, then anything else.
LadyNalcarya wrote: »Well people are going to be biased even if your unusual build actually works, because there's many fake tanks who kite stuff around (making dds job very difficult) and take a lot of damage (making healer's job very difficult).The sad truth is, most of unique builds dont work (not saying that your doesnt), so people tend to prefer more 'classic' approach.
This, now watch some Emphatic Static wrote: »All six of my alts can tank to some extent, I realy like building tough dps, all sorts of combinations that can sit at 20 to 30k damage and still shrug of almost anything in normal and dlc dungeons. Only one has a sheild and sword. Never been kicked and the whining about two handed and lightning staffs stops when I equal the dps, throw out more healing than the healer and debuff the target into the bargain. God I love baharas curseit has its limits but in terms of balanced effect it’s a realy solid set. There are more potent tanking sets but few that are as user friendly.
Only thing I change in vet is to swap out the dps set for a second tanking/support set. Pull your weight and no one has any right to criticise your choice of build. If more players enjoyed tanking the dungeon pug system wouldn’t be as *** eyed as it is now.
FrancisCrawford wrote: »My thoughts are that everybody should introduce themselves at the beginning of a PUG. Say "Hello". Also provide any information you think they need or want them to have, such as:
- "I need the quest" (I've said that many times)
- "I've never done this dungeon on any character, but I've watched videos" (me, once, recently for CoA 2 -- they decided to deal with it rather than get another healer)
- "I've never done this dungeon or even watched a video" (me, before the 4-newb RoM run I've described in other threads)
- "All the heals I have on this character are Mutagen and Healing Springs. But I do know this dungeon pretty well." (me, in the near future, if I decide to queue my Level 20ish magicka DK as a healer for random normals)
clocksstoppe wrote: »