Will enemy resets ever be removed?

I am trying my best to enjoy the game and squeze out some kind of immersion from this game or sense that this is an actual TES game and not just a WOW clone, but it feels like I have to fight the game on every corner to achieve this.
My biggest gripe is how the enemy resets when they walk a tiny bit outside their area. They regain all their health and just run back to their initial placement as if nothing happens. It looks so incredible pathetic and ever time it happens I just want to quit the game outright. But just knowing this is there just ruins any immersion I have for the game as it feels so artificial and like actually have to "baby sit" the enemy as to not do it. I play as an archer so I need to make sure when I back up I don't back up to much as to trigger their Reset.

Is there any chance that this will be removed at some point?
  • jeedrzej
    Jeedrzej - Magica Dragonknight lvl 50
    Ealian Elieilijas - Magica Sorcerer lvl 50
    Enerias Kazner - Magica Templar lvl 50
    Marcelius SIlny - Stamina Dragonknight lvl 50
    Anvena Kazner - Stamina NIghtblade lvl 50
    Arcynekromantka Anastazja - Magica Nightblade lvl 50
    Threiva Krwawooka - Stamina Sorcerer lvl 50
    Anvena Karen - Stamina Templat lvl 50
    Furia Dorathis - Stamina Dragonknight lvl 50
    Verinia Dziecię Światła - Magica Templar lvl 50
    Anwen Llenariolis - Magica Warden lvl 50
    Welandil Mroźne Serce - Magicka Warden lvl 50
    Brunein Silny - Stamina Warden lvl 50
    Jilialis Szept Nocy - Magicka Sorcerer lvl 50
    Dareiva Tancerka Cieni - Stamina NIghtblade lvl 50
    Doweriusz Desson - Magicka Necromancer lvl 40

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  • Shadzilla
    Edited by Shadzilla on October 15, 2017 8:16AM
  • THWIP71
    It definitely sucks for long range combat, but the alternative would be equally annoying enemy trains (much worse than the bot trains), from people constantly running through zones. In terms of immersion, I think that would be far more jarring, and would also ruin the game.
  • OutcastVP
    THWIP71 wrote: »
    It definitely sucks for long range combat, but the alternative would be equally annoying enemy trains (much worse than the bot trains), from people constantly running through zones. In terms of immersion, I think that would be far more jarring, and would also ruin the game.

    Enemy trains is not an issue in real TES games though so maybe they could redesign the game or have an alternative play mode that is less for just grinding and actual immersion where everything is not done with grinding in mind. The problem is that in dungeons etc enemies are placed quite evenly spaced out in a very artifical manner that just looks strange over the whole dungeons to maximize grinding instead of making the area feel real with organic placement.
  • jeedrzej
    Its working only in single-player games ;)
    Jeedrzej - Magica Dragonknight lvl 50
    Ealian Elieilijas - Magica Sorcerer lvl 50
    Enerias Kazner - Magica Templar lvl 50
    Marcelius SIlny - Stamina Dragonknight lvl 50
    Anvena Kazner - Stamina NIghtblade lvl 50
    Arcynekromantka Anastazja - Magica Nightblade lvl 50
    Threiva Krwawooka - Stamina Sorcerer lvl 50
    Anvena Karen - Stamina Templat lvl 50
    Furia Dorathis - Stamina Dragonknight lvl 50
    Verinia Dziecię Światła - Magica Templar lvl 50
    Anwen Llenariolis - Magica Warden lvl 50
    Welandil Mroźne Serce - Magicka Warden lvl 50
    Brunein Silny - Stamina Warden lvl 50
    Jilialis Szept Nocy - Magicka Sorcerer lvl 50
    Dareiva Tancerka Cieni - Stamina NIghtblade lvl 50
    Doweriusz Desson - Magicka Necromancer lvl 40

    Achievement Hunter
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  • Slick_007
    if this is what you can find to complain about, you need a new game. complaining that this is ruining immersion is ridiculus. How about when your character gets killed, you dont get resurrected and have to start a new character. i mean, thats ruining immersion right? somehow the soul gems kick into gear on their own to resurrect you. or just reappearing at a wayshrine like nothing happened.

    If you were the mob, at some point in the chase, wouldnt you turn and just say F' it! i cant be bothered chasing this wimp any further. And then heal yourself and return to what you were doing.

    PS. can i have your stuff when you leave?
  • OutcastVP
    Slick_007 wrote: »
    if this is what you can find to complain about, you need a new game. complaining that this is ruining immersion is ridiculus. How about when your character gets killed, you dont get resurrected and have to start a new character. i mean, thats ruining immersion right? somehow the soul gems kick into gear on their own to resurrect you. or just reappearing at a wayshrine like nothing happened.

    If you were the mob, at some point in the chase, wouldnt you turn and just say F' it! i cant be bothered chasing this wimp any further. And then heal yourself and return to what you were doing.

    PS. can i have your stuff when you leave?

    It is because I like the Elder Scrolls game and the experience they give. I play this because it has the Elder Scrolls name on it.
    Just because you like generic WOW clones where everything is about grinding mobs that have these silly mechanics does not mean everyone does. I am not coming from an WOW MMO angle to play this game. I play because I like the TES games. My problem with this game is that it feels like WOW with a TES skin on it instead of a TES game in an online world. I am trying to make the best out of it though, but some things are really hard to ignore.
    Edited by OutcastVP on October 15, 2017 8:46AM
  • Saturnana
    OutcastVP wrote: »
    THWIP71 wrote: »
    It definitely sucks for long range combat, but the alternative would be equally annoying enemy trains (much worse than the bot trains), from people constantly running through zones. In terms of immersion, I think that would be far more jarring, and would also ruin the game.

    Enemy trains is not an issue in real TES games though so maybe they could redesign the game or have an alternative play mode that is less for just grinding and actual immersion where everything is not done with grinding in mind. The problem is that in dungeons etc enemies are placed quite evenly spaced out in a very artifical manner that just looks strange over the whole dungeons to maximize grinding instead of making the area feel real with organic placement.

    Enemy trains are not a problem in other TES games because all other TES games are single-player. And I've been followed by a fair share of trolls in Skryim before, though I do remember that if you run long and fast enough, you shake them eventually. :P Adding in multiple settings / alternative plays in an MMO would probably mean even more instances or shards, and from a technical point of view I can only imagine that it'd introduce a whole new range of performance issues and bugs.

    Only tip I can give at this point is to kite your enemies (i.e. make a circular move around your enemies and fire your weapon while doing so) instead of walking backwards in a straight line when firing your bow. I play with melee weapons, but kiting works there as well. If done well it also keeps groups of enemies nicely pooled together for your AoE skills, hitting more than one with only one attack. :)
    @Saturnna | PC / EU

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    "Ha! I do love it when the mortals know they're being manipulated. Makes things infinitely more interesting."
                                      - Sheogorath
  • OutcastVP
    lnsane wrote: »
    OutcastVP wrote: »
    THWIP71 wrote: »
    It definitely sucks for long range combat, but the alternative would be equally annoying enemy trains (much worse than the bot trains), from people constantly running through zones. In terms of immersion, I think that would be far more jarring, and would also ruin the game.

    Enemy trains is not an issue in real TES games though so maybe they could redesign the game or have an alternative play mode that is less for just grinding and actual immersion where everything is not done with grinding in mind. The problem is that in dungeons etc enemies are placed quite evenly spaced out in a very artifical manner that just looks strange over the whole dungeons to maximize grinding instead of making the area feel real with organic placement.

    Enemy trains are not a problem in other TES games because all other TES games are single-player. And I've been followed by a fair share of trolls in Skryim before, though I do remember that if you run long and fast enough, you shake them eventually. :P Adding in multiple settings / alternative plays in an MMO would probably mean even more instances or shards, and from a technical point of view I can only imagine that it'd introduce a whole new range of performance issues and bugs.

    Only tip I can give at this point is to kite your enemies (i.e. make a circular move around your enemies and fire your weapon while doing so) instead of walking backwards in a straight line when firing your bow. I play with melee weapons, but kiting works there as well. If done well it also keeps groups of enemies nicely pooled together for your AoE skills, hitting more than one with only one attack. :)

    I would actually rather play in offline mode if it was possible since other players are just an annoyance and does not add anything to the game besides being an annoying distracting how they are running around everywhere. It would get rid of a lof of things like respawning enemies and bosses etc. That is just me though.

    But even without this the enemy train does not have to be "solved" in such an ugly and artifical manner that just kills any and all immersion. There could be some random element to how long the enemy chase you, and when they give up they don't need to "Reset". They could just tire of chasing you, walk back and maybe be a bit more on their guard and then they could slowly regain their health, that would at least make it a bit more realistic and not look as silly.

    There are so many elements in this game that just makes it feel like an artificial theme park, instead of an actual living place and world.
    Edited by OutcastVP on October 15, 2017 8:58AM
  • Loc2262
    This is an MMO, not Elder Scrolls 6. ;) So it's not primarily about single-player immersion, but about multiplayer compatible mechanics. So the reset-and-walk-back thing, as well as enemies respawning in public zones, is a necessity.

    Coming from Skyrim, this being my first and only MMO, I was a bit surprised about those mechanic as well, just like about how you pull mobs (i.e. they don't see you from miles away). But you get used to it easily, and learn to even make use of it.
    Kind regards,
    PC-EU, 12 chars, 900+CP
  • zaria
    OutcastVP wrote: »
    Slick_007 wrote: »
    if this is what you can find to complain about, you need a new game. complaining that this is ruining immersion is ridiculus. How about when your character gets killed, you dont get resurrected and have to start a new character. i mean, thats ruining immersion right? somehow the soul gems kick into gear on their own to resurrect you. or just reappearing at a wayshrine like nothing happened.

    If you were the mob, at some point in the chase, wouldnt you turn and just say F' it! i cant be bothered chasing this wimp any further. And then heal yourself and return to what you were doing.

    PS. can i have your stuff when you leave?

    It is because I like the Elder Scrolls game and the experience they give. I play this because it has the Elder Scrolls name on it.
    Just because you like generic WOW clones where everything is about grinding mobs that have these silly mechanics does not mean everyone does. I am not coming from an WOW MMO angle to play this game. I play because I like the TES games. My problem with this game is that it feels like WOW with a TES skin on it instead of a TES game in an online world. I am trying to make the best out of it though, but some things are really hard to ignore.
    ESO is kind of an compromise between an traditional MMO and an TES game, in my opinion it does an pretty good job.
    Pretty sure enemies in Skyrim also give up the chase, know I have run away from many. However here its probably an more natural process in that they give up then you get too far ahead.

    Some older MMO like everquest did not have tethering, this enabled troll tactic like pulling lots of strong enemies into the starting village, its also to limit how many enemies strong players or groups can kill at once.

    Still I agree that the tethering is pretty annoying, worst part is the one there they do one hit on you, heal up and run back.
    In group dungeons its not much tethering except on bosses, latest is to avoid exploits there you put boss in an place he can not fight back efficiently.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • OutcastVP
    Loc2262 wrote: »
    This is an MMO, not Elder Scrolls 6. ;) So it's not primarily about single-player immersion, but about multiplayer compatible mechanics. So the reset-and-walk-back thing, as well as enemies respawning in public zones, is a necessity.

    Coming from Skyrim, this being my first and only MMO, I was a bit surprised about those mechanic as well, just like about how you pull mobs (i.e. they don't see you from miles away). But you get used to it easily, and learn to even make use of it.

    I don't agree it is a necessity though. That is one of the main problems with the game, that it is so uninspiring and unoriginal and basically just slaps in every MMO trope that where before it, but with a TES skin on it. I know many people, including myself hoped when they heard of an Elder Scrolls Online game that it would actually break some new ground and do something new with the genre. I have played MMO:s before though, and I was a fan of Ultima Online back in the day, because it seemed that game actually wanted to create a world with other players. I think the whole genre went in the wrong direction with WOW when it made it basically stupid fast food for the masses. It is just sad to see that ESO goes in the same footsteps of that without trying to break any new grounds at all in the genre, which feels kind of cheap and like selling out the IP. I never get the feeling like ESO was made with love and passion because someone actually wanted to see how TES could be in an online world and how it would be a great fit for the IP. It really feels like a industry business cookie cutter clone that was made to cash in on the IP and it's huge fanbase that had been built up with the real single player TES games. If anyone could have made something fresh with the genre it had been Bethesda (though I guess one problem is that the game is not even made by Bethesda).

    Sorry for the rant. I won't say that there are not some good qualities also in the game, like the graphics is nice for an MMO (though I really miss any sort of physics in the game) and the fact that there is voice acting. It is also good that there is an option to play with a more minimalistic HUD, which is even more supported with addons.
    Edited by OutcastVP on October 15, 2017 9:33AM
  • Huyen
    To the OP: this is fairly common in any MMO. So no, this wont be changed.
    Huyen Shadowpaw, dedicated nightblade tank - PS4 (Retired)
    Huyen Swiftpaw, nightblade dps - PC EU (Retired)
    Huyen Lightpaw, templar healer - PC EU (Retired)
    Huyen Swiftpaw, necromancer dps - PC EU (Retired)
    Huyen Swiftpaw, dragonknight (no defined role yet)

    "Failure is only the opportunity to begin again. Only this time, more wisely" - Uncle Iroh
  • LordNilloc
    OutcastVP wrote: »
    lnsane wrote: »
    OutcastVP wrote: »
    THWIP71 wrote: »
    It definitely sucks for long range combat, but the alternative would be equally annoying enemy trains (much worse than the bot trains), from people constantly running through zones. In terms of immersion, I think that would be far more jarring, and would also ruin the game.

    Enemy trains is not an issue in real TES games though so maybe they could redesign the game or have an alternative play mode that is less for just grinding and actual immersion where everything is not done with grinding in mind. The problem is that in dungeons etc enemies are placed quite evenly spaced out in a very artifical manner that just looks strange over the whole dungeons to maximize grinding instead of making the area feel real with organic placement.

    Enemy trains are not a problem in other TES games because all other TES games are single-player. And I've been followed by a fair share of trolls in Skryim before, though I do remember that if you run long and fast enough, you shake them eventually. :P Adding in multiple settings / alternative plays in an MMO would probably mean even more instances or shards, and from a technical point of view I can only imagine that it'd introduce a whole new range of performance issues and bugs.

    Only tip I can give at this point is to kite your enemies (i.e. make a circular move around your enemies and fire your weapon while doing so) instead of walking backwards in a straight line when firing your bow. I play with melee weapons, but kiting works there as well. If done well it also keeps groups of enemies nicely pooled together for your AoE skills, hitting more than one with only one attack. :)

    I would actually rather play in offline mode if it was possible since other players are just an annoyance

    There's your problem right the. It's called Elder Scrolls ONLINE.
    Time for you to find a new game I think.
  • CalydorEstalon
    OutcastVP wrote: »
    I would actually rather play in offline mode if it was possible since other players are just an annoyance and does not add anything to the game besides being an annoying distracting how they are running around everywhere.

    I'm really great at football when I play it as a single-player game. I score SO MANY goals.
  • Slack
    OutcastVP wrote: »
    THWIP71 wrote: »
    It definitely sucks for long range combat, but the alternative would be equally annoying enemy trains (much worse than the bot trains), from people constantly running through zones. In terms of immersion, I think that would be far more jarring, and would also ruin the game.

    Enemy trains is not an issue in real TES games...

    You might have noticed, that this is not a single player game, and the mobs are there for everyone to be killed and just yourself, like in skyrim
    PC EU
    Betty Breeze - Magwarden
    Hunts S'hitblades - Stamplar
    Aschavi - Magplar
  • strebor2095
    I do wish there was more variation in overland / delve enemy spawns. It's either 1 / 2 / 3 monsters at a time, nothing cool like a tower that is filled with goons (I guess that's Cyro instead) that you fight your way up and pull everything at once.
  • Samadhi
    LordNilloc wrote: »
    OutcastVP wrote: »
    lnsane wrote: »
    OutcastVP wrote: »
    THWIP71 wrote: »
    It definitely sucks for long range combat, but the alternative would be equally annoying enemy trains (much worse than the bot trains), from people constantly running through zones. In terms of immersion, I think that would be far more jarring, and would also ruin the game.

    Enemy trains is not an issue in real TES games though so maybe they could redesign the game or have an alternative play mode that is less for just grinding and actual immersion where everything is not done with grinding in mind. The problem is that in dungeons etc enemies are placed quite evenly spaced out in a very artifical manner that just looks strange over the whole dungeons to maximize grinding instead of making the area feel real with organic placement.

    Enemy trains are not a problem in other TES games because all other TES games are single-player. And I've been followed by a fair share of trolls in Skryim before, though I do remember that if you run long and fast enough, you shake them eventually. :P Adding in multiple settings / alternative plays in an MMO would probably mean even more instances or shards, and from a technical point of view I can only imagine that it'd introduce a whole new range of performance issues and bugs.

    Only tip I can give at this point is to kite your enemies (i.e. make a circular move around your enemies and fire your weapon while doing so) instead of walking backwards in a straight line when firing your bow. I play with melee weapons, but kiting works there as well. If done well it also keeps groups of enemies nicely pooled together for your AoE skills, hitting more than one with only one attack. :)

    I would actually rather play in offline mode if it was possible since other players are just an annoyance

    There's your problem right the. It's called Elder Scrolls ONLINE.
    Time for you to find a new game I think.

    Would be pretty cool to see an offline mode similar to Dark Souls 3 tho
    can play online, fighting off invasions and pairing up for boss fights
    or play entirely offline

    But Dark Souls is constructed very differently from ESO
    and has its own batch of compromises made to facillitate its design
    "If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion." -- the 14th Dalai Lama
    Wisdom is doing Now that which benefits you later.
  • Slick_007
    OutcastVP wrote: »

    I would actually rather play in offline mode if it was possible since other players are just an annoyance and does not add anything to the game besides being an annoying distracting how they are running around everywhere. It would get rid of a lof of things like respawning enemies and bosses etc. That is just me though.


    there is nothing else you can add to your argument that would be remotely relevant or valid after your above comments. you seriously, seriously, need to find a new game. And this isnt even your first mmo (wheres the facepalm emoji?)
  • OutcastVP
    LordNilloc wrote: »
    OutcastVP wrote: »
    lnsane wrote: »
    OutcastVP wrote: »
    THWIP71 wrote: »
    It definitely sucks for long range combat, but the alternative would be equally annoying enemy trains (much worse than the bot trains), from people constantly running through zones. In terms of immersion, I think that would be far more jarring, and would also ruin the game.

    Enemy trains is not an issue in real TES games though so maybe they could redesign the game or have an alternative play mode that is less for just grinding and actual immersion where everything is not done with grinding in mind. The problem is that in dungeons etc enemies are placed quite evenly spaced out in a very artifical manner that just looks strange over the whole dungeons to maximize grinding instead of making the area feel real with organic placement.

    Enemy trains are not a problem in other TES games because all other TES games are single-player. And I've been followed by a fair share of trolls in Skryim before, though I do remember that if you run long and fast enough, you shake them eventually. :P Adding in multiple settings / alternative plays in an MMO would probably mean even more instances or shards, and from a technical point of view I can only imagine that it'd introduce a whole new range of performance issues and bugs.

    Only tip I can give at this point is to kite your enemies (i.e. make a circular move around your enemies and fire your weapon while doing so) instead of walking backwards in a straight line when firing your bow. I play with melee weapons, but kiting works there as well. If done well it also keeps groups of enemies nicely pooled together for your AoE skills, hitting more than one with only one attack. :)

    I would actually rather play in offline mode if it was possible since other players are just an annoyance

    There's your problem right the. It's called Elder Scrolls ONLINE.
    Time for you to find a new game I think.
    Slick_007 wrote: »
    OutcastVP wrote: »

    I would actually rather play in offline mode if it was possible since other players are just an annoyance and does not add anything to the game besides being an annoying distracting how they are running around everywhere. It would get rid of a lof of things like respawning enemies and bosses etc. That is just me though.


    there is nothing else you can add to your argument that would be remotely relevant or valid after your above comments. you seriously, seriously, need to find a new game. And this isnt even your first mmo (wheres the facepalm emoji?)

    You need to read my post above. I assume most people here are kids who grew up with WOW. I did not, I grew up at commendore 64 time and my first MMO was Ultima Online and the purpose of that game where to share an online world with other players in a way that is not possible with a single player game, where interaction with other real players had consequence, meaning and weight behind them. MMO:s in general have gone the wrong direction and are the equivalent to stupid fast food now. There is no meaningful interaction or point with other players here, they all just run around like headless chickens and sometimes jump in to punch on the same respawning mob of enemy as you. And everything is just built purely around the meaningless grind with artificial mechanics.
    Edited by OutcastVP on October 15, 2017 10:54AM
  • Dreepa
    Slick_007 wrote: »
    OutcastVP wrote: »

    I would actually rather play in offline mode if it was possible since other players are just an annoyance and does not add anything to the game besides being an annoying distracting how they are running around everywhere. It would get rid of a lof of things like respawning enemies and bosses etc. That is just me though.


    there is nothing else you can add to your argument that would be remotely relevant or valid after your above comments. you seriously, seriously, need to find a new game. And this isnt even your first mmo (wheres the facepalm emoji?)

    You have no clue about the history of games, obviously, if you make fun of a player's wish like that. With people like you, games would be stuck in the 80s. Because "omfg, u srs? l2p, this is how it is, you noob, its an MMO thxkbye" attitude.

    But actually some people invented games, invented new ideas, brought things forward. If your capacity is too small to deal with ideas outside of the realm of what you know, then don't let your small capacity be the judge for the vision and ideas of others. Innovation is born out of dreams and desires. If people like you ruled the world, we would still be in the stone ages.

    Edited by Dreepa on October 15, 2017 10:57AM
  • jeedrzej
    NO idea how you can say that online aspect gave nothing to the game. All I do in ESO is playing with friends
    Edited by jeedrzej on October 15, 2017 11:01AM
    Jeedrzej - Magica Dragonknight lvl 50
    Ealian Elieilijas - Magica Sorcerer lvl 50
    Enerias Kazner - Magica Templar lvl 50
    Marcelius SIlny - Stamina Dragonknight lvl 50
    Anvena Kazner - Stamina NIghtblade lvl 50
    Arcynekromantka Anastazja - Magica Nightblade lvl 50
    Threiva Krwawooka - Stamina Sorcerer lvl 50
    Anvena Karen - Stamina Templat lvl 50
    Furia Dorathis - Stamina Dragonknight lvl 50
    Verinia Dziecię Światła - Magica Templar lvl 50
    Anwen Llenariolis - Magica Warden lvl 50
    Welandil Mroźne Serce - Magicka Warden lvl 50
    Brunein Silny - Stamina Warden lvl 50
    Jilialis Szept Nocy - Magicka Sorcerer lvl 50
    Dareiva Tancerka Cieni - Stamina NIghtblade lvl 50
    Doweriusz Desson - Magicka Necromancer lvl 40

    Achievement Hunter
    32560 Achievement Points
    3916 collected books
    305 days in-game
  • Slick_007
    Dreepa wrote: »

    You have no clue about the history of games, obviously, if you make fun of a player's wish like that. With people like you, games would be stuck in the 80s. Because "omfg, u srs? l2p, this is how it is, you noob, its an MMO thxkbye" attitude.

    But actually some people invented games, invented new ideas, brought things forward. If your capacity is too small to deal with ideas outside of the realm of what you know, then don't let your small capacity be the judge for the vision and ideas of others. Innovation is born out of dreams and desires. If people like you ruled the world, we would still be in the stone ages.

    do you go buy things that are advertised as being online and then whine in the forums for those games that its online? I actually do have vision having previously done some coding for games (disclaimer: i was only responsible for a few small parts of the game, as were many others. have no idea where it started as that was before my time there). online multiplayer game. text based, between warcraft 2 and 3 timewise. what i dont do is go complain about other peoples games because i failed to bother reading the name of the game let alone anything else, and then go whinge that its not a totally different game.

    those comments are not about the OPs original complaint which i dont find valid anyway, its about the OPs comments that he wants to play this offline because other players annoy him. he clearly wanted ES6 and its very clearly not.
    Edited by Slick_007 on October 15, 2017 11:09AM
  • Dreepa
    OutcastVP wrote: »
    LordNilloc wrote: »
    OutcastVP wrote: »
    lnsane wrote: »
    OutcastVP wrote: »
    THWIP71 wrote: »
    It definitely sucks for long range combat, but the alternative would be equally annoying enemy trains (much worse than the bot trains), from people constantly running through zones. In terms of immersion, I think that would be far more jarring, and would also ruin the game.

    Enemy trains is not an issue in real TES games though so maybe they could redesign the game or have an alternative play mode that is less for just grinding and actual immersion where everything is not done with grinding in mind. The problem is that in dungeons etc enemies are placed quite evenly spaced out in a very artifical manner that just looks strange over the whole dungeons to maximize grinding instead of making the area feel real with organic placement.

    Enemy trains are not a problem in other TES games because all other TES games are single-player. And I've been followed by a fair share of trolls in Skryim before, though I do remember that if you run long and fast enough, you shake them eventually. :P Adding in multiple settings / alternative plays in an MMO would probably mean even more instances or shards, and from a technical point of view I can only imagine that it'd introduce a whole new range of performance issues and bugs.

    Only tip I can give at this point is to kite your enemies (i.e. make a circular move around your enemies and fire your weapon while doing so) instead of walking backwards in a straight line when firing your bow. I play with melee weapons, but kiting works there as well. If done well it also keeps groups of enemies nicely pooled together for your AoE skills, hitting more than one with only one attack. :)

    I would actually rather play in offline mode if it was possible since other players are just an annoyance

    There's your problem right the. It's called Elder Scrolls ONLINE.
    Time for you to find a new game I think.
    Slick_007 wrote: »
    OutcastVP wrote: »

    I would actually rather play in offline mode if it was possible since other players are just an annoyance and does not add anything to the game besides being an annoying distracting how they are running around everywhere. It would get rid of a lof of things like respawning enemies and bosses etc. That is just me though.


    there is nothing else you can add to your argument that would be remotely relevant or valid after your above comments. you seriously, seriously, need to find a new game. And this isnt even your first mmo (wheres the facepalm emoji?)

    You need to read my post above. I assume most people here are kids who grew up with WOW. I did not, I grew up at commendore 64 time and my first MMO was Ultima Online and the purpose of that game where to share an online world with other players in a way that is not possible with a single player game, where interaction with other real players had consequence, meaning and weight behind them. MMO:s in general have gone the wrong direction and are the equivalent to stupid fast food now. There is no meaningful interaction or point with other players here, they all just run around like headless chickens and sometimes jump in to punch on the same respawning mob of enemy as you. And everything is just built purely around the meaningless grind with artificial mechanics.

    In it's core this is fundamentally a game done by developers that saw DAOC as their big inspiration (a lot of them actually worked on DAOC) on how to do mechanics, PvP, PvE, etc. The ESO part was tried to be incorporated through some exceptional technology to phase people into the relevant quest states, so that you are actually doing things other people also need to do. And occasionally they created different zones, depending on how you decided the outcome of the quest (e.g. the one player that decided to kill everyone gets phased into the empty village, while your friend who decided to save everyone runs around in a village fully populated. You don't see each other though, but only group marker).
    That being said, it really did not get the scope to be meaningful. Most choices are irrelevant and generally just there because they want to mimic TES feel. Also, being in the same quest phase with random stranger does not work the way they think it would. While the tech behind it seems cool and innovative, the game-play out-come is that some random people kill your stuff and leave a wake of dead bodies. Instead of interaction between the players, they just are stomping on your content as the enemy strength is not scaled upwards if more people are steamrolling the same quest-stage.
    It seemed a good idea to personalize the player's experience, but it probably just became a costly technology that does not really give much value in return. It is not thought through and implementation is lackluster. Content for that system is marginal and mostly irrelevant to the big picture.

    In essence, this is not Elder Scrolls except for the art style and writing. It is really DAOC (with a worse combat system). Then the deciders of the game positioning found out that people actually wanted a ESO game, not a DAOC, and they started adding stuff that was more going towards the ESO brand (stealing, open world auto leveling, star signs, etc).

    I think they can be lucky that this frankenstein actually was accepted by enough players.

    Edited by Dreepa on October 15, 2017 11:18AM
  • FakeFox
    The resets are there for good reason. Otherwise people would pull together whole overland areas or dungeons and AOE them down. I don't think this would be a fun or immersive experience for you either.
    EU/PC (GER) - Healermain since 2014 - 50305 Achievement Points - Youtube (PvE Healing Guides, Builds & Gameplay)
  • Insandros
    OutcastVP wrote: »
    I am trying my best to enjoy the game and squeze out some kind of immersion from this game or sense that this is an actual TES game and not just a WOW clone, but it feels like I have to fight the game on every corner to achieve this.
    My biggest gripe is how the enemy resets when they walk a tiny bit outside their area. They regain all their health and just run back to their initial placement as if nothing happens. It looks so incredible pathetic and ever time it happens I just want to quit the game outright. But just knowing this is there just ruins any immersion I have for the game as it feels so artificial and like actually have to "baby sit" the enemy as to not do it. I play as an archer so I need to make sure when I back up I don't back up to much as to trigger their Reset.

    Is there any chance that this will be removed at some point?

    in other words you want mobs not to reset outside a certain radius? So people can run the entire map at once aggro mobs and do a full zone AOE farming moment? Or an entire dungeon/public dungeon/delve full pull farm? If people think BoTs are issues now, imagine with no mob ressetting..... This is an MMO not a single player offline game, gotta think different.... not to mention, imagine you're a porr lvl 5 toon, with 1-3 skills in your skill line, questing or doing your thing easy,then a runner that doesn't wanna kill the mob, but get to his point ASAP not wasting time on mobs comes across your path with 20 mobs trailing him, but not resetting.... will the immersion hits you like a truck when those 20 mobs sees you and gank you?
    Edited by Insandros on October 15, 2017 11:54AM
  • Elsonso
    OutcastVP wrote: »
    But even without this the enemy train does not have to be "solved" in such an ugly and artifical manner that just kills any and all immersion. There could be some random element to how long the enemy chase you, and when they give up they don't need to "Reset". They could just tire of chasing you, walk back and maybe be a bit more on their guard and then they could slowly regain their health, that would at least make it a bit more realistic and not look as silly.

    There are so many elements in this game that just makes it feel like an artificial theme park, instead of an actual living place and world.

    There are a number of monster related "MMO things" that they didn't work very hard to hide. This theme park ain't Disney, it's more like Six Flags.
    • Many mobs are static and are basically glued to the ground they inhabit
    • Mobs respawn on timers at the predesigned location.
    • Because mobs are always in the same place, and often don't move, you can freely pass by them without fear of them
    • The leash laws in Tamriel are strange. Sometimes, the realize they are too far from spawn when they attack you.

    In CWC, there are mobs all over the place that are doing things. The funny thing is that some are doing transient things, but they never move. There is a guy that looks like he is scanning a tree, and every time I see him, that is what he does, all day, every day. By launch, he will know every molecule of that damn tree. You'd think that some designer would see that and think it to be a little unnatural, with the obvious tweak being to have the mob go between a couple different nearby things and scan them? No. Just that tree needs to be scanned, and that is the way Sotha Sil wants it.

    The game does have some apparent "supervisors" that wander between groups of cannot fodder, so not everything is static, but I do think they can do more to make the monsters seem like more than just the standard MMO mob with "XP and Loot Here" signs on their backs.

    Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood tasks get very easy because of this static and predicatable mob placement. You can always kill or pickpocket the same people because they are always doing the same thing, and surrounded by the same people who never see you. Need to pick pocket someone in Elden Root? Here is the list and where you crouch to do it. The special assignments are like Zelda levels where knowledge of the map and timing can ensure success because nothing in there is ever different (easier or harder). It is a very dry implementation that is as boring in other games as it is here.

    As the game matures, I always hope that the designers will move to the next level with how they treat mobs. This never seems to be the case, and probaby never will be.
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • logarifmik
    OutcastVP wrote: »
    I am trying my best to enjoy the game and squeze out some kind of immersion from this game or sense that this is an actual TES game and not just a WOW clone, but it feels like I have to fight the game on every corner to achieve this.
    My biggest gripe is how the enemy resets when they walk a tiny bit outside their area. They regain all their health and just run back to their initial placement as if nothing happens. It looks so incredible pathetic and ever time it happens I just want to quit the game outright. But just knowing this is there just ruins any immersion I have for the game as it feels so artificial and like actually have to "baby sit" the enemy as to not do it. I play as an archer so I need to make sure when I back up I don't back up to much as to trigger their Reset.

    Is there any chance that this will be removed at some point?
    In any game, in particular in RPG, there is such thing as convention. All players should pretend that everything is more complicated that it seems to be. For example in-game size of any city in any TES game is much smaller than "real" one, which described by lore. Same for distances between them. Or there is much more people living in Nirn, then we can really see in game. It's a GAME after all, a MODEL if you aware of such a term from science, not a RL. So, just try to think about such "flaws" as a game convention, and have fun. ;)
    EU PC: @logarifmik | Languages: Русский, English
    Dimitri Frernis | Breton Sorcerer | Damage Dealer | Daggerfall Covenant
    Scales-of-Ice | Argonian Warden | Tank / Healer | Daggerfall Covenant
  • Motherball
    OutcastVP wrote: »
    LordNilloc wrote: »
    OutcastVP wrote: »
    lnsane wrote: »
    OutcastVP wrote: »
    THWIP71 wrote: »
    It definitely sucks for long range combat, but the alternative would be equally annoying enemy trains (much worse than the bot trains), from people constantly running through zones. In terms of immersion, I think that would be far more jarring, and would also ruin the game.

    Enemy trains is not an issue in real TES games though so maybe they could redesign the game or have an alternative play mode that is less for just grinding and actual immersion where everything is not done with grinding in mind. The problem is that in dungeons etc enemies are placed quite evenly spaced out in a very artifical manner that just looks strange over the whole dungeons to maximize grinding instead of making the area feel real with organic placement.

    Enemy trains are not a problem in other TES games because all other TES games are single-player. And I've been followed by a fair share of trolls in Skryim before, though I do remember that if you run long and fast enough, you shake them eventually. :P Adding in multiple settings / alternative plays in an MMO would probably mean even more instances or shards, and from a technical point of view I can only imagine that it'd introduce a whole new range of performance issues and bugs.

    Only tip I can give at this point is to kite your enemies (i.e. make a circular move around your enemies and fire your weapon while doing so) instead of walking backwards in a straight line when firing your bow. I play with melee weapons, but kiting works there as well. If done well it also keeps groups of enemies nicely pooled together for your AoE skills, hitting more than one with only one attack. :)

    I would actually rather play in offline mode if it was possible since other players are just an annoyance

    There's your problem right the. It's called Elder Scrolls ONLINE.
    Time for you to find a new game I think.
    Slick_007 wrote: »
    OutcastVP wrote: »

    I would actually rather play in offline mode if it was possible since other players are just an annoyance and does not add anything to the game besides being an annoying distracting how they are running around everywhere. It would get rid of a lof of things like respawning enemies and bosses etc. That is just me though.


    there is nothing else you can add to your argument that would be remotely relevant or valid after your above comments. you seriously, seriously, need to find a new game. And this isnt even your first mmo (wheres the facepalm emoji?)

    You need to read my post above. I assume most people here are kids who grew up with WOW. I did not, I grew up at commendore 64 time and my first MMO was Ultima Online and the purpose of that game where to share an online world with other players in a way that is not possible with a single player game, where interaction with other real players had consequence, meaning and weight behind them. MMO:s in general have gone the wrong direction and are the equivalent to stupid fast food now. There is no meaningful interaction or point with other players here, they all just run around like headless chickens and sometimes jump in to punch on the same respawning mob of enemy as you. And everything is just built purely around the meaningless grind with artificial mechanics.

    Like all multiplayer games, it is largely what you make of it. If you have experience with online rpgs you would understand the need for tethered mobs. Also, they arent tethered so badly if you kite in a circle instead of a straight line, like people have been doing in mmos for over a decade.
  • Fodore
    So it would be more immersive if a welwa followed you from the furthest point of lower craglorn to the furthest point of upper craglorn? Yea didn't think so.
    Before judging a man walk a mile in his shoes.
    After that who cares?
    They're a mile away and you've got their shoes.
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