Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Breaking poverty?

  • FriedEggSandwich
    Pickpocket, pickpocket, blade of woe. Pickpocket, pickpocket, blade of woe. Rinse and repeat. This becomes easier the more legerdemain passives you have.

    Basically every non-critical npc can be pickpocketed 3 times before they are empty, but instead of pickpocketing them a third time you blade of woe them after pickpocketing them twice, and then the 3rd piece of loot comes from their corpse. This way the loot respawns faster. If you wait about 10s behind the npc before pickpocketing your chance of success goes up. I don't go for anything with less than a 70% success chance, but at first you will probs have to settle for 60%.

    You will get caught occasionally but legerdamain passives will lessen the impact of this. If I get caught once I get a 92g bounty which wears off in 3 mins. If I get caught blade of woeing someone I get about 200g bounty. If an npc aggros on me for trying to pickpocket them, and I have to fight them, I get about 700g bounty. You will pickup some leniancy edicts while looting which will help if you get more bounty than you can be bothered to wait for. Also being a stage 4 vampire helps speed the process up, just be careful not to feed when you go to blade of woe them.

    Then go and fence it all, but in the fence menu order things by highest value first so you sell higher value items first. This is to maximise the financial reward from your daily fence limit.

    You can also break into houses, pickpocket and blade of woe the inhabitant and then loot all furniture inside. You might need invis pots for this though, as once an npc knows you're in their house they will keep turning around to face you, even if you were sneaking.

    I generally delete stolen loot worth less than 20g, unless I need the legerdamain xp. You can easily make 20k gold or more out of your daily fence limit, which is about an hours work or less when you get good. This is a great way to supplement your income.
    PC | EU
  • m2super_ESO
    Get the addon mastermerchant to help you determine prices if you want to sell items on the guild trader.

    Honestly it is not hard to make gold in the game, steal/farm mats/farm sets people want and sell.
  • lagrue
    How in the gods of tamerial do you make gold in this game. Ive been sitting at about 10k for as long as I can remember. I first tried selling things I thought were "cheap" on the guild traders. That didn't really work out because I didn't actually know what was a reasonable price and everything was super expensive. I then tried selling mats and that was a huge waste of time. Took forever to actually get stacks of the mats and then I would only get like 3k for each stack, which btw took forever to actually find buyers. I've tried doing telvar stone grinding but it seemed eh. So I don't know what to do. It would really be nice to be able to buy things.

    Long term, but become a master crafter, do master writs and buy stuff with them to sell - or even just become a regular crafter and sell any master writs you get. On PSN you can get 1kt to 1 voucher, so if you get even a measly 6 voucher writ, you're making 6k profit easily.

    Also tied to the above, collect the Psygic Ambrosia recipe, obtainable through Provisioning Writs. After that, become a fisherman and collect Perfect Roe from the fish in order to craft Ambrosia, they sell for about 3-4k each and with the right provisioning skills you craft 4 Ambrosia's per batch so that's a solid 12-16k depending.

    Public Dungeons - don't underestimate these as bad sources for money, you can easily go into one of these and leave with 1000s in gold of crap, also great places.
    PSN ID (NA only): Zuzu_With_a_Z

    "You must defeat me every time. I need defeat you only once"
  • FoolishHuman
    eso_nya wrote: »
    In no specific order of importance:

    # 1: Dont buy stuff. If u want an item, check its price, check where to get it from, go there, farm for it until u either have the item or the gold needed.

    #2: Dont buy stuff just for the reason that some random guy called it "meta". The difference between gearsets is minimal*, the "meta" changes all 3 month. (*really, really small. ppl called sets "broken op", which would give an average 14,64% dmg increase and other sets "nerfed to useless" which would give a 14,39% dmg increase.)

    #2.1: Do the math yourself. Minimise. Theres a lot of things ppl consider "superimportant", that wont matter much: Golding armor. Having perfect traits. Golding offhand/offbar weapons. Fact: u can solo-kill any worldboss (with exeception of Howard Wuyuwizz) with purple gear w/ trait of Mt.Whateverest, crafted weapons, and mismatched racials and on any class. Same goes for dungeons/veteran dungeons (if they dont come with levers/pressure plates that require more than one person). Get stronk.

    #3: Dont do housing. Buying the manor for several million goldpieces: thats the cheap part. The amounts of gold those bottomless pits can eat after u got them, r .... amazing.

    #4: Dont work for other ppl: U should not farm stuff to sell it to other ppl. U r better off, farming stuff for yourself and sell the leftovers.

    #5: Provisioning: Be able to craft your own buffood and additionally, craft green cp 150 food from leftover mats (from hireling), max passives for more units/craft and sell those to npc. If u have enough mats: 20k/hour, no "market", no competition, no need to leave town.

    #6: If u r in a trading guild: Do the "newest" dailies that reward with motifbooks. ppl pay insane amounts of money to complete their collections of fugly styles they'll never use outside of masterwrits.

    #6.1: Release the alts: The more alts u have, the more of the same dailies u can do.

    #7: Fighters-/Magesguild/Undaunted (delve) dailies: Fast, easy, reward with ornate items, average 5k~10k gold per alt per day. There is a lorebook in the undaunted areas, telling u where to find good dailies.

    If you don't buy stuff, don't upgrade gear, are not interested in motifs and don't do housing, what do you need gold for at all?
  • Cpt_Teemo
    eso_nya wrote: »
    In no specific order of importance:

    # 1: Dont buy stuff. If u want an item, check its price, check where to get it from, go there, farm for it until u either have the item or the gold needed.

    #2: Dont buy stuff just for the reason that some random guy called it "meta". The difference between gearsets is minimal*, the "meta" changes all 3 month. (*really, really small. ppl called sets "broken op", which would give an average 14,64% dmg increase and other sets "nerfed to useless" which would give a 14,39% dmg increase.)

    #2.1: Do the math yourself. Minimise. Theres a lot of things ppl consider "superimportant", that wont matter much: Golding armor. Having perfect traits. Golding offhand/offbar weapons. Fact: u can solo-kill any worldboss (with exeception of Howard Wuyuwizz) with purple gear w/ trait of Mt.Whateverest, crafted weapons, and mismatched racials and on any class. Same goes for dungeons/veteran dungeons (if they dont come with levers/pressure plates that require more than one person). Get stronk.

    #3: Dont do housing. Buying the manor for several million goldpieces: thats the cheap part. The amounts of gold those bottomless pits can eat after u got them, r .... amazing.

    #4: Dont work for other ppl: U should not farm stuff to sell it to other ppl. U r better off, farming stuff for yourself and sell the leftovers.

    #5: Provisioning: Be able to craft your own buffood and additionally, craft green cp 150 food from leftover mats (from hireling), max passives for more units/craft and sell those to npc. If u have enough mats: 20k/hour, no "market", no competition, no need to leave town.

    #6: If u r in a trading guild: Do the "newest" dailies that reward with motifbooks. ppl pay insane amounts of money to complete their collections of fugly styles they'll never use outside of masterwrits.

    #6.1: Release the alts: The more alts u have, the more of the same dailies u can do.

    #7: Fighters-/Magesguild/Undaunted (delve) dailies: Fast, easy, reward with ornate items, average 5k~10k gold per alt per day. There is a lorebook in the undaunted areas, telling u where to find good dailies.

    If you don't buy stuff, don't upgrade gear, are not interested in motifs and don't do housing, what do you need gold for at all?

    You haven't seen the prices of the furniture patterns, and even the houses that cost gold?
  • Loc2262
    In addition to what's already been said, here's my two cents (no that's not my current gold balance ;) ) about what I mostly did as a "freshman champion":

    First, stealing the cr*p out of Wayrest castle. :) With some detection radius reduction gear and points in Legerdemain, you can steal the pants right off a guard and they won't notice. Per round thru the castle you get around 4k gold. Then log off, log on, and the chests are all re-stocked.

    Second, once you're CP160+, sell intricate loot items in a trading guild. You get between 180 and 280 gold per item. Doesn't sound like a lot, but during an average dungeon running day, you can easily get 20-30 such items. 4k easy gold. :)

    Third, do random normal dungeons. For each character, the first time per day you do that, you get a purple reward item from the Undaunted. You have a good chance to get robust Agility or arcane Willpower jewelry. They're of course not as valuable as they used to be pre-One Tamriel (when they were like 120+k), but you can still get 5k-10k for them.
    Kind regards,
    PC-EU, 12 chars, 900+CP
  • Vimora
    Beg for gold ín chat. I cant believe we all forgot this method. :lol:
  • LjAnimalchin
    Browse guild stores in out of the way places.
    Filter results so you only get the stuff thats just been posted that day.
    Buy stuff that's underpriced.
    Take to busy trading city.
    Do this multiple times per day and watch gold flow.
  • eso_nya
    If you don't buy stuff, don't upgrade gear, are not interested in motifs and don't do housing, what do you need gold for at all?

    To send ppl you dont like ingame mail with the subject "Thanks for your purchase at" and than report them?

    And to feed your horse. Tbh, i dont know, the gold in my bank just keeps stacking up and i dont even try to get it anymore. In short i could have written"to stack up gold, avoid cashsinks", to blow stacked up gold, well never heard anyone asking for help on how to do that.

  • Avidspark
    If I told you my methods, I'd have competition, and then I'd have to kill you.
    'Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.'
    T. Pratchett, 1948-2015 RIP, you are missed
  • MusekininKanchou
    Get pricing addon like master merchant. Selling for the right price is important.

    Do cooking writs with 4or 5 vet characters. Even first tier writ pays a vet over 600 a day. You get plenty of ingredients back plus cash plus a recipe you can sell. Id say do tier 3 or 4 so you get purple and blue recipes you can sell in guild. Park them in Marburk for tier 3 Valyen Harbor for 4. You can cook up a stack of all foods for the writ to leave on them. Takes less than a minute to do for each character if you setup ahead of time and you only loose 6 slots storage.
  • adeptusminor
    It didn't take me too long, especially since I only have one character. Once you get past the initial large money sinks like upgrading bank and inventory space, there really isn't a whole lot to spend your ingame gold on. Since I'm not into housing the only thing I pay for now is repair costs. Every few months I might have to spend a few 100k to upgrade the new meta weapon and armor, but even then a lot of times I already have the materials from playing and turning in my daily crafting writs.
  • Minyassa
    I angsted about making money for a while until I just gave up in a huff and decided I was going to be poor forever, and just started questing and leveling and questing some more. Now I go do a round of quests with my higher level guys, and when my inventory's full I sell off 10-15k worth of crap every time. It's not hand over fist but it builds up pretty quickly.
  • Armenua
    Crafting dailies, gathering crafting materials and selling them at the traders... I generally collect 200 provisioning mats and 100 mats of each of the rest of crafts and sell. Alchemy mats in stacks of 15 -25. I have points in the craft that allow me to see all mats easier, so I stop and gather on my travels always. Doing the master writs, with the vouchers buy high end mats and sell them. Dolmens provide pretty good mats too.

    I've been able to gather millions of gold doing this, granted over a couple years, and I have several houses fully furnished.

    Don't forget that the guild assistant add ons are very helpful. MM especially. ESOUI website is the best way to get them
    Edited by Armenua on September 27, 2017 2:12PM
  • Jayman1000
    Fences. You can easily make a nice bunch of cash each day from stealing from npc's and selling to fences. It's also quite fun, though it can eventually feel pretty grindy when you get good at it and have done it for some time.

    You can join a good trade guild, but then you should definitely install a trade/merchant addon to keep track of prices. MasterMerchant(MM) is basically a must. It can show you average prices + individual sales (in a very easy popup box for each ressource) and thus when you post something to sell you can make an educated guess at the most profitable selling price. With this you should quite easily be able to make 30K a week, as some of the bigger Trade guilds has as a weekly requirement. You don't even have to consider buying anything, just selling what you procure during play, or active farm for the most valuable stuff. When I did it montsh back for example, Columbine, Lady's Smuck, Corn Flower, Nirnroot, was some of the most valuable plants to sell ( I knew that because MM told me so, and I made sales based on that) and these are available to pluck without any skill, and they grow everywhere basically ( I have no idea if these are still very valuable).

    GuildSalesAssistant is also a good idea to install.
    Edited by Jayman1000 on September 27, 2017 2:04PM
  • Linaleah
    Cpt_Teemo wrote: »
    eso_nya wrote: »
    In no specific order of importance:

    # 1: Dont buy stuff. If u want an item, check its price, check where to get it from, go there, farm for it until u either have the item or the gold needed.

    #2: Dont buy stuff just for the reason that some random guy called it "meta". The difference between gearsets is minimal*, the "meta" changes all 3 month. (*really, really small. ppl called sets "broken op", which would give an average 14,64% dmg increase and other sets "nerfed to useless" which would give a 14,39% dmg increase.)

    #2.1: Do the math yourself. Minimise. Theres a lot of things ppl consider "superimportant", that wont matter much: Golding armor. Having perfect traits. Golding offhand/offbar weapons. Fact: u can solo-kill any worldboss (with exeception of Howard Wuyuwizz) with purple gear w/ trait of Mt.Whateverest, crafted weapons, and mismatched racials and on any class. Same goes for dungeons/veteran dungeons (if they dont come with levers/pressure plates that require more than one person). Get stronk.

    #3: Dont do housing. Buying the manor for several million goldpieces: thats the cheap part. The amounts of gold those bottomless pits can eat after u got them, r .... amazing.

    #4: Dont work for other ppl: U should not farm stuff to sell it to other ppl. U r better off, farming stuff for yourself and sell the leftovers.

    #5: Provisioning: Be able to craft your own buffood and additionally, craft green cp 150 food from leftover mats (from hireling), max passives for more units/craft and sell those to npc. If u have enough mats: 20k/hour, no "market", no competition, no need to leave town.

    #6: If u r in a trading guild: Do the "newest" dailies that reward with motifbooks. ppl pay insane amounts of money to complete their collections of fugly styles they'll never use outside of masterwrits.

    #6.1: Release the alts: The more alts u have, the more of the same dailies u can do.

    #7: Fighters-/Magesguild/Undaunted (delve) dailies: Fast, easy, reward with ornate items, average 5k~10k gold per alt per day. There is a lorebook in the undaunted areas, telling u where to find good dailies.

    If you don't buy stuff, don't upgrade gear, are not interested in motifs and don't do housing, what do you need gold for at all?

    You haven't seen the prices of the furniture patterns, and even the houses that cost gold?

    but they did say don't do housing in that list of don'ts :P so yeah, that was my question as well, what's the point of all that gold if you are not actualy using it?
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • MakoFore
    I was poor- never cracked any money til I got my sheer luck a sharp sun sword which i sold for 350K- that made my half a millionaire .

    after that i started doing writs- on all of my toons. I've decided of in terms of time and effort - its by far the most consistent and easiest earner- when u get the master writs - you can make serious money- its not massive but it is consistent- an easy 20k a day at least. doing vet dungeons- looting everything will net you 70k a week.
    at that rate- you can easily make, minus repairs and expenses- say- 150k a week- and be a millionaire soon. the key is keeping up the consistency of the writs and looting and selling everything. things are expensive at first cos u have to research, buy motifs, buy tempers , etc- but once u get to a vet level - like 400cp or so- ad have golded out a decent set- on each toon- you can pretty much sell everything you get- whereby you start to make money. i didnt profit til i was cp400 or so.
  • Sprotch_16_ESO
    Everything has been said above...

    What I do daily :
    1. all 6 crafting writs. great rewards for the mats you spend
    2. daily quest for fighter's guild ( = close 3 dolmens )
    3. daily quest for mages guild ( = a dungeon ), inside ; loot everything that's not nailed down
    4. daily quest for undaunted ( =a public dungeon ) ,loot everything that's not nailed down
    5. Go to Auridon(Vulkel Guard), Shadowfen(Stormhold) or Stormhaven (Wayrest) and steal, pickpocket or pick all lockboxes I find.

    While running to/from the dolmens/dungeons pick all materials on your path...
    Turn in all the those quests, sell all white and green stuff to NPC, decon the blue stuff, launder all materials and fence all the rest.
    On 1 character it can take between 40 to 60 minutes (mostly depending on how lucky you are with the dolmens activation).

    After this : I've gained 25K to 30K in gold (per character) and a load of purple stuff and mats... Those you can sell in guild vendor...( = more gold)

    edit : typo
    Edited by Sprotch_16_ESO on September 27, 2017 2:41PM
  • Chronicburn
    Steal and dont get caught. I've got the first part mastered, now just need clemency and foot pad
  • badmojo
    Dont forget to enjoy your gold. Having millions of gold in your bank wont keep you enjoying the game, but spending the gold could make it more enjoyable, like buying a nice house, trying different gearsets, collecting recipes and motifs, fast leveling an alt, buying gold jewellery, buying luxury furnishings.

    Obviously you want to keep a good balance of gold, but at some point you are just driving up a number on your bank screen, gold is worthless if you stop enjoying the game.

    Edited by badmojo on September 27, 2017 3:08PM
  • victoriana-blue
    There's lots of great advice here, so for a different tack:

    It's harder to make gold when you don't have much of it.

    Breaking that first 50k took me probably half a year because I kept expanding my inventory and I only found/sold low-value things. Getting to CP160, maxing legerdemain & crafting, and joining a serious trading guild all helped enormously, but that all took time. So be patient with yourself, and don't forget to have fun while you're playing. :)

    (Oh, when selling to people: remember that you can sell things quickly, for cheap, and if you have the volume you can make quite a bit of gold. If you charge more gold it will take longer to get a sale; sometimes this is worth it, like motifs and rare recipes, and sometimes it's really not (white provisioning ingredients, f'ex, are so common that charging even 1-2g more per piece can tank your sales entirely).
    CP 750+
    Never enough inventory space, even with storage coffers and a mule account
  • Megabear
    Click on my signature.
    Guide to making $$$ in Tamriel:
    Cost analysis for potential ESO players:
    Warden Bow Healer/DPS Hybrid Build:
    Warden "The Warladin" Healer/Tank Hybrid Build:
    Warden Stamina DPS Build:
    Server - PC/NA
    Vhevet - (S) Night Blade/Female/Orsimer
    Ecaer - (M) Templar/Female/Breton
    Captain Beaster Bunny - (S) Warden/Male/Red Guard
    Ezaera - (M) Sorcerer/Female/Altmer
    Ecaeri - (M) Warden/Female/Argonian
    Dun-and-Dunmer - (M) Dragon Knight/Male/Dunmer
    What Can Go Wong - (S) Night Blade/Male/Bosmer
    Izaer - (M) Templar/Male/Breton
  • PlagueSD
    How in the gods of tamerial do you make gold in this game. Ive been sitting at about 10k for as long as I can remember. I first tried selling things I thought were "cheap" on the guild traders. That didn't really work out because I didn't actually know what was a reasonable price and everything was super expensive. I then tried selling mats and that was a huge waste of time. Took forever to actually get stacks of the mats and then I would only get like 3k for each stack, which btw took forever to actually find buyers. I've tried doing telvar stone grinding but it seemed eh. So I don't know what to do. It would really be nice to be able to buy things.

    Making gold in this game is relatively easy. You just need to ensure that your cash flow IN exceeds your cash flow OUT.

    I'm sitting on almost a million gold across all my alts (thanks inventory insight addon) and all I do is daily crafting writs, pledges, and questing on my lower level characters. When I don't feel like doing that, I log in my "thief" to go steal everything that's not bolted down and fence. Once you get 4/4 locksmith from the legerdemain skill line, popping lock boxes takes about 2 seconds.
  • Pops_ND_Irish
    Farm, fish, steal, etc I do about 8 to 15k a day stealing and pickpocketing.
    Also fish and fillet for Perfect Roe. They go for about 10k ea.
    Edited by Pops_ND_Irish on September 27, 2017 5:25PM
  • PlagueSD
    Vimora wrote: »
    Beg for gold ín chat. I cant believe we all forgot this method. :lol:

    That never works on me. When people ask me for gold, I tell them I was just robbed by a (random zone mob) and he has all my gold.
    Edited by PlagueSD on September 27, 2017 5:51PM
  • Phinix1
    ✭✭✭✭✭ on your competence as a pocket technician yes.

    Truth. :)
  • static_recharge
    I simply sell excess mats, mostly upgrade mats and make anywhere from 100k to 300k a week, depending on how much I've been playing and what I'm doing. I don't farm really. I think the key thing for you is to join a trading guild and know the prices. Either download Master merchant or ask around. I frequently spend a million or more on various things and am able to make it back in short order.
    Edited by static_recharge on September 27, 2017 6:01PM
  • Karm1cOne
    #1 - don't buy crap. If you can't make it yourself, farm the mats or do without.
    #2 - find something you enjoy and do it often. Every activity in the game drops gold, mats, or gear. Sell it all. Decon and sell the mats.
    #3 pay attention to what makes you money. Decide if it's worth the time you spent. I like sewer runs. Get ornate items plus gear to decon and stones to convert to sellable items.
  • Juju_beans
    I loot every play session and have since day one. Have about $200K gold in the bank and I bought 2 homes with gold..snugpod and sleek creek.
    I do crafting but only for myself and my alts. I don't spend gold too much in game since I collect and loot everything I come across.

    Looting is extremely lucrative if you do it every day.

    Add: I only started playing ESO in May.
    Edited by Juju_beans on September 27, 2017 6:46PM
  • SirAndy
    How in the gods of tamerial do you make gold in this game.
    Buy low, sell high ...

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