If you play on PC and would like to formally contribute your findings, consider downloading
Faunter's Crown Crate Tracker from esoui or from Minion
before opening your crates. It's an addon that automatically takes note of which items you receive, and everyone's results are then merged online into
The Crown Crate item drop rates document for easy reference. The more crates people open with the addon installed, the more accurate each item's drop rate becomes. Make your friends download the addon as well--no buts!
If you play on console,
@Enodoc has you
covered. You can manually submit your cards
HERE and see the drop rates
Otherwise you can post what you got in this discussion (though it won't count for the drop rates.) So, what did you get from your crates this season? I bought a few packs of 15 and here are my best pulls!
Edited by Faunter on February 21, 2018 1:57AM