Apache_Kid wrote: »Pet Sorc for sure as stated above. I recently turned my sorc into a Pet sorc and man.... I thought sorc was easy-mode before when I had no pet.
Actually_Goku wrote: »Asking for a friend
In all seriousness, an IRL friend of mine has just returned to the game. The highest he ever got was a level 20 DK tank.
So this a is double pronged question, and I expect there's 2 different answers;
1: which spec is the easiest to be good at? I personally want to say magplar, due to the heals. If you get in a bit of trouble you can just heal up, and away you go.
2: which is new-player friendly?
All input welcome
Imo StamDK w/ 2H is perfect for getting the hang of the basics of combat at low levels. Gap closer, DoTs, execute, AoE, major brutality, dmg shield: Basically all you'll ever need at around lvl 15-20. Works nicely in low-lvl pvp too.
Actually_Goku wrote: »Thanks for all the input guys, he's rolling a magplar. You all made pretty good points!