NB is now top dog and is op.

  • OdinForge
    KingJ wrote: »
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »
    Nightblades were always overpowered, but now are a disgusting mess. ZOS please stop with the favoritism. Please.
    Do you have anything to back up that argument?

    Yes his signature.

    My NB slays many who wear the titles in his signature, so NB OP nerf sorc buff dk.

    OP in Cyrodiil
    The Age of Wrobel.
  • Ariades_swe
    nerfity nerf.
    nerf nerf.
  • deepseamk20b14_ESO
    nCats wrote: »
    I am more sort of surprised how well the stamnb heal this patch. They disappear and then I see them back to full health from 15 percent. What is happening?

    My vigor ticks crit for around 2.7k to 2.9k (2.9 when weapon damage enchantment is proced). My rally crit for around 12k if done during the last ten seconds of the buff. So it’s not hard IF you can get your cloak off. A good player can basically stop that from happening and you’re in trouble and must change up tactics to ensure that person doesn’t break your cloak again. With CC and back off or teleport to shade. LoS is great as well. I only have 51.7% crit but even then I get decent heals without cloak. I don’t depend on cloak much and only have mate 745 magicka recovery. Cloak spammers are obnoxious lol. But yeah, you can heal to full if you play your cards right. People will complain but it’s really no different from a person holding block during execute phase and using a class self heal to go back to 100%. Balanced in my opinion considering no major or minor mending and all the things that break cloak.

    As far as the person talking about ambush and a cast time. It already has one. Kind of. It says instant but the animation isn’t instant by any means. I also see no reason to get rid of empower as teleport strike is very easy to dodge to begin with so at least you aren’t hit by that.

    To the person who said NB is squishy because they can’t use shuffle in heavy armor just slot blur....you get major evasion from a class skill.

    By the way, am I the only one who thinks NB’s that use piercing mark against other NB’s are bad? It’s like there’s no honor among thieves....I mean NB’s lol.
    Hey everyone! Look! It's a signature!
  • Thogard
    KingJ wrote: »
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »
    Nightblades were always overpowered, but now are a disgusting mess. ZOS please stop with the favoritism. Please.
    Do you have anything to back up that argument?
    Onetime on his mag DK he lost a duel to a stamblade.

    Not even joking
    PC NA - @dazkt - Dazk Ardoonkt / Sir Thogalot / Dask Dragoh’t / Dazk Dragoh’t / El Thogardo

    Stream: twitch.tv/THOGARDvsThePeasants
    YouTube: http://youtube.com/c/thogardpvp

  • Strider__Roshin
    Thogard wrote: »
    KingJ wrote: »
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »
    Nightblades were always overpowered, but now are a disgusting mess. ZOS please stop with the favoritism. Please.
    Do you have anything to back up that argument?
    Onetime on his mag DK he lost a duel to a stamblade.

    Not even joking

    It was probably me lol. I dueled a magDK once that said the only reason why I won was because of fear. So I suggested that we had a duel where I don't use fear, and he doesn't use petrify or talons. He wouldn't agree.
    Edited by Strider__Roshin on November 10, 2017 7:09PM
  • Micah_Bayer
    Blanco wrote: »
    Weird. I must be doing something wrong because my StamNB is dying a lot in some dense overland trash groups when I solo and try to blitz through. Now, he's not full build yet, but he just seems squishy as all hell.

    On average stamblade is the squishiest and easiest to kill class in the game. There are ways to mitigate that to varying extents, but their bread and butter is their obscenely high burst.

    I have a problem with heavy NB plus TK
  • KingJ
    Thogard wrote: »
    KingJ wrote: »
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »
    Nightblades were always overpowered, but now are a disgusting mess. ZOS please stop with the favoritism. Please.
    Do you have anything to back up that argument?
    Onetime on his mag DK he lost a duel to a stamblade.

    Not even joking
    Lmao really wow.
  • rimmidimdim
    Blanco wrote: »
    Weird. I must be doing something wrong because my StamNB is dying a lot in some dense overland trash groups when I solo and try to blitz through. Now, he's not full build yet, but he just seems squishy as all hell.

    On average stamblade is the squishiest and easiest to kill class in the game. There are ways to mitigate that to varying extents, but their bread and butter is their obscenely high burst.

    I have a problem with heavy NB plus TK

    That would be a problem with troll king then, idk why troll king is only good on NB's, heavy or not. I mean im a heavy NB and I use troll king, but if a friend is using it, say a Templar, I put something else on. Use some defile skills and put some points into siphoner in the cp tree.
    Edited by rimmidimdim on November 11, 2017 12:34AM
  • jhharvest
    By the way, am I the only one who thinks NB’s that use piercing mark against other NB’s are bad? It’s like there’s no honor among thieves....I mean NB’s lol.
    <3 Piercing Mark is literally the only reason why I play a NB.
  • Knootewoot
    Today i slashed an enemy player with around 7k concealed weapon (that was a crit) for at least 10 times. He only lost 2% health. I wore spinner and shacklebreaker with sharpened weapons. I run away. Then i had a loading screen in bleakers and i did alt+f4.
    "I am a nightblade. Blending the disciplines of the stealthy agent and subtle wizard, I move unseen and undetected, foil locks and traps, and teleport to safety when threatened, or strike like a viper from ambush. The College of Illusion hides me and fuddles or pacifies my opponents. The College of Mysticism detects my object, reflects and dispels enemy spells, and makes good my escape. The key to a nightblade's success is avoidance, by spell or by stealth; with these skills, all things are possible."
  • NinchiTV
    nCats wrote: »

    By the way, am I the only one who thinks NB’s that use piercing mark against other NB’s are bad? It’s like there’s no honor among thieves....I mean NB’s lol.

    That's why I always bring detect pots. :p
  • Strider__Roshin
    Turns out OP was correct. Magicka Nightblade is top dog. :smiley:
  • NyassaV
    Daus wrote: »
    Turns out OP was correct. Magicka Nightblade is top dog. :smiley:

    GTFO, Kena is top... Magblade just rewards the skilled and learned while punishing the weak and stupid. As ANY class should be, but right now it seems only nightblade is that way
    Flawless Conqueror ~ Grand Overlord
    She/Her ~ PC/NA | I record things for fun and for info
  • lynog85
    Hollery wrote: »
    Daus wrote: »
    Turns out OP was correct. Magicka Nightblade is top dog. :smiley:

    GTFO, Kena is top... Magblade just rewards the skilled and learned while punishing the weak and stupid. As ANY class should be, but right now it seems only nightblade is that way

    Kenas a top nb? What. Lol
  • ChiIIa_Deluxe
    Soul Shriven
    People cant get enough can they? xD
    The nerf magsorc thread has gone to nerf magblade. People need some serious l2p.
  • starlizard70ub17_ESO
    Any class in any configuration, (stamina or magic), is top dog in the hands of an experienced player who knows what they're doing with skill rotation and gear choice. I've seen magic DKs, supposedly the weakest class combo, just waste hoards of pug players with little effort. If you take a little time to play some class combos other then your personal favorite, you'll learn the strengths and weaknesses of them and will learn how to counter and defeat any class combo. In PvP the rule is simple, the first one to make a mistake, usually dies.
    "We have found a cave, but I don't think there are warm fires and friendly faces inside."
  • Strider__Roshin
    Hollery wrote: »
    Daus wrote: »
    Turns out OP was correct. Magicka Nightblade is top dog. :smiley:

    GTFO, Kena is top... Magblade just rewards the skilled and learned while punishing the weak and stupid. As ANY class should be, but right now it seems only nightblade is that way

    From what I observed he was the superior player in terms of skill. I believe you're correct. Nightblades have the highest ceiling, and the lowest floor.
  • Lord-Otto
    Any class in any configuration, (stamina or magic), is top dog in the hands of an experienced player who knows what they're doing with skill rotation and gear choice. I've seen magic DKs, supposedly the weakest class combo, just waste hoards of pug players with little effort. If you take a little time to play some class combos other then your personal favorite, you'll learn the strengths and weaknesses of them and will learn how to counter and defeat any class combo. In PvP the rule is simple, the first one to make a mistake, usually dies.

    Not really.
    Sure, if you fight mediocre players, you can outplay them like this. But when you're on the same skill level, your class will become much more deciding.
    Try dueling a competent magDK as a vampire, for example. That 25% bonus damage WILL overpower you at some point, and that has nothing to do with player skill. It's the rock, paper, scissors concept that every RPG has.
  • olsborg
    Warden top dog...or bear..

    PC EU
    PvP only
  • Thogard
    Was the winner running a minor defile poison?
    PC NA - @dazkt - Dazk Ardoonkt / Sir Thogalot / Dask Dragoh’t / Dazk Dragoh’t / El Thogardo

    Stream: twitch.tv/THOGARDvsThePeasants
    YouTube: http://youtube.com/c/thogardpvp

  • KingJ
    Thogard wrote: »
    Was the winner running a minor defile poison?
    Poisons were banned He was running Duroks bane I believe on his magblade.
  • Waffennacht
    KingJ wrote: »
    Thogard wrote: »
    Was the winner running a minor defile poison?
    Poisons were banned He was running Duroks bane I believe on his magblade.

    I was wondering if pets we're banned too? And Immovable? What about Panacea and Shield Wall?

    Blessed? What about 70k health builds?

    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
    The game has been online for a few years now, and the classes have been nerfed/buffed many of times. The pitchfork mobs to NB's will keep on coming, but that class is working as intended. Many posts have claimed all the classes to be OP, and to be quite honest, its a L2P issue. You're either not using the right pot/ability/gear to eliminate the threat, and not one single class can defeat them all. There's a set piece better than yours, pot usage better than you are, and a player more invested than you.
  • KingJ
    KingJ wrote: »
    Thogard wrote: »
    Was the winner running a minor defile poison?
    Poisons were banned He was running Duroks bane I believe on his magblade.

    I was wondering if pets we're banned too? And Immovable? What about Panacea and Shield Wall?

    Blessed? What about 70k health builds?

    Immovables and Shadow rend,troll king was banned but EG was fine.You could only use 1 pet.Expect the betch netch didn't count as a pet i believe.Weapon ultimated were allowed but if uou used to many it was held against you.
  • Waffennacht
    KingJ wrote: »
    KingJ wrote: »
    Thogard wrote: »
    Was the winner running a minor defile poison?
    Poisons were banned He was running Duroks bane I believe on his magblade.

    I was wondering if pets we're banned too? And Immovable? What about Panacea and Shield Wall?

    Blessed? What about 70k health builds?

    Immovables and Shadow rend,troll king was banned but EG was fine.You could only use 1 pet.Expect the betch netch didn't count as a pet i believe.Weapon ultimated were allowed but if uou used to many it was held against you.

    Shadowrend being banned is surprising to me, same with TK (defile being stronk)

    Immovable makes sense

    Ty for the information
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • Rianai
    Shadowrend wasn't banned, but it counted as pet for the 1 pet only rule and TK was banned because it is bugged (doesn't get reduced by defile).
  • Waffennacht
    Rianai wrote: »
    Shadowrend wasn't banned, but it counted as pet for the 1 pet only rule and TK was banned because it is bugged (doesn't get reduced by defile).

    I... I wasn't aware...

    If I start running TK, it's not because you told me this...
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • KingJ
    Rianai wrote: »
    Shadowrend wasn't banned, but it counted as pet for the 1 pet only rule and TK was banned because it is bugged (doesn't get reduced by defile).
    No it was banned @NightbladeMechanics mentioned that since you can't target the pet its not allowed.Since their no counterplay against it.
  • Lord-Otto
    KingJ wrote: »
    Rianai wrote: »
    Shadowrend wasn't banned, but it counted as pet for the 1 pet only rule and TK was banned because it is bugged (doesn't get reduced by defile).
    No it was banned @NightbladeMechanics mentioned that since you can't target the pet its not allowed.Since their no counterplay against it.

    What silly justification is that?
    You can purge the Maim comfortably. Left is a bit damage increase, bohoo. Is Slimecraw also banned? Skoria? Mines? Purge?

    That's why you can't take duels seriously. Just a set of arbitrary rules or a lot of cheese.
    Meh, to each his/her own...
  • WreckfulAbandon
    Good NB's have learned how to survive well in medium. It's baffling sometimes how much dmg a stamblade in medium can mitigate or heal. My offensive stats provide me with great dmg on magsorc but we all know that without shield up I'm in oneshot territory. Stamblades also have great burst but it seems that their survival ability is improving as well...

    I still wouldnt say they are top dog (wardens def get that title) but top NB's have all increased their survivability recently with (seemingly) no detrimental effects on their dmg or sustain. Enough to where I'm debating taking up mine-camping again vs certain NB's.

    I guess it all comes down to how effectively NB's use cloak; when it works as intended it is the strongest skill in the game.

    Oh my bad, nerf sorc shields, there, got it in
    PC NA

    All my comments are regarding PvP
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