My gear is usually a combo of crafted and dropped sets and if the latter is ugly I will try to minimize its exposure - jewelry, belt, weapons but not chest or legs. If I have to combo 2 ugly sets I just put on a costume.
Generally looks over stats,
role play over all tho
on the job, my assassins care more for efficiency than appearance
Am here to have fun, and was never particularly good at teh maths
accessorizing > number crunching
for me at least
Integral1900 wrote: »Looks, first and always, my magic dk still uses a worm cult chest piece just for the looks, I’m giving up a monster set piece for it. I tried the whole meta min max thing, got bored of the pigeon hole builds, now I play normal and build charecters just for fun... you know... the thing your supposed to get in a game...
Besides, never found a costume I liked
My gear is usually a combo of crafted and dropped sets and if the latter is ugly I will try to minimize its exposure - jewelry, belt, weapons but not chest or legs. If I have to combo 2 ugly sets I just put on a costume.
Integral1900 wrote: »Looks, first and always, my magic dk still uses a worm cult chest piece just for the looks, I’m giving up a monster set piece for it. I tried the whole meta min max thing, got bored of the pigeon hole builds, now I play normal and build charecters just for fun... you know... the thing your supposed to get in a game...
Besides, never found a costume I liked
To be fair, some players do find the min/max thing fun. It's fine if you personally don't, but it's not a hard fast thing. Fun is subjective. Let's not pretend the min/max'ers aren't having fun tweaking builds.