I am more sort of surprised how well the stamnb heal this patch. They disappear and then I see them back to full health from 15 percent. What is happening?
Onetime on his mag DK he lost a duel to a stamblade.
Storymaster wrote: »Weird. I must be doing something wrong because my StamNB is dying a lot in some dense overland trash groups when I solo and try to blitz through. Now, he's not full build yet, but he just seems squishy as all hell.
On average stamblade is the squishiest and easiest to kill class in the game. There are ways to mitigate that to varying extents, but their bread and butter is their obscenely high burst.
Micah_Bayer wrote: »Storymaster wrote: »Weird. I must be doing something wrong because my StamNB is dying a lot in some dense overland trash groups when I solo and try to blitz through. Now, he's not full build yet, but he just seems squishy as all hell.
On average stamblade is the squishiest and easiest to kill class in the game. There are ways to mitigate that to varying extents, but their bread and butter is their obscenely high burst.
I have a problem with heavy NB plus TK
deepseamk20b14_ESO wrote: »By the way, am I the only one who thinks NB’s that use piercing mark against other NB’s are bad? It’s like there’s no honor among thieves....I mean NB’s lol.
Turns out OP was correct. Magicka Nightblade is top dog.
starlizard70ub17_ESO wrote: »Any class in any configuration, (stamina or magic), is top dog in the hands of an experienced player who knows what they're doing with skill rotation and gear choice. I've seen magic DKs, supposedly the weakest class combo, just waste hoards of pug players with little effort. If you take a little time to play some class combos other then your personal favorite, you'll learn the strengths and weaknesses of them and will learn how to counter and defeat any class combo. In PvP the rule is simple, the first one to make a mistake, usually dies.
Immovables and Shadow rend,troll king was banned but EG was fine.You could only use 1 pet.Expect the betch netch didn't count as a pet i believe.Weapon ultimated were allowed but if uou used to many it was held against you.Waffennacht wrote: »
Immovables and Shadow rend,troll king was banned but EG was fine.You could only use 1 pet.Expect the betch netch didn't count as a pet i believe.Weapon ultimated were allowed but if uou used to many it was held against you.Waffennacht wrote: »
Shadowrend wasn't banned, but it counted as pet for the 1 pet only rule and TK was banned because it is bugged (doesn't get reduced by defile).
No it was banned @NightbladeMechanics mentioned that since you can't target the pet its not allowed.Since their no counterplay against it.Shadowrend wasn't banned, but it counted as pet for the 1 pet only rule and TK was banned because it is bugged (doesn't get reduced by defile).
No it was banned @NightbladeMechanics mentioned that since you can't target the pet its not allowed.Since their no counterplay against it.Shadowrend wasn't banned, but it counted as pet for the 1 pet only rule and TK was banned because it is bugged (doesn't get reduced by defile).