I think it goes away after he does a shout. Not sure, though... the end is usually so chaotic that I don't always pay attention to details like that.
DocFrost72 wrote: »I was told it is not a damage shield like we're used to, because as you said, you can kill him through it. The way it was explained to me is that it is added mitigation.
My guess is they wanted to make the burn phase harrowing and essentially shut off your crit, but then again that is added theory I've yet to test.
@ZOS_GinaBruno Could you ask if this is actually a bug that the damage shield occasionally drops? I’ve asked players in-game and no one seems to understand how to break it either, though I have broken it twice now. If a mechanic is involved it’s too obscure.
@ZOS_GinaBruno Could you ask if this is actually a bug that the damage shield occasionally drops? I’ve asked players in-game and no one seems to understand how to break it either, though I have broken it twice now. If a mechanic is involved it’s too obscure.
You'd probably want to ask ZOS_Finn yourself, though I doubt he would reveal the underlying mechanic.
strebor2095 wrote: »I believe it's just to prevent you from critting him
Drummerx04 wrote: »strebor2095 wrote: »I believe it's just to prevent you from critting him
Well it prevents crits, and about 90% of the damage that you put on him is also directly negated by the shield as well. It's a million+ strength uncrittable imperfect damage shield. It's pretty OP honestly.
I would bet that the shield clears when the 4 adds are killed, but I'm not 100% sure.
Caligamy_ESO wrote: »I haven't done this fight in a while but I always thought it was tied to the adds. I believe there was a banner for each element type that spawns with them and the one that's glowing needed to be killed? I'm too fuzzy on the details now.. I got my helm and got the hell out so that's all I kinda vaguely remember about it.
I’ve faught Domihaus many times now in Veteran Falkreath Hold. A handful of times I have noticed that his damage shield (which he is prompted to activate at < 26% health) drops while fighting him, but I have no idea how this is triggered.
Does anyone know how to purposely break his damage shield? It would help me a lot with this boss lol.
@ZOS_GinaBruno Could you ask if this is actually a bug that the damage shield occasionally drops? I’ve asked players in-game and no one seems to understand how to break it either, though I have broken it twice now. If a mechanic is involved it’s too obscure.
You'd probably want to ask @ZOS_Finn yourself, though I doubt he would reveal the underlying mechanic.
I would ask another basic question: what is the pattern/timer of getting that dmg shield by the boss? Because it is not true that it always appears at around 25% of the boss. From my experience, sometimes it is indeed around 20-25%, but I also saw this appearing at 8% or even not appearing at all (on HM). I've done this dungeon countless times and I still haven't figured that out.