- Update 23Ice Furnace: This item set now grants Spell Damage, rather than Weapon Damage for the 4 piece bonus
https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/359172/zos-the-secret-to-class-balance-add-a-4th-resource/p1Stam builds obviously use stamina. So does break free, block, roll dodge. So it's very easy to run out of resources. It would be more manageable if they used rage or energy, or something for their skills, and still stamina for the other things like magic classes.
Stam builds obviously use stamina. So does break free, block, roll dodge. So it's very easy to run out of resources. It would be more manageable if they used rage or energy, or something for their skills, and still stamina for the other things like magic classes.
Magicka builds need to manage their stamina well enough to dodge attacks and break free, as well as managing Magicka for damage and defense.
Stam builds only really need to worry about covering the cost of one or two magicka based utility skills, and beyond that everything is tied to their primary resource.
Plus recovery along with medium armour passives help to reduce the impact of having to dodge and break free all the time.
Zbigb4life wrote: »But apparently everyone wears heavy armor