rhapsodious wrote: »Nobles and other affluent NPCs drop higher quality items.
Just gotta stick to it, man. That royal purple is absolutely worth it.
rhapsodious wrote: »Nobles and other affluent NPCs drop higher quality items.
Just gotta stick to it, man. That royal purple is absolutely worth it.
Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
Nordicly_Responsible wrote: »Where do you guys go to get that much stuff? I've been running around Wayrest, and Hallin's Stand so far and I'm not getting a whole lot.
Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
my fave places to steal - as follows.
Non DLC:
Daggerfall city, there are two ships sitting at the docks, they are empty inside, so no need to stealth. look everything, go to the refuge right outside the docks, fence, come out, rinse repeat. if it feels too monotonous, can also go into a cluster of houses close to the wayshrine inside the city, loot the furnishings there (there are residents, inside them, but they can be pick-pocketed/ assassinated - added bonus, you can work on an achievement for breaking into houses)
DLC areas:
Scarp keep. a LOT of furniture to loot inside, most of it away from guards, so minimal stealthing. refuge is right outside of the keep.
Anvil and Kvatch. I tend to start with anvil and port to Kvatch as refuge is just outside of it. go into every house. have to stealth though especially inside gold coast trading company offices. but.. there is a LOT of furniture to loot there and houses usually have either one resident total, or one per floor, making it easier to pick pocket/assassinate them.
still figuring out fave routes in VVardenfell as I have mostly been focused on urns there.
edited to add, on recommendation from guildie, I've been using dustman addon. helps to speed up things a bit, by auto deleting stolen items of your choice, making inventory management easier.
16BitForestCat wrote: »As others have said....It is soooo worth it! I actively farmed it earlier this year. When I started, I only had about 200K on the progress bar, even though I'm a serial criminal looter. When I began actively farming it, I got the remaining amount in only a few weeks. I did it by exclusively looting safeboxes--they never drop white items, and you're much less likely to be slowed down by avoiding guards due to bounty because it's typically less risky to break into a safebox than to pickpocket someone. Plus, safeboxes tend to respawn very quickly, so you can do a loop and hit them over and over again. My inventory slots were maxed out at 200, which helped because I could typically loot so many green/blue/purple items in a very short time that even just selling the most valuable ones first, it'd still take me days to get all the stolen goods out of my inventory. That's even with my fencing slots also maxed.
Just takes time and patience. And maybe a stack of counterfeit pardons if your sneak's not that great and you rack up a bounty.(I did mine on my medium armor Bosmer, so getting caught was pretty rare.)
Nordicly_Responsible wrote: »Great point on the strongboxes! I think I'll stick to that strategy. I'm only at 125k :-(
I earned this on one of my toons, just farming Khajiit Skooma Bubbler Plans! I only fenced blue/purple items, up to the daily limit, each day, up to and beyond the achievement! The dye is definitely one of the nicest in the game.
FloppyTouch wrote: »I just started this a few weeks ago I’m at 140k I have a long way to go. I’m selling about 15k a day is that too low? I can only sell 120 items out of skill points
I have black market mogul on four characters, it's not that hard if you really go for it. With Thieves Guild, Dark Brotherhood and legerdemain all maxed out I sell 140 items with an 10% increase of price on the items. I only sell green and higher quality items so daily I usually get around 23-25K. If I want to I can gain as much as 40K, it just takes a little while longer to do.
FloppyTouch wrote: »
Looks like I have to reset skill points then to get more passives 23-25k would make things go a lot faster then 15k a day.
Also it takes about an hour to get that much stuff does that seem like a reasonable time?
Depends how you run I guess. I have a special route that I do every day, as in I do the exact same thing every day. I loot the same crates and containers, and I kill the same npc using Blade of Woe. I guess my route takes me about 20 minutes or so. I'll check it today
FloppyTouch wrote: »
Damn 20 mins that’s fast <.< I’m killing the same 7 npc over and over doing the pick pick stab thing